Note Expansion Module 3 - 0 Exodus414 - Protected

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E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

1 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Mak Cik Jenny and the fire incident.
spraying firemen backyard fire reported firemen
burning hanging injured neighbour called hose
watched crowded sorry console truckers

1. One day, Mak Cik Jessy is

___________ the clothes at the
2. Suddenly, she saw a house on
3. She realized her __________, Amy is
still in the house.
4. She immediately ________ the fire
5. She __________ the incident.

1. A few minutes later, the

____________ arrived.
2. They arrived there by two fire
3. They carried the ________ on their
4. They started _____________ water
on the ___________ house.
5. Mak Cik Jessy ___________ the
event from her house.

1. After a while, the _________ took

out the fire.
2. By that time, the neighborhood is
___________ with a lot of people.
3. No one is ___________ from the fire.
4. Mak Cik Jessy felt ____________.
5. She took her neighbour home to
__________ her.
2 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Luis’ visit to the safari.
showed animals smiling enjoy walked thrilled
driving went giraffes go elephants
time happy cheetahs rested chance

1. Last holiday, Luis _______ to the safari with

his family.
2. They were _____________ with a ranger.
3. The ranger ________ them around the
4. It was Luis’ first ___________ to go there.
5. They were very ______________.

1. They saw many ____________ at the

2. Luis took photographs of the
____________ and ______________.
3. The visitors are not allowed to __________
4. The ranger stopped the jeep so that the
family can ____________ the view.
5. His parents were __________ behind him.

1. Suddenly, two ________ jumped on the

2. They ________ there for a while.
3. Luis took the __________ to take some
4. After a few minutes, they _________ away.
5. Luis and his family were ___________.
3 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Mr Amad and his nephews.
remove went happy glad continue
stranded brought stumbled money
helped heavy thanked relieved

1. Last Sunday, Mr Amad ____________ his

two nephews fishing.
2. On their way to the lake, they
____________ upon a fallen tree on the
3. They cannot continue their journey.
4. They were ____________.

1. Mr Amad ____________ out of the car.

2. He wanted to ____________ the fallen
3. The tree was too ____________ to be
lifted alone.
4. Suddenly, his two nephews came and
____________ him.
5. Mr Amad was ____________.

1. After the tree has been removed, Mr

Amad ____________ his two nephews.
2. He even gave them ____________ for
their help.
3. His two nephews were ___________ that
they have helped him.
4. Mr Amad was ______________.
5. They can ____________ their journey.
4 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the camping of Sk Sasandukon scouts.
camping picking putting happy clapped
clean disappointed dirty instructions different
playing campfire enjoyable songs clean

1. Last Saturday, the boys scout of SK

Sasandukon went to Mahua waterfall
for a ____________ trip.
2. Upon arrival, the waterfall was very
3. They were _______________.
4. They decided that they want to
____________ the area first.
5. They discussed altogether that each of
them has a ____________ job.

1. Udin is ____________ the garbage.

2. Leman is ____________ the garbage
they have collected in a plastic bag.
3. Adery is giving ____________ to Rony
to search for firewood.
4. One hour later, the campsite was
already ________.
5. They were very _________.

1. At the midnight, they gathered around

the __________.
2. They sang many ___________.
3. They __________ their hands while
they were singing.
4. Ali is ____________ the guitar.
5. It was an __________ night.
5 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Siti and Aminah’s good deed.
ringing vendor pitied tasty became
buy because best congkak gave
looking standing window bought kindness

1. Siti and Aminah are ____________ friends

and neighbours.
2. They always play ____________ in the
evening together.
3. While playing one evening, they heard a
bell ____________ outside.
4. They were excited as they knew that it was
from an ice cream ____________.
5. They wanted to ____________ some ice

1. While waiting for Aminah to get some

money, Siti looked out the ____________.
2. To her surprise, she saw a poor girl
____________ near the vendor.
3. She is ____________ at the children.
4. The girl looked sad ____________ she had
no money to buy ice cream.
5. Siti ____________ her.

1. Then, Siti and Aminah quickly went out and

____________ an ice cream.
2. They ____________ it to the girl.
3. She was happy to have it and thanked
them for their ____________.
4. Later, they ate the ____________ ice
cream under a tree near their house.
5. From that day, they ____________ good
6 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about SJKC Nabawana Teacher’s Day celebration.
gathered giving gave performances gathered
flowers Joyful Celebrated greeted hall
concluded seats smiling match happy

1. Last Monday, SJKC Nabawana

____________ Teacher’s Day.
2. The pupils ____________ their teachers
gifts and cards.
3. Mrs Peng received many ___________.
4. The pupils also ____________ ‘Happy
Teacher’s Day’ to all of their teachers.
5. It was a ________ day.

1. During the assembly, they ____________

in their school hall.
2. The headmaster is ____________ a
3. The teachers sit at the very first row of the
4. The children were all ____________
because they were happy.
5. The headmaster ____________ his
speech with a poem.

1. After the assembly, they had a mini

concert at the same ____________.
2. The pupils presented some ____________
for their teacher.
3. Late that evening, there was a football
____________ between the teachers and
the pupils.
4. They all ____________ at the field to
watch the match.
5. They were very ___________ that day.
7 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Benny.

watching sick goes active medicines
junk foods fruits lazy clinic worried
fever high spend exercise vegetables

1. Benny is a ____________ boy.

2. All he does all day is ____________
the television.
3. He will also eat _____________ when
he watches his favourite cartoon.
4. He will ____________ his time there
until the evening.
5. He never ___________ out.

1. One day, Benny was _________.

2. His body’s temperature was very
3. He was having a _____________.
4. His mother was very ____________.
5. So, she brought him to the

1. The doctor gave Benny some

2. He also advised Benny to be more
3. Benny has learnt his lesson.
4. Now, he eats more __________ and
5. He also goes out to ___________.
8 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Susan’s good deed.
stumbled rushing helped panic searched
fell sorry raining minor proud
waited related brought wound searching

1. Last Monday, it was ____________ heavily

when the pupils of SK Sasandukon went
home from school.
2. The pupils were ____________ to go back
to their house.
3. Some of them were ____________ for
4. They were careful not to slip and
____________ into a pothole.
5. They were all _____________.

1. One of the pupils, Susan saw an old woman

who ____________ on the ground.
2. Susan felt ____________ for the old
3. She ____________ her up.
4. They ____________ for a nearby shelter
and found a bus stop.
5. They ____________ there until the rain

1. After the rain stopped, Susan

____________ the old woman to her house.
2. When they reached there, Susan
____________ her mother about the
3. The old lady had a ____________ scratch
on her shoulder.
4. Susan’s mother cleaned the ____________
and ask the old woman to rest there for a
5. She was so __________ for her daughter.
9 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Kalama new family member.
accompanied glad loving brother love
sister excited happy giving relatives
choose meet children joyful blessed

1. Kalama’s mother is ____________ birth at

the hospital.
2. Kalama is ____________ that he will be
having a new member in the family.
3. He has always wanted to have a
4. Kalama loves to take care of young
5. He is a ______________ person.

