London Gets Wedding Gift Worth 107M: Wills & Kate Boost Capital

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Issue 1,370 Tuesday 26 April 2011 FREE

Private firms
could run

■ Gold touches a ANALYSIS l I gold you so!
STRUGGLING universities could be
taken over by private firms when the
fresh high of $1,518.6 USD
government cuts off financial support
for troubled institutions.
per troy ounce Under the radical plans, vice-chan-
cellors would be asked to pay a man-
agement fee to profit-making private
■ Prices for silver firms, who would run the university
on a day-to-day basis for a period of ten
and diamonds also 1,480 years or more.
The private contractor would then
near record highs 1,460
be tasked with nursing the institution
back to financial health, likely by
ditching unpopular or unprofitable
GOLD courses and slashing costs.

1,440 Traditionally, the government has

stepped in to prop up cash-strapped
THE PRICE of gold surged to yet anoth- institutions or negotiated mergers
er all-time high yesterday as growing 1,420 with stronger rivals. But a double-
fears over a weaker dollar sent whammy of huge cuts to teaching
investors scrambling for the safest grants and higher tuition fees of up to
asset class of all. £9,000 will put renewed pressure on
Gold hit an unprecedented $1,518.6
per troy ounce in morning trading
28 Mar 4 Apr 11 Apr 18 Apr 25 Apr some weaker universities.
The idea is to be included in a White
yesterday. It eventually fell back to Paper to be published by universities
$1,507, although some traders predict the founder and editor of Grant’s anxieties about US government debt The market has also been influ- minister David Willetts, who said pri-
it will hit $1,600 by the end of the year. Interest Rate Observer, said he was and suggestions that China is moving enced by fears that China is planning vate sector management was “one pos-
Silver also surged, with spot prices expecting a third round of quantita- to limit its exposure to the greenback. several new investment funds to sible way in which a failing institution
reaching $49.82 an ounce – close to tive easing in the US, which would BNP Paribas’ Ray Attrill said “it’s a diversify its $3 trillion foreign could be turned round”.
the all-time high of $50.35 recorded in propel gold to new highs. weak dollar story”. “We don’t see any reserves holdings, much of which is in BPP, the private for-profit firm that
January 1980. It eventually fell back to The greenback also slid against imminent reversal unless Mr dollars. was granted university college status
$47.09. commodity currencies, diving to a 29- Bernanke has got a rabbit to pull out Diamonds are also reckoned to have last year, has said it is interested in run-
The greenback has come under year low of A$0.9291 versus the the hat,” he added, referring to the reached record highs on the back of ning universities and is understood to
heavy selling pressure ahead of this Australian dollar and a three-year low Fed’s interest rate-setting decision. slowing production and increased be in talks with several struggling
week’s Federal Open Market of C$0.9503 versus the Canadian Economists say that sky-high pre- demand from China and India, while establishments.
Committee, with markets expecting loonie. cious metals prices are here to stay as WTI crude oil rose to over $113 a bar- A government source told City A.M.
chairman Ben Bernanke to reiterate Analysts blamed the buck’s unpop- desperate investors rush towards per- rel due to ongoing fears about politi- that private providers would also be
his commitment to easy money. ularity on the Federal Reserve’s ongo- ceived “safe havens” to escape the cal turmoil in the Middle East. more likely to slash fees to compete
Long-standing gold bug Jim Grant, ing inflationary monetary policy, damaging effects of inflation. THE FALLING DOLLAR: P19 with other universities.

FTSE 100 t6,018.30 -3.96 DOW t12,479.88 -26.11 NASDAQ ▲2,825.88 +5.72 £/$ 1.65 ▲+0.02 £/¤ 1.13 unc ¤/$ ▲1.46 +0.01 Certified Distribution
28/02/11 - 03/04/11 is 105,180
2 News CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

