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English Book
Grade II


“Daily Activities”

1. Wake up = banguntidur

2. Watching TV = menonton TV

3. Take a bath = mandi

4. Make the bed = merapikantempattidur

5. Cleaning the house = membersihkanrumah

6. Sweeping the floor = menyapulantai

7. Taking a nap = tidursiang

8. Have breakfast = sarapan

9. Have lunch = makansiang

10. Have dinner = makanmalam

11. Watering the plants = menyiramtanaman

12. Gardening = berkebun

13. Getting dressed = berpakaian

14. Combing hair = menyisirrambut

15. Washing the dishes = mencucipiring

16. Washing the clothes = mencucibaju

17. Playing = bermain

18. Helping my parents = membantu orang tua

19. Reading a book = membacabuku

20. Go to bed = tidur ‘

21. Do the homework = mengerjakan PR

22. Cooking = memasak

23. Going to school = pergikesekolah

Match it !

1. Sweeping the floor (………..) a. Menyirambunga

2. Waking up (………..) b. Menyapulantai

c. Makansiang
3. Getting dressed (………..)
d. Merapikantempattidur
4. Having lunch (………..)
e. Banguntidur
5. Watering the plants (………..) f. Bermain bola basket
6. Praying (………..) g. Menggantibaju

7. Do the homework(………..) h. Berdoa

i. Mengerjakan PR
8. Taking a bath (………..)
j. Mandi
9. Playing basketball (………..)
10. Making the bed (………..)

Task 3.2
Complete the dialogue based on the picture
(lengkapi dialog dibawahinisesuaidengangambar)

A : what do you do before having lunch ?
B : I ___________________

A: what is Destadoing ?
B : he ___________________

A: what is Doni doing?
B: he ___________________

A: what does Bobi do after waking up?
B :Bobi___________________
B. VOCABULARY: PelajariKalimat-kalimatBerikut!

1. Every morning I wake up, take a bath, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to school.
• Setiappagisayabangun, mandi, memakaibaju, sarapan, danpergikesekolah.

2. I go to school at seven o'clock.

• Sayapergikesekolah jam 7.00.

3. Before I go to school, I eat breakfast

• Sebelumsayapergikesekolah, sayasarapan.

4. I eat fried rice for breakfast.

• Sayamakannasigorenguntuksarapan.

5. I go to school by bus.
• Sayapergikesekolahnaikbis.

6. In the afternoon, I go home from school, watch TV, and play with my friends.
• Padasianghari, sayapulangsekolah, menonton TV danbermainbersamateman.

7. After school, I eat lunch at home.

• Setelahsekolah, sayamakansiang di rumah.

8. In the evening, I clean the house and water the flowers.

• Pada sore harisayamembersihkanrumahdanmenyirambunga.

9. At night, I do my homework, read a book and go to sleep.

• Padamalamhari, sayamengerjakan PR, membacabukudanpergitidur.

10. I brush my teeth and wash my face before I go to sleep.

• Sayagosokgigidanmencucimukasebelumsayapergitidur.
TASK 3.3

Listening: Dengan mendengarkan AUDIO FILE dari gurumu, lengkapilah teks berikut ini
untuk melatih Pendengaran/Listening!

My Day
Every morning I ______________ at five o’clock. First, I go to the
______________ . In the bathroom, I ______________ my teeth and take a bath. After
that, I get ______________ and comb my hair. Then I go to the ______________ . In
the kitchen, I ______________ a glass of milk for breakfast.
At seven o’clock, I go to ______________ . I go to school by ______________ .
At eight o’clock I ______________ at school and then I study. At one o’clock I go
______________ . At home, I have ______________ and play with my friends.
At seven o’clock I ______________ dinner with my family and then we
______________ TV. After watching TV, I do my ______________ . At a half past nine
I go to ______________ .

