Chapter 2 Impractical

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A research proposal
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements
For the courage Langlit800 (research methods)



1.1 Background of the study

Agriculture is the main source of food in Bobon

also in more parts of our country. People depend to
agricultural products. Agricultural development in Bobon was
given priority in past years. The low production of
agricultural is really affects a municipalities and the
country, through those factors that lead towards low of
production which causes torture to the people specially the
farmers. This problem must be of priority not only from the
start but its need infinite support to have good and stable
productivity to solve and to stop price increase of
agricultural product. This study aims to know why do people
encounter such problem, to identify what are circumstances in
this problem that still keep going. This study can benefit more
people like farmers.

Low production of agricultural products is a problem

everywhere even other country facing this problem. This problem
motivated the researcher to remind people that this problem
needs priority attention of our government. Our government is
already giving founds to build some establishments like
irrigations but we need more assistance from our government and
there a problem to security of the farmers and because some
people that assign on this case from government. The purpose to
help farmers to hear what their needs and to give idea or
knowledge to other people that have questions about the
increase of some product.
1.2 0bjecctive of the study

The study focuses to investigate the reason of

agricultural production of local farmers of Bobon.

 To determine the causes and effects of low of production

of agricultural product of local farmers in Bobon.
 To identify the possible solutions to solve the low
production of agricultural product of local farmers in

1.3'Significant of the study

This problem is advanced to help farmers.

The following individuals, group and community are benefited

by this study.

Student – the purpose of this study to aware student, to have

knowledge about this problem, and it can use after they need.
Parents – the study can help to understand about this problem to
Future researchers – they can have idea from this study to help
to add their knowledge about this study.
Farmers – They can have idea and show that where this problem
came from.
1.4 Scope and limitation

The study aims to investigate the chosen farmers

from the barrios municipality of Bobon their problems against
the issue of low of production of agricultural product.

The study is having limited use of

question to determine the causes and effects of low of
production of agricultural product and to identify the
possible solutions to solve the low production of agricultural
product of local farmers in Bobon.

1.5 Theoretical Framework

The production of agricultural product in Philippines been

lower and lower by years go by because of new establishment that
create a new job that chosen by more people than working in a
farm, one of cause why being low of production happen is
calamities situation Typhoon that destroy Agri products and by
losing or less help of government and because of low security for
the farmers this causes are from INREMP team.

Low of production happen not only by not giving help for

government but According to Sarah Dolven De Guzman Farmers are
growing old and their children have shifted into other careers.
The agricultural industry has not in progressed in Ages. Many of
our agricultural schools are producing office oriented workers
who would much rather do papers work than help to improve the
agricultural sector of our country.
1.7Paradigm of the study

Low of production
Of Agricultural product

Why low of production
Of Agricultural product

What happen
When low production
still going

To find solution to solve the problem
Of low of production of Agricultural
1.6 Conceptual frameworks

This conceptualize the problem about low production

of agricultural product related why the price of rice or Agri
product increasing although the government start giving help
to farmers to provide some needs and about why theirs a low of
production. why this problem is not being solve by looking
and finding what is the causes why low of production through
shorten of Agricultural land, more people chosen to work in
office or in city than working in farm and help to improve in
farm or because of some people in government that that assign
that pass or neglects and looking effect what happen when low
production getting worst by being careless about this problem
like and by looking possible like creating security for the
living of the farmers, more irrigation, water pumps, giving
fertilizer, give an assign agriculturist in every
municipalities to help to their problem like when there plant
have disease or pest that attack there plants they can ask for
help and giving machines for every barrios to easily to create
and produce products and to stop this problem that we
experience right now such as price increase.
1.8 Definition of the term

Agriculture - he science or practice of farming, including

cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing
of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.

Agriculture Development - providing assistance to the crop

producers with the help of various agricultural resources.
Providing protection, assisting in the research sphere, employing
latest techniques, controlling pests and facilitating diversity
all fall within the purview of agriculture development.

Agriculturist - are scientifically trained experts in

agriculture. Farmers, agricultural technicians and agricultural
scientists who use their knowledge to produce food and fibers,
can all be seen as agriculturists.

Farmers - is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living

organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to
people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards,
vineyards, poultry, or other livestock.


The research shows to help farmers to show to the people

that this problem really happens and to prove it. The researcher
gets ideas from other studies to prove that this study can trust.
The researcher ideas, meanings, effect and show the voice of some
people that saying related to the objectives on this study that
need to hear of every person to inform. The limitation on this
chapter aim only to the problem and some Actions that get in
internet. The scope on this study aim to theoretical issues and
qualitative or quantitative that related to low of production of
agricultural products. The criteria of literature chosen or
selected in from previews study.

