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EXERCISE - translate into English (all tenses)

1. Kamarnya sudah dipesan.

The room has been booked
2. Tugasnya dikumpulkan kemarin.
The task was submitted yesterday
3. Rambutku disisir setiap pagi.
My hair is combed every morning
4. Datanya akan dicek besok.
The data will be checked tomorrow
5. Rumahku sedang direnovasi.
My house is being renovated
6. Kecelakan ini disebabkan oleh padatan kendaraan.
This accident is caused by congestion
7. Hasilnya sudah diputuskan.
The result has been decided
8. Kamu akan ditolong nanti.
You will be helped later
9. Sapi itu sedang diburu.
That cow is being hunted
10. Dia dilukai oleh seseorang kemarin.
She was hurted by someone yesterday
11. Mereka akan dihakimi besok.
They will be judged tomorrow
12. Saya dibohongi oleh mereka.
I have been scammed by them
13. Kami ditawarkan segelas teh.
We have been offered a glass of tea
14. Hukuman sudah diberikan.
The punishment has been given

HOMEWORK - Change the active verbs to passive.

1. Jackie scored the winning goal.

The winning goal was scored by Jackie
2. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory.
The theory was developed by Dr. Ikeda
3. Hurricane destroyed the small fishing village.
The small fishing village was destroyed by hurricane
4. After class, one of the students always erases the board.
The board is always erased by one of the student after class
5. A special committee will settle the dispute.
The dispute will be settle by special committee
6. The police caught the thief.
The thief was caught by the police

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