1. Before the pregnancy due, Kalama always

____________ her mother to shop for
2. He helped her mother to ____________
baby clothes for the newborn child.
3. Kalama was ____________ that he could
help her mother.
4. Her mother was also ____________ for his
5. They were very _____________.

1. After her mother gave birth, all his

_____________ came to the hospital.
2. They want to _____________ the newest
3. Kamala is now a ___________.
4. He is so ______________.
5. He promised his mother to _____________
his sister so much.
10 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Marian’s deed.

soaking sorry Take loving clean
bring hungry bathed walking motionless
sound love drowning took feed

1. One sunny afternoon, Marian is

____________ back home from school.
2. Suddenly, she heard a faint __________
from the drain.
3. She saw a cat __________ in the drain.
4. The cat is _________________.
5. She felt ___________ for the cat.

1. Marian _________ the cat out from the

2. The cat is ___________ wet.
3. The thin cat also looks ______________.
4. Marian decided to ___________ the cat
back home.
5. She wants to ___________ of the cat.

1. Marian ___________ the cat in a basin of

2. The cat is now ___________.
3. Marian also __________ the cat with milk.
4. She ____________ the cat so much.
5. Marian is a ______________ person.
11 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the old woman who lives in the village.

1. Last week, a group of children

____________ an old woman in her old
wooden house.
2. She had ___________ in the house as she
was very poor.
3. Besides, she was too ______________ to
clean the house.
4. The children felt ______________ for her.
5. They decided to ___________ her.

1. First, they boys _________ the house.

2. They ____________ the broken and old
wooden planks with new ones.
3. After that, they ___________ the walls.
4. The girls came and ____________ the
5. They also ___________ some furniture to
make the house more comfortable.

1. Finally, they ____________ their work.

2. The house is now _______________.
3. The old woman was ________.
4. She ____________ them for their kindness.
5. The children were ____________ to have
done a good deed.
12 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Mrs Wanie and her Science project.

1. Last Friday, the Science teacher, Mrs Wanie

___________ her year 6 pupils to make
pickled papaya as their science project.
2. The pupils were __________.
3. They ____________ the things they
4. Some of the things they needed were
_____________, ____________,
____________ and ___________.
5. They were ready to ___________ the

1. The girls ___________ the papaya.

2. They also cut it into small thin
3. Then, they __________ them and put them
into a clean ______________.
4. Next, they added some ___________ and
5. Lastly, they _____________ the mixture
well with a spoon.

1. After a few days, the pickled papaya was

2. They could not wait to ____________ the
3. They ___________ it and it was delicious.
4. They ___________ it to Mrs Wanie and
their friends to taste.
5. Mrs Wanie ____________ them for doing
well in their project.
13 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Lisa’s visit to the shopping centre.

1. Last weekend, Lisa’s parents

____________ her to Nabawan Shopping
2. The shopping centre was ____________ its
first anniversary celebration.
3. When they arrived at the place, many
people were watching and ____________
the Peacock Dance performance.
4. Lisa and her parents ____________ it too.
5. They were very _________.

1. Then the show ____________ with the

Acrobatic Lion Dance performance
2. The artists danced and performed skillful
tricks while ____________ the beat of the
drums and the sounds of cymbals.
3. Everyone ____________ their hands.
4. They also ____________ loudly after the
5. It was very _______________.

1. Then, Lisa and her parents went to a

2. There were many books, _____________
and stationery items on sale.
3. The lowest discount was on _________
4. Lisa bought some ___________ book to
help her study.
5. After lunch, all of them went home feeling
14 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Jaya and her new bicycle.

1. Jaya would like to ____________ his own

2. His father wants to teach him the value of
3. He suggested that Jaya run ____________
for his neighbours to earn some money.
4. With the money, he can ____________ his
own bicycle.
5. Jaya felt very ____________.

1. Therefore, during the school holidays, Jaya

____________ dried leaves on Encik
Lemang’s lawn.
2. He also went to the ____________ shop for
Mrs King to help her buy her groceries.
3. His neighbours ____________ him well with
4. Jaya ____________ the money in a piggy
5. He is a ____________ boy.

1. A few weeks later, Jaya ____________ the

money he had earned.
2. Unfortunately, it was not ____________ to
buy a bicycle.
3. Jaya was disappointed but his father had a
____________ for him.
4. He ____________ a new bicycle for Jaya
as a present.
5. He was proud of his ______________ son.
15 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Emily’s performances.

1. Emily’s school was going to ____________ a

2. The concert would help to ____________
funds for the earthquake victims.
3. Emily and her friends wanted to
____________ together in the concert.
4. They are going to ____________ a few
5. They ____________ every day after school.

1. On the night of the concert, Emily and her

friends ____________ their songs very well.
2. Emily is a very good ____________.
3. The ____________ enjoyed their songs.
4. They gave them a huge ____________.
5. They felt _______________ of themselves.

1. The following day, the headmaster

____________ that the school had collected
a large amount of money.
2. The money will be ____________ to the
earthquake victims.
3. Emily and her friends felt happy that they
were able to help the ____________
4. The headmaster _____________ them for
their good deeds.
5. They became a ____________ for the other
16 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the bee that stung Alisa’s mother.

1. Yesterday afternoon, Alisa and her mother

were in the ____________.
2. Alisa’s mother used a trowel to
____________ the soil in a flower pot.
3. She wanted to plant a ____________ in
the pot.
4. Alisa was ____________ a potted plant.
5. Alisa and her mother did not notice two
bees were ____________ nearby.

1. After Alisa’s mother planted the seedling,

a bee ____________ down.
2. It stung Alisa’s mother on her
3. Her mother ____________ in pain.
4. She ____________ the trowel.
5. Alisa was worried so she quickly
______________ her father.

1. Her father ____________ Alisa’s mother

to the nearby clinic.
2. The doctor examined her mother’s arm.
3. He also _____________ her some
4. She wasn’t in ____________ anymore and
felt better.
5. They went home ___________ after that.
17 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the tapioca of a farmer.

1. Yesterday, a farmer and his family went to

the field to ____________ tapioca.
2. The farmer and his daughter
____________ the plant with much effort.
3. It was not easy as the ____________ were
quite deep in the soil.
4. After that, the farmer’s wife ____________
the tapioca from the roots.
5. Then, they ____________ out another

1. After they had ____________ a sack, they

went home.
2. The farmer’s wife took the sack to the
3. She ____________ the tapioca on the sink.
4. She also ____________ its skin and grated
them into small pieces.
5. After that, she prep____________ ared a
dessert which she cooked in the oven.

1. The dessert was ____________ at tea time.

2. The farmer and his family ate the dessert
and ____________ tea in the garden.
3. The farmer’s wife ____________ some
dessert to her neighbour.
4. Her neighbour was ____________.
5. She ____________ the farmer’s wife.
18 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Liza and Elvy’s cat.

1. Liza and Elvy are neighbours and they share

the same ____________ that is keeping cats
as their pets.
2. Liza ____________ her cat Comel and Elvy’s
cat is called Furry.
3. They always take ____________ care of
their pert cats.
4. Every evening, they will ____________ at
the garden near their houses to talk and
____________ ideas about cats.
5. Comel and Furry like ____________ with
each other too.

