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Tapuac Distric, Dagupan City

Name: Ferlyn Joy N. Espanol
Course: 2nd Year BSIT 2B

Poetry Analysis: THE ROAD NOT TAKEN

By: Robert Frost - 1874-1963


Poem a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that
is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal
elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.

A Poem entitled “The Road Not Taken”, by Robert Frost, published in The
Atlantic Monthly in August 1915 and used as the opening poem of his collection
Mountain Interval (1916). Written in iambic tetrameter, it employs an abaab rhyme
scheme in each of its four stanzas.

“The road not taken” is a narrative poem written by Robert Frost. This poem is all
about two roads which diverge at a point. The speaker is at the fork on the path in the
woods. One road is preferred by everyone and another one is less travelled by. The
road which is less travelled by is full of leaves scattered here and there. The poet wants
to go down on both the roads at the same time but it's impossible. The speaker regrets
not choosing two roads at the same time. Like in life a person has to choose a single
aim and in pursuit of that he works hard similarly the poet has to take a great decision,
choosing a road. He chooses which was less travelled by as he thought that road will be
adventurous but that only made the difference. He regrets his decision.


The message of “The road not taken” is that we all have power to choose our own
path. We must not be swayed by what others have said and do what our hearts tell us
do. The poem reminds as how choosing your own decisions is a sacred privilege. We
should always stick to our possibilities and not limit our perspective to what others are
saying. We must always listen to our inner voice. We must take the path that will take us
to what we really want, even if it means taking the less traveled road. In this world,
many people will look at you down on you. They can tell you a lot that you can’t. There
are people who will discourage you from the path you have taken. Because in our
society today they feel they are perfect that they can don all things. So, they can say
negative comments to you. Remember, even if trouble comes and you feel doubt. Think
about all the journey’s you have experienced and your difficulties in you journey. Just
focus on what your heart is saying. Do not listen to what others say.


“The road not taken is a narrative” poem written by Robert Frost. This poem is all
about two roads which diverge at a point. The speaker is at the fork on the path in the
woods. One road is preferred by everyone and another one is less traveled by.
Therefore, road which is less traveled by is full of leaves scattered here and there. The
poet wants to go down on both roads at the same time but it's impossible. So what,
speaker regrets not choosing two roads at the same time. Like in life a person has to
choose a single aim and in pursuit of that he works hard similarly, the poet has to make
a great decision, choosing a road. He chooses which was less traveled by as he
thought that road will be adventurous but that only made the difference. He regrets his

References: › wiki › The_Road_Not_Taken › poetry › the-road-not-taken

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