What Is The TPACK Framework All About FINAL

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Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

The TPACK framework was introduced by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler of Michigan
State University in 2006. With it, they identified three primary forms of knowledge instructors
need to combine for successful EdTech integration: Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical
Knowledge (PK), and Technological Knowledge (TK) that offers a productive approach to many
of the dilemmas that teachers face in implementing educational technology (edtech) in their

TPACK framework enhances teacher’s and teacher candidates’ ability to use technology in their
teaching,learning and later in their professions. It is a theory that was developed to explain the
set of knowledge that teachers need to teach their students a subject, teach effectively, and use
technology. By differentiating among these three types of knowledge, the TPACK framework
outlines how content (what is being taught) and pedagogy (how the teacher imparts that
content) must form the foundation for any effective edtech integration. This order is important
because the technology being implemented must communicate the content and support the
pedagogy in order to enhance students’ learning experience.

In classroom settings the TPACK framework is essential to teachers as this can be a huge help
and advantage for them in order to make their teaching more efficient and effective. Wherein
the technological knowledge helps teachers use and combine technology with teaching. This is
very rampant in today’s classroom settings, given that we are living in the 21 st century age, using
technologies in teaching became a huge help in order for the students to learn more efficient
and have interests in learning as they have opportunities to explore and experience the
substantial function of technology. Pedagogical Knowledge: Refers to the art and practice of
teaching. Utilizing the knowledge and putting into the practice of transmitting the knowledge in
an interesting way for the students to learn. Pedagogy not only refers to the accuracy of
knowledge but the effectiveness of the teaching on the student’s learning. Because we cannot
deny the fact that there are still instances in which Teacher may know everything but does not
know how to teach. That is why Pedagogical Knowledge is an essential factor for the students to
be able to learn.
Content Knowledge: Content knowledge is the teacher’s knowledge about the subject matter to
be learned or taught. This knowledge would include knowledge of concepts, ideas, theories and
frameworks. This is exactly why the TPACK framework is important. It’s easy to think that
adding a great Learning Management Systems (LMS) to a class strategy is going to enhance
learning. But TPACK shows us that there’s a relationship between technology, content, and
pedagogy, and the purposeful blending of them is key.
TPACK has a vital role in teaching-learning process it helps not just the teachers but also the
students. It benefits both the learner and the teacher. It is just right to adapt this framework in
every classroom settings.

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