1. One day, while Liza and Elvy were in the

park, a bird flew by and ____________ on
a branch of a tree.
2. Comel heard the bird ____________ and
tried to find the sound.
3. Comel saw it and ____________ up quickly
to catch it but the bird flew away.
4. Unfortunately, Comel was ____________ to
come down from the tree and started
5. At that time, Liza’s brother ____________
by and saw what had happened.

1. He immediately ____________ to save

Comel from the tree.
2. Liza’s brother ____________ Comel to her.
3. Finally, Comel is ____________.
4. Liza ____________ her brother.
5. They were all _______________.
19 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Puan Fatimak and her nasi lemak.

1. Puan Fatimak is a mother of two hard

____________ and obedient sons.
2. Her husband ____________ away a year
3. She had to work hard to ____________ a
living for the family.
4. Every morning, she would wake up really
early to ____________ nasi lemak.
5. She would ____________ the nasi lemak in
banana leaves.

1. After packing them, Puan Fatimak would put

them in ____________.
2. Her sons would ____________ the baskets
and sell the nasi lemak to the villagers.
3. Puan Fatimak is a very good cook
____________ all the villagers like her nasi
4. The nasi lemak will be ___________ in no
5. Puan Fatimak’s sons were very

1. When all the nasi lemak were

____________, the boys would return home.
2. They would give all the money they
____________ to their mother.
3. Puan Fatimak would ____________ most of
the money.
4. She wanted to ____________ for her
children’s future education.
5. She is very ____________ of her two sons.
20 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Maliko and his mistake.

1. Maliko loves to eat ___________ foods.

2. His most favourites are _________ and
3. Maliko is known as a ____________ boy
because he never even helps her mother
to clean the house.
4. He would eat and eat that be became
5. He never brushes his ___________ too.

1. One day, he had a ________________.

2. He went to the ______________ to check
his teeth.
3. Maliko was ____________ because there
were many of his teeth rotten.
4. The dentist told Maliko the bad
5. Maliko felt _____________.

1. The ____________ is examining his teeth

in the room.
2. He wants to _____________ Maliko’s
rotten teeth.
3. Maliko regretted for his ___________
4. He will not be eating too much _________
foods after this.
5. He learnt his ____________.
21 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

22 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Chong Fatt’s Chinese New Year celebration.

It was the first day of Chinese New Year. Chong

Fatt and his _______________ wore new clothes
and _______________ the guests in their home.

That night, Chong Fatt wanted to

_______________ with firecrackers. His parents
told him to wait for them but he did not
_______________. As Chong Fatt was
_______________ up a firecracker, it exploded
in his hands. Chong Fatt _______________ out in
great pain.

Chong Fatt had to be _______________ as his

hands were seriously injured. The doctor advised
him to be more _______________ next time.
Chong Fatt regretted his _______________ and
_______________ to listen to his parents from
that day onwards.
23 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about John and his brother.

One Friday evening, John and his brother were

_______________ home after school. As the
boys were chatting away and
_______________ leisurely, there was an
unexpected _______________. It began
raining cats and dogs.

The brothers were _______________ and they

realized that they did not bring their
_______________ that day. They ran to look
for _______________ but there was nowhere
for them to wait. The boys decided to
_______________ home in the rain. By the time
they reached home, both John and his brother
were _______________.

That night, they had a _______________ fever.

Their parents rushed them to a nearby
_______________. The doctor treated them
and prescribed the necessary
_______________. He advised both of them to
_______________ well.
24 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the boys and their new toys.

Ryan’s uncle _______________ a toy car for

Ryan and his brother. The boys were very
_________ with the gifts.

The boys _______________ off their room with

their new toy. Soon, loud _______________
and cries were heard from the boys’ room.
They began _______________ over the car.
Ryan’s uncle _______________ the boys from
hurting each other.

However, parts of the toy car were

_______________. Their uncle was
_______________ with the boys’ behavior. He
advised them on the importance of
_______________ between siblings. The boys
felt _______________ of themselves. They
_______________ to their uncle and promised
to share their things in the future.
25 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Maslan and his deed.

It was the end of a Monday school session.

Maslan and his friends were _______________
home from school. They have always
_______________ together.

Suddenly, they heard faint sounds of a cat

_______________ in pain. The sounds were
_______________ from the drain along the
road. The boys immediately got down from their
bicycles and _______________ inside the drain.
They found a poor little cat. It was
_______________ and could not move.

Maslan _______________ the cat home. He

gave it some milk and _______________ its
broken leg. Soon, the cat’s leg
_______________. Maslan decided to keep it as
his _______________ as he had become quite
_______________ of it.
26 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Ushara and her accident.

Ushara was on her way back home from school.

The _______________ looked like there’s a
chance of rain so she took the
_______________ route. She took the road
where she has to _______________ an old
wooden bridge near her house.

As she walked to the _______________ of the

bridge, it became more and more
_______________ that suddenly Ushara
slipped and fell into the _______________. She
did not know how to swim so she
_______________ for help.

Luckily two boys who were walking on the

wooden bridge _______________ Ushara’s
scream. Both of the boys quickly
_______________ their shoes and jumped into
the _______________ to rescue her. Ushara
_______________ the boys’ help. She thanked
both the boys.
27 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the boat house.

This is a boat house of Kashmir. It is actually a

boat _______________ in a lake. It is not moving
but _______________ at a fixed position. It
serves as a hotel for tourists.

Many tourists like to _______________ the

boathouse. They want to see the
_______________ of the boathouse. Inside, the
boathouse is like an _______________ house. It
has a living room, a dining room and a
_______________. The bedrooms are at the
back of the boat.

The boatmen come in their boats. They

_______________ to take tourists for a boat
_______________ around the lake. They also
take them to some _______________ shops to
buy the local handicrafts.
28 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Jeban and his passion.

Jeban is eleven years old. He started

_______________ golf two years ago.
He learned under a professional
_______________. His father enrolled
him in a golf _______________.

He took part in many _______________

to gain experience. He won a few medals
for junior golf _______________. He
also won a new set of golf clubs and
several _______________.

This year, Jeban won two tickets to

Australia as a part of the
_______________. He sold the tickets
and _______________ the money to his
school. He wanted to use the money to
_______________ others.
29 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Ray and his mistake.

One day, Ray came home from school and

saw some hard-boiled eggs on the
_______________ table. He was
_______________, so he took one egg to
_______________. He removed the egg

The egg was cold, so he wanted to

_______________ it up. He put the egg
_______________ the microwave oven and
___________________ it on.

Suddenly, there was a loud

_______________ in the oven. Ray quickly
_______________ the oven by pressing the
stop button. The egg has _______________
into pieces. Ray had a hard time
_______________ the microwave oven.
30 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Daingo and his hobby.

Daingo likes to play _______________ with

his friends. Every evening, he meets them by
the _______________ near his house.
Sometimes, Daingo’s cousins and neighbours
_______________ in the game too.

They will play for two hours

_______________ they go home. On the
way home, they usually _______________
at a coffee shop for some
_______________. The coffee shop
_______________ to Daingo’s

He usually _______________ them free

banana fritters because he knows they are
very _______________ after their game.
When they have eaten their
_______________, they say
_______________ to one another and
return home.
31 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Randy, Ramesh and Bryan.

