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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Not only does delinquency affect the youth population but also the whole

family and entire neighborhoods. The juvenile delinquent is the person who

suffers the most from his or her actions; he/she may lose their freedom due to

incarceration or probation while also losing ground academically. They risk their

future of obtaining a higher education when involved in crime.

In many European countries, a minor is legally considered a delinquent if his

breach of the penal code is an offence for the entire population whereas in the US,

an individual is considered a delinquent if a number of behaviour are depicted:

truancy from school, disobedience to parents, consumption of alcohol, and

smoking at institutions all are considered juvenile offenses. Juvenile delinquency,

also known as juvenile offending is participation in illegal behaviors by

minors/individuals younger than the statutory age of maturity. Juvenile crime in

law denotes various offenses committed by children or youth under age 18. These

acts are referred to as juvenile acts (Fakhar, 2014).

In United States, every single man or woman living in these days is affected

through juvenile crime. It impacts parents, neighbors, teachers, and families. It

influences the victims of crime, the perpetrators, and the bystanders. There have

been several programs that have attempted to lower this rate. Although there is

absolutely no way to totally predict which teenagers will behave in delinquent and

criminal approaches in the future, there are a multitude of risk elements that have

been shown to correlate with these behaviors. This weakness is then proven to

lead to violent conduct (Saminsky, 2010).

In the Philippines juvenile delinquents, the young people put up a face that

brings concern and experience of defiance. In return, society denounces them

with intense aversion, forgetting that they are teens who are simply in want of

larger guidance. Formally, a Child in Conflict with the Law (CICL) is an individual

who at the time of the commission of the offense is beneath eighteen years

historical however now not less than 15 years and one day old (Blanco, 2011).

In General Santos City, authorities has allocated some PhP15 million for the

implementation of packages next 12 months that will further improve the welfare

of youth in the city. City Mayor Ronnel Rivera stated they have lined up number

initiatives that would help address the fundamental concerns of children, among

them the want for greater getting to know possibilities and safety from abuses.

The preparatory works are underway for the institution of a Likay Droga or Lingap

sa Kabataang Ayaw sa Droga Center that will function alongside the Bahay

Pag-asa, a domestic for out-of-school youths and children who are victims of

violence and crimes (Alvero, 2017).

Therefore, the scenario above explains that the level of crime occurrence

related to juvenile delinquent is rampant in many places. From this situation, the

researchers were strongly motivated to conduct a study about the level of crime

occurrence related to juvenile delinquent and response of authority.

Statement of the Problem

This study wanted to find out the level of crime occurrence related to juvenile

delinquent and response of authorities for the year 2019-2020. Specifically, it

sought answer to the following sub-problems:

1. What is the level of crime occurrence related to juvenile delinquent?

2. What is the response of the authorities?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of crime

occurrence related to juvenile delinquent and response of authorities?


There is no significant relationship between the level of crime occurrence

related to juvenile delinquent and response of authorities.

Theoretical Framework

According to a prominent psychiatric theory of delinquency, known as the

“superego lacunae” theory, children have lacunae in their superego and due to

the parental projection of their difficulties and various pressures onto the children

allow them to receive vicarious pleasures from delinquent acts. Psychoanalytic

theories of delinquency, however, suggest that deviant behaviour of youth could

be a result of unresolved instincts and drives within the human psyche. These

delinquent offenses are more rampant in societies where rapid population growth,

poverty, unemployment and underemployment of children, unavailability of

housing and other support services, overcrowding in urban areas, disintegration

among people of the high and low socioeconomic status, and ineffective

educational systems are among some of the pressures the youth is dealing with.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study illustrated the independent variable

and dependent variable of the study. Level of crime occurrence related to juvenile

delinquent served as the independent variable of the study while response of

authorities is representing the dependent variable. And the arrow line signifies

between two variables.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Level of Crime Occurrence Response of

Related to Juvenile Delinquent Authorities

Figure1: Conceptual Framework of the Study


Significance of the Study

This study would be useful and beneficial to the following persons.

BPAT personnel. This research wwould help them determine the level of

crime occurrence related to juvenile delinquent cases.

Barangay official. It will provide them idea on how to control and minimize

juvenile related crime.

Residents. This research would give them ideas on how to secure their lives

against crime occurrence in their surroundings particularly to juvenile delinquent

crime and protect their children too.

Future Researcher. This could serve as their reference in conducting related


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was limited in determining the level of crime occurrence related to

juvenile delinquent and response of authorities.

