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According to RHI hub (2021), Parts of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly tied to seeing
others in the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences, according to
social cognitive theory (SCT), which is utilized in psychology, education, and communication. Albert
Bandura developed this idea as an extension of his social learning theory. People recall the sequence of
events when they see a model do an action and the consequences of that conduct, according to the
idea, and use that information to guide later behaviors. Observing a model might also encourage the
observer to repeat a previously taught behavior. To put it another way, humans do not learn new
behaviors only by attempting them and either succeeding or failing; rather, humanity's survival is
contingent on the replication of others' activities. The observer may choose to mimic modeled behavior
depending on whether people are rewarded or punished for their actions and the outcome of those
actions. The media provides role models for a wide range of people in a variety of circumstances.
Individual experiences, other people's actions, and environmental circumstances all have an impact on
individual health behaviors, according to Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Instilling expectancies, self-
efficacy, and employing observational learning and other reinforcements to facilitate behavior change,
SCT provides opportunities for social support. Self-efficacy is the notion that one has control over and
can carry out an action. Understanding and being able to perform a behavior are both examples of
behavioral capability. Expectations: determining how a behavior change will turn out. Self-control is the
ability to regulate and monitor one's own conduct. Observational learning is the process of seeing and
observing others perform or model the desired behavior. Reinforcements are incentives and rewards
that urge people to improve their behavior. The SCT is a theoretical framework that can be used in a
variety of settings and groups. It's routinely used to help people improve their habits. It could be
especially valuable in rural areas for studying how people interact with their surroundings. The SCT can
be used to determine how social determinants of health and a person's prior experiences impact
behavior change.

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