DL12 Dragons of Faith

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Advanced Dungeonsf)ragons: Pas 2 © PN (5 a “0 Ue Official Game Adventure Dragons of Faith ae eee aac! Advanced Dungeons{jPragons* Official Game Adventure Dragons of Faith by Harold Johnson and Bruce Heard TABLE OF CONTENTS Prologue « a .. Seeoaratmebnseenediienmdee! _. Saett tures tea. ve TWhercin the Tale fs told and the story expounded this for TToaPall et litur 2% je --saeetnasenstl se semctreartsesig: -.tan Pe hes ens ae Wherein the Sad history of the Gotoclyar af faa evened ‘Chapter S: An Ardsous Journey o.c22 120100 eee se Wherein the heroes journey thoxigh coemy fends ‘Shopter 6: Dangerous Games ia FIOSOM 0020 e eee ceeeeeeeceee 216 Wherein the heroes sock 9 ship, but moet thes fat insicad Sha Te AT Euan of unin ost ceeOuarcieee end OAH ete gr cake Whercin the hesoes ove! venlaie Su! upd the Haunted Sas 16 cantare tha Bestiny Chapter 8s Istar of the Deep oon e eee ne enue seeeesentenseeteneereceeret eects eo 3 Whecein the wonders end hoiror af ancient Ito are revealed fete ees tia aral ene Oe em cr tna OE fe aes Seo Wncrcin the heroes must fe Ub eit of ho ea Chapter 10: Fiiends in Need. cee. ra conn Wherein oid frends and sities heeeendd te Atmaaan Rataga2 Peis, el Sade 2c es ae Rc Boilie ag Wherein the heroes must overcome despa and decee vo capture the key 1 Pee no precedence... i Us 58 Bisa poring wth ad int and near andthe dawning c's pew dey Appenties <2 se onn.. ott getter hae ceeeeteeestees ness: 25Q0, 60-64 crepits lend he a Cover Art: Jeff Easley Seta gene Inteor Art) Diana Magnuson ined GUNGESNE sDAGONE, ADED. Cartography: Tom Darden, Dennis Kauth, IBRAGOSEANCE ODUCT! OF YOUR KCNA a David 5. LaFore, Graeme Morris, es ie Cara taste Bowed saree ee yc Decne ‘rminne H pos 756 yr Toe Rathore Rad ine Geneve Cambridge €81 4A wissna7 inte Kingdon Keying: Colleen O'Malley Totes for the Oungeon Master Drzgoas of Fathi the rwlfth module i he ‘epic DRAGONLANCE® series. Ie continues the fal book of che saga begun in DLIO. Dragan of Deca. These modules re silver God's Eye and red Night Candie. The blackflame, the lining destroyer of life bumed agains in the Itarien halls. No flome \ urmed in Solomnia. Fire raged across the plains of Abanasnia, scouring the land Pon) Sath brake the council of the Knights sand they sought fo redress hie in ac Tn my oom Palanthus, an impenetrable white mist obscure oll, Only om the thirteenth day could I at lat set pen fo paper Fiery came from Sibtanesti that the tees wore weeping blood. From Quolinecté come an clonm of animals lued violent. Tarss told of firm and ruined mets, while northern ports spoke of 08 tides that washed through the sires. > of rd tides that washed through th And finally, the Lords of Dooos ad sony ather sleeping meuntains belehed forth rivers of > lata and ash, ‘Through al his, few were the casualties, but the art was ab andl! Tremors Began f0 shake the dand, grinding away the les of men as if 50 much wheat. A mighty roar filled the air And the chy rained fire! Chapter 5: the Prophecy Now to Start The aducneure ia DLI2 Begin abouta mo fer the player characters awakened Latte Caledon, the elfking, Leaving sAlhana Stat bnseze, the elfeing's daughter, behind 10 mourn het father and begin o rebuild Silvanesti, the heroes journeyed ntl ta Bali for. Discovering they ae now in held lands, chey scek passage on a beat (0 the free lands. But they must proceed cautiously, 30.5 ‘nat to deaw the atention of the conquerors If your players have played DL1O, Dragons OF Dieta, yous ay watt exeaie alata adventure to bring them to this point. If they find a boat vo cross the Bay of Balifos. ie should ‘wrod in a storm ot be attarked and bled by Lshadony dragon (see Event 15) TE your pavers are new te should share "The Seory Thus Fs ‘with them before beginning play ‘Note that Secinda and Kron do not bepia theadventutewith the patty. With the party is the NPC droid, Waylorn importane chat this caractes Ev'the players have