Definition of Terms

The followings terms were defined operationally for the better understanding

of the study.

Juvenile delinquent. It refers to those underage individual who are not

obeying the laws.

Crime occurrence. It refers to the crime committed by a person.

Response of authorities. Refers to the action taken by the person in

authority to enforce law.


Chapter 2


This Chapter discusses the related literature and studies which are useful

and necessary for this research and intensive undertakings.

Elmer Cequiña, leader of the city's childhood issues and advancement

office, said Tuesday they have begun the arrangements for the formation of the

"Batang may Pangarap" symphony, which is among the need mediations set by

the neighborhood government this year for the CICLs. He said they at first

planned a progression of tryouts for forthcoming individuals as a team with

coordinators of the four-year-old GenSan Youth Orchestra (GSYO). "We're

focusing to officially sort out the ensemble for the CICLs this late spring," the

authority said. Named GenSan Music Scholarship Program, Cequiña said the

activity will be propelled during a music camp planned on May 15 to 28. He said

the tryouts will be led during the music camp, a yearly action upheld by the

regional government. The grant is essentially open to out-of-school adolescents

and CICLs "who are less lucky however are musically disposed. GSYO, which

was set up with help from the regional government, has arranged a music

inclination test for nothing for the individuals who might need to benefit of the

grant (Department of Social Work and Development, 2017).

PRO12 General Santos City-In only three (3) months from January to

March 2018 Police Regional Office 12 (PRO 12) has recorded 206 number of

adolescent cases including Children In Conflict with the Law (CICL) across

Region 12.Of the official number recorded demonstrates that the wrongdoing of

Theft had all the earmarks of being the most current wrongdoing submitted

followed by Robbery, Physical Injuries during nearby groups uproars and

thunders, Violation of Curfew for Minors, Rape, and Acts of Lasciviousness. This

year a sum of 75 cases were recorded on the period of January, 93 on February,

and 38 as of March 20, 2018. PCSupt Marcelo C Morales, in more than three (3)

months as Regional Director of P.R.O 12 has taken activities to address the

issues going up against CICL through preventive estimates like "PNP Oplan

Galugad" in discouraged regions which gets and secures minors doing

wrongdoings, "Oplan Sagip Anghel" a battle against kid misuse and human

dealing.The DSWD deals with a Youth Rehabilitation Center which gives care,

treatment and recovery administrations for CICL that rehabilitates the guilty

parties to reintegrate them into their families and networks as socially working

people (Police Regional Office 12, 2018).

According to Garcia (2010), it is the community’s perception that the police

is always present anytime, anywhere, who gave always, ready to assist the public

of any untoward eventuality. This is for the matter will consciously promote a

sense of security to the citizenry where the desire to commit a crime exist only in

the mind of individual, and the police have no power to determine the thinking and

desire of a criminal. Changing of intention of criminal is possible due to the

following reasons: crime patrol activities by uniformed patrol officers, as well as

mobile patrol crew in conspicuously marked radio equipped patrol cars and the

effect of omnipresence.

Since public safety leadership represents a crucial determinant of public

safety organizational efficacy. Supervisors and others informal position of power

must engage motivate and guide subordinates the community members and other

local officials. Contemporary discussions about patrol personnel suggest, “Every

officer is a leader”. Public safety agencies desire frontline employees who can

lead citizens during chaotic situation, facilitate and direct problem-solving

activities and make neighborhood safer. The leader must have an effective

leadership trait and habits, must be functional and have knowledge about different

styles of leadership (Manwong, 2010).

Base from the book of Soriano (2010), Juvenile delinquency is a criminal or

antisocial behaviour of children and youth. Juvenile delinquents are usually

considered in need of treatment, rehabilitation, or discipline. More serious

offenses committed by minors may be tried in criminal court and subject to prison

sentences. Under Anglo-American law, a crime is an illegal act committed by a

person who has criminal intent. A long standing presumption held that, children

under fifteen years old were unlikely to have criminal intent. Many juvenile courts

have now discarded this so-called infancy defense, finding that delinquent acts

can be committed by children of any age, while no law explicitly defines

“childhood” the practice of exempting children from legal responsibility for deviant

behaviour has been widely followed. Children over the age of seven are

considered old enough to know right from wrong and understand the

consequences of their actions. However, the child over the age of seven is not

viewed as an adult. The problems of youth in modern society are both a major

national concern and an important subject for academic study. One area of

particular concern is juvenile delinquency or criminal behavior committed by

minors. The successful prevention of juvenile delinquency requires efforts on the

part of the entire society to ensure that harmonious development of adolescents,

with respect for and promotion of their personality from early childhood.

