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5.0) 2 1 (4G) Doesnotenist (@) 3 2.(2) ~1_ (0) -2 (@) Dowsnoterist (@) 2 (0) 0 © Doesnotexist 1h) 3 2@-- B= O= M-= we © 2-2 = 3. = 0.x= 11 fim /() exists for al a except a 13.(@)'L (6).0 © Docsnot exist 18. Wh MWS 2025 15 WT 2.) -15 3 3 ear Be MAB, epee 47. (@) 2.71828 (0) 49, (a) 0.998000, 0.638259, 0.358484, 0.158680, 0.038851, 0,008928, 0.001465; 0 () 0.000572, ~0.000614, ~0,000907, ~0.000978, ~0.000993,, 0.001000; ~0.001, 51. No matter how many times we 2oom in toward the origin, the raph appears to consist of simost-vertical lines. This indicates ‘more and more frequent oscillations as x —» 0. 53. x= =0.90, +2.26; in "en/4), (or — sin“) 55. (@) 6 (b) Within 00649 oft EXERCISES 23 @ PAGE 102 1@-6 © -8 2 @-6 ©) Does notexist (0 3.105 5] 7390 93 14 33. Doesnotexit 15. $17.10 18. 5 aba as.t an 29. -} 33x? 3G), } 3 AG 4B, 4 445, Does not exist, 47. (@) y oor iy =1 (ii) Does not exist wl APPENDIX! AnswerstoOdd-Numbered Exercises. ATT 49. (a) (i) 5 © (©) Does not exist 3.7 53. (@) ( -2 Gi) Does notexist ii) -3 © @n=1 Gn © aisnotanineger. 59,865. 15-1 EXERCISES 2.4 @ PAGE113, 1, 0.1 (or any smaller positive number) 3. 1.44 (orany smaller positive number) 5. 0.0906 (or any smaller positive number) 7. 011 (or any smaller positive number) 9. (@) 0.01 (or any smaller postive number) 1 ©) im Inge 19. (@) Vi000/a cm (4) Within approximately 0.0445 em (6) Radios aos; 1007; 1000; 5; =0.0885 13, @) 0025) 00025 35, 2) 0093) 8 = (B"* ~ 12)/(6B"") ~ 1, where B= 216 + 1086 + 12/5367 Bie + Be 41, Within 0.1 EXERCISES 2.5 # PAGE 124 1s im, f) = 718) 3. (@) 4,-2.2, 4; f(~4) is mot defined and lim f(2) does not exist fora = =2,2, and 4 (b) 4, neither; ~2, let; 2, right; 4, right A Ly ee — rt A AT2 APPENDIX! Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 17. f(~2)is undefined, 5. 7 19. lim, f{3) docs aot exist, 24. tim ft) #0) iz) ie ae eee 2B. Sasa 2. Deine (@)=3, 25. (-2,2) ie eh om, aa et 200 G-= i> w» 42) U(E2) 29. (-1.01 a 3. (-#,-110 0.9) Bro , eee ee 49. aeeraa te 53. y 4. Io rght 55.690 () 2 57. f( 2. 59. (@)} OS Gn wt m4 : base eink ae de cba OIE int etd 65. (a) 0 (6) Am infinite numberof times 57. (b) (086,087) 59. (b) 70.347 67. None : 69. Yes . , EXERCISES 2.6 = PAGE 137 1, (a) Asx becomes large, f(2) approaches 5. 8 2s (6) Asx becomes large negative, /(2) approaches 3. l 3. (a) -2 pl as x= 6. @) oO) 2 ~ 047s TNS 1S 73.N=-9,N=~19 75. (@) x>100 EXERCISES2.7 = PAGE 148, 1.6 L2=L) Gy tin L9=$0) ee S.y=-Sr+12 nyabet} 9. (a) Sa ~ 6a" (0) y= 2e +3, © ® tr +19 11. (@) Right 0 <1< Tandd << 6; left? sanding sill: 1<1-<2and3<1<4 ©) spin 13. -2415 15. 2/" m/s; -2 m/s; —Lm/s; 3 m/s 17. (00,08). 9, 9(-2) 19. @ 26) No ( Yes 21 f2)= 2 FO 23. APPENDIXI Answersto Odd-Numbered Exercises A73 25, 29. (a) ~hsy © 31. 6a 33. 35. — a+) 37. fla)=VE,a=9 39. flx)=x,a=2 Al. fe) = 008, 43, 32 m/s: 32 m/s or f(x) = cos(a + s),a=0 45. temo Greater (in magnitude) 47. (a) In(mg/mL)/o: @) -0.15 Gi) -0.12 Gi) 0.12 Gv) —0.11 () ~0.12 (mg/mL)/n; After hours, the BAC is decreasing at a rate of 0.12 (mg/mL}/. 