not played DLO. i met with Serinda and Kronn, The pare starts the adventite in Encouniee ‘Ate, inthe hen withthe stat. This is done to rmeve the adventure switly along, 6 a, you " on page}, ~ Events Gent 1: Friends mn Need The journey frog Silvanesti has besa long. tnd tiresome. You leave that aightmare land to reamaken o the song of spring. But i remains shadowed, is Hing pag i ie land has fallen to the conquering aumies of the Hlighlords and their dracon: | Jao minions. Freedom ie 2 thing of the past, eafery bur a fleeting shadow. The land has fallen to hatd tines, and every ‘an might sll hs bother, Eves and their Kin are hunted and any resiwance seems useless, Your only plan isto ease sufficient funds ta laud ship to the free western land, This eves journey isintecrupted by sud. den shouts and the sound of 2 battle ahead Some 200 yards down te road, where acopse of tres forms a pool of shadow, 1 struggle ‘king place. Ifthe PCs listens they bea n Slant EE Abobgoblen parol of 20, eal by a Boake tas discorered Réoan and Setinds hiding in the tees and is arempting to capture them Ww: n ishere if he 6 not with the pay. S fareach has taken 1d8 pines of damage, and there This ‘Mop strangeseand capiu Event 2: Traveling four dead hobgeblins ip only cuties 2 icers for Bote steel. They know litle, bata 20 coppers plas lifor worth eight der orders to any who seer odd The Dragonurmy hs ordets to detain any ‘who appearedd and o ring theme Flotsam (Ghrea 15) forquestioning, Thes ate also huat ing eves and elcin, aswell at tebele, Moot of the atmy tries ro caprure elves and rebels (0 sain the higher reward foe living ets Rebels wach, and uy to ed ing themselves. Rebels might those captured of attacked by draco Tike betes have to either crave by nig aasume some sor of disg rangers from hiding places ir sympathies before reveal- Following at the chancesthat the patty wil be discoveted if in disguise ‘Weapon bearing hetocs = detained Hidden, but worn weapons asenes garb 700% 0% +106 hapter 5 Events Entertainers = 40% Dragoa soldier garb = 35% (PCs are asked far onders) Soldier w prisoner = 25% event 3: & Warning If the PCe are tll om the toad after thice days and hive not qwined toward Gosdlund, un this even. lla mile ahead, she toad mans through boggy land and a squad of draconians ‘ceupy the toad, questioning a small mer chant part The patrol consists of 20Baaz anda human leader coe Men, Wastor ea chat) They ae consulting with 1 stall weasel like fellow as they examine the merchants and thei cng. Suaenly they heal a man off 2 wagon and dlsatn hi, ssa the merchant fe handed 4 poste and waved oa “The PCs may rerain in hing ox question the metcants as they pase. They have no love Of draconiens and will show PCE the poster ot dhop teas they pass These atc jst eight om son men tading in pelts and pottery. “The poster says the following. REWARD! for capere of eles and their kin Caprued? 15 sel Dead: 1 eel IE the PCs rescue the captured many his name ie Erewan, 2 rebel, and he will tke the ‘FCs to meer the Fox, Encounter 150 event 4: Kender catch ‘When the pany enters Goodlund (Arexs 11 14) for the first time, read she encounter description and den rin this event at night: fl ‘This evening is overcast and gray. A chill vind howls, You move beneath the moons Tesesky with only the wan light feces spel | 29 pick out your path Shomtly after nightfall a deagon is sighted. He lapprouches from the nantes, emaining oot (of misile ange. He wheels in the wind as if searching the ground and thea moves en, ‘Waaylorn couneels that they, seck shelter ecper it te mode, This night the weads appear black aad swisted, The moan of the ‘wind and the creaking and rustling ofthe trees make it dfficalco hear each other ‘Once in the woods, 2 small figure beeaks from the beusis and rans off down a tail toward Kendermore (Arex 12). He seems injured, forbe runs with alimp. Hes actually the baiefor an ambush and he tres to get the PGs to chace If the PCs pussue they eventually find