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Pauline Kay D.

MaEd – Mathematics


1. As a teacher how do you perform your duties in your school and in your specific
According to Resilient Educator, there are several roles, duties and responsibilities
of teacher in school and to community. However, Covid-19 Pandemic took place. I can
perform my duties by the following:
a. To become a resource not just for the students but also to all the person
around me by giving information and how to use that information. In short,
imparting knowledge that also passed to me.
b. To become a support, students are the ones who need support when learning
a new skill or piece of information. I, a teacher must act as the support person
when the student needs this help. Support can come in many forms such as a
coach, leader and even a counselor. In professional circles, a teacher may even
have to support other teachers leading a particular subject matter.
c. To become a mentor to them. One of the biggest roles a teacher may have is
that of a mentor. Students look up to teachers and may pattern their own
behavior and work ethic to match the instructor. An older teacher can even be
a mentor to a younger teacher who is just starting out in the profession.
d. To become a helping hand to them. A leader in a school is a person who takes
on extra tasks such as leading the PTA meetings and even helping set up a gym
for a big event. Teachers who are active in the school will often have more jobs
than just the one they were hired to perform. Often, the goals of the teacher
will match the direction that the school is taking.
e. And the most important of all is to become a learner also. One last important
role a teacher must fill is that of a learner. Anyone who has been involved in a
profession long enough knows that there is always something new to learn. A
learner is a person who is always growing in life and will never claim that they
know it all. A teacher will be challenged every day with a new task that will
help them grow into a better person.

2. What do you think is the most challenging role/responsibility of field offices under
Department of Education in this time of pandemic?
The most challenging role/responsibility of field offices under department of
education in this time of pandemic is they are also what I call front liners. They are one of our
heroes now in this time of pandemic because they are overly exposed to Covid 19, which is their
most challenging role under Department of Education. One of these is the preparation of
teachers for the new normal also, because all our teachers' habits have changed so much just like
teaching in the online world, preparing for the module of the students and lots of consideration
in terms of their learners.

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