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Guía de trabajo autónomo

Self-Study Guide for 12th Grade

El trabajo autónomo es la capacidad de realizar tareas por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que
nuestros/as docentes estén presentes.

Centro Educativo/ School Name: CTP Monseñor Sanabria

Educador/a Teacher: Yocasta Zúñiga E.
Nivel/ Level: 12th EFC 12-05
Asignatura/ Subject: English for Communication

1. Me preparo para hacer la guía/ Getting ready to do my self-study guide

Pautas que debo verificar antes de iniciar mi trabajo./Aspects to verify before I start working:

Materiales o recursos que voy Suggested materials:

a necesitar/ • Notebook, pencil, pen, eraser, highlighters, etc.
Materials needed • Self- study guide (photocopies used in class)
• Computer & Internet access if possible
Condiciones que debe tener • Work in a place where you do your assignments
el lugar donde voy a trabajar/ and homework daily.
Conditions of the place to
Tiempo en que se espera que • This self-study guide will take you 120 minutes to
realice la guía/ be completed.
Expected time to work this
self-study guide

2. Voy a recordar lo aprendido en clase. Recalling what I learned in class.

Indicaciones / Dear student,

Instructions The following tasks will help you to reinforce information about the first
topic that we study. Building interaction in the company using simple
grammar structures.
Task 1: Read the following information.

Make a review of the material we studied in class about Day to Day

Work like:

We use some adverbs to describe how frequently we do an activity.

These are called adverbs of frequency and include:

Frequency Adverb of Frequency Example Sentence

100% always I always go to bed before 11pm.

90% usually I usually have cereal for breakfast.

80% normally / generally I normally go to the gym.

70% often* / frequently I often surf the internet.

50% sometimes I sometimes forget my wife's birthday.

30% occasionally I occasionally eat junk food.

10% seldom I seldom read the newspaper.

5% hardly ever / rarely I hardly ever drink alcohol.

0% never I never swim in the sea.

* Some people pronounce the 'T' in often but many others do not.


An adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with To Be).

Subject + adverb + main verb

I always remember to do my homework.

He normally gets good marks in exams.

An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be.

Subject + to be + adverb

They are never pleased to see me.

She isn't usually bad tempered.

When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.),
the adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb. This is also true for
to be.

Subject + auxiliary + adverb + main verb

She can sometimes beat me in a race.

I would hardly ever be unkind to someone.

They might never see each other again.

They could occasionally be heard laughing.

We can also use the following adverbs at the start of a sentence: Usually,
normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally

• Occasionally, I like to eat Thai food.

BUT we cannot use the following at the beginning of a sentence: Always,

seldom, rarely, hardly, ever, never.

We use hardly ever and never with positive, not negative verbs:

• She hardly ever comes to my parties.

• They never say 'thank you'.

We use ever in questions and negative statements:

• Have you ever been to New Zealand?

• I haven't ever been to Switzerland. (The same as 'I have never been

We can also use the following expressions when we want to be more specific
about the frequency: every day - once a month - twice a year - four times a day -
every other week

What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?

I wake up at 7am every morning.

I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm
and get up.
I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while
I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast
but I like to have a shower before I get dressed.
My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair. How do
you do your hair in the morning?
It is important to brush your teeth, and some women like to put make-up on.
After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually
make dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm.
After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I chill
out on the sofa and watch television.
On television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to take
the rubbish out, or wash the dishes.
Our children feed the dog and the cat before they go to bed and I tell them to
go to the bathroom too.
If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas and
set the alarm so I wake up in the morning.
The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed.


What are some daily activities that you do at work?

I go to work at 8.45am every morning.

I usually drive to work.
I always check my emails when I get to work, but I don't always reply to them
I take a taxi or a train if I have a lunch meeting. I never take the bus because it
is too slow.
When I am at my desk I usually work on the computer, even during morning
At 1pm most days I have lunch.
At 3pm we have afternoon tea, and that is when we usually talk and eat cake.
When you are in the office you probably have a lot of papers. It is important for
you to file your papers, and so that you can find them again you need to
organise your files.
When I work I have to make telephone calls. If an important issue happens I ask
my secretary to organise a meeting.
Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe you have to report to your boss
more often. I usually write a document that my boss can read.

