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Tyler Hadley’s killer party ends in murder:

Here’s your invite

As true crime remains the subject of massive interest from fans across the globe,
history’s thicket of crimes against humanity continues to be picked through by
publications and true crime enthusiasts alike. The result is the reveal of countless
morbidly fascinating stories that are more detailed with each passing year as the
age of information sharing gives us more dirty details than ever before.

One of the U.S.’s many grisly crimes buried (no pun intended) by the avalanche of
crime stories flooding publications during the 2010s is the murders committed by
seventeen-year-old Tyler Hadley in 2011. 

Publications across the board covered Tyler Hadley and the murder of his parents
in Port St. Lucie, Florida after the story broke in the early 2000s. Rolling
Stone released a detailed account of the murders in 2013, revealing massive
insight to the bizarre murders which were seemingly celebrated with a party
immediately following the crimes.


Tyler Hadley reportedly murdered his mother & father on July 16th, 2011. Shortly
before 5:00 pm on the Saturday which would forever live in infamy in Hadley’s
life, he stood behind his mother who was working on her computer. Reports say
Tyler Hadley stood behind his mother Mary-Jo for five minutes brandishing a
hammer, claw end out.

Tyler Hadley had already hidden his parents’ cell phones before taking three
ecstasy pills and planning to make his move, as he stated he didn’t think he could
kill his parents sober. This detail is increasingly confusing, as anyone whose taken
ecstasy can tell you the drug’s effects are anything but homicidal in nature; killing
after taking E is the equivalent of throwing up after drinking a stomach-settling
ginger tea.

However, ABC News reported in 2014 Tyler Hadley had a history of mental health

issues, had seen psychiatrists, taken antidepressants, and undergone a substance
abuse program prior to the 2011 murders. 

Readers can only imagine the great deal of psychiatric stress Hadley must have
been under, something which may have overrode the effects of the drugs he took,
or perhaps combined with them for a deadly combination.

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