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Model of

Three Faults Module 4: Endogenic Process

Normal Fault
This is the most common type of fault It forms .
when rock above an inclined fracture plane

moves downward sliding along the rock on the

other side of the fracture Normal faults are

often found along divergent plate boundaries ,

such as under the ocean where new crust is

forming .

Strike-Slip Fault
Also called transcurrent fault , wrench

fault , or lateral fault, in geology , a

fracture in the rocks of Earth s crust in '

which the rock masses slip past one

another parallel to the strike , the

intersection of a rock surface with the

surface or another horizontal plane .

Reverse Fault
In a reverse fault , the block above the

fault moves up relative to the block

below the .
fault This fault motion is

caused by compressional forces and

results in shortening . A reverse fault

is called a thrust fault if the dip of the

fault plane is small .

Abigail C Villa

G11-09 HSS

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