What is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering surrounds us everywhere in modern society. The electrical
supplies us with the ability to harness electricity which has transformed our lives. It gives
us light, heat, entertainment, communication systems and comfort. Electrical engineers
create and design products and information systems using scientific principles combined
with natural curiosity, problem-solving and innovation. It covers a wide range of careers
including energy and power development and supply, automation and communications
engineering, microelectronics and technical informatics.
What do Electrical Engineers do?
Electrical engineers work with electricity in a variety of areas - aircraft and automobiles;
broadcasting and communications systems; lighting and wiring in buildings; machinery
controls; power generating and transmitting; and radar and navigation systems. They
can be involved with the design of new products as well as testing equipment and
solving problems.
Electrical engineering offers a wide range of challenging career paths, including the
following sub-disciplines:
• Power engineering: dealing with the generation, transmission and distribution of
electricity as well as the design of a range of related devices, such as transformers,
electric generators, electric motors and power electronics.
• Control engineering: focusing on the modelling and designing of dynamic control
systems used in, for example, the flight and propulsion of airplanes and the cruise
control present in many modern cars.
• Computer engineering: dealing with the design of computers and computer systems.
• Telecommunications engineering: focusing on the transmission of information across
a channel such as a coax cable, optical fibre or free space.
Career Opportunities of Electrical Engineering
As part of the electrical engineering team, you can play an important role in the future
development of a sustainable environment. There is a wide range of challenging career
paths available and as an electrical engineer, technologist or technician, you can work
• Industrial research and development labs
• Energy supply corporations
• Software and services companies
• Civil service
• Technical monitoring agencies
• Research institutes and educational institutions.
As an electrical engineering graduate you can:
• Design electrical systems for a wide range of devices including video game consoles
and DVD players.
• Create the systems that can operate industrial robots or control aviation machines.
• Develop the latest in modern applications such as broadband modems or new wireless
Did you know?
An Irish engineer, Nicholas Callan of Dundalk, invented the induction coil. This forms the
basis for transformers which are used everyday to deliver electricity safely to our homes.

Actividad / Read the material and scanning information.

Make a review of the grammar.
Preguntas para
reflexionar y Open the links of the videos that I sent you by WhatsApp and watch the
responder daily routines at work.

Questions to What did I learn with this topic?

reflect on and

3. Pongo en práctica lo aprendido en clase / Putting into practice what I

learned in class.
/ With the material that the professor gave you and based on the reality
Instructions in your area, write a summary telling how do you imagine your daily job
in your specific area (no more than a page) and tell me which skills do
you need to develop your job with excellence.

Send me your work by email to the following address

Indicaciones Review the following questions to self-regulate and self-assess:

o preguntas
para auto ¿Leí las indicaciones con detenimiento?
regularse y Did I read the instructions carefully?
Instructions or ¿Subrayé las palabras que no conocía?
questions for Did I underline the words that I didn’t understand?
and self- ¿Busqué en el diccionario o consulté con un familiar el significado de las
assessment palabras que no conocía?
Did I use the dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words
that I didn’t understand?

¿Me devolví a leer las indicaciones cuando no comprendí qué hacer?

Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to do?

Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/

With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.

Reviso las acciones realizadas durante la construcción del trabajo. /

I check the actions carried out while completing the self-study guide

Marco una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas/

Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.

¿Leí las indicaciones con detenimiento?

Did I read the instructions carefully?

¿Subrayé las palabras que no conocía?

Did I underline the words that I didn’t understand?

¿Busqué en el diccionario o consulté con un familiar el significado de las

palabras que no conocía?
Did I use the dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words
that I didn’t understand?
¿Me devolví a leer las indicaciones cuando no comprendí qué hacer?
Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to do?

Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/

With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.

Valoro lo realizado al terminar por completo el trabajo.

I self -assess what I did when I finish the study guide.

Marca una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas

Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.
¿Leí mi trabajo para saber si es comprensible lo escrito o realizado?
I proofread what I did in my self-study guide.

¿Revisé mi trabajo para asegurarme si todo lo solicitado fue realizado?

I checked my self-study guide to make sure that everything is complete.

¿Me siento satisfecho con el trabajo que realicé?

I feel satisfied with the work I did.

Explico ¿Cuál fue la parte favorita del trabajo?

What was the favorite part of this work?

¿Qué puedo mejorar, la próxima vez que realice la guía de trabajo autónomo?
What can I improve the next time I work on the self study guide?

Buenas tardes estimados padres de familia y estudiantes les envío un cordial saludo a
la vez se adjunta material de repaso que ya fue visto en clase. El material lo pueden
mantener de manera digital en una carpeta con mi nombre, grupo y el nombre del
área de la especialidad (Technical English). De tener alguna duda se pueden
comunicar conmigo al whatsapp (89238348 en horario de clases) o por medio del
correo Saludos.

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