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RFID Door Lock Access System

Aramae Dagami
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Visayas State University
Baybay City, Philippines

Abstract— B. Scope and Limitation

The main objective of this project is to create a Door Lock system
using the RFID Module and RFID Tag as the key. There will be 2 The scope of this project is to make a Door Lock using the
parts of the code to be executed the first one is to scan the UID of RFID Module and for the key will be using the RFID tag that
the Tag and the other one is to make the solenoid door lock to will be accepted. The Arduino UNO R3 in this project will be
open and lock if the scan tag is registered. the microcontroller for all the work that will be executed in
the whole circuitry.
Keywords—RFID,Door Lock, Arduino
The Limitation of this project is to create the RFID Door
I. INTRODUCTION Lock Access System with projection of the operation in the
Technologies is rapidly moving in these days. One LCD. Aside from that it exceed to adding more Tags to
of the things that we think is the advance security system. recognize in the system.
Finger print detector, voice recognition and eye recognition
are the most common security system using technologies in IV. METHODOLOGY
these days. A. Research Design
The security system mention above is very By conducting this project the researcher wants to
expensive if we want a high quality security system. The know if a RFID bases Access System will work on Arduino
RFID door lock system is safe to use as a security because of UNO R3. Where the code that made ca function well in
the its unique identification of the RFID Tags. Unlike the lock accordance with its expected uses.
that uses key it is easily to open. The biometric base lock the
finger print can be fabricated same as goes with voice and eye B. Research Locale
recognition. The main advantage of the RFID system is This will be conducted outside the premises of the
contactless communication and RFID tags can work in Visayas State University. The preparation of materials,
environmental conditions. And this is more efficient. conducting and testing of the project will be held in some
This project is about creating a door security system Barangay in Ormoc City, Leyte.
that is based on RFID system using the Arduino UNO R3.
And set to be simple and cost efficient and can be used as a C. Materials
basic access control mechanism. • Arduino Uno
• 12V Solenoid Lock
• RFID RC522 Module
The Project will meet the problem of how the circuit and • RFID Tag/Card
wirings will be done. The algorithm of the code from the
• 16x2 LCD with I2C Module
reading of the RFID Tag and how to register the RFID Tag
and to have the access. And how will the whole set up will • 5V Relay
be done in some method. • 12V Power Supply (12V Power Adopter was used)
• Breadboard
III. OBJECTIVES • Jumper Wires
A. Objectives
D. Bill of the Materials
The main objective of this Project is to create a RFID Door
Lock Access System using the Arduino UNO R3. The following are the components used in accomplishing this
Specifically, aims to: Components Price in Php
1. RFID-RC522 Module 69.00
1. Understand how the RFID works. and Tag
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 2. 12V Solenoid Door 157.00
RFID so that adjustment can be made in the project. Lock
3. To make a good output, easy and understandable 3. 5V Relay 42.00
process of the Project. 4. 16x2 LCD with I2C 100.00
5. Jumper Wires (M-F) 32.00
Total: 400.00

MEng 122n – Basic Electrical Engineering

1st Semester SY 2020-2021
Instructor: Engr. Philip Caesar L. Ebit
E. Circuit Design The result of the project in the first part of the code which
is by scanning the UID of the RFID Tag and the system scan
the UID which it was displayed in the LCD. After that the UID
of the RFID Tag was inputted in the second code, which it
means that RFID Tag will be recognized by the RFID-RC522
Module when scan. Testing the whole circuit using the second
code, by tapping the RFID Tag to the RFID-RC522 Module
the Tag that was registered to the program will have the access
to open and lock the solenoid. While the Tag that was
unregistered to the program will not have the access to it.
Then the part that they added more Tag to be recognize by
adding another loop in the code and it was successfully run
properly and both the Tag that was used is recognized by the
RFID-RC522 Module during the testing.
Circuit connection:
In conclusion the project was successfully done according
The connection from RFID Reader to Arduino UNO R3.
to its objective set. And with further application by adding
RFID READER ARDUINO UNO R3 more tags in the system.
SCK DIGITAL PIN13 In recommendation this kind of door lock system can be
MOSI DIGITAL PIN11 used in door, cabinets or rooms in homes. This type of door
MISO DIGITAL PIN12 lock will not advice to be use in commercial facilities, if
planning in using it in commercial facility much better to
consult experts.
First and foremost, thanks to GOD, the Almighty, for His
The connection of the 16x2 LCD with I2C Module. shower of blessings throughout the work of this exercise.
Connect the GND of the I2C Module to the GND (-) in the
breadboard. The VCC to the 5V in the breadboard the (+) line To our instructor, Engr. Philip Caesar L. Ebit for the
in the breadboard. The SDA to the SDA or to A4 in the guidance and a lot of consideration just to complete our
Arduino and SCL to the SCL or A5 in the Arduino.
The connection of the Solenoid Door Lock, the 5V Relay, and And finally to my parents and my siblings for financial and
the 12V Power Supply. moral support throughout this project.
Connect the ground (Black wire) of the Solenoid and the
Power Supply. Connect the +12V wire (white wire) of the REFERENCES
Power Supply to the NO in the 5V Relay. Then connect the [1] Paulo Cesar Crepaldi and Tales Cleber Pimenta, “Radio
+12V wire (red wire) of the Solenoid to the COM in the 5V Frequency Identification”, page 1-3, 2017.
The connection of the 5V Relay to the Arduino UNO R3. [2] Kim Lindqwister, “The Development of RFID
Connect the VCC to the 5V which we set up in the Technology- from history to future”, page 5-6, 2006.
breadboard. Same as goes with the GND to the Breadboard.
And the IN1 to the Digital Pin 7 in the Arduino. [3] Abdur Rahim Tusar and Rasel, “RFID SMART DOOR
Connect from the Arduino to the Breadboard the 5V and the LOCK SECURITY SYSTEM”, 2018.
[4] Jeffrey Mok and Joseph Kim, “RFID Access Control
System”, 2007.

MEng 122n – Basic Electrical Engineering

1st Semester SY 2020-2021
Instructor: Engr. Philip Caesar L. Ebit

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