CHAPTER 3 in Research

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3.1 Locale of the study

The study conducted at BRGY. San Isidro and Magsaysay Bobon

N. Samar. The respondent will interview in particular area that
where the researcher can find them like in outdoor and their
house where theirs have available time to talk along that they
can set date and if they wanted. The respondent will be interview
one by one or individual interview for the respondent too easy to
give information, to make the respondent comfortable to talk and
to easily to deliver the interview. The study conducted in
January until 3rd week of march the at the year of 2020 to 2021.
The sampling technique that use is purposive sampling technique
so I can choose person that have knowledge about this problem.

3.2 Research design

The research type that use is Phenomenology to gather real

information to respondents that really experience this problem
that giving nightmare on their life, phenomenology the researcher
chosen to easily gather data’s and the researcher use interview
protocol and involve her/himself by observing the respondents to
get more data.

3.3 The variables

The paradigm shows what are the causes, effects and

solution, the independent variables is causes of low production
of agricultural product because all of the problem start from the
cause and you can’t find the effect and solution without the
cause of this problem you might know the causes before knowing
the effects.
The dependent variables are effects and solution because the
effect happen when what is cause do like the not distributed
fertilizer from the farmers without the cause you can’t know what
is the effect first find the cause the fertilizer get stock for
how many month and get ruin the of this problem is because of get
stock for how many month and the effect the fertilizer get ruin.
the solution is depending to how to stop or solve the cause.

3.4 Population Sampling

The target respondent on this study is the farmers that live

in some part of Bobon N. Samar and the sampling technique that
use is purposive sampling technique because I can choose
respondents that can answer the problem and that really conscious
and care on this study.

3.5 Respondents

The following respondent are the following.

A. Mario Sula 65 of age live in BRGY. Magsaysay Bobon N. Samar
he has experience to be a farmer and his one of the farmer
in every cropping season.
B. Myrna Sula 61 of age live at Magsaysay Bobon N. Samar she
experiences Living in the farm because she lives in the farm
when she’s still young.
C. Ande Celespara 60 years of age live at San Isidro Bobon N.
Samar, He start work in farm when he’s little and until
right now.
D. Dissy Celespara 57 of age live at San Isidro Bobon N. Samar,
she is a farmer and help her husband when planting season
and cropping season.
E. Lucille Pondemira 25 of age live at Magsaysay Bobon N.
Samar, she is nurse in DOH I choose him to become a
respondent because she goes to every barrios and far flung
barangays that why I might be have knowledge about hard life
of some farmers.
3.6 Research Instrument

The researcher use semi structure interview to gather much

more data information from the respondents and the researcher
use take noting and recording tool (cellphone). Take noting
because to take note the important detail, to have hardcopy of
his/her answer that respondents say and recording tools to I
can replay she/he say.

3.7 Research Instrument Validation

In this study, use collecting and analyzing data to assess

the accuracy of a question made by the researcher was fix some
problem and give opinion by the expert. After fixing and
analyzing by the expert the researcher uses this to target
respondents to see what are the result and to take, to gather

3.8 Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data and to complete this study. The researcher

chooses respondents that have interest and knowledge in this
study, the researcher qualitative analysis that not focus to
numerical data of respondent and too easy to gather data the
researcher uses purposive sampling technique to gather exact
answer that really useful on this study.
3.9 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The question that given by the researcher to respondents is

to know what is the causes, effect and might solution. The
respondents give their knowledge and opinion to answer the
question that very important to gather information on this
study. The researcher choose qualitative analysis to that not
focus to in numerical data of the respondent and the
researcher use purposive sampling.
The gather data that get from the respondent show an big
help information on this study. The respondents give about
some causes, problems that show that this study is legit that
really happen and for the low of production the chosen
respondent show Pros ideas and consciousness about this
problem that happen in Northern Samar.

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