WRAP 4.20.4 Software For Educational Purposes: Tel +46-70-5159467 E-Mail Olov - Carlsson@wrap - Se

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Reg No.
WRAP 3405

Address Date
ESPOL 31 October 2017
Eduardo Chancay Rojas, Chief Radio Frequency Our reference
Lab Olov Carlsson
Km 30.5 Via Perimetral Tel +46-70-5159467
Guayaquil E-mail olov.carlsson@wrap.se
Your date Your reference no.

Your reference
Eduardo Chancay Rojas
Tel (mobile) +593993153211
E-mail edulchan@espol.edu.ec
WRAP 4.20.4 software for educational purposes
Dear Mr. Rojas,
As we have discussed over e-mail WRAP International now makes our software
WRAP 4.20.4 Educational Version available to ESPOL. The software may only be
used for educational purposes at the ESPOL university and it is not allowed to
distribute the software without prior consent in agreement with WRAP
This version allows placement of stations within a limited area as follows:
- Longitude 78 W to Longitude 81 W
- Latitude 2 deg S to Latitude 5 deg S
And in an area in Sweden where geodata is also provided.
You may download the software and geographical data over South America from
our FTP site:
User name: files
Password: DtpcVY1M (the character before M is figure 1)
Download the folder Ecuador and its contents. Install according to the instructions
in the Setup Guide and in the ReadMe_SouthAmerica_Ecuador.txt file.

The installation package includes a lot of documentation that can be found in the
WRAP folder under the Windows start menu.

Yours Sincerely
WRAP International AB
Mall BREVMALL.dot 0601

Olov Carlsson
Technical Director

WRAP International AB
Postal address Web addresses Telephone Registered office Registered No. VAT No.
Tanneforsgatan 8 www.wrap.se +46 (0)13 473 45 00 Linköping 556627-6217 SE556627621701
SE-582 24 Linköping info@wrap.se Telefax
Sweden +46 (0)31 724 27 01

WRAP International AB is represented in

Linköping, Göteborg, Växjö, Stockholm, Beijing, Baghdad

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