However, the primary importance in the child’s early environment is a

wholesome family life. Lack of family guidance is the main factors of being

child-in-conflict with the law. The following are the type of family relationships

where most children in conflict with law came from: lack of parental love and

affection, lack of proper discipline, parental neglect, parental abandonment,

parental strife, immorality, broken family, and lack of proper guidance and

training. High crime rate in the community is based on social disorganization,

concentration of adverse community influence, social composition, central and

business sections, inadequate housing and poverty. Contemporary theories are a

combination of both biological and social factors, as one cannot go without the

other. Every individual is a social being and the social factors should be given the

proper attention it deserved. At present time, Criminology has gathered aspects

from different theories in order to analyses, explain, predict, and prevent deviant

conduct. The purpose of these studies is to eliminate crime in the society and

create a better world for the future generations (Kalalang, 2011).

On the other hand, public safety is general term that covers the end result

of law enforcement. It can stretches from protection of children to concern for the

elderly, from business security to neighborhoods watch. It includes working with at


risk youth, educating homeowners against fraud and preventing youth from

involvement with crime. Barangay police is essential in preserving the security of

lives and property as well as peace and order in a community. The fact that

concerned barangay inhabitants willingly serve as volunteers in their areas make

barangay police heroes in their own right. The barangay police brigade is one of

the implementing mechanisms of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee

(BPOC) (Arana, 2013).

In the same discussion, juvenile delinquency is an essential part of crime

prevention in society. The saying and a very small amount of prevention is better

than a pound of cure would easily reveal the importance of misbehavior among

our youth to decide not to do something. And by engaging in lawful, socially useful

activities and adopting a humanistic orientation towards society and outlook on

life, young person can develop non-criminogenic attitudes. The successful

prevention of juvenile delinquency requires efforts on the part of the entire society

to ensure the harmonious development of adolescents, with respect for and

promotion of their personality from early childhood. Young persons should have

an active role and partnership within society and should not be considered as

mere objects of control and socialization. Furthermore, the well-being of young

persons from their early childhood should be focus of any preventive program

(Bautista and Guevara, 2013).

To be effective, the community as a pillar is very indispensable in the

system because citizen’s assistance in the Criminal Justice System helps handle

the complicated task of preventing and controlling crime. They are also assign to

educate, accept and restoration for all ex-convicts who willing to change and

willing to start again for good. There is a need for more balanced allocation or

peacekeeping duties between the Criminal Justice System and the prevention

responsibilities. The success of the CJS, specifically the community Pillar, is

based on the role performances of the following: the family whose the most

needed in nurturing individuals specially those belong to child in complicit with the

law (CICL) which also known as juvenile delinquent, Barangay whose the one

who conducted program that help to divert the attention of the delinquent person,

schools which assign to educate individual from nursery to tertiary education,

government the one who have a responsibility to manage and support the latter,

private sectors (NGO’s), church that can help to build up the personality and

behavior of the community and mass media (Guerrero, 2013).

According to Vinas (2015), police community relation objectives are to

maintain and develop confidence that give a feeling or belief that ones can rely on

someone, and goodwill that can established reputation of enforcement of the

community for the police; to obtain public assistance and cooperation which can

help for the improvement of relation between law enforcer and civilians, to

develop public appreciation, understanding and support for the service of the

police. Police community relations covers: public information program, public

relation program, civil action program and mass communication program which

imparting or exchanging of information or news. Modern police service regularly

includes special units to handle special problems in major cities, tactical units,

highly trained and well equipped are available to quell. Riots or a violent

disturbance of the peace by a crowd, an impressively large or varied display of

something catch the Civil Disturbance Management (CDM). Unarmed of their

firearms, get heavy attire, shield, baton and helmet and armed only with the

principle of “maximum tolerance” or the greatest or highest allowable amount of

variation of a specified quantity.

