Limpangug, Morada, Moralde, Rendon (Reflection Guide Activity)

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Homeroom Guidance

1. What is career planning and why is it important to me as a

Career Planning is a process that can help you set a suitable career
path for your future. It is important in identifying what career do we
really want to pursue in line with our passion and skills. This is also
important in determining one's strengths and weaknesses today as
students in order to know which parts need improvement for the
jobs we students might take on in the future. It helps us build our
vision and mission clearly as to where we will be and whom we will
going to be in the future.

2. Why is career planning not a one-time decision but a series of

decisions I make?

It is not a one-time decision because when you choose a career, you

cannot directly make one decision and expect it to work. There is a
process of making choices along the way in career planning and
each decision we make also has its effects. We cannot risk our
success in having an impulsive decision. We have to think and plan
it thoroughly so that whatever decisions we will make, we will not
have regrets.

3. What should I consider in planning for my future career?

The factors that need to be considered in planning for our future

careers are our family's needs, our passion, personal goals, skills,
practicality, and financial stability.

4. What are the bases of a career planning journey?

The first basis of career planning is self-assessment where our skills

and interests are assessed. Second is Career Exploration where we
engage ourselves in various job-related activities to ignite our
interest in certain fields. The third is Career Identification where we
decide what career is the most suitable for us. Lastly, the Action Plan
where we plan the process on achieving our goals.

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