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Aiden Thompson

Tammy Davis


9 September 2021

The True Potential of Conversation

I often look back to the first time I met individuals in my life and think how one

exchange of words determined if that person was going to be a recurring character in my life. It

is amazing to see how one conversation can change a person’s status from strangers to friends in

seconds. Not many see conversations as anything but a conversation although a conversation has

the power to have an influential hold on someone’s life. Many opportunities can come from a

conversation, I can create new life bonds or even restore past relationships from a conversation.

Not only that but I can gain a tremendous amount of knowledge from a simple conversation. A

conversation gives me others perspectives on topics that I would have never thought of


I have made numerous friendships by having simple conversations with individuals.

Coming to college has been an experience like none other. I used to see college as a bigger High

School for young adults trying to get their lives started: I guess I still kind of see it that way. I

can recall my freshman year I remember being nervous about being on a huge campus without

my family and friends. I lived in an apartment with two strangers I hardly knew, I thought I was

completely out of my element. I have always had a shy personality the one who stuck by herself.

I shortly realized that in college to accomplish anything I would have to get out of my comfort

zone. I am happy to say I did because I met two genuine girls named Dayna and Michiah, who I

call my friends. Tim states that in his TedTalk “ It’s amazing how a short conversation can

change things.” ( DeTellis ) I agree it is amazing, I believe we met by fate. It is not every day you

get to live with your best friends. This was possible because we took the initiative to start a

conversation. I never would have thought we would become this close. It was all possible from a

simple conversation that led me to a bond that will last forever.

Secondly, a conversation can grant you a tremendous amount of knowledge. I am not just

talking about classroom knowledge but body language knowledge as well. Conversation with my

friends gave me knowledge about how to know when they feel nervous or uncomfortable about

something. Knowledge gave me a better understanding of why a person acts in a certain way.

Not all knowledge is oblivious for instance from a conversation I can see the way a person

carries themselves and identify their mannerisms they use by hearing the way in which they

interact with me and others. I have to obtain large amounts of knowledge about an individual by

simply watching the ways they engage in conversation.

Lastly, indulging in conversations gave me a new perspective on ideas. Talking to my

friends made me realize that everyone has a different perspective on things. Although it may not

be the same perspective as mine it is nice having a conversation with people that can disagree

with my views but still have respect for my views. My Friends challenge my way of thinking I

think it is beautiful how they do not try to contradict my views, but show me different ways of

looking at things. Individuals can often be closed-minded and only see things their way, but I can

respect someone’s view and also have ones of my own without putting down another individual.

To sum thing up a conversation is important because they help me make a deeper

connection with someone. A conversation allows me to understand my peers and lastly, it gives

me different perspectives on things. A conversation has to lead me to my next friends or


opportunities. One problem in my life is people have thought I dislike them just because I tend to

look unapproachable or mean. After having a conversation with them they later find out that I am

actually a goofy and approachable person to talk to. Conversation can resolve many problems, I

know that I tend to overthink things and misinterpret discussion, but I have learned that asking a

simple question can resolve all my problems with over analyzing the situation. Conversation can

also open new opportunities by simply asking for more information. I have missed opportunities

in the past life fact I was too shy to speak up. DeTellis discusses how there is a war on love in

society and how the world has made hate a norm. I can agree our society today has more hate in

their hearts than love. It is easy to neglect someone because it is like second nature to us as

humans. Society tends to shy away from love for the fact that they do not want to be view as

weak or endure into that vulnerable side of themselves.

DeTellis, Tim. "Are You a Good Neighbor?" TEDxEustis, 21 February 2020.

Are You a Good Neighbor? | Tim DeTellis | TEDxEustis

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