One day, Randy and his friends, Ramesh and

Bryan went _______________ in Mahua. As soon
as they _______________ the Jungle, they set up
their _______________. A few minutes later, the
boys decided to _______________ some
firewood to start a fire.

Suddenly, the three friends _______________

some noises. They quickly _______________
behind a tree to see what was the noise was
about. They saw two men _______________
three little mousedeer in a trap. The men were
_______________. Luckily, Randy had his mobile
phone. He took it out and quickly
_______________ the police. Then, the boys
waited behind some _______________.

Several minutes later, the _______________ and

some wildlife rangers arrived. The
_______________ were carrying the cage
containing the mousedeer. They were getting
ready to _______________ the jungle. The police
quickly _______________ the men and the
frightened mousedeer were _______________
into the jungle. Randy and his friends were
_______________ that they had done a good
32 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Aruna, Cheng and Hamud.

Last Sunday, Aruna, Cheng and Hamud decided

to go to the _______________ not far from their
house to _______________ some tadpoles for
their Science project. The boys walked there at
10.00 am _______________ nets and glass

As soon as they _______________ there, the

boys put their things under a _______________.
They saw many tadpoles in the water and started
_______________ them with their nets. The boys
put the tadpoles into their _______________.
Suddenly, Aruna _______________ and fell into
the water. He _______________ his bottle of

Hamud and Cheng quickly _______________

him to the riverbank. Aruna was
_______________ because he had lost all the
tadpoles that he had _______________.
However, his two kind friends _______________
him some of theirs. Aruna was _______________
to have such kind friends. After resting for a
while, the boys _______________ home.
33 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Jiban and the durian incident.

Last week, JIban _______________ his parents

to a night market. The market was very
_______________. Jiban and his parents went
to the durian stall. Many people were buying
durians while some were _______________ the
durians there.

Suddenly, a motorcyclist lost _______________

and crashed into the durian stall. All the durians
_______________ down onto the road. Jiban
and his parents were _______________. The
motorcyclist _______________ onto the durians.
Fortunately, he only had some minor
_______________ and bruises.

The durian seller _______________ the reckless

driver. Then, many people helped the
motorcyclist to _______________ up. The young
man was ashamed and _______________ to
everyone at the stall. Later, Jiban and his parents
helped the durian seller to _______________ all
the durians on the table. After buying some
durians, Jiban and his parents _______________
34 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Ramus and the sick man.

One fine morning, Ramus and his

_______________ went to the park. They
wanted to exercise to make them
_______________. They walked and
_______________ around the park. There were
some benches and a _______________ pond in
the park. There were not many
_______________ at the park.

After exercising, they _______________ on the

bench to rest. Suddenly, Ramus saw a man
_______________ on the ground near the bench.
Ramus and his father _______________ towards
the man. The man was _______________ his
chest. He was in _______________. Ramus’
mother hurriedly _______________ the hospital.
They waited for the _______________ to take
the man to the hospital.

After a few minutes, the ambulance

_______________ at the park. The paramedics
placed the man on a _______________ and
hurried him to the ambulance. The paramedics
_______________ Ramus and his parents for
their immediate _______________. The man was
then _______________ to the hospital.
35 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the gotong royong in Sk Sasandukon.

Last weekend, there was a cleanliness

_______________ at Sekolah Kebangsaan
Sasandukon. Many parents, teachers and pupils
came to the _______________. Some of them
brought hoes, _______________ and brooms to
clean up the school.

A few boys arranged the chairs and

_______________ in the classrooms. Some girls
swept the _______________ and put the rubbish
into the _______________. They also wiped the
_______________ panes using pieces of cloth.
They _______________ together to clean up their
classrooms. The classrooms looked clean and

After the cleanup, they had some

_______________ at the kitchen. They were tired
but _______________ to have taken part in the
cleanliness _______________.
36 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Danny’s hobby

Danny’s hobby is _______________ fish. Last

Friday was his birthday, so his father
_______________ him to a fish shop to buy some
fishes as his birthday _______________. Danny
chose two goldfishes because they were
_______________and _______________.

Danny _______________ his goldfishes in an

aquarium. Every evening, he feeds the goldfishes
with their _______________. He likes to sit in
front of the aquarium and _______________ the
goldfishes _______________ around.

Danny takes _______________ care of his fishes.

He _______________ the aquarium once a week
and sucks the _______________ water with a
pump. Danny loves his goldfishes very much. He
_______________ his father for buying the fishes.
37 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Penny and Amy.

One evening, Penny and Amy _______________

to the park near their houses to play their
_______________ game of badminton. There
were only two of them in the park at that

While they were playing happily, Penny

_______________ on something on the ground.
She looked down and _______________ a red
purse on the grass. She _______________ the
purse and saw an identity card and some
_______________ in it. They decided to hand
over the purse to the _______________.

At the police station, Penny and Amy were

_______________ to Mrs Bernadette, the owner
of the purse. She had just _______________ a
report on her missing purse. She was very
_______________ to have her purse back. She
gave Penny and Amy Rm20 as a
38 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Mrs Bernadette’s unfortunate event.

One morning, Mrs Bernadette wanted to buy

some _______________. She
_______________ her car to a grocery
nearby and parked her car
_______________ the shop. Then, she
_______________ across the road to the

Suddenly, a man on a motorcycle

_______________ her handbag from behind.
Mrs Bernadette was _______________and
she _______________ for help. She could not
see the man’s _______________ because he
speed off on his motorcycle.

Mrs Bernadette was feeling very

_______________. Nobody was willing to
give her a hand even though there were
people _______________ and witnessed the
incident. She went to the police station to make
a _______________. The policeman assured
her that they would _______________ the
39 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the muffins baked.

Mrs Aierlynster and her daughter were

_______________ in the kitchen. They were
making muffins using flour, _______________,
sugar, baking powder and other ingredients.
Mrs Aierlynster used an _______________ to
bake the muffins.

When the muffins were baked, they were left on

the wire racks to _______________. Then Mrs
Aierlynster and her daughter
_______________ the muffins into some boxes.

After they had finished _______________, Mrs

Aierlynster _______________ her daughter to
the orphanage. They took out the
_______________ of muffins and distributed
them to the _______________ there. The
_______________ ate the muffins happily as
the muffins were _______________.
40 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Zero and his deed.

One evening, Zero and his friends went

_______________ at the river behind his house.
They brought along their _______________
rods, a pail and a tin of _______________.

When they _______________ the river, they

found a spot under a shady _______________
and put their things there. Suddenly, they heard
someone _______________ for help. They
looked around and saw a boy
_______________ in the water. Immediately,
Zero _______________ into the river and
dragged the boy _______________ the bank
of the river.

Zero _______________ the boy because he is

his neighbour’s son. He carried the boy and
_______________ to his neighbour’s home.
Luckily, the boy was _______________. Zero’s
neighbour thanked him and his two friends for
_______________ his son’s life. Even though
Zero and his friends did not fish that day, they
were glad that they had done a
_______________ deed.
41 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Sheldon’s unfortunate event.

