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"Learning Insights about the Articles on Healthy Eating"

What I have learn from the articles on healthy eating was that
as a teenager, my body is undergoing many changes, and I
must take care of myself by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and
eating a well-balanced diet. By leading a healthy lifestyle that
necessitates on my body receiving energy, by eating a diverse
and balanced diet, that I will be able to obtain all of the energy
and nutrients that require from the foods and beverages I
consume, to allow my body to grow and develop appropriately.
It is not necessary to give up my favourite meals in order to eat
properly. It simply entails consuming a diverse diet while
avoiding foods and beverages rich in fat and sugar, such as
sugary soft drinks, crisps, cakes, and chocolate.

“So whether you eat

In Bible Verse: or drink or whatever
you do, do it all for
the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31

There are certain recommendations that can help me

maintain a balanced diet, such as eating at least 5 pieces of a
variety of fruits and vegetables every day, eating meals high in
fibre starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice, or pasta, and
exercising often. Eat some beans, lentils, fish, eggs, meat, and
other protein-rich foods, as well as dairy or dairy alternatives
such as soya beverages. . Many vitamins and minerals may be
found in fruits and vegetables. Choose to be dehydrated all of
the time and drink plenty of water 6 to 8 glasses each day.
And there are some tips that need to avoid so that I can eat healthily in
my daily life, first always eat your meals three times a day on time,
most important meal is breakfast, because skipping meal is not helping
me to lose weight. Then avoid eating too much because eating too
much can cause eating disorder that is not good to our body, lack of
sleep also cause of our bad eating habit, sometime if we don’t have
enough sleep we lose our appetite that is not good in our health. So if
we have our discipline in our self and we want to have a good and
healthy body, we need to remember eating enough of healthy foods
with proper exercise and proper diet and healthy mind, we can
achieve a healthy life style. There’s always a changes in our life if we
want to change it for a better.

Our bodies are sacred temples for God’s Spirit

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are

God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in
you? If anyone destroys God’s temple,
God will destroy him; for God’s temple is
In Bible Verse: sacred, and you are that temple”
(1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

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