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GEC-8 Ethics

Case Study # 3
Group Recitation # 35

John Marco T. Romero (BSCE-2D)


Date of Submission
November 11, 2021

Submitted to
Dr. Marijane V. Carpio
Case Study 3: Aladdin was sure that he wanted to become an engineer. He was really
studying hard so that he could get an admission and scholarship in the best university. He
studied hard but somehow couldn’t score that well. He was very upset. After few days,
Aladdin, met one of his friends who told him that if he gives him some money, he can
arrange for an admission as well as to have a scholarship. Of course, Aladdin, didn’t have
money and he could not ask his father, as if it wasn’t legal. The next day, Aladdin’s father
gave him some money to deposit in the bank. Aladdin thought that with this money he can
easily get an admission in the best college, and his career will be all set. He didn’t deposit the
money in the bank, and neither did he give it to his friend. He was very confused.

When I would recall the topics that have discussed so far in our subject, I can
definitely justify that the main focus revolves around decision making. Mainly, it involves
about making good choices, taken into consider the different outcomes, consequences and
understanding the whole situation. With these lessons, along with my capabilities in
reasoning and moral judgment, I can come up with a particular decision in every moral
dilemma that I am facing through. In this case study, I will attempt to justify my stance
through logical explanations backed up with moral foundation accepting the standards about
what is actually considered right, that would result to the best possible conclusion to my
After understanding Aladdin’s situation, I can relate so much with his determination
and passion to become an engineer that he has set for his future. As an engineering student
having little financial maintenance and struggles to learn the complexity of subjects, I think I
know how he feels with his current situation. The desire for us to strive in able to attain our
goals for the best future lies great perseverance, yet it is absolutely not an easy task. And,
whenever we encounter struggles finding our way through success, we tend to seek shortcuts
and urgent solution to better set ourselves with clear path. However, this will likely be only
temporary in effect. If we take alternatives and crosscut solutions, it doesn’t really provide us
the very essential parts of the process and someday will again lead us to more struggles
because we skipped our ways to the proper procedure. Hence, we wouldn’t actually learn
with this approach and the reward is not good for long-term effect.
Based on the friend’s statement, my understanding would that be as if he can propose
a particular connection with people in the university and also a grant of scholarship. After I
have thought of the friend’s offer about the alleged guarantee of security to Aladdin’s future,
I really doubt that it is true. To apply it in general, in the world of professions, being admitted
for an opportunity, position, or any opportunities do not necessarily make you successful
already, because you still have to prove your skills and capabilities on your works to finally
achieve rewards, titles, and appreciations. So, being admitted for an opportunity means taken
into consideration of your qualifications before being accepted. In addition, his idea that he
can offer scholarship is skeptic. In my view, paying a great amount of money in exchange of
scholarship is illogical. As far as I know, paying money to schools offering scholarship may
only exist because of fees, such as entrance exam registration or minor expenses, and it is not
usually in huge amount of money. In my experience for applying to scholarships, I’m sure
that they have high qualifications and requirements set so that they can assure that the
qualified students have the characteristics that they need because the stakeholders and
sponsors should at least be informed so they can justify that the money they provide for their
scholars are worthy of the support. If ever this is really true and happening, then I can say that
the system somehow follows an immoral standards which reflect the greed for money with
abuse of power and justice, and it is quite despairing to know that it is a part of reality
Money plays a big role in numerous aspects of life. The world is operated in a system
of currency in able for people to attain their needs. In Aladdin’s situation, his father gave him
money to withdraw, whether he would spend it to what he desires or not. With this, we
should keep in mind that spending comes with priorities and evaluation of worth, not in a
literal way but pertaining to its usefulness and significance. When we spend our money to a
certain thing, we should make sure that every cent is worth the spend and the exchange that
we get from the transaction is really necessary and important. In his situation, I don't think
that the standards that we should consider are met in the part of certainty and necessity, and
think that the offer states a detailed procedure, instead it sounds more like a bogus. Thinking
through different factors is important and we must be critical about it so that our money
would not be spent on waste. Because, wasteful and pointless spending of money also means
you neglect your labor and efforts, thus you are only making your life harder.
To conclude my reasons and judgments, if I were Aladdin, I would not withdraw my
money to give it to my friend because I don’t think that it is the best thing to do because the
alleged offer is doubtful and skeptic, hence showing uncertainty with his statement. Money is
not really the main focus of Aladdin’s situation, it is his future that only lies within his hands.
If I were him, I will just continue to improve my knowledge in the field of engineering and
go through the hardest way because in that manner, I would actually gain essential
information and expertise in learning my way through. That is the moment when I am sure
that every struggle that I experience will sooner be worth it as it would fruit a real great
Life has no shortcuts. Every hardships and efforts that we invest on our self-
improvement and future will always be worthwhile. Experience is the real mentor that would
teach us through life. And as always, we should be critical on whatever decisions we make
because no one but only ourselves will suffer the most, no matter its consequences.

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