Sheldon’s mother _______________ to bake a

cake. She had all the ingredients
_______________ for sugar. Therefore, she
asked Sheldon to go to the grocery nearby to
buy a _______________ of sugar.

Sheldon _______________ to the shop and

bought the sugar from Pak Mat. On his way
home, it _______________ to rain cats and
dogs. Sheldon _______________ as fast as he
could. He accidentally knocked into a
_______________ and fell onto the
_______________. All the sugar was

Sheldon was _______________ all the way

home. He was scared that his mother would be
_______________ with him. When he reached
home, he told his mother what had
_______________. His mother was not
_______________ with him. Instead, she
_______________ Sheldon and told him that she
would bake a special _______________ for him
the next day.
42 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

43 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Amin and his sister’s incident.

Two weeks ago, Amin and his sister was involved

in an unfortunate ___________. That day, they
were ____________ to a bookshop together.
Amin’s sister was ____________ a handbag with
her. A motorcyclist ____________ them when they
passed by a bus stop. He asked them the
____________ to the clinic.

Suddenly, the motorcyclist ____________ his

sister’s handbag. His sister pulled ____________
but the snatch thief was too ____________. The
snatch thief ____________ his sister on her side.
He fled the ____________ afterwards.

Amin’s sister ____________ her balance from the

blow. She fell down and hit her head on the hard
____________. Amin was very scared and
____________. He shouted for help. A man
rushed to their ____________ and stopped a
taxi. His sister was brought to the hospital. The
doctor ____________ Amin’s sister. She suffered
a ____________ and was hospitalized.
Afterwards, Amin made a police report to the
police station. The police ____________ the
snatch thief a week later.
44 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Adery and the kitten.

Last Sunday, Adery was ____________ at the

field. He kicked the ball ____________ the
field. He kicked it very hard that it
____________ on the drain. He ran over to
____________ for it. As he was getting the ball
out from the drain, he heard a kitten
____________. It seemed to be in pain. It was
limping, ____________ to get out of the drain.
It could not get out ____________ its legs was
badly hurt.

He ____________ the kitten home. He

____________ it to his mother. He asked his
mother for ____________ to keep it as a pet.
His mother ____________ to let him keep it if
he promised to look after it. Adery was very
____________ to have a pet at last.

He ____________ the kitten Snowy. He fed

Snowy daily with ____________ and fish.
Soon, Snowy became ____________ and
____________. Every member of the family
____________ Snowy.
45 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the kidnapping.

Last Sunday, Rohaidi was ____________ at the

playground when he heard a girl
____________. He quickly ____________
around and he saw two men ____________ and
dragging a young girl into a white car.

Rohaidi could not do much to ____________ her,

so he took down the ____________ of the car.
He went to the ____________ phone booth to
call the police. He ____________ the incident to
the policeman.

Soon, three policeman ____________ in a

patrol car. They called the other patrol
policeman to help to ____________ for the
kidnappers’ car. With everyone’s help they
____________ the white car and
____________ the kidnappers. The girl was
saved and the police ____________ Rohaidi.
He felt very proud to be a useful ____________
to the country.
46 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about how to keep your body clean.

Last Monday, our Science teacher taught us about

personal ____________. She used some
____________ to show us the proper ways to
keep our teeth ____________. She told us to use
good toothbrushes and ____________ to brush
our teeth at least ____________ a day.

The teacher also ____________ us to bathe at

least twice a day. When we bathe, we must wash
our bodies ____________ with soap or shower
gel and ____________ with plenty of water. We
must use hair ____________ to wash our hair at
least ____________ a week.

The teacher then ____________ to a poster

showing us the ____________ ways to wash our
hands. We must wash our hands with
____________ and water before every
____________. Our hands may carry bacteria
which we ____________ see. They can make us
____________. That is why we must keep our
hands clean. It was indeed a good lesson
____________ we have learnt to keep ourselves
____________ and ____________.
47 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Riny’s last visit.

Riny and his family went to the ____________ in

town last weekend. His father ____________
them there. When they arrived, they
____________ the tickets and entered a big

At the circus, they watched ____________

swinging and ____________ one another from
high swings. It was breathtaking to watch them do
____________ in mid-air. They were very
excited to watch ____________ riding a bicycle
on a tightrope. They also saw a ____________
in loose baggy clothes and big shoes. He
thumped his ____________ while juggling and
performing many other ____________. They
laughed because the tricks were very

Next, they watched the lions ____________

through the rings of ____________. Everyone
clapped and ____________ when they had
succeeded ____________ through all the rings.
The performances were all ____________.
48 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the school’s annual mini concert.

It was Echel’s school annual mini ____________

again. It was ____________ in the school hall.
The Year Six pupils busily ____________ the
stage very early this morning. Linda helped to
____________ the microphone while Riny and
Rony ____________ the drum set to a corner.
Soon, rows of pupils ____________ the hall to
watch the concert.

The pupils sat in rows and they ____________

excitedly for the concert to begin. They
____________ their hands as soon as Ron
Steward began to ____________ the first song.
Echel accompanied him on the ____________
and Rajah on the drums while Sheldon played
the ____________.

Three ____________ took the stage for the

second song. They sang in ____________ and
everyone listened ____________. At the end of
the song, the pupils cheered and clapped their
hand ____________. When it was over, the
headmaster ____________ the band for giving
a good performance.
49 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the birthday crystals.

Last day, Ryan and Juivelyn went to a gift shop.

They ____________ to buy some crystals to
make a ____________ for their mother’s
birthday. The salesgirl ____________ them a
variety of colourful crystals. The crystals were of
red, pink, blue and many other ____________
like orange and ____________. The crystals
were placed in ____________ in a showcase.

Then, Ryan and Juivelyn looked at some designs

of bracelets in a ____________. They
____________ many pink and a few light
orange crystals. They ____________ them in a
small tray and paid for them at the
____________. Then they handed them to one of
the ____________. She threaded the crystals
____________ in a nylon thread. After that, she
____________ the ends of the nylon thread with
a metal clasp. The bracelet was ____________.

They put the bracelet in a silver gift

____________ and tied it with a pink
____________. Their mother was very
____________ to receive the present. She
thanked Ryan and Juivelyn for their
50 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Anggun and Kundasang.

During the holidays, Anggun and her

____________ went to Kundasang. They went
there in an air-conditioned ____________ with
other passengers. When they arrived at
Mesilau, the lowest section of Kundasang, they
____________ into a hotel.

After a rest, they took the hotel shuttle van to

____________ the nurseries. There were roses,
dandelions, ____________, sunflowers and
many other flowers at the nurseries. Anggun’s
mother ____________ some yellow and red
roses. Next, they visited the vegetable farm.
They saw the workers ____________
vegetables like cabbage and ____________.
There were green and red chilies in a big
basket. The cucumbers were in a box. The
farmer ____________ the vegetables on the
lorry. They would ____________ them to the
big towns downhill.

The next day, the ____________ took them to

a tea ____________ on the way home. The hills
were ____________ with lots of tea plants.
After lunch, they ____________ and returned
51 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the compost.

