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Army Institute of Business Administration (AIBA)

Savar Cantonment, Dhaka-1344

Course Title: Management and Organizational Behavior (MGT 7101)

Term Paper on

“Organizational behavior of square pharmaceutical Ltd. ".

Course Instructor:

Prepared by

Mustakin Hossain


ID: 12131004

Dear Madam,

This is my privilege to submit the Term Paper entitled “Organizational behavior of Square
pharmaceutical Ltd. “to you. This is prepared as per the requirement of the course Management and
organization behavior of Executive MBA -01.

I have given all of my sincere effort in the preparation of this Term Paper and will appreciate if you
suggest for any kind of rectification.

Sincerely yours,

Mustakin Hossain


ID: 12131004

Table of Contents

Abstract ……………………………………………….…3
Introduction …………………………………………….…….4
Method …………………………………….…………………..4
Scope of Research…………………………………………….5
Limitation ….……………….………………………………..5
Theme Paper…………………………………..………………5
Main Characteristics…………….………………………..…7
SPL culture ………………………….……………………….8

Organizational behavior analysis assists in identifying the individual and group behavior with the
aim of using the results to improve on performance. The analysis will be used to identify an
individual’s different needs and different methods of working and performing a task. This
information is used in providing personalized resources that will help each individual to be more
productive. This information will also be of high importance in ensuring a smooth change
process as the management devices on ways to assist employees endure the merger changes with


Organization behavior analysis refers to the systematic approach in studying and application of
human behavior as individuals or groups within an organization their behavior and the effect this
behavior impacts on the organization and its goals. It is the analysis of individual and group
behavior within an organization. It enhances better relationships to achieve human objectives,
organizations objectives and social objectives. The organization’s values goals and culture are all
linked in such a way that there is integration between the employees’ personal goals and the
organization’s goals. Organizational behavior analyses relationships between variables. The
concept of organizational behavior is based on the theory that the environment dictates the
human behavior. It covers a wide range of topics that include human behavior, change,
leadership and performance. It involves analyzing behavior from an individual level, a group
level and an organizational level, where the three are somehow integrated. The analyses results
to more efficient and effective organizations.

The company: Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.(SPL)

Organization behavior includes analyzing behavior that results from external environmental
forces. A merger and possible layoffs are factors that would have an impact on Square’s
employee’s behaviors and this behavior would have an impact on the organizations productivity.
This essay will address these topics in relation to the changes in Square pharmaceutics Ltd.
Square is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the Bangladesh. The main products
include medicines, vaccines, biological therapies, consumer and animal products. The company
has its head office in 48, Mohakhali, Dhaka and operates in about 40 countries located
worldwide. The company is listed in the Bangladesh Stock Exchange. .


Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. They follows the custodial model. They have an organization and
they follow their rules and regulation. Manager follows their employees they soon recognized
that although autocratically managed employees never talk back to their boss. Employee wants to
say many things and sometimes they did say them when they quit or lost their tempers.
Employees were filled with insecurity, frustrations and aggressions toward their boss. So they
could not vent these feelings directly sometimes they went home and vented them on their
families and neighbors, so the entire communication might suffer from this relationship.
To satisfy the security needs of Employees Company have welfare programs. In this organization
they extreme in order to show its emphasis on materials rewards, security and organizational

Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (SPL) is leading pharmaceuticals company in Bangladesh with
strong culture and good organization practice with a large number of there is a lot
of scope to research organization behavior in SPL

In Square Pharmaceutical Ltd. Company here limitation are very few
Limitation of organizational behavior is given below–
a) Behavioral bias
b) The law of diminishing returns
c) Unethical manipulation of people

Theme Paper

Definition of organizational behavior:

Organizational behavior is the systematic study and careful application of knowledge about how
people- as individuals and as groups act within organization.

It strives to identify ways in which people can act more effectively.

Fundamental concept of Organizational Behavior:

Organizational Behavior with a set of fundamental concept is two types –

a) The nature of people

b) The nature of organization

The nature of people The nature of organization

1. Individual difference 1) Social system

2. Perception 2) Mutual interest

3. A whole person 3) Ethics

4. Motivated behavior

5. Desire for involvement

6. Value of the person

Organizations achieve their goals by creating, communication and operating an organizational

behavior system. Five major elements of organizational behavioral Philosophies.
• Autocratic
• Custodial
• Supportive
• Collegial
• System
Autocratic: The autocratic model depends on power. Those who are in command must have the
power to demand to demand you do this – or else meaning that an employee who does not follow
orders will be penalized.
Custodial model:
Employee’s behavior managed by offering welfare program like pension, Incentive etc.
Application of this model depends on economics resources of organization.
Supportive model:
Depends on leadership instead of power and money. Manager help employee builds a relation
with them, employees like self-responsibilities.

Collegial model:
Manager’s builds a team create a feeling a partnership. Managers are seen as contribution rather
than a boss.
System model:
Managers and employees both intend to work for community, environment protection etc.
Main Characteristics of SPL (Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
Motivation is a process when incentive is provided to get extra output. First we identified what
employees need.
Needs are two parts –
Primary needs: Basic physical needs called primary needs. The physical needs include food,
water, sex, sleep, air and reasonable comfortable temperature.

