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Quiz 9, ELG3125B, 22 Nov.

Name: Student Number:
Q1: Consider an RLC circuit shown in the figure below. The voltage source x(t ) is considered the
input to the system, and the voltage y (t ) across the capacitor is considered the system output.

1) Find the differential equation governing the input x(t ) and output y (t ) of this system. (30)
2) Calculate the natural frequency of the system. (20)
3) Determine if the system is under-, critically, or under damped. (10)
The differential equation for a 2nd-order LTI
dy 2 (t ) dy (t )
+ 2ςωn + ω2n y (t ) = ω2n x(t )
dt dt
where ωn is the natural frequency and ς is
the damping factor. For ς < 1 , under-damped,
ς =1 critically damped, ς > 1 over damped.

Q2: Bode plot:

(a) Sketch the Bode plot of the transfer function (magnitude only). Label the plot. (30 marks)
(b) Based on the plot, determine the filter is a lowpass, bandpass, highpass filter, or none of them. (10

10(10 + jω)(100 + jω)

H ( jω) =
(1 + jω)(1000 + jω)

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