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Trident University International

MGT491 Capstone in Human Resource and Management

Aisha James

Module 1 SLP

Dr. Amy Banta

July 25, 2021


HR Performance Metrics


Management, on the other hand, may be able to assist in the regulation of emotions due to

the promotion of positive intelligence in the workplace. The word "clever" is a bit of a

misnomer. It is possible for emotions to work in your favor or against you depending on the

individual, just as a good understanding may work in your favor or against you depending on the

individual. HR managers may be able to do this if they have the appropriate tools, despite the

fact that many individuals find it very difficult to regulate and control their emotions. Although it

seems to be simple, this is not always the case.

It is human nature to want to know that their efforts are being acknowledged and

appreciated, as well as to feel that they are a part of something larger and more meaningful than

themselves. It is a major step forward in terms of coping with the emotional component of the

situation (Sloan & Cortes, 2013).

What is the reason behind this and how does it work?

For it enables managers to evaluate the degree of excitement among their employees,

emotional intelligence is essential. The ability to evaluate employee behaviors, attitudes toward

their work and toward others, their corporate potential, and their interpersonal skills is becoming

more essential for businesses to compete successfully in the modern world. As a recruitment

tool, it may also be used in the interview and selection process by an HR manager to help in

identifying the professions that a candidate is interested in or that they are very skilled at


It is possible that an employee's emotional intelligence may inform a human resources

management whether or not they have the capacity to progress in their professions. The ability to

access employees at various levels and observe their reactions to a variety of different situations

is enabled by emotional intelligence, which is similar to positive intelligence. Human resource

managers can use emotional intelligence and positive intelligence to better understand their


Emotional Intelligence: An Overview

Emotional understanding is defined as the ability to identify one's own feelings and

emotions in others, as well as the ability to control one's own emotions and emotions in others.

Both Dr. John Mayer and Dr. Peter Salovey invented the term, which was first used by the public

in two newspaper stories published in 1990. A person's emotional intelligence is comprised of

three major skills: the ability to recognize and use emotions in everyday activities such as

thinking and problem solving; the ability to control one's own emotions in order to calm others

and, if necessary, to promote others; and the ability to manage one's own emotions in order to

calm and promote others. Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that can be learned and

practiced. Leipzig and Mayer are two cities in Germany (Leipzig and Mayer)

According to Socrates, understanding oneself is a necessary component of self-

government, and I believe this is true (arkintime, 2016). The ability to predict and predict when

your emotions will show themselves is essential for success. Controlling one's emotional

intelligence is critical for avoiding possibly hazardous conduct. In order to effectively

communicate their message, emotional intelligence is required when it comes to perception and

perception of things. However, emotional intelligence cannot be utilized in a blasphemous or

arrogant way to do so. Individuals must be able to communicate information in an acceptable


way while dealing with emotions, which is critical in the transfer of knowledge (Cote & Miners,



Various activities may be used to help employees get a better awareness of their own

feelings and those of others. First and foremost, employees must be self-aware and capable of

regulating their emotions in the workplace. Everyone knows that they are maintaining a journal

of their positive and negative emotions and experiences with the company. Another important

characteristic is empathy, which needs the employee to understand how other people see an issue

or situation. Employees' perspectives are important, but so are their perceptions and positive

intelligence, as well. Individuals may use their own personal influence to help them influence

others. Workers learn how their actions and words have an impact on others, how they may

become more self-aware, and how their actions and words have an impact on other people

through personal influence (Lynn, 2000).

Intelligence may be classified into three categories: IQ, PQ, and EQ.

After reading about both positive intelligence and emotional intelligence, I'd have to

conclude that the fight for talent in the workplace is a fairly close one to call. Both are very

important since they have the ability to feed off of one another very effectively. It is critical for

companies to maintain a pleasant and emotionally self-conscious environment since both have an

impact on their workers. Even though no one ever experiences a flawless day at work, people

may be considered to be such if they have the abilities to better perceive things and are conscious

of how they interpret circumstances. Either way one thing still holds true everything still comes

down to perception, it is how anyone will perceive actions, emotions and so forth.

My greatest annoyance is when individuals say to me, "It's just business, nothing

personal." I smirk now since I know they don't comprehend me anyhow. It's personal since I put

in the effort to make it what it is. It is time away from my family that I have willingly given up in

order to make my company a success. After reading this assignment, I realized I had emotional

intelligence. I have not only spent my time in the company, but also in others. I know what will

send me off and how to deal with it. I use every chance, even if it is a bad one, as a learning

experience. I strive to inculcate in individuals the value of what they do, as well as an

appreciation for and pleasure of their work.

After being more self-aware, I was able to see how people in my immediate environment

influenced my actions and tones. I began to build a good relationship with my workers in order

to demonstrate my appreciation for what they had done for me. I've also learnt to focus my

attention on certain circumstances and to keep my emotions under control. I didn't only become a

better manager; I became a better manager in all aspects of management. Despite the fact that I

am still emotionally attached to my work, I have learnt to walk away from certain situations. It

enabled me to identify more of them and deal with them far more effectively than I had before.


Ark in Time. (2016). Know Thyself. Ark in Time. Retrieved May 22, 2016 from

Côté, Stéphane and Miners, Christopher T. H. (2006). Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive

Intelligence, and Job Performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, ISSN 0001-8392, 03/2006,

Volume 51, Issue 1, pp. 1 – 28.

Lynn, Adele B. (2000). 50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence. HRD Press, Inc.

Retrieved May 22, 2016

Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 22, 2016.


Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional Intelligence | Psychology Today.

Retrieved from

Sloan, Jane & Cortes, Carlos E. (2013). Emotional Intelligence. Multicultural America: A

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