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Med Tech Laws and Bio Ethics

 Ruth Heinemann: The application of principle of natural physical and biological

sciences to the performance of laboratory procedures which aid in the diagnosis and
treatment of disease.
 Anna Fagelson The branch of medicine concerned with the performance of
laboratory determinations and analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment of
disease and maintenance of health.
 Walter: The profession concerned with performing laboratory analyses in view of
obtaining information necessary in the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as
in the maintenance of good health.
RA 5527
 An auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine which deals with the examination of
tissue, secretion and excretion of the human body and body fluids by various
electronic, chemical, microscopic and other medical laboratory procedures or
techniques either manual or automated which will aid the physician in the diagnosis,
study and treatment of disease and in the promotion of health in general.
Clinical Laboratories
 Facility that perform chemical and microscopic examinations of various body fluids.
o Small Hospitals- (<100 beds) Performs routine procedures and complicated/
infrequent tests may be sent to reference laboratory.
o Medium Hospitals- (100-300 beds) Performs routine tests and includes more
complicated tests. Only new developed or high level of complexity tests may
be sent to reference laboratory.
o Large Hospitals (>300 beds) can handle large volumes of work and perform
complex texts.
Pathologist and Pathology
 Pathologist is the director of the laboratory.
 Pathology is defined as the practice of medicine which contributes to diagnosis,
prognosis and treatment through knowledge gained by laboratory applications of the
biologic, chemical or physical sciences to man or material obtained from a man.
 Anatomic pathology- Diagnosis or surgical tissues
 Clinical Pathology- Specializes in chemical, microbiological and hematologic
Medical Technologist
 Has a baccalaureate degree program from a college or a university recognized by
the commission on higher education(CHED), has completed a specified clinical
internship in a training laboratory accredited by the Bureau of Health Facilities and
Services of the Department of Health and has passed the licensure examination
administered by the board of medical technology of the professional regulation
Medical technician
 An Individual certified and registered with the Professional Regulation Commission to
run various tests under the supervision of a registered medical technologist or
pathologist. A medical Technician may also log specimens in the laboratory and
prepare samples for testing.
Employment Opportunities
 Greatest number of medical technologist are employed in government and private
hospitals, in clinical laboratories, medical technology specialists, technologists and
laboratory owners.
 May also land a job in sales and industry as sales representatives, public relations
representatives or educational representatives of their company or as a part of the
health program for the employees.
Personal traits
 Physical Stamina
 Good eye sight
 Normal color vision
 Manual Dexterity
 Good intellect and an aptitude for biological science
 Caring attitude
 Good communication skills
 Observant
 Motivated
 Able to perform precise manipulations and calculations
 Good organizational skills
 Service oriented
 Honest
 Emotionally matured
Development of medical technology
Early beginning
 Hippocrates (460 B.C), Father of Medicine, Formulated the Hippocratic oath; code of
ethics for practicing physicians.
 He described four “humors” or body fluids in man
 Blood
 Phlegm
 Black Bile
 Yellow Bile
 The humors were felt to be sources of person’s disposition and disease in ancient
 Urine was regarded as a composite of humors.
 Urinalysis, has been passed down from ancient times and regarded as the oldest
laboratory procedures today.
o Polyuria of diabetes was also noted in ancient times early as 600B.C
o A Hindu physician recorded the sweet taste of diabetic urine.
 1500B.C, Vivian Herrick, a medical technologist, traces the beginning of medical
technology when parasites suck as Taenia and Ascaris were identified.
 Ebers Papyrus; medical technology began when a book for the treatment of disease
was published.
 Ruth Williams believed that medical technology began from the medieval period
(1096-1438) as supported by the fact that urinalysis was a fad.
 Early Hindu Doctors; had the scientific observation that the urine of certain
individuals attracted ants and had a sweetish taste.
 Anne Fagelson (14th century) believed that MT started when a prominent doctor at
the University of Bologna employed Allesandra Giliani.
 Anoton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632) invented and improved compound microscope.
 Malphigi (1628-1694). Father of Pathology, was described as the greatest of the
early microscopist.
 However, some believed that pathology was practiced in the time of Rudolph
Virchow (1847), the youngest of the medical specialist and the Founder of Archives
of Pathology in Berlin.
 Herman Fehling (1848), First quantitative test for urine sugar.
 15th Century was the discovery of aniline dyes to stain microorganisms.
 The new science became known in Germany, and spread in Greece, Japan, Turkey,
England and in United States.
History of MT in the United States
 19th Century was the emergence of clinical laboratories.
 William H. Welch (1878), established laboratory at the Believue Hospital Medical
College. Gave the first laboratory course in pathology ever offered in an American
Medical School. Then in 1885, he became the First Professor of Pathology at John
Hopkins University.
 Dr. William Osler (1896) opened the very first clinical laboratory at the John Hopkins