More people asking why of some agricultural product getting

expensive? The real is because of some problem happen to make the
production get slow or stop. Like a problem happen in 2015 by The
manila times typhoon Nona destroyed significant number of trees
and crops in Northern Samar that give big torture to production
and to the farmers like coconut farming have been affected by the
typhoon, leaving them without livelihood for next several years
if no alternative source to provide. Heavy damage to coconut
trees would render them unproductive for five to seven years
according to the official that can be cause of problem to the
farmers to how to raise income.
The voice of the farmers by Telesor an Open letter to
president Duterte form the farmers.
We are the farmers of Northern Samar.

We scrimp on food because our crops are dished out not on

our tables but to compete in the race for export to imperialist
coffers. President Rodrigo Duterte and his bloodthirsty minions
in the Armed Forces of the Philippines hell-bent on quelling
public dissent with his anti-people policies decided to eliminate
the problem of poverty by murdering us poor. As the whole nation
and the entire world sees the grim images of the carnage of our
poor brothers in the cities through Oplan Tokhang of the
Philippine National Police, we suffer the same bloody murders
through the Armed Forces of the Philippines' Oplan Kapayapaan. A
few months ago, the townsfolk of Silvino Lobos mass evacuated to
the town center to evade the gross human rights violations
perpetrated by the AFP troops in their interior villages. In
Barangay Sumuroy, last March, residents sought refuge in the
municipal town proper of Lope de Vega due to the 43rd IBPA Bravo
Company's militarization. We trace this fascist government
response from our resistance to their inaction and neglect of our
plight Northern Samar is rich in natural resources from millions
of tons of bauxite and chromite to heaping volumes of
agricultural produce of rice, copra and abaca. But on the
flipside, Nortehanons, composed largely of farmers, are among the
poorest in the country. Typhoons Yolanda, Ruby, Seniang, Glenda,
and Nona have plunged us deeper in the quagmire of poverty as
evidenced by the leap of poverty indices from 43. As per the
Office of Civil Defense
, all out misfortune in the territory added up to more than PHP
14 billion, with PHP 960,690,993 originating from the farming
part. The tempests that struck, particularly Ruby and Nona, have
brought about fallen trees and extreme harm to our coconut
ranches. PAGASA announced Northern Samar as among the territories
in the locale with the most elevated weakness to dry spell. The
discoveries of Eastern Visayas Rural Assistance Program
demonstrate that around 95 percent of farmlands in Las Navas and
Catubig have been pervaded by the bunchy top infection. In March
2017, the legislature recorded PHP 3,488,400 misfortunes in pay
in Northern and Eastern Samar alone. Today, a long time since the
invasion of Super Typhoon Yolanda, a long time since Typhoon
Nona, and as we walk forward to another year, we proclaim war
against appetite, neediness and militarization. We try to break
liberated from the bugs of government criminal disregard and
militarization, in connected arms with other misused segments
laborers, youth and understudies, instructors We are left with no
decision yet to increase our obstruction, raise our battle and
The researcher gathers information about the problems that
happen why low of agricultural production happen. There shows
almost all serious problem that related on this study and the
researcher get objective that answer the objective on this
chapter. The problem why low of production happen because of
these problems that already show natural calamities that we can’t
prevent to happen, lack of security and health related for the
farmers that very important for every farmer, issues that almost
known poverty because of that farmers do everything to feed their
family 2x or 3x a day in simple money that they earn that why
more son of the farmer looking for decent jobs than working in
the farm because of low of salary that give for the laborer or
salary that earn for the sales of the products, plant disease and
pest that attack plant that cause dying of every plant and lead
to being decrease of count of the product that need help of
agriculturist to give idea how to cure and kill the pest on the
plants and more farmers experience this shocking and sadly that
happen why low of production happen The militarization some of
the farmer experience mockery of there of military that really
need to action and they sound for this problem but government
neglect there sound them and we know that Northern Samar is reach
of agriculture product like palay, coconuts and more but because
of some people in government that not actioning the problem on
this sector but some of people do corrupting the funds for the
benefits of the farmers that leads to a poor country. That we
need to solve to our pres. Rodrigo Rsssoa Duterte to help Farmers
to live peaceful and to have food when they going to their every
houses and give fast action when their get abuses. The purpose on
this to help farmers about their problems and to hear their own
one voice as a group farmers and as a part on this institution

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