Elexpetera and her family always use the

____________ vegetables and fruit peelings to
make compost. Compost is made by decaying
waste ____________ such as ____________
leaves, vegetables and fruit peelings.

Elexpetera’s father ____________ a hole at the

corner in their ____________. Then he puts the
____________ vegetables, fruit peelings and
____________ leaves into the hole. Next, he
covers the waste materials with a layer of
____________. After that, Elexpetera’s mother
sprays some ____________ over the earth so that
the waste materials will decay ____________.

After two months, Elexpetera’s father will

____________ the soil with a spade. Elexpetera
and her mother will use the compost to
____________ the vegetables and flowers. The
vegetables are ____________ and the flowers
are ____________. This is one of the ways to
make our environment ____________ and recycle
____________ materials.
52 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Tesco’s computer.

One month ago, Tesco’s father ____________

a computer for the family. Tesco was very
____________ because he could use it to surf
the ____________ to get information to do his

He can now ____________ information and

pictures for his Science and English lessons and
other school projects. He can also use it to
____________ and print cards. While doing his
work on the computer, he ____________ to

His parents allow him to ____________

computer games only during the holidays.
Sometimes, he and his family ____________
movies from their CDs. He usually
____________ online with his friends during the
weekends only. In this way, he can be more
____________ with himself so that he will not
waste his ____________ by spending too much
of it on the computer.
53 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Encik Sandro.

Encik Sandro is a tour guide. He works on a

river boat that ____________ up and down
the Pagalungan River. As a tour guide, he
____________ the interesting places and
things in Nabawan to the tourists. He always
meets local as well as ____________ tourists.

Encik Sandro has ____________ as a tour

guide for only three years but he has lots of
____________ to tell his passengers. He
enjoys his work very much ____________ he
likes to tell about the rich culture of Murut and
the interesting ____________ they can buy.
The tourist are always ____________.

He ____________ that his company will buy

more tourists boats and ____________ more
tourists to come here. Then more people will
get ____________ and be happy. He wants
to make the Pagalungan River a must see
tourist ____________ in Nabawan.
54 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Merlyn’s school programme.

Last Monday, Merlyn’s school had a

____________ programme for the Year Six
pupils. The programme was held for two days
in the school ____________.

The ____________ of the programme was to

motivate the pupils to study hard to
____________ for their UPSR examination.
The school ____________ facilitators from
other schools to give talks. These facilitators
are ____________ in their own fields.

They gave the pupils ____________ and

many tips on how to answer the
____________ correctly. There was a
____________ session for the pupils to give
their opinions and ____________. In addition,
there were ____________ and challenging
games which pupils could win some
____________. Merlyn was very
____________to participate in the games
because she won a prize.
55 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the sports day in Edna’s school.

Edna’s school ____________ its sports day last

Wednesday. Before the day, the four sports
teams ____________ the field and their
individual ____________. They used flags,
balloons and coloured ____________ to
decorate them.

There were many exciting sport ____________.

Edna and her friends ran in the ____________
race. The events for the younger pupils were
____________. Among the exciting events
were balancing a ____________ bag on the
head and running with a spoon and
___________. During the sports, every pupil
____________ a pack of snacks and a bottle
of ____________.

When all the events were over, the headmaster

____________ the medals to the winners. Susan
and her team won the second ____________ in
the ____________ race. Everyone was
____________ but they ____________
themselves at the sports.
56 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Mrs Elvy’s lesson.

Mrs Elvy is the art teacher of Year Six Jed in

Sekolah Kebangsaan Sasandukon. Mrs Elvy
____________ her pupils how to make the
flower designs. She ____________ the art
project over two arts periods in school. The
children had a whale of time during the

Firstly, she ____________ her pupils to draw

floral designs on their ____________ paper
with their pencils. Then, Mrs Elvy told them to
____________ the pencil’s outline with
crayons. After that, they ____________ the
designs with watercolours. They left the
paper to ____________ on their desks.

Later, the pupils ____________ their

drawings to the school library. Mrs Elvy told
them to pin up the drawings on the
____________ boards. Her pupils’ artworks
were used as a ____________ in school
library. She was very proud of her pupils’
____________. On top of that, the artworks
of the pupils were also ____________ by all
the teachers.
57 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Karmila and Liza’s incident.

Karmila and Liza are twelve years old. They

____________ in the same neighbourhood.
Both of ____________ like jogging. One
evening, Karmila and Liza ____________
jogging at the park near their houses. There
were only two of ____________ in the park.

While they were jogging, Karmila

____________ on something. She looked
down and found a black leather
____________ on the ground. She opened it
and saw an ____________ card and some
money in it. They decided to ____________
it to the police.

At the police station, they were

____________ to Encik Shamsudin. He was
the owner of the ____________. He had just
lodged a report on his ____________ wallet.
He was very ____________ and thanked
58 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the sports day in Udin’s school.

Last Sunday, Udin’s school ____________ an

annual sports day. The event was held at the
school ____________. Many students and
parent came that morning to ____________
the events. The first event of the day was the
march ____________. The students marched
across the field. They were wearing army suits
and ____________. Some of the students
were holding ____________.

After that, the 100-meter race

____________. Udin was a representative for
his ____________. Udin ran as fast as a
____________ and he was the
____________ of the race. His team members
were ____________ of him. Later on, the
school had a ____________ of games for the
pre-school kids. They also had games for
____________ and parents. Everyone
____________ watching them.

Finally, the prize-giving ____________

started. The prizes were given by the
____________ of the school. Udin received a
gold ____________ for the 100-meter race.
Even though the students were ____________,
they still enjoyed themselves. Udin
____________ he could win the race again in
the next ____________ sports day.
59 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Ardy’s mobile phone.

Ardy’s parents ____________ him a mobile

phone on his birthday. He was very
____________ with his presents. It was a
____________ new mobile phone. Ardy
thanked his parents for the present. He was
happy as a ____________ to receive his gift
for his birthday. He couldn’t ____________ to
use his new phone.

Ardy used his mobile phone to ____________

his parents whenever he was ____________
from home. It was easier for him and his
parents to keep in ____________. Sometimes,
when he knew he could be late, he will
____________ his mother beforehand to
____________ her.

However, Ardy used his phone too

____________. He was always messaging his
friends. The phone bill had ____________ a
lot. As a result, Ardy’s father sat down and
____________ to him about ____________ of
having a mobile phone. He wanted Ardy to
know that he should cut down the
____________ of his phone. Ardy promised to
be as wise as ____________ in using his phone
in the future.
60 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the fire in Jalan Kenana.

Yesterday, a few ____________ along Jalan

Kenana were on fire. The fire started in the
textile shop and soon ____________ to the
other shops ____________. One of the
residents immediately ____________ the fire

The fire department ____________ within

five minutes. The residents worked
____________ with the firemen. They
____________ buckets of water and
managed to put out the fire in a
____________ while.

The shop houses were in ____________ after

the fire. Many belongings were
____________. Although they ____________
a great loss, the shop owners of Jalan Kenana
were ____________ that no life were lost in
the ____________.
61 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about Pak Buntat’s son.

Pak Buntat is a ____________ farmer who

lived in a small, ____________ house in a
village. He grew vegetables on a small
____________ of land behind his house. His
wife and son ____________ him on his farm.