49, (a) 1169.6 thousands of barrels of oil per day per year; ol ‘consumption rose by an average of 1169.6 thousands of barrels of cil per day each year from 1990 to 2005, (b) 1397.8 thousands of barels of oil per day per year 51. (a) (0) $2025/unit Gi) $20.05/unit(b) $20/unit 53. (a) The rte at which the cost is changing per ounce of gold produced; dollars per ounce (b) When the 800th ounce of god is produced, the cost of production is SL7/or. {€) Decrease in the short term; increase in the long term '55. (a) The rate at which daily heating costs change with respect ‘to temperature when the temperature is 58°F; dllas/°F (b) Negative; If the outside temperature increases, the building should require less heating 57. (a) The rte at which the oxygen solubility changes with respect tothe water temperature; (mg/L)/°C (b) $'(16) = ~0.25; as the temperature increases past 16°C, the oxygen solubility is decreasing a arate of 0.25 (mg /L)/°C. 59, Does not exist ATA APPENDIX Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 6. @) : Slope appears to be o oss Yes © oes Yes: EXERCISES2.8 = PAGE 160 14@ 02 HO @1 2 ©1 0 (@ -02 son OW ol Om "The rate of change of percentage of full capacity is decreasing and approaching 0. own 1963 10 1971 vm. F 19. (8) 0.1.24 a. fa) 25. sa) = 27. 9) = =1 =, 9], (—, 9) 2.60 = 45) Bf) —4e, RR 33. (@) f'G) = 4x +2 35. (a) The rate at which the unemployment rate is changing, in percent unemployed per year o PRD UB 9) U3.) +o. [ev 2003 | 050 | 2008 | 2.35 204 | -o4s || 2009 | 190 2s | -o4s |} 2010 | -020 2006 | 02s | 2011 | -075 207 | 060 |} 2012 | -o80 4. y a Ta [ot [oe Ps Pe 2s) adele eves ies] at 39. (a) The rate at which the percentage of electrical power pro {duced by solar panels i changing, in percentage points per yea, () On January 1, 2002, the percentage of electrical power pro: duced by solar panels was increasing at arate of 3.5 percentage points per year 41, =4 (comer); 0 (discontinuity) 443. 1 (not defined); S (vertical tangent) 43, > Differentiable at ~1;, not differentiable at 0 47. j"0) @.a=fb=fye=f" 51. a = acceleration, b= velocity, ¢ = position 53. Gx +216 P10) = 4— 30, J"G2) = 4 ~ 6x, ry) f°) foo 7 — or f'(x) x= 6] eee eeeeeeeeEee 61. (a) " (b) Allx / © F@) = 2121 65. @) Osean Yee easter) 67. 63° APPENDIX1 Answersto Odd-Numbered Exercises ATS CHAPTER 2 REVIEW m PAGE 166 ‘True-False Quiz 1. Fale 3, True 5. Tre 7. False 9, True 1. Tue 13, True 15. Fake 17. Tue 19. Truc 21. False 23, False 25. True Exercises 1. (@) @ 3 (HO Gili) Does notexist iv) 2 (= i) —= (vii) 4 (il) 1 @) y=4y=nT 6) x=0.x=2 | (@) -3,0,24 Dieter eee eee eee en eee We-= 1.2 we a/2 a= Oy 29. (a) (3 (0 Gil) Does not exist, ao Wo oO () Atoand3 (©) , 23.1 BR 35.@) -8 (y= —8r 417 37. (a) () Sm/s- Gi) 2.75 m/s. Gil) 2.625 m/s Gi) 2525 ms (b) 25 m/s 39. (a) 10) y= 10e~ 16 © 41, (a) The rate at which the cost changes with respect tothe inerest rat; dollars/(percent per year) (b) As the imerest rate inreases past 10%, the cost is increasing ata rate of $1200/(percent per year. (©) Always positive 43, ” i 48. (@) #0) = $B — Sy"? (—= 3} (=, © ‘ 47. ~4 iscontimty), —1 (comer), 2 (discontinuity), 5 (vertical tangent)

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