hisn collapsed, lying face down 4a the ground ‘This a trap. The saw dummy lies atop covered pit. In font of the pit, hidden by leaves, ica ner 10-feet wide. When someone falls ito the pit (Dmg Idd. 1), the nee 5 sprang and saaies those standing on it. The person falling ia the pit is angled in a carp and cannot get free “This & a Kender ambuch and should be made io sceth ominous, They stay aut of the Tighe, throwing water and dropping cloaks ‘ovet Hight sources from the wees ovethead. Using pikes and throwing rocten squash, they hetd the cemaining party beneath some ‘weighted nets and eaprare them. PCs who are captured ate bound, gagged and blindfolded If the kender are discovered ar the PCs do not follow the bait, bur rack ie later, chey find the kender camp. The kender camp in branches of trees, using small hammake and ites in clay pots. There ate 30 kender and one leadet. They ate wary of strangers and only take them. to Kendetmore if they surrender their wespont (Go wo Event 3 for che journey to Kener event 5: a Unesome trap This journey should be ran swifly encounters om the way, unlese che pany is fee olend alnand. The kender take the PCeslong 2 forest track to a sitll boat on the Bristle ‘River (Area 11), They sail dowa wo the fork and thea pole up the Willow to Kendermare in one day. ihe PCs wete captured, they are duown sccoss the backs of some ponies and cared 40 ‘he riverboat. This is an unpleasant wip for the PCr a they ate bounced around and jabbed by branches, or dtopppd in puddles of wast, The emire wip is made ie ominous silence Event é: A Strange Welcome This occurs when the FCS enter Kendermore (Ates 13) Iehey ame of thet owe wil they fe lead hugh toa hl ercomeed by pus If they are Brough hese as prisoners they ate cared ¢o the hall and damped on the flooe. Whea their biindfolds are removed they are momentatily blinded by the bright Tigh. Eanghter and spplause fill the room “This rom i ile fom wallo wall and for to cling. with gigging, nudging fender Obviutly ene st of Fee bal there are lng ables. beaches, and orate pills. The al is30fee ll: Dept the fey you notice chat mang kender hate Seapons dwn and tealy Three gin Toaking Keader in floor-tengsh vests approach, At Bit the patty & accused of being merce hares ot spies of the Highlords and taunted with dite threats. IF Krona is with them and speaks forthe party, the kender swap good fnatured bathe with him about his choice of Companions. They derhind that he prove he is ho he says, The kender are just having some fan atthe paris expense “After several minutes, or itis pointed out that thee are elves with che party, tall hen der with praying bait [caps dawn ftom achan- delice and shouts “Enough! Fosgive our poor ‘manners! Welcome wo Kendermiare! Welcome back soa! This is Kronin Thistlekast, matshall of Kendetmore and Krona’s father, He order a feast of toa pig, wine, bread, cheese, dried fruits, fh, and vegetables, ‘The PCS weapons and geat are setuined, though some items ate missing and some pieces are not theics, You should infarm ‘Kroon that he will eventually be able wo steal ‘back all of the party's gear before chey lexve ‘The fear is swifly set forth and all bur the PCshave grand cime, The feast isvety infu ating. for things keep appeating and disap: esting before the PCs. They find Eender Children and women rupging at dhem and looking in theit pockets while Kender males slap them on the back. This should be played asa comedy of thefis and returns. Rumors may be gathered during the feas, selecting cither fom the ssrnor chart or these!" + Draconian pauols rarely come here + Ogres patrol the area and Inve Milled seve fal ender The ruins of Kendermore ate righ in tea sures and dangers, and are an intersting plice to vist ifthe PCs would ikea guide ‘The Prophecy! At some time during the eve- sing Krai caseally mentions = warning be received from the Oracle ofthe Woods, that a ‘band of heroes gifted by the gods mould puss through Kendetmore, He sos cold co tell them