TASK 3.4

A. After you listen the audio and complete the text above, Answer the questionsbelow!

1. What time do you get up every morning?_

2. Where do you go after you wakeup?

3. What do you do in thebathroom?

4. What do you do after you take a bath?_

5. What do you have for breakfast?_

6. What time do you go toschool?

7. How do you go toschool?

8. What time do you go home from school?_

9. What do you do at home afterschool?

10. When do you watch TV and do your homework?_

B. Translate intoIndonesian!

1. I want tostudy.

2. I want to read abook.

3. You want to write aletter.
4. They want to watchTV.
5. They want to go toschool.
6. We want to eatbreakfast.
7. We want to eatlunch.
8. We want to eatdinner.
9. She wants to gohome.
10. He wants to go hishomework.
Task 3.5
Make a list of your daily activities start from you wake up and then go to bed in the night.
(buatlahdaftarkegiatansehari-harimumualidaribanguntidursampaitidur di malamhari)

Time Daily Activities

05.00 Get up
TASK 3.6

A. Write theEnglish!

Bangun Mandi Keramas

Gosokgigi Mencucimuka Memakaibaju

Menyisirrambut Sarapan Pergikesekolah

Membersihkanrumah Belajar di sekolah Pulangsekolah

Bermaindenganteman-temanku Nonton TV Mengerjakan PR

Menyirambunga Membacabuku Tidur

B. Answer the questionsbelow!

1. What do you do in themorning?

2. What do you do in the afternoon?_

3. What do you do in theevening?

4. What do you do atnight?

C. Answer the questionsbelow!

1. What time do you wake up every morning?_

2. What time do you take a bath everymorning?

3. What time do you eat breakfast?_

4. What time do you go toschool?

5. What time do you go tosleep?

D. What do youdo?

1. What do you do after you wakeup?

2. What do you do after you take a bath?_

3. What do you do after you go home fromschool?

4. What do you do before you play with yourfriends?

5. What do you do before you go to sleep?_


Checking ability 3
1. Rinda ….. after having breakfast
a. Takes a bath
b. Sweep the floor
c. Makes the bed
d. Mop the floor

2. A: what do your family do in the evening?

B: We ……….
a. Have breakfast
b. Go to bed
c. Watch tv
d. Dinner

3. I usually ….. after having lunch

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a. make the bed
b. go to bed
c. take a nap
d. sweep the floor
4. Rasya helps his father to clean the yard.
The underline words mean…..
a. Membersihkanrumah
b. Merapikanhalaman
c. Menyapuhalaman
d. Membersihkanhalaman
Text for number 5-10

On Sunday, Rasya doesn’t go to school. That is holiday. He usually spend his time
by doing many activites at home. He gets up at 5 o’clock. The he prays and goes jogging to
the park. At eight o’clock, he goes home. Then, he helps his parents to clean the yard. He
takes a bath at 9 o’clock. After taking bath, he watches TV. There are mant favorite
progams on Sunday.

5. A : does Rasya go to school on Sunday?

B : ………
A. No, he does not
B. Yes, he does
C. No, he does
D. Yes, he does not

6. A : what does Rasya do after praying?

B : he …..
a. Takes a bath
b. Goes jogging
c. Cleans the yard
d. Watches tv

7. What time does Rasya take a bath?

Rasya takes a bath at….
a. Eight o’clock
b. Nine o’clock
c. Ten o’clock
d. Seven o’clock
8. Rasya gets pray after ….
a. Goes jogging
b. Gets up
c. Make the bed
d. Take a nap

Text for number 9-10

Arman’s daily activities

04.30 Get up and pray

05.30 Take a bath

06.00 Have breakfast

06.30 Go to school

12.30 Go home

13.00 Have lunch

13.30 Takes a nap

9. The text is about …..
a. Arman’s daily activities
b. Daily activites
c. Lesson schedule
d. Shooping list

10. Arman …… after has lunch

a. Goes home
b. Take a nap
c. Take a bath
d. Has breakfast

II. answer the questions below!

1. Write down (tuliskan) 3 kinds of activities in the morning?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
2. Write down (tuliskan) 3 kinds of activities in the afternoon?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
3. Write down (tuliskan) 3 kinds of activities in the evening?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
4. What do you do after breakfast?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
5. Arrange the word ! (susunlah)
Irma- at – o’clock – wakes – five – up
Answer : _________________________________________________________

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