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Choose a topic (AOS 2) to do a Research Investigation task on. You will then evaluate your data and do a Scientific
Report in the form of a creative report presentation.

Choose a topic to research and investigate

Research topics/Experiments can be found under the Unit 2 Lesson Plan tab in
the Psychology Hub… 

Topic 1: Conformity (Asch’s experiment)

Topic 2:  Status and power (Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment)
Topic 3:  Obedience (Milgram’s Authority experiment)

Write your research statement in the space below. (To investigate the effect of …..)

Literature Review
1. Find and summarise two relevant theories that align with your chosen research question – use
your notes and textbook to help you do this.
2. Now define and describe the investigation topic (and relevant definitions) you have chosen
to manipulate. Eg. Multiple-Intelligence (Cognition), Attachment (Psychological
development)and Phobias (Mental health and disorder).

3. Give a summary of at least one experimental research investigation study that has been
conducted in the past on this topic. You need to include a brief description of the aim,
hypothesis, results and conclusion of the study.

4. Describe any ethical considerations or breaches that specifically applied to past research.
5. State your aim
6. What is the simple IV?
7. What is the simple DV?
8. Who will your target population be?
9. Now formulate a hypothesis. (It is expected/predicted that as the ….(IV)
increases/decreases the …(DV) will increase/decrease)
10. Finally, you need to operationalise your variables so they are testable.
The operationalised independent variable in this study will be
11. The operationalised dependent variable in this study will be
12. Identify your chosen sampling technique, including a justification of why you
chose this method.
13. List the details of the sample you intend to test. E.g. total number, number of
males/females, age range, where they are from and how you will find them.
14. Identify the equipment/materials you will need to conduct your study and list
them below (be sure to mention anything you will have to design yourselves).
15. Choose an appropriate experimental design (independent groups, matched
participants, repeated measures) and explain why you chose this method.

16. Provide a detailed outline of the steps involved so that the study can be
replicated in the future.
Ethical Considerations
17. Before you start collecting your data you must consider all ethical guidelines
and principles. List any relevant ethical considerations below state how you plan to
adhere to each:
Potential Extraneous Variables
18. It is also important before you begin your investigation that you consider any
elements that could become extraneous variables. It is essential to eliminate as
many of these as possible in order to obtain more reliable results. List below two
potential extraneous variables in your study, their effect on the operationalised DV and
how you will try to prevent these extraneous variables from occurring (adjust your
procedure where appropriate).
Extraneous variable 1
Extraneous variable 2


19. Discussion
What did the results show?

20. Was the hypothesis supported? (Refer to data/ explain how)


21. Were there any limitations or extraneous variables that interfered with the
experiment? List two actual or possible extraneous variables that could have had an
effect on the results.

22. Identify and suggest improvements to eliminate the effect of the extraneous
variables identified in the last section.
23. Write a conclusion for you investigation. This is a short statement directly
related to the aim. This should be written in past tense.


You may choose to create a scientific research poster (as below), conduct a news
report video, a short film, comic strip, write a short story, re-design an experiment
related to your investigation topic or write up a scientific lab report.

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