Secondary needs:
Social and psychological needs, called secondary needs. Secondary needs are vaguer because
they represent needs of the mind and spirit rather than of the physical body. Status, self – esteem,
recognition etc. Various between men to man, place to place.
SPL motivation
In SPL they are supply launch to employee in each working day with delicious common food for
all staff. There are work a good number of female worker in sound and comfortable environment
work. A good number of female managers are work at the leading position in SPL with
recognize social status. Also, SPL provide a handsome salary with profit share to ensure
satisfaction of staff.
SPL Professional development

1. Regular training to all level of employees to increase the knowledge & skill level
2. Ensure safe, healthy & employee-friendly workplace
3. Transportation facility to all staff

4. Loan facility

"Shohoj Kisti Reen Prokalpa" under which all unionized employees can take loan to purchase
necessary home appliances at small service charge and this fund is operated and managed by a
committee of workers' representatives.
5. Fitness Center

Getting regular physical activity is one of the best things a person can do for his/her health that
significantly lowers the risk of multiple health disease, increase stamina, reduce stress and
improve physical & mental health. To encourage such habit to colleagues SQUARE has
introduced a fitness center inside the Kaliakoir unit facility where management staff can go
exercise to be both physically and mentally fit.

Leadership in SPL:
Leadership is the process of influencing and supporting employees so that they work
enthusiastically toward achieving objectives. Main issue is personal relationship of managers
with employees is followed by SPL
Behavioral approaches to leadership style in SPL :-
1) Positive leader – depends on rewards. (For good performer)
Negative leader – depends on punishment. (For unethical practices)
2) Autocratic leader – depends on power
Consultative leader – discuss with employee for new product lunching
Participative leader – employees take decision for future benifit
3) Employee oriented and task oriented –
SPL Leaders give important to employee’s human needs first.
SPL Leaders give maximum important on production.
Involvement of employee in decision making play a vital role for success of an organization. In
SPL there are three elements of participation-
a) Involvement of decision making.
b) Contribution
c) Responsibility
Making employee knowledgeable about details information of organization are followed by
Square pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Approaches to empowerment:
a) Helping through coaching By HR department
b) Allowing more control by top management
c) Providing successful role model by organization
d) Using social reinforcement
e) Giving emotion support to employees


Conflict is an interpersonal process that arises from disagreement over the goals to attain or the
methods to be used to accomplish those goals.
Conflict can occur within an employee between individuals or groups and across organization as
they conflict. In SPL, number of conflict is low in every calendar year.

SPL Culture
To create and cultivate an efficient workplace culture is a very important part for an organization
SPL culture are followed by

SPL consider business to be a path to the material and social success of the examiners, delegates,
and the overall population all over, inciting progressive expansion of wealth through budgetary
and great additions as a bit of the methodology of the human turn of events.

SPL Mission is to make and give quality and creative restorative administrations mitigation for
people, keep up unbendingly moral standards in business movement moreover ensuring
favorable position to the financial specialists, accomplices, and the overall population free as a

SPL objectives are to direct straightforward business tasks dependent on showcase systems
inside the legitimate and social structure with plans to achieve the mission reflected by our

SPL vision, mission, and objectives are to underline the nature of the item, procedure, and
administrations prompting the development of the organization assimilated with great
administration rehearses.


Square Pharmaceuticals Limited consistently maintains the decree, "committed to trendsetting


SPL ensure to perform with highest level of honesty, integrity, sincerity and commitment and
establish highest professional standards within the organization ensuring transparency at all

SPL is our company, thus we must be accountable to the patients and to the doctors with an
ultimate goal to achieve excellence in performance, ensuring a congenial, threat-free, learning
work environment. Thereby we can all perform and develop to our highest level of potential, so
that we can put highest quality of products to the disposal of medical community and to the
patients who need it.
SPL must respect others irrespective of their race, religion, gender and hierarchical level and
value peoples’ opinion, ability and creativity and demonstrate through their behavior and action.
SPL must ensure highest standard of quality in products and services, striving for continuous
improvement to be the 0-defect company, serving humanity and enhancing human life.

Time- consuming decision – making process

Organization has two types of needs.
Primary needs and secondary needs. In this organization primary needs are fulfilled. Employees
are satisfied food, comfort and salary. Secondary needs are not fulfilled in the same time. In spl o
provided car but they have not any accommodation facilities. Employees want this reward to be
fair. If there is no equality there will no motivation.
Leadership is the process of influencing and supporting employees so that they work to achieve
objective. For that reason manager create good relation with employees. Leader give importance
to employees human needs first. Pharmaceutical organization especially sales department they

work in field they have lot of experience. How beat the competitor they know very well. If
company more participated the employees, they know more about the company. They
contributed the decision making. It will be more effective. Employee’s attitude is important
factor regarding response to change.

Finally, it can say that this company use organizational behavior but it is not completed. They
improve day by day also they have some limitation. Pharmaceutical markets are more
competitive. Every day they use new method to beat the other company. Other company
employees what they do they observe it. They predict what will be the employee’s behavior in
Square pharmaceutical company they use the custodial model but it is not computed. They have
opportunity to work as a team.




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