Research Report Plan 1

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Name/Partner/group: ___________________

Title of Research:

Aim (purpose of the research):

Research Hypothesis:

Independent Variable (what you as an experimenter are manipulating?):

Dependent Variable (what is expected to change as a result of the I.V?):

Participants (description of the participant’s characteristics; number, gender, age, etc.):

Selection of participants (how are you selecting them?):

Materials (what equipment is needed for the experiment?):

Procedure (step by step description of how the experiment will be carried out):
Controlled variables (identify any possible extraneous variables and outline what is being done to try
to eliminate these variables having an effect on your results):

Experimental Design (outline what design is being used and how it controls for participant variables):

Participant allocation: (How are participants going to be allocated to their conditions? If applicable

Ethical Considerations: (What ethical considerations need to be taken into account and why?)
Results (think about how they will they be collected, summarised, displayed and analysed?):

Plan for presentation (short summary of how you will present you information)

Teacher signature ___________________ Date: __________________

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