In the Philippines, poverty and surroundings as the main enablers of teens in

combat with the regulation (CICL), President Rodrigo Duterte and his allies are

pushing for lowering the age of crook duty from 15 years to 9 years old. Duterte,

as early as the 2016 campaign, had sought the change of Republic Act 9344 or

the Juvenile Justice Act of 2006, which allowed young people below 15 years

historical to get away with their crimes furnished they undergo intervention and

rehabilitation. But what most human beings do no longer comprehend is that RA

9344 was once already amended in 2013, via RA 10630. Section 20-A of the law

lets in teens as young as 12 years old to be detained for serious crimes such as

rape, murder, and homicide, among others. RA 10630 additionally mandates

neighborhood government units to control their very own Bahay Pag-Asa (Houses

of Hope). Duterte, echoed via his allies in the House of Representatives, wants to

lower the minimal age of criminal liability from 15 years ancient down to 9. He

believes it have to be executed because syndicates are the usage of greater

teens to commit crimes (Elemia, 2016).

While ago, the Philippine government is one step closer to prosecuting young

children as adults, a key plank in President Rodrigo Duterte’s abuse-ridden

anti-crime campaign. On a congressional committee approved a bill that would


lower the age of criminal responsibility from 15 to 9. And if the Senate makes

good on its promise to pass this version, and it’s signed into law by the president,

this would no doubt worsen the plight of Filipino children caught up in the justice

system. Proponents of the bill argue that children would be better protected from

criminals who are trying to exploit them. But the law’s impact would be punitive:

children from 14 to 9 who commit serious crimes such as murder, illegal

detention, or “car napping,” or violate the country’s draconian drug laws can be

sentenced to “mandatory confinement” of up to 12 years. The national

Commission on Human Rights denounced the bill, saying that “punishing children

for the crime and abuse of syndicates and other people is against the state’s

responsibility to look after the interests and welfare of children.” The Philippines

representative of the United Nations children’s organization, Unicef, cited

neuroscientific research that shows that the brain is still developing into the

mid-20s, including the ability to inhibit impulses, weigh consequences of

decisions, prioritize, and strategize. Under the Convention on the Rights of the

Child, which the Philippines have ratified, the arrest, detention, or imprisonment of

children should only be used as a last resort, and rehabilitation is a priority. The

UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which monitors government compliance

with the convention, states in its draft general comment on juvenile justice that the

age of criminal responsibility should be at least 14 years, and should under no

circumstances be reduced below that. Children in the Philippines have already

been subjected to the extreme violence of Duterte’s “drug war,” with the police

and government agents killing dozens during anti-drug operations as suspected


drug users or for being pawns of drug dealers. The proposed law will not only

stigmatize children even more to turns them into scapegoats in the government’s

abusive anti-crime campaign (Conde, 2019).

In further discussion, juvenile delinquency remains a central term for

academics and professionals in sociology, politics, and law, and for many

commentators in the media and famous press. In March 2011, a convention was

once held in Berlin with a view to exploring some of the reasons in the back of the

term's long-standing popularity.Most of the articles comprising this one-of-a-kind

trouble have been first presented there. Many humans who use the time period

"juvenile delinquency" in their day-to-day lifestyles and work (sociologists, political

scientists, social workers, and judges) repeatedly do so with little knowledge of its

long records and the huge range of meanings with which it has been invested for

greater than two centuries. The term remains instrumental in the categorization

and sentencing of hundreds of young humans around the world, the fact that its

which means has different dramatically according to time and region and still,

many would maintain, evades particular definition should sincerely make us

suppose more careful about how we use it in our personal work (Ellis, 2011).

On the other hand, nature and effect on armed youth gangs in an East

London Borough over the last decade. It describes the challenges these armed

young guys and female pose to their communities, these charged with preventing

crime and these struggling to vouchsafe for the safety of the community. It

argues that the principal purpose behind the emergence of the armed youth gang

has been the coalesce of two in the past discreet socially deviant groups; the

rowdy, episodically criminal, adolescent peer group on the one hand and the

locally-based equipped criminal community on the other. And the globalizations

have impact regarding on the drugs change and the consequent shift in the focus

of local prepared crime for business. (Pitts, 2013)

Meanwhile, victims of baby abuse and forget are at an elevated risk of

involvement with the juvenile justice and adult correctional systems. Little is

recognized about the continuation and trajectories of offending beyond

preliminary contact with regulation enforcement. Neglect in all likelihood plays a

crucial function in continued offending as parental monitoring, parental rejection

and household relationships are instrumental in explaining juvenile habits

problems. Statewide hazard assessments and administrative records for infant

welfare, juvenile justice, and grownup corrections have been analyzed. The

pattern used to be various (24 % female, thirteen % African American, 8 p.c

Hispanic, 5 p.c Native American) and included all moderate and high chance

juvenile offenders screened by juvenile probation between 2004 and 2007 (n =

19,833). Official files from toddler safety had been used to perceive juvenile

offenders with a records of toddler overlook and to identify juvenile offenders with

