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A. Yes/No Question

1. Yes-No questions adalah sebuah pertanyaan singkat yang hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya)

dan no (tidak). Sebuah pertanyaan ya-tidak ( yes-no questions) harus
menempatkan auxiliary  sebelum subject. Bagaimana cara membuat yes/no questions?


Perhatikan pola dibawah ini untuk membuat yes-no questions

Be ( is, am, are ) + subject + verb/noun/adjective/adverb?
 is untuk subject berupa third person singular / orang ketiga tunggal (Jack, a man, she, he, it)
 am hanya untuk “I”
 are untuk “you” dan plural subject/Subyek jamak (Jack and I, we, they)
For example :
1. Statement : You are watching TV.
Question : Are you watching TV? Yes, You are/ No, You aren’t.
Be subject verb noun
2. Statement : Satria is listening to the radio.
Question : Is Satria listening to the radio? Yes, He is/ No, he isn’t.
B. Wh – Questions (Pertanyaan yang menggunakan Wh)
Below are kinds of Wh – word Questions:
Who (siapa) : menanyakan orang (subyek)
Where (Dimana) : menanyakan tempat
When (Kapan) : menanyakan waktu
Why (Mengapa) : menanyakan alasan
What (Apa) : menanyakan benda atau informasi
Which (Yang mana) : menanyakan pilihan
How (Bagaimana) : menanyakan cara atau kondisi
Example :
Statement : Joko is talking to mother seriously in the car now.
1. Question : When is Joko talking to mother?
Answer : Now.
2. Question : Where is Joko talking?
Answer : in the car.
3. Question : How is Joko talking?
Answer : Seriously.
4. Question : Whom is Joko talking to ?
Answer : To mother.
5. Question : What is Joko doing?
Answer : He is talking.
6. Question : Who is talking?
Answer : Joko is.

C.Write these sentences into Yes-No Questions!

1. They are typing the news.
Questions : ....
Answer : ....
2. Father is sending a letter to the post office.
Questions : ....
Answer : ....
3. The students are reading books in the library.
Questions : ....
Answer : ....
4. My mother is listening Pop music in the living room.
Questions : ....
Answer : ....
5. I am calling my friend by telephone now.
Questions : ....
Answer : ....
D.Read the statement and then write into Wh-Questions!
We are watching movie quietly in the family room now.
1. Q : What ....
A : ....
2. Q : When ....
A : ....
3. Q : Where ....
A : ....
4. Q : How ....
A : ....
5. Q : Who ....
A : ....

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