PP Face Tradeoffs Vinh-Vy

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Nguyên lí 1: Con người phải đối mặt với sự đánh đổi.

- Tradeoff: means a situation in which you accept something

you do not like or want in order to have something that you
want. (Cambridge dictionary)
- People face trade-off is spending a certain resource (money,
energy, property, time or whatever resource you have) for
another resource that you want.

Personal opinion ( quan điểm 1):

- Arguments 1: We often have to give up what we enjoy in order to

obtain something we desire. Trading one goal for another is part of
the decision-making process. To put it another way, "everything has
a cost” or Western proverb: “There is no such thing as a free lunch!”

- Explain: Because we have less and require more, "trade-offs" are

frequently used as a means of surviving in life. We must always
examine the trade-off between what we have and what we desire
and need in order to improve our quality of life. When it comes to
exercising possibilities, there is always a trade-off because everything
is limited (resources, time, opportunities).
- Scarcity occurs when human requirements outnumber a
community's or region's limited resources, as well as the available
resources to meet those needs. Scarcity also indicates that with a
limited quantity of resources, various social goals cannot be pursued
at the same time, resulting in trade-offs.

- Example:
1. A student, for example, is faced with the dilemma of how to use
his limited time. He has a macroeconomics homework due later that
evening. He can either spend all of his time doing his
macroeconomics homework, all of his time sleeping, or a
combination of the two. He must sacrifice an hour of sleep in order
to study this subject for an hour. It's impossible for him to do his
homework and sleep at the same time. Through instances, it is clear
that the development process necessitates sacrificing one aim in
order to obtain a more useful goal.
2. The trade-off of Vietnam in the covid epidemic
GDP did not fall by 1-2 percent or even 3% as projected as a result of social
distancing measures; instead, GDP fell by 6.17 percent in the third quarter
of 2021 compared to the same period last year. This is the steepest drop
since Vietnam's quarterly GDP was computed and released in 2000.
However, thanks to social distancing measures like Directives 15, 16, and
16+, the number of infections and deaths is significantly declining,
returning to the new normal.
When Vietnam executes an epidemic-prevention approach, it helps to
reduce infection rates while also causing a more serious economic loss by
halting production, business operations, and supply and distribution
chains. Containment and embargo efforts have resulted in a state of
stagnation. This is a dilemma that Vietnam, like other countries, must
accept as a trade-off. The above example demonstrates how Vietnam
sacrifices economic progress to combat the pandemic, as Prime Minister
Pham Minh Chinh stated: "Sacrificing a portion of economic growth,
prioritizing people's health."

People in today's economic world must make several trade-offs. The trade-
off between weapons and butter is a typical example. We must sacrifice
more consumer goods to raise our standard of life as we spend more on
defense to increase our defense (guns) (butter). We trade economic
development with environmental destruction in today's society.
*Lập luận 2: Another trade-off that society faces is between equity and
- efficiency: getting the most out of scarce resources.
ex: Which one would you choose if you needed a ballpoint pen but
only had 10000 dong in your wallet? Would you like a 3,000 dong
pen or a 10,000 dong one? In terms of function and ink color, both
are identical. Of course, I'll go with the 3dong option. So I'll be able to
buy three ballpoint pens. This enables me to make the most of my
money. So it is efficient.

- equity: distributing prosperity fairly among society’s members.

eg: The gap in the number of human resources between HR and
sales should not be too big, because a significant gap will generate
social imbalance.

Personal opinion ( quan điểm 2):I believe that efficiency and equity are
contradictory. According to this view, prioritizing efficiency necessitates
accepting injustice, and vice versa, prioritizing social justice necessitates
sacrificing efficiency.

Ex: The program will be effective if poor students get loans to study
with preferential interest rates, creating opportunities to access
higher education for the poor, students' families reduce the burden,
reduce pressure on the budget. The social state can still use this
source of knowledge labor, the State can still recover capital, and at
the same time minimize the distortions of the program. Thus, both
creating social justice (because only poor students can get loans,
income distribution is shown relatively clearly) and achieving the
desired effect and the right purpose of the program.However, if
student graduates are unable to find work or have work but a low
income, it is hard to pay the State's debt and the burden falls
accidentally on the poor. The poor will become poorer if the
government does not have a policy to reduce loans. As a result, the
program's effectiveness has been lessened in this area, putting a
burden on the poor.

As a result, there is always a trade-off between efficiency and social work in

public policy. To put it another way, the government has given up
efficiency in order to promote social welfare.
*Chốt: It is necessary to realize the fact that people have to face trade-offs
does not allow we know what decisions they will or need to make. A
student should not give up sleeping just to spend more time studying
macroeconomics. But it is necessary to balance to both improve
knowledge and keep good health. Factories should not stop protecting
the environment just because environmental regulations cost their
Even so, being aware of the trade-offs in life is better, because people can
make good decisions when they understand options they currently have.

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