China may be larger than US by 2016 NEWS | IN BRIEF

Fraud panel criticises SFO plans
The Fraud Advisory Panel has slammed
the break-up of the Serious Fraud Office
$15.2 trillion to $18.8 trillion, just 17.7 present monetary tightening will be iPhone sales more than doubling; (SFO). In a Treasury consultation sub-
per cent of global GDP. It’s heady stuff, enough to avoid a massive, sub-prime Google, by contrast, performed less mission it said the planned changes
with huge implications for global style financial and credit crisis, which well, partly because it has been spend- “would be a wholly unwise and danger-
prosperity, investors, corporate strate- could yet destroy the Chinese regime. ing far more on staff. Wall Street wor- ous move in our view that would benefit
gies, individual careers, geopolitics We shall soon find out. ried a little yesterday after some firms only the criminal and be an enormously
and the future of liberal democracy. trimmed their outlooks – but the over- retrograde step in the fight against
No wonder gold futures hit another THINK MACRO, ACT MICRO all picture is remarkably resilient. financial crime.” Under government
record yesterday – and that the green- It is not all bad news, though. Since 11 Once again, the world’s largest compa- plans the SFO will be dismantled and its
EDITOR’S LETTER back is under such pressure. April, 71 per cent of MCSI World Index nies stand apart from the rest of the responsibilities split between the Crown
Two caveats are in order. The first is firms reporting profits have beaten economy in terms of their ability to Prosecution Service, which will charge
ALLISTER HEATH that the stats are adjusted for purchas- analysts’ estimates for earnings per grow, boost efficiency, innovate and cases, and the new National Crime
ing power parity: a dollar goes much share, according to Bloomberg. The make money. There are worries that Agency, which will be tasked with inves-
IF the International Monetary Fund is further in China than it does in the US 188 giants (from all over the world) the US economy may have expanded tigating alleged offences.
right, whoever is elected President of and Chinese GDP figures are adjusted have on average smashed expectations by just 2 per cent or less annualised
the United States next year will be the to reflect this. At existing exchange by 8.8 per cent, thanks primarily to yet during the first quarter (0.5 per cent Lloyds and Grainger in property deal
last American to preside over the rates, it would take longer for China to another quarter of strong productivity on a quarterly basis), while on Lloyds Banking Group will work with
world’s largest economy. By 2016, the overtake the US – but economists pre- and efficiency growth. Demand has Wednesday we will find out how Grainger in a tie-up that will see the res-
IMF believes, China will have overtak- fer to use the adjusted numbers as also been rising, of course, led by Britain has done (there is a huge range idential landlord manage a portfolio of
en the US as the biggest economy – they reflect relative wealth better. emerging economies as well as of predictions, with economists even homes on behalf of administrators. The
the first time it actually pins a year on The second caveat is that the IMF, Germany, Europe’s new powerhouse. more confused than usual). There are innovative system will help return value
this key event, and a date far closer like all forecasters seeking to predict The real surprise has been that the no such fears when it comes to multi- to thousands of non-performing loans
than previously realised. the unpredictable, regularly gets it explosion in commodity costs – led by nationals as a class. For investors, the from Lloyds-backed housing groups that
China’s GDP will surge from $11.2 wrong. China is suffering from exces- oil – has done so little, on average, to lesson is clear: in an upswing, big have fallen into administration. Non-per-
trillion to $19 trillion in 2016, account- sive inflation; its housing market dent the earnings bonanza. firms do better than countries. Think forming loans from Lloyds’ so-called
ing for 18 per cent of world output. remains a bubble and its GDP statis- The poster-child of the uber-per- macro – but act micro. bad-bank, some of which is comprised of
The US will grow, but not enough: its tics (and all official figures) are suspi- formers was Apple, which boasted former buy-to-let loans backed by
output is predicted to jump from cious. It remains unclear whether the quarterly profits up 95 per cent with Follow me on Twitter: @allisterheath HBOS, are worth more than £500m.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
US condemns
Syria violence
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor David Crow
Night Editor Katie Hope
Business Features Editor Marc Sidwell
MIDDLE EAST CRISIS rage between rebels and pro-govern-

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel

Sports Editor Frank Dalleres BY STEVE DINNEEN ment forces in the besieged Libyan Rajaratnam fought unsuccessfully to suppress the wiretaps used in court.
Art Director Craig Gaymer city of Misrata.
Sales Director
Commercial Director
Alice Hepple

Jeremy Slattery
Harry Owen
SYRIAN troops and tanks poured into
protester hotspot Deraa yesterday as
autocratic President Bashar al-Assad
attempted to crush resistance in the
city where an uprising began a
Forces loyal to Gaddafi said they
were pulling back from Misrata last
week to hand over to local tribal
forces. But fighting has continued in
a two-month-old siege that has killed
Jury out in Galleon case
Head of Distribution Nick Owen
month ago. hundreds of civilians and made the
At least 18 people were killed, caus- city into a symbol of resistance to COURTS hedge fund colleagues and public