they would be wise to-ceek her out. He ‘wonders ifthe PCshave seen any such heroes? ‘The Oracle issuid to have the abiliy toread the skeins of Fate and can show the best pate totake, Kronin docs aot remember the way o the Oracle, nor does any other. There & one. Master Spry, who might be sought for direc. tions. He livecatop Springfallsat the source of the Brisle River ‘The Gift: Ac the ead of the feast, a woman, dangling barefeet from atop a pill, suggests their guests be given a gift All the kendet agree and there a ashouting, giggling diecus- sion, leisdecided the gifts to be asoenpanion to go along with them and return with the story of theit prea adventure. ‘Kronin chonses Krenn tao. Kionai both hested sod jested, He towed abst by Seve ril kender, dumped in the punch bowl, and Finally rolled down the carpet wo the PCs’ fees. The feae ie over vent 7: Keonin’s Council Kronin is 2 wise kender, as kendess go, and may be sought for advice, Below ate his responses Where can the heroes hiee a ship? The only [port with fee shipe is Flocam (Area 15). He thas heard of someone known a the Black Gapiain, who i said to be fair and close lipped. ‘How much might 2 ship cast? He thinks several thousand stel in these cough times, Where might they find such money? He is vunsuse, He has heaed. of two ning in the Ditty Plains (Legends2 and 5)and of avalley ‘of gems in the Ogrelands (Legend 19). Or they might uy to steal from the Highmacter's esiney “How do they reach Flotsam? Its four days journey overland vo che west, Or they can ca vel t0 the cout in one day and hail a ship, of he offers to help them eateh = small puriee ship, Whar should they Beware of overland? ‘Watch ont for ogres and the Shiggreath. He give them ating to identify them to. fiend at ‘hig named the Fos Whey decide co aeack che pirates: Koonin saysthere isa sezet cove that pleates often se sat Norreach (Area 16) and gathers 15 keader te gowith him and the heroes, event &: an €ente feeling ‘As the party prepares to lene Kendetmnare, they get the etic feeling that someone is rahing them, These is an invisible sp, Gieencongue the Aurak, who is also search ing forthe Oracle. He follows ata distance vent 9: Searching for Spry Kroon docs ant inow Master Spry, but he lesen the way 0 Springalls (Ate 1) and can fide thepary there. Kronn recognizes many ff thc Render snares and samings along che vray and knows them to be mostly hetrless You shoold take Kronn’s player aude and explain this to him. Kroon may do 3s be svn wit di now lee, pit et the lye? inom whee they ane encounters! by nodding athim. ‘Te journey co Springfills icity uneven fal, but tun three of the small kender sncounters listed under Goodlund (Encounc e511 & 14) Event 10. master spay Siting behind a rock in the clearing is an elderly kendes with spectacles, ishing io the pool. He issurty and doesnot like ro have his Fishing intereupted, even though thee are no fishin the poo if questioned, he answers in a rude snd roundabout fashion, lke the stereotype of in ‘Adanca farmer. “"Ye, the Masters homes st the top of the cliff” "How would I know he's home, Thavea'e been thet.” This fellow is Marigold Featherwhistle Spey, bat does not admit. He nates tobe lft alone ‘The cliffs sick and dangerous To climb to thetop requites tice Deatecty Choos a-2(- 10%), Using a sope eliminates the penalty It 2chexk is filed the character falls. On a sec fond Dexterity Check t,he cates hime ‘ona branch fer 1d¢ points of damage. Eee, he fall ito che pool atthe base (Dime 2c), The old kendet does sot appreciate chem scafing the fh, and wonder aloud why they 86 not wie the ladder behind the waterfall ‘This ladder i ich and tequizes one Desterity Check to us, Ie exits theoupla vunnel a the cop, ‘When the PCs rerun from the house, Spry admits he is the one they are looking for. “I ‘would aot live up thete—too dangerous!" He tells them the way to the Oracle if they prom Beto leave him alone. “The way to the Oracle, he sas, fallow the iver east to = divided tte. Then tava die ‘north til they come to. doghead rock. Then {go southwest tll chey come to the stony point ing finger From these they must cross the ‘eedh of Despair, enter the Gap, and pass the ‘Guardian, There isthe Oracle's cave. “These disections lead the party in a cicle Diinging them back past the pool and a half ‘mile 10 the north. It is evening by the time they tetra and Spey is goae. event 11, the Rowse ‘The top of the pinnacle is swepe by 2 cold wind and thete ate patihes of ie and snow. Sprys Rouse sigs on 2 spur of tock and is reached by a rickety old rope bridge ‘This house has been abandoned for years and is aow the lair of a tact. Spry lives in a ‘ave. The house ic in distepait. Doors are sruped aid aj Gs studying the house sce a shaclowy fig. ture moving sbouton the fis flooc. If the PCs decide rosearch Spry’s house, the taereetteas, ‘making sounds a8 he goes which should con ‘ince te PCs thax Spry is here If she first tae is sla, thete is x second one in the atte, HL. rane Porch, Tree. and Veranda: The rile ‘ng is weakened in several spous and breaks if somednie leans agsiact it (Dewterity Check ot fall to the pool below). Hz, Dusty Foyer: Candlesticks stand on lice shelves and several landscape paintings deco- fate thewall. As the PCs enter they ext (oot steps retreat down H3. 3. Empry Hallmay: Cobwebs hang from ‘ont. They ca heat breathing ia HS HA Spin Staircae: An old chandelier hangs in the middle of this room. Theve is a spiral stuirease going up. A small ule wands on & srarnpled rug hiding the wapdoor down, Ifthe taer is upstairs a this poi, he will lduow a reich meloa 1 the fust-ane who climbs the stat. If hi, the ehasacte tetches fordhrecrowndeand isar S08 Seeemgrh for sie ‘utns unless washed with alcohol HS. Guesting Hall: Wiedows open onto 2 spectacular view. The farnicute here issoiled Fallen Behind 4 cushion ie an old potion bot. fe, Ie holds a pouioa of super heroin HG, Library: The raer waits here for someone ocater. Thewindowsare draped and iis dim inside, #0 those seeing the (aer might mistake him forastooped old man, He knocks a book. shelf over on the first owo who cnsce (Omg 2d). Theabe flees through the opposite door and runs 0 the spiral sais. fna.ane comes to the lihenry, he will climb the ee to the second loos Hi}. Kitchen: This room is covered with dirt, and grime. The floor ie totting and ifthe tact fled through here, he jumped from one counter to the next. Anyone walking oa the Aor asa? in Gchanceoffalling theowgh. fa Deaterity Check is made, he catches himself and takes only 0-3 points of damage, other ‘wise he falls all dhe way to the pooh Hg, Hall & Baleony: This an open halloay and patches ofsnow crust the loot. Ite tact preceded the characcers, he is in Hid If the characters have followed the eaer through HII and H110, oF f he taer follows the charaetes, he ison the tee; The rile of the icy branches should atwact a character (0 the ice-couted balcony with rotting rlling. The taet attacks to steal a character's weapon, ‘cavsing the PC to make a Dextetity Check ot slip and fall. Once the tast has a weapon, he Climbs the tree to che atic (H15) and waits H9. Salon: Thic roars has 2 faded red rug. hice end chairs, and 4 side ible, Withia are 1,000 coppers that cascade oue when the door fs open (Dmg 1-4), HO. Den: This coom is dark and holds 2 small writing desk, 2 cabinet, snd book shelves, Inthe eabiner ic 2 locked metal Box that teleases a stinking cloud whea apened. It contains a rahbic foot and junk, Hi11, Guest Room: Ifthe caer isin herc he has barticaded the door with furniute and i eajuites a toeal oF 25 Strength panes wo leak in. The room has a canopied bed and ches. ‘The taeris hiding behind tke head ofthe bed. When the PCs get near che bed, he rears the canopy off and drops it over the character, blinding them for thtee tounds, The taer ache twice! teyig 06 eal We weaBON and then setreats ino Hig, From M10 the er cits thraugh a window tothe tree H12. Bedeaom: This bedioom