Pak Buntat’s son is a ____________ student.

When he ____________ his secondary
education, he got a place in one of the top
universities in his ____________. Pak Buntat
used his ____________ for his son’s education.

After Pak Buntat’s son ____________, he got

a nice job. Soon, he bought a house in the
____________ and brought his parents to
____________ with him. He was grateful for
his parents’ ____________. Pak BUntat and his
wife felt ____________to have such a filial
62 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

Describe the pictures below to make a story about the camping trip of Sk Sasandukon.

Last weekend, a ____________ of scouts from

Sk Sasandukon went on a camping
____________. They boarded a bus from
their school. They started the ____________
early in the morning.

Once they reached the ____________, they

met a guide who led the ____________ for
them. They ____________ through the forest
and soon ____________ the campsite. The
boys quickly pitched their ____________ and
did their chores. Some of them ____________
firewood while a few filled their
____________ with water from the nearby

That night, after they had ____________, the

scouts sat around the ____________. They
sang ____________and shared
____________. They enjoyed themselves
____________. It was a memorable
____________ for them.
63 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

1. WH Questions
Introduction (Focus on the question requirement)
Ali and Abu live in the same neighborhood. They have been known as the naughtiest children in the hood.

Who is in the picture? Who is in the picture?

Where are they? Where are they?
What are they doing? What are they doing?
When did they do it? When did they do it?
How are they feeling? How are they feeling?

Ali and Abu have a Ali and Abu cycles

bicycle. recklessly.
They are cycling. They want to cycle on the
high way.
They are at the park.
They want to race each
They always cycle in the other.
The high way is always
They love doing it. busy in the evening.
They don't care about it.

Who is in the picture?

Where are they?
What are they doing?
When did they do it?
How are they feeling?

Ali and Abu are racing.

They race on an open
busy road.
Suddenly, Ali is hit by a
it happens when Ali tries
to overtake Abu.
Abu is schoked seeing the

Closure (Focus on moral values)

Ali was admitted to the hospital for severe injury. They both learned their lesson. It is important for us to
always be careful, even if it seems like it's not necessary. The consequences if something goes wrong are
much worse than wasting a little time and effort by being careful. As the saying goes, better safe than
64 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan


Picture No Subject/Noun to Verb Object Complement
to Pulau
1 Ali is going
with his
2 He is going there
Ali and his has lots of
3 to do there.
family planned activities

4 They are going to the island by train.

5 He is very excited.

1 Ali is rowing a kayak

2 He is wearing a life jacket for his safety.

along with
3 His brother is swimming

4 They are enjoying their trip

5 They are very happy.

Ali and his

1 are snorkeling at the beach.
2 Ali likes
very much.
his own
3 He brought

4 His father is showing them around.

an enjoyable
5 They are having
65 Page

1. How can you make the story more interesting?

2. What idiom / proverb can you relate to the story?
3. Is there any moral value you can learn from the story? What is it?
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan


1 PROVERB Absence makes the heart grow fonder
MEANING Being away from someone or something for a period of time makes you appreciate that person or
thing more when you see them or it again
EXAMPLE “I used to hate going to my aunt’s house, but now I kind of miss it. Absence makes the heart grow

2 PROVERB Actions speak louder than words.

MEANING What you do is more important than what you say
EXAMPLE “Don’t just tell me you’re going to change. Do it! Actions speak louder than words.”

3 PROVERB A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

MEANING You must begin something if you hope to finish it; something that takes a long time to finish begins with
one step
EXAMPLE “If you want to lose weight, you need to stop eating junk, and you need to start exercising. Today. Not
tomorrow. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

4 PROVERB All good things must come to an end

MEANING Everything ends; good times don’t last forever
EXAMPLE “I wish this vacation would go on forever. It’s too bad that all good things must come to an end.”

5 PROVERB A picture is worth a thousand words

MEANING An image can tell a story better than words
EXAMPLE “I wasn’t sure that he loved her, but then I saw them hugging at the airport. A picture is worth a
thousand words.”

6 PROVERB A watched pot never boils

MEANING If something takes time to do, it doesn’t help to constantly check on it. You just have to give it time.
EXAMPLE “I know you think he’s going to be a great guitar player one day, but stop criticizing him so much. He
just started taking lessons two weeks ago! A watched pot never boils.”

7 PROVERB Beggars can’t be choosers

MEANING If you’re in a bad situation and someone offers to help you, you have to take whatever they give you
and shouldn’t ask for more
EXAMPLE “I was unemployed, and they offered me a job cleaning prison toilets. I didn’t like the job, but I
accepted it. Beggars can’t be choosers.”

8 PROVERB Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

MEANING What is “beautiful” is different for each person
EXAMPLE “I think their house is ugly, but they seem to like it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

9 PROVERB Better late than never

MEANING It’s better to finish something late than to never do it at all
EXAMPLE “Hello, Mr. Jameson. Here is my final essay. Better late than never, right?”

10 PROVERB Birds of a feather flock together

MEANING People who are similar spend time together
EXAMPLE “I think we all started hanging out because we all liked anime. Birds of a feather flock together.”
66 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

11 PROVERB Cleanliness is next to godliness

MEANING It’s good to be clean. God is clean, and you should be too.
EXAMPLE “Go take a shower before your date. You know what they say; cleanliness is next to godliness.”

12 PROVERB Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

MEANING Don’t make someone angry or hurt someone who is helping you or paying for you
EXAMPLE “You had a fight with your boss? Are you stupid? Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

13 PROVERB Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

MEANING Don’t expect a positive result before you actually see it
EXAMPLE A: “This idea is going to make me millions of dollars!”
B: “Whoa. Let’s slow down. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”

14 PROVERB Don’t judge a book by its cover

MEANING Don’t judge someone or something by appearance alone
EXAMPLE “Racism is still a problem today, and it will continue to be that way until we learn not to judge a book
by its cover.”

15 PROVERB Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket

MEANING Don’t put all of your hopes and resources into one goal or dream
EXAMPLE “I know you really want to be an actor, but don’t you think you’re being financially irresponsible?
Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.”

16 PROVERB Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today
MEANING If you can do something today, do it. Don’t wait until tomorrow; don’t procrastinate.
EXAMPLE “You have 6 hours of free time now. You should start on that final psychology assignment. Don’t put
off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

17 PROVERB Don’t put too many irons in the fire

MEANING Don’t try to do too many things at the same time; focus on one thing at a time
EXAMPLE “No wonder you’re exhausted. You’re trying to work 4 jobs at the same time! You have too many
irons in the fire right now.”

18 PROVERB Easy come, easy go

MEANING When you make money quickly, it’s very easy to lose it quickly as well
EXAMPLE “I won $200 at the casino, and then I spent it on a very expensive meal for me and some friends.
Easy come, easy go.”

19 PROVERB Fortune favors the bold

MEANING People who are brave and who take risks are more successful than people who are do things safely
all the time
EXAMPLE “It’s a risk, but the reward could be great. I say you go for it. Fortune favors the bold.”