an ongoing case of neglect. Event history models were developed to estimate the

hazard of subsequent offending. Adolescents with an ongoing case neglect were

drastically extra probably to proceed offending as in contrast with early life with no

authentic records of neglect. Interrupting trajectories of offending is a essential

focus of juvenile justice. The cutting-edge find out about indicate that ongoing

dependency problems play a essential position in explaining the results done for

kids in juvenile justice settings. The implications for improved collaboration

between child welfare and juvenile justice are discussed. (Ryan, Williams,&

Courtney, 2013).

Society has been experiencing speedy change, in which youngsters have

increasingly confronted with difficulties with balanced development and social

adaptation. Juvenile delinquency brought about with the aid of such difficulties is

the most serious social problem. Most of research has stated that family

relationship is generally the purpose for juvenile delinquency. To prevent the

troubles related with parental maltreatment, efforts to perceive variables that

especially affect juvenile delinquency are needed. Student-teacher relationship is

regarded as vital protecting factors in the ecosystem. Thus, this find out about

analyzed the relationship among parental maltreatment, juvenile delinquency,

student-teacher relationship. In addition, the moderating outcomes of

student-teacher relationship in relation to parental maltreatment, and juvenile

delinquency were additionally verified. Method: This study used facts from Korean

Youth Panel Survey (KYPS) carried out by using National Youth Policy Institute.

Participants were 2,253(1,136 boys, 1,117 girls) center school students (9th

graders) in 3rd wave data. Extracted by eight questions concerns to maltreatment,

fourteen questions referring to Juvenile delinquency, and five questions referring

to to student- trainer relationship (Back & Lee, 2015).

However, there is a lack of information about particular advantageous

components of prevention applications for formative years at danger for persistent

delinquent behavior. The present learn about combines findings of preceding


research by way of examining the effectiveness of packages in preventing power

juvenile delinquency and by reading which particular program, sample, and study

traits make contributions to the effects. Information on high quality components

gives specific indicators of how packages may also be elevated in clinical

practice. Prevention programs have effective consequences on preventing

chronic juvenile delinquency. In order to enhance application effectiveness,

interventions have to be behavioral‐oriented, delivered in a family or multimedia

format, and the intensity of the program should be matched to the stage of threat

of the juvenile. (de Vries, Huere, Assink, Stams & Asscher, 2015).

According to Brown, (2017) young human beings are often at the middle

of the gun manage debate. Gun rights advocates keep that accountable firearm

use is the key to gun safety, but children, adolescents, and many young adults

lack the capability for sound judgment that is the ideal precondition to responsible

firearm use. A patchwork of federal and kingdom legal guidelines is designed to

stop the buy and possession of firearms with the aid of minors (in some cases

described as these below the age of 21 years and in different cases as those

under the age of 18 years) without under distinctive circumstances, however

young people who commit murder or suicide often do so with weapons owned

through their mother and father or family members, and weapons used by using

underage criminals are often bought illegally. The public welfare accordingly

needs arises when young humans kill one some other or themselves with firearms

to balance the guns owners’ rights.


As what is discussed in the book of Siegel and Welsh (2018), issues such

as youth violence have sparked interest in the study of juvenile delinquency not

only in the United State but also around the world. Inexplicable incidents of

violence occur all too frequently in schools, homes, and public places. Teen

gangs can be found in most major cities. Hundreds of thousands of youths are

known to be the victims of serious neglect and sexual and physical abuse each

year; many more cases may be unreported or hidden. It is not surprising,

considering the concern with the problems of youth, that courses on juvenile

delinquency have become popular offerings on the nation’s college campuses. In

this book also reviews the legal rules that have been set down either to protect

innocent minors or control adolescent misconduct. It present many diverse views

and perspectives that characterize the study of juvenile delinquency and reflect its

inter disciplinary nature. It contains extensive material on the history of childhood

and the legal concept of delinquency and status offending.