Distribution helpline ing the White House to condemn the Gaddafi. company executives, between 2003
If you have any comments about the distribution BY HARRY BANKS
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email use of violence and threaten to Clashes between protesters govern- and March 2009. Prosecutors said he impose “targeted sanctions”. ment forces in Yemen also killed two THE fate of hedge fund manager Raj made $63.8m (£38.7m) illegally.
Security forces have killed more people and injured dozens more as a Rajaratnam was in the hands of a jury Rajaratnam’s defence countered
Editorial Statement than 350 civilians across Syria since fresh wave of violence broke out. yesterday, after Wall Street’s biggest that his trades were guided by analysis
This newspaper adheres to the system of unrest broke out in Deraa, with a insider-trading trial in two decades and public information.
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints third of the victims killed in the past Syrian President approached its climax. Jury deliberations began yesterday
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the three days. In a case that featured FBI phone in the Manhattan federal court trial.
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Bashar al-Assad could
Meanwhile, at least two Nato taps and former friends who testified Rajaratnam, 53, faces five counts of
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at bombs hit Gaddafi’s Tripoli head- see US sanctions against him, Rajaratnam, the founder conspiracy and nine counts of securi-
Printed by Newsfax International,
quarters last night, with the alliance imposed after 18 more of the Galleon Group hedge fund, was ties fraud for trading on stocks such as
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, appearing to escalate its campaign in deaths in Deraa accused of running a complex web of Advanced Micro Devices, Intel, Google
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS the country. Fighting continued to highly placed tipsters, including and Goldman Sachs Group.


offshore investments, is to get the
new money as Beijing seeks to reduce
its exposure to US government debt.
Sir John Vickers is facing pressure RURAL EXPERTISE Coventry Building Society is prepar- Rail companies should be allowed to had resigned and will be immediately
from senior MPs to widen his work on Lenovo is kicking off an aggressive ing a publicity campaign to persuade introduce “airline-style fares” that succeeded by the company’s co-presi-
making banks safer by defining new campaign to penetrate rural markets politicians to allow it to take over could see them charging hundreds of dent, the latest executive switch at
bonus transparency rules, to provide in five developing countries, seeking Northern Rock’s “good” bank. The pounds for tickets during peak times the large software maker. The execu-
an early warning of the build-up of to challenge competitors such as society has gone through the num- and banning passengers without pre- tive, Jeff Epstein, joined Oracle in
risk. Members of the Commons treas- Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Acer using bers on a possible transaction, lead- booked seats from travelling, a September 2008 and oversaw investor
ury committee will next month urge the recipe behind its recent successes ing it to believe that it would need Government review is set to recom- relations in addition to the compa-
Sir John to ensure that his commis- in its Chinese home market. The PC only about £200m in new capital to mend. ny's finance operations. His duties
sion’s final report on Britain’s bank- maker plans to build a vast distribu- merge with Northern Rock. It has car- will be added to those of Safra Catz,
ing industry contains much tougher tion network to “fully cover” rural ried out a secret poll asking whether CABLE & WIRELESS WINS EMERGENCY the co-president who was his immedi-
scrutiny of the role bonuses play in areas in Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, the public would support the nation- CONTRACT IN MURDER CAPITAL ate superior.
creating systemic risk. India and Turkey during the next alised bank becoming a mutual, Cable & Wireless Communications
three years. which produced a positive result. has turned crime-fighter in El FDA WILL REGULATE E-CIGARETTES AS
CIC SET FOR UP TO $200BN IN Salvador – the country with the TOBACCO PRODUCTS
FRESH FUNDS LAWSON SOFTWARE CLOSE TO LEGAL ROW BREWING world’s worst murder rate. Under the The Food and Drug Administration
China Investment Corp, the Chinese DEAL WITH INFOR WITH STANFORD CREDITORS programme, it will be possible to said yesterday that it wouldn’t appeal
sovereign wealth fund, will soon Lawson Software is close to agreeing a A legal row is brewing in London over monitor the location of every police a January federal court ruling stating
receive $100bn-$200bn in new funds deal with Infor, another business soft- the fate of more than $100m held in unit in the country at all times via that electronic cigarettes should be
from the government, according to ware company, and Golden Gate frozen bank accounts connected to tracking devices. The US government regulated as tobacco products, not
three people familiar with the mat- Capital, after last month revealing it the disgraced American financier rates El Salvador