Hospital. Routine examinations were carried out; special attention being given to the
search for malarial parasite.
 William Pepper Laboratory was also opened at University of Pennsylvania (1896).
 Dr.James C. Todd (1908) wrote “A Manual Of clinical Diagnosis) and was retitled into
“ clinical diagnosis by Laboratory Methods” in its 19 th edition. This book served as the
standard reference for laboratories.
 In 1900 census, 100 technicians, all male were employed in the U.S. This increased
the 3,500 in 1920. In 1922, 3,035 hospitals had clinical laboratories.
 WW1 was an important factor in the growth of the clinical laboratory.
 University of Minnesota (1923), the First to offer degree level program enititled
“course in medical technology for clinical laboratory technicians” issued in 1922.
 Denver society of clinical pathologists (1921) was organized. This was followed by
American board pathology (1936).
 WWII; use of blood and “closed systems” was adopted. Advancement of
instrumentations were employed.
History of MT in the Philippines
 WW2 (1939-1945)
 December 7, 1941, the pearl harbor was invaded by Japan.
 1944, US bases were built in Leyte resulting in the introduction of health care team in
the Philippines.
 January 9,145,26th medical laboratory of the 6th US army was built in Quiracada
Sta.Cruz, Manila but now known as the Manila Public Health Laboratory.
 Civilians were trained to become members of health care team.
 6th Us Army left the laboratory on June 1945.
 The laboratory was formerly organized by Dr. Pio de Roda and ssisted by Dr.
Mariano Icasiano who was then the Manila City Health Officer.
 Dr.Pio de Roda with Dr.Prudencia Sta.Ana opened training program for high school
graduates and paramedical graduates.
 However, the training proved to be ineffective.
 1954, a syllabus for 6 months were introduced and was later accompanied by Dr.
 The training program did not last long, for during the same year, the formal education
of Medical technology in the Philippines began.
 Dr. Wilda Hilgert Hedrick, an American Medical practitioner and a missionary of the
Seventh day Adventist was named the “Founder of Medical Technology Education”
in the country.
 In 1954, the Philippine Union College of Baesa, Caloocan. (now Adventist University
of the Philippines Located in Silang, Cavite) offered the first four-year B.S Medical
technology course through its sister establishment Manila Sanitarium Hospital.
 In 1956, Dr.Jesse Umali, an OB-gynecologist and owner of Omega Lab, Vito Cruz,
Manila, was the first Graduate.
 S.y 1957-1958, Dr. Antonio Gabriel and Dr.Gustavo Reyes of the faculty of
Pharmacy, UST offered M.T as an Elective to 4th and 5th year B.S pharmacy
 Rev.Fr. Lorenzo Rodriguez decided to make M.T a course.
 June 17, 1957, Temporary permit was issued by the DOE for 1 st to 3rd year students.
 In the June 1960, permit for the internship program was issued.
 The full recognition of the 4-years B.S.M..T course was given on June 14,1961.
 At CEU, Mrs. Purifacion Sunico-Suaco undertook feasibility study for the offering of
B.S.M.T course. This was granted by the University president Carmen de Luna. The
first batch graduated in 1962.
 At FEU, Dr.Horacio A. Ylagan and Dr. Serfain Juliano thru the authority of Dr,Lauro
H. Panganiban (Dean, IM) and Dr. Jesus B. Nolasco (Secretary, IM) applied for the
offering of B.S.M.T course. The Bureau of Education approved the program in July
5,1962 the first batch graduated in 1963. `
 A national organization of 50% recognized the schools offering MT that was formed
in 1970.
 On May 13,1970, Director Nrisco ALbarracin of the association of MT schools.
 The first organization meeting was held at UST on June 22, 1979. The first set of
officers were:
o Presudent - Dr. Gustavo Reyes
o Vice-Pres - Dr. Serafin Juliano
o Secretary/Treasurer - Dr. Vella Trinidad
o Press relation officer. – Dr. Faustino Sunico
 The first annual meeting was held at UST on May 7 1971.
 On april 3, 1972, the second set of officers were
o Pres - Dr. Gustavo Reyes
o Vice pres - Dr. Claro Cabrera
o Secretary/Treasurer- Dr.Elvira Silva
o Press relation officer- Dr.Faustino Sunico
 Others who served as PASMETH presidents
o Dr. Ibarra Panopio (1973-73) Velez College
o Dr.Angelita G. Adeva-(1974-75)UST
o Dr.Elizabeth M. Del Rio(1977-81) Martinez Memorial College
o Dr.Gustavo Reyes- Dr. Claro D. Cabrera(1981-1982) UST
o Dr.Elizabeth M.del Rio(1982-83) Martinez Memorial College
o Dr.Norma V.Lerma (1983-84) UST
o Dr.Vivencio T. Torres (1984-85)University of Luzon
o Prof. Nardito Moraleta (1985-88) FEU
o Dean Norma N. Chang (1988-86) San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation
o Prof. Rudolfo R. Rabor (1996-1999) UST
o Dr. Nini Festin-Lim (1999-2002) Philippines Women’s University
o Dean Zenalda Cajucom (2002-2010) World Citi College
o Dean Magdalena F. Natividad (2010-2012) FEU
o Dean Bernard U. Ebuen (2012-Present) Arellano University
 PASMETH was formally registered with securities and exchange commission on
October 6,1989 thru the help of Atty.Dexter Bihis who acted as the PASMETH legal
 PASMETH accomplishments
o Continuing professional education program for MT faculty
o Preparation of a standard curriculum for BSMT schools
o Preparation of a standard course syllabi for professional subjects in MT
o Scholarship grants for MT students
o Community outreach projects
o Recognition to graduates of MST course (PASMETH Gold Medal for
Excellence Award)
o Accreditation as CPE provider for MT.
o Only accredited Professional organization of all RMT’s in the Philippines
o Mr.Chrisanto Almario Father of PAMET on Sep 15, 1963 it was organized at
MPHI in Sta.Cruz Manila.
o 1st national convention of PAMET was held at FEU on Sep 20, 1964.
o The PAMET presendents were

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