Personal Development - Module 5

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Quarter 1 - Module 5

Name: Jade C. Delos Santos Week No. 5

Grade and Section: STEM 12-A Date: 10-23-2021
Subject Teacher: Mr. Alfedsmith R. Mendoza Score:

What’s More
1. d.
2. b.
3. d.
4. e.
5. e.
6. e.
7. e.
8. d.
9. d.
10. d.
11. d.
12. d.
13. c.
14. b.
15. c.

What I Have Learned

I. Complete the following sentences:

1. My personality is that I am wonderfully and beautifully created by God. I may not love myself that

much, because of my insecurities, but I know I am worth loving for. I am a picky person, and I tend

to be quiet to avoid saying unnecessary things that may hurt others. I believe in working smarter, not

harder. I am a mid-teenage girl with a lot of insecurities underneath my skin. I love music more than

anything in this world. Music is life to me. I listen to virtually every form of music. I am also serious

and disciplined about my studies because my parents are very strict and they expect too much from

me. I read many books other than my textbooks. Reading fiction, mysteries, romance, and detective

storybooks are what I like. I am an ambivert, I enjoy socializing with people once in a while, and at

the same time, I also enjoy the company of myself. Many people say I’m naturally quiet. This is
partially true. While I may come out as shy and reserved to people who don’t know me, I’m actually

quite talkative. The truth is that I rarely make the first approach to talk to strangers. But, when a person

approaches me, I’m very friendly and when the stranger is patient enough she may see my cheerful

side. Also interacting with a stranger is one of my weaknesses. I dislike engaging in small talk, I enjoy

intelligent conversations. I hate crazing to social norms. I don’t go around breaking rules for the sake

of it. However, I cannot be forced to do something just because everybody is doing it. This is probably

the reason why I have very few friends. I only associate with people who respect me and trust my

decisions. Large crowds are usually accompanied by too much negativity, backbiting, and dishonesty.

I actually feel lonelier in crowds than when I am by myself. I’m very loyal to the people in my inner

circle. Loyalty is probably my biggest virtue. I give it to the fullest and also expect the same from the

people I give it to. I show utmost care and love to the people that matter to me. I will do anything in

my power to keep them happy. I am also slow to anger and can tolerate whichever is thrown at me for

some time. Sometimes, we do not see ourselves the way others see us. For instance, we may think we

are confident, whereas the people around us feel that we are too proud and arrogant. Furthermore, our

behaviors, interests, and other things that define us may change after a while. While growing up I

have realized that I am an individual but I play several roles throughout the day. As per these roles,

my behavior and attitude keep altering. This variation adds various shades to my personality

2. My strengths are I am a very detail-oriented person. I prefer to finish my assignment by concentrating

on the necessary details. I am also self-motivated and adept at time management. I also have the

quality of being willing to accept any task that is presented to me. I never say "No" to anything that

is assigned to me, no matter how difficult or easy it is. Accepting challenges is something I enjoy

doing because it allows us to learn more.

3. My weaknesses are my family. My parents are my first identity in this world. They are also my

strength; they have been guiding me throughout my years. Next, is when someone is criticizing me,

especially on my physical appearance. I am very insecure particularly about my body size way back

then, I received hard jokes and harsh comments about it. Academic related and grades are also my

weakness. I grew up in a very strict family, (some say old-fashioned), expected a lot from me because

they “saw my potential”, that’s why I don’t want to disappoint them. Lastly, are my closest friends.
They have been with me through my hardships and darkest times, they have been by my side even

though I don’t share my problems, I love them very much I won’t trade them for anything in this

world. I am also hard on myself, I criticized my failures more than others, and I am so critical of

myself and that becomes really my main weak point. Furthermore, I often focus too much on the

details, I have a hard time letting go of a project, I have trouble saying “no”, sometimes I get impatient

when projects run beyond the deadline, I also have low self-confidence and self-esteem which I think

is my main weakness, and sometimes I have trouble asking for help.

4. I usually react when someone backbites me or talks something bad about me. But based on my

experience, I did not react well. I was confused, sad, betrayed, and felt like I was alone in this fight. I

don’t really react well to negative things people throw at me, because I have a traumatic experience

with it. I am not like those other people that don’t care when someone is talking about them or

backbiting them, because I care a lot. I overthink a lot. Again, I am a mid-teenage girl with so many

insecurities, that is why I always think that they are gossiping about me negatively. I will just keep

my mouth closed, I don’t confront them, keep myself in a corner and let my anxiety eat me up, and

another bunch of reasons to lessen my self-confidence. I know in myself that it is better to be silent

than to cut off such people. I’ll just let it pass and forget what they said about me or I will just let them

see the better version of me.

5. People see me as out-going and fun to be with the person but little did they know, I have always been

by myself. At such a young age, instead of engaging in children’s activities, I was responsible for my

siblings and myself. I grew up independently and learned to be optimistic in everything that I do. In

my childhood, I can say that I was too soft that I can’t handle anything with myself because I was new

to that experience. Later, in my teenage years, I learned and accepted everything that I have been

through. I get to understand the situation and started to create a good company but during those years,

being independent was my number one insecurity. In my adulthood, I realized that growing up

independently is something that I can be proud of because I get to explore more, and I was able to

know myself deeply. The stages in my life have taught me that experiencing tough times is part of

growing up. I learned a lot of things through those years, and it molded me to become a better person

every day.


 School works - Always try to answer it ahead of time and stop
when you are tired of doing it.
 Expectations of my loved ones - Don’t listen to other people’s judgement and do
your best in everything.
 Pressure - Stop pressuring ourselves and give yourself a
credit for doing things, never stress yourself.
 Anxiety - Don’t be anxious about things because God will
always guide us.


Internal or external stressors cause stress, which manifests as a physical state. Stress affects every

system in the body in different ways. Stress causes changes in practically every biological system, changing

how people feel and act. STRESS: "Stress causes mental and physical disturbance in living beings, and it can

manifest as either physical or mental stress." A heavy workload can be a big source of stress for students,

whether it's advanced-level classes or the quantity of studying required. It's past time for you to deal with your

tension. You must first be kind to yourself in order to cope with the situation. Don't put yourself in a position

where you're going to be drained. Keep oneself in good shape. Also, don't bring a rival because you're your

own worst adversary. After that, make sure you don't overwork yourself. Always have faith in the process;

excellent things take time.

Additional Activities

A stress journal can have helped me identify the regular stressors in

my life and the way I deal with them. Each time I feel stressed, I keep
track of it in my journal or I use a stress tracker on my phone.
Keeping a daily log will enable me to see patterns and common
themes. I write down on my journal what are the causes of my stress,
how I felt, both physically and emotionally, how I acted in response,
and what did I make to make myself feel better. My stress journal is
the one that serves as my stress reliever because by writing down on
it, I really feel relieved. I am learning to enjoy each day even though
I do not feel good and have learned to push forward even when I am
sick to accomplish my goals in life. With each new day new challenges
arise and I must look at them and analyzing what needs to be done
sand then take the steps to accomplish and overcome those areas that
may have been weak once, but now have become a building block for
success and accomplishment.

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