From the preceding discussion of Shoemaker ( 2018), the development of

laws and courts to handle juvenile offenders and those who have violated rules

and procedures occurred over hundreds of years. Delinquency does includes

crimes, it also includes a variety of other behaviours that are not criminal. These

acts are often referred to as status offenses, which refer to the condition of the

person’s age at the time the offense was committed. The term “childhood” is used

here because young people under the age of majority, whatever that age may be

in a given state, are legally considered minors, or children. Thus, childhood is not

meant in any demeaning or pejorative sense, but rather it is used as a legal term,

one commonly found within the records of the juvenile justice system. In addition

to the age of the offender, the type of the offense is also a consideration in the

decision to waive a case from juvenile to adult court. In general, the offense must

be a serious felony, such as murder or forcible rape, although the crime does not

necessarily have to be a capital offense that is, one that may be punished by the

death penalty.Teenage drinking and smoking behaviours, juvenile gangs,

bullying, and numerous other form of juvenile crime and delinquency are still

prevalent and of concern in society.

Although several previous studies have centered on the mental health

issues in detained juvenile offenders in China and discovered high degrees of

central psychiatric morbidity, the occurrence of Intermittent explosive disorder

(IED) in this group is still unknown. The occurrence of IED among juvenile

offenders in China as properly as the difference in demographic traits and

character traits between IED offenders and the everyday population. A whole 280

delinquent boys (Mean age 16.10 years) had been interviewed by way of skilled

psychiatrists. The interview procedure blanketed the recording of

sociodemographic characteristics, crook records, Composite International

Diagnostic Interviews (CIDI), State-Trait Anger and Expression of Anger

Inventory-2 (STAXI-2), and Modified Overt Aggression Scales (MOAS). The 280

delinquent boys, 32 (11.4%) were identified with IED, 129 (46.1%) were non-IED

psychopathology controls (PC), and 119 (42.5%) have been healthy controls

(HC). Except for substance use disorder, no variations in psychiatric comorbidity

had been located between childhood with IED and these with any other

psychiatric disorder. Compared with the PC and HC groups, these in the IED crew

had been more probable to commit a violent crime such as rape, assault, and

affray but much less likely to explain their intent as money or property. The IED

team additionally had a higher price of recidivism history than the HC group. The

IED team displayed greater ranges of nation and trait anger and anger expression

than the HC team and decrease levels of anger manipulate than both the PC and

HC groups. MOAS additionally confirmed that these in the IED group have been

more aggressive than those in the PC and HC groups ( Shao, Qiao, Xie, & Zhou,


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, research instrument, locale,

respondents, data gathering procedure of the study, and statistical treatment of


Research Design

This study used the descriptive-survey method of research because its main

purpose was to determine the level of crime occurrence related to juvenile

delinquent and response of authority.

According to Ardales (2002), Descriptive method is a technique of gathering

data through individuals who could provide the necessary data. It can be done

through survey questionnaire or interview.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Barangay Tambler, General Santos City, which

the locals customarily call Gensan, is a city in the Southern Philippines. It is

located in the island of Mindanao and is within the South Cotabato province. It

was chosen as the locale of the study because this is the barangay where the

high crime rate happen.


Research Instrument

The instrument used in gathering data was researcher-made survey

questionnaire. The instrument was validated by expert validators for comments,

suggestions and recommendations. The first part was consisted of questions

which contained indicators for the level of crime occurrence related to juvenile

delinquent. The second part was about the response of authority in to assign area

in Barangay Tambler, General Santos City. Respondents were asked to rate their

answer based on a given scale.

Respondents and Sampling Used

The respondents of this study were the 100 residents of Barangay Tambler,

General Santos City. The researchers employed them through purposive


Data gathering procedure

In conducting of this study, the following steps were observed:

Asking permission to conduct this study. The researchers sent a letter

to the barangay chairman and to the residents to let them know the purpose of the

study and for the consent of gathering information from them.

Formulation of survey questionnaire. The researchers formulated a


Validation of questionnaire. The researchers sought help of the research

validators to check the questions whether valid or not to ensure the validity of the

data gathered.

Distribution of the questionnaire. As the permission granted, the

researchers distributed the questionnaire to the respondents.

Retrieval of the questionnaire. After the respondents answered the

questionnaire, the researchers immediately retrieved it.

Tallies and collation of data. The results were tabulated, analyzed and

interpreted. It was done through the help of the statistician who gave the

appropriate tools in data analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used the following statistical tools in the interpretation of the


Sloven’s formula was used to tally the responses of the respondents to the


Weighted Arithmetic Mean was used to determine the level of crime

occurrence related to juvenile delinquent and response of authority.

Ethical Considerations

Researchers respected the rights of the respondents and the dignity of the

respondents and their priorities. The respondents were informed of the content of

the questionnaire and what the study was about. The researchers also protected

the privacy of the respondents.

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