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Manzano, Vince Wilbert P.

11-ICT B
Bullying is increasingly acknowledged as a pervasive and sometimes overlooked
problem in schools across the world, despite the fact that it has serious implications for both
those who begin bullying and those who are bullied. This is a serious problem that will not be
resolved unless parents and teachers address the underlying causes of children's humiliation
and intimidation of others. Children can learn to work through their difficulties rather than bully
others if they are given the proper supervision and instruction. We must first establish the
causes and consequences of school bullying on students in order to offer them with such
education and successfully remove bullying from schools. Bullying is often described as a
pattern of aggressive conduct among school-aged children and teens that involves an apparent
power imbalance. Bullying in schools has the potential to be repeated over time. To intimidate,
control, or hurt others, children utilize their physical power, access to sensitive information, or
popularity. Bullying usually entails behaviors such as mocking, teasing, threatening violence,
calling someone names, spreading stories about them, and embarrassing them in public.

Bullying children tend to come from households that are in disarray. Naturally, growing up in
such a household does not guarantee that a youngster would grow up to be a bully. However,
many of the children who are bullied come from homes where there is little love and
compassion. Parents in these homes are frequently models of inappropriate conduct, such as
hostile behaviors toward friends, siblings, or other family members. As a result, youngsters
imitate such behaviors with their classmates. Bullies may look self-assured, yet they are
typically insecure and feel inferior to others. To make themselves feel better, they treat their
counterparts with disrespect. Most children do not do this on purpose, but rather as a result of
their parents' actions. When the bully, on the other hand, encounters no opposition, he gets
overwhelmed with power and continues his behavior. When victims submit, the perpetrator is
unwittingly rewarded. He is also compensated for earning fame and attention, as well as the
capacity to make others fear them. These unintentional apologies reinforce the offender's
bullying behavior pattern and encourage him or her to continue harassing others. Bullying
children are unable to control their emotions. People can effectively regulate their emotions
when they are angry or frustrated in order to avoid injuring others. Children, on the other hand,
are unable to regulate their emotions. In fact, anything might irritate them and produce a
violent overreaction. For example, while strolling down the corridor, a youngster may
inadvertently wimble into a bully. Despite the child's pleadings for an apology, the bully may
lose his cool and strike or scream at him.
Bullying at school has far-reaching and huge effects. Bullying may have a long-term
psychological influence on a child's self-esteem, even years after the bullying has ceased.
Victims of threatening and intimidating behavior are more likely to experience anxiety and
despair, especially if the harassment has lasted for a long time. Bullying can have psychological
consequences such as low self-esteem, loneliness, and an increased risk of disease. These
problems may last well into adulthood. It's important to note that these mental effects didn't
just affect the tormented; they also affected the bullies. Those who engage in long-term and
severe bullying of others face a variety of mental health, academic, and social issues.

In conclusion, Bullying is a harmful and aggressive behavior pattern among school-aged children
that includes threats, humiliation, taunting, and embarrassment in public, and has the potential
to be repeated over time. Bullying is usually the result of broken families that lack compassion
and openness. Both the insulter and the insulted kid may suffer from a variety of serious
physical and mental health, social, and academic issues that can last until adulthood.

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