The Second Tutorial Assignment " Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru SD

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Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk guru SD Pokjar : Humbahas

Kelas : AKPMM Semester :I
Tutor : Syawaluddin Ketaren, M.Pd

The Second Tutorial Assignment “ Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru


A. What time is it ? ( skor 10)

1. 3 : 15
:it is a quarter pas three
2. 7 : 30
:it is half past seven
3. 20 : 40
:it is twenty forty
4. 6 : 00
:it is six o’clock
5. 8 : 35
:it is twety five to nine

B. What time is it ? (skor 5)

1. It is ten to six
= 5 : 50
2. It is half to five
= 4 : 30
3. It is twenty eight past six
= 6 : 28
4. It is four past ten
= 4 : 10

5. It is a quarter to ten

= 9 : 45
C. Answer the questions below ! (skor 5)

1. today is Saturday, tomorrow Is ?

= sunday

2. tomorrow is Tuesday, yesterday was ?

= sunday

3. on……………we don’t go to school ?

= sunday

4. yesterday was Friday, tomorrow is ?

= sunday

5. Today is Thursday, yesterday was ?

= wednesday

D. Change the adjectives into comparative and superlative degree ! (skor 20)

No Adjective Comparative Meaning superlative Meaning

1 Good Better Lebih Baik The Best Yang Terbaik

2 Tall Taller Lebih Tinggi Tallest Tertinggi

3 Expensive More Expensive Lebih Mahal The Most Expensive Yang Paling
4 Sharp Sharper Lebih Tajam Sharpest Paling Tajam

5 Beautiful More Beautiful Lebih Indah The Most Beautiful Yang Plaing

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