20 PROVERB God helps those who help themselves

MEANING Don’t just wait for good things to happen to you. Work hard to make them happen
EXAMPLE “If you want a better life, you can’t just sit on your butt thinking about it. You have to work to make it
happen. God helps those who help themselves.”
67 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

21 PROVERB Good things come to those who wait

MEANING If you are patient, good things can happen
EXAMPLE “I know you’re hungry, but stop being so impatient. We just ordered our food. Good things come to
those who wait.”

22 PROVERB Honesty is the best policy

MEANING It’s always better to tell the truth than it is to lie
EXAMPLE “If you want people to trust you, you need to be honest with them. Honesty is the best policy.”

23 PROVERB Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

MEANING In any situation, be optimistic about the result, but always be ready for the worst outcome
EXAMPLE “We’re going on vacation next week. It’s supposed to rain a lot, so we’re bringing our umbrellas
and a bunch of board games. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”

24 PROVERB If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

MEANING If something is already working well, don’t try to change it or improve it
EXAMPLE “Why are you trying to upgrade your PC again? It was working fine before. If it ain’t broke, don’t
fix it.”

25 PROVERB If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

MEANING If you can’t change someone’s behavior or opinion, sometimes it’s better or easier to do what they
want to do
EXAMPLE “I told Mark that we needed to study, but he kept playing video games. Eventually I gave up and
just played video games too. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

26 PROVERB If you play with fire, you’ll get burned

MEANING If you get involved in something dangerous or beyond your abilities, you will probably experience
negative consequences
EXAMPLE “Don’t make him angry. If you play with fire, you’ll get burned.”

27 PROVERB If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself

MEANING Don’t depend on someone else to do a good job; do it yourself
EXAMPLE “I asked my roommate to wash the dishes, but they ended up super filthy! I guess it’s true what they
say: if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”

28 PROVERB Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

MEANING If someone is your enemy, treat them like a friend so you can be ready if they ever try to betray you
EXAMPLE “We don’t trust each other, but we have to be nice to each other because we work for the same
company. I’m worried about him stealing my promotion, so I’m going to keep being nice to him. Keep
your friends close, but your enemies closer, and all that.”

29 PROVERB Knowledge is power

MEANING The more you know, the more powerful you can be in different areas of your life
EXAMPLE “When we were kids, our parents taught us how to swim. That knowledge helped me to save my
cousin’s life when he was 5 years old. Knowledge is power.”

30 PROVERB Laughter is the best medicine.

MEANING When you’re in a difficult situation, laughing can make it easier to get through that situation
EXAMPLE “I’m sorry to hear about your dog. Want to watch a funny movie? Sometimes, laughter is the best
68 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

31 PROVERB Like father, like son

MEANING Said when a son is similar to his father; also, “Like mother, like daughter”
EXAMPLE “Ryan started playing hockey at a very young age. He’s just like his dad. Like father, like son.”

32 PROVERB No man is an island

MEANING No one is truly capable of living alone. We need human connection to be healthy
EXAMPLE “You can’t just abandon your friends and family. No man is an island.”

33 PROVERB People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
MEANING Don’t criticize someone if you’re not perfect either; don’t be a hyprocrite
EXAMPLE “Why are you always bothering her about being addicted to her phone? You’ve been smoking for
20 years and haven’t been able to give it up. People who live in glass houses should not throw

34 PROVERB Practice makes perfect

MEANING The more you do something, the better you will become at it
EXAMPLE “Don’t give up on learning the violin. Practice makes perfect.”

35 PROVERB The early bird gets the worm

MEANING People who wake up early or who get to places early have a better chance of success
EXAMPLE “I got to the ticket office before anyone else. I got front row seats to the show! The early bird gets
the worm.”

36 PROVERB The enemy of my enemy is my friend

MEANING If someone whom I don’t like doesn’t like someone else whom I don’t like, we can act like friends and
unite against the other person (common in war)
EXAMPLE “I don’t like you, you don’t like me. But I think we can agree that we both HATE Daniel. Let’s work
together and get him fired! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?”

37 PROVERB The grass is always greener on the other side

MEANING People always want what they don’t have
EXAMPLE A: “I’m jealous of all the free time my single friends have.”
B: “Yeah, but your friends are probably jealous of you too in some ways. The grass is always
greener on the other side.”

38 PROVERB The pen is mightier than the sword

MEANING If you’re trying to convince someone of something, words and ideas are stronger than using physical
force (common in politics)
EXAMPLE “We must avoid this war and use diplomacy to solve our problems. The pen is mightier than the

39 PROVERB There is no place like home

MEANING Your home is the most comfortable place in the world
EXAMPLE “What a tiring vacation! I’m glad to be back in my own bed again. There’s no place like home.”

40 PROVERB There is no such thing as a free lunch.

MEANING Nothing is free. Even the things that are free have a hidden cost
EXAMPLE “His bank gave him $50 for free, but he had to commit to opening a credit card account. There’s no
such thing as a free lunch.”
69 Page
E. Exodus ©
SK Sasandukon Nabawan

41 PROVERB There is no time like the present

MEANING Don’t wait to do something. Do it now.
EXAMPLE “Why don’t you stop talking about needing to call your mom? Just CALL her! There is no time like the

42 PROVERB The squeaky wheel gets the grease

MEANING The person who complains in a situation is more likely to get something.
EXAMPLE A: “I just don’t understand why she’s received so many promotions, and I’m still at the bottom of the
B: “She complains a lot. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

43 PROVERB Time is money

MEANING Don’t waste your time or other people’s time; also, if you can use your time to make money in some
way, you should do that.
EXAMPLE “Hurry up! Time is money!”

44 PROVERB Two heads are better than one

MEANING It’s easier to do something as a team than by yourself
EXAMPLE “I’m stuck on this project. Can you help me out? Two heads are better than one.”

45 PROVERB Two wrongs don’t make a right

MEANING Trying to get revenge on someone who has hurt you will only make things worse
EXAMPLE “I know she made you angry, but did you have to steal her phone? Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

46 PROVERB When in Rome, do as the Romans do

MEANING When you are in a new place or situation, try to act like the majority of people in that place or
EXAMPLE A: “You’ve been eating a lot of bread and cheese on this Paris vacation.”
B: “Hey, when in Rome.”

47 PROVERB When the going gets tough, the tough get going
MEANING When a situation becomes difficult, strong people don’t give up; they work harder
EXAMPLE “My great grandfather survived the Great Depression. You know the phrase, ‘when the going gets
tough, the tough get going?’ That was my great grandfather.”

48 PROVERB Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

MEANING If something seems wrong, it probably is; also, there is usually some truth to a rumor
EXAMPLE “Matilda came to school with a black eye today. She cried when I asked her about it after class and
didn’t want to say anything about her parents. I don’t want to speculate too much, but where there’s
smoke, there’s usually fire.”

49 PROVERB You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it
MEANING You can try to help someone by giving good advice, but you can’t force them to accept it or follow it
EXAMPLE “She tried to help her brother find a job by improving his resume, but he didn’t do anything with it. I
guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it.”

50 PROVERB You can’t always get what you want

MEANING Don’t complain if you don’t get what you want
EXAMPLE A: I really wanted to see that movie, but I didn’t have enough money last week
B: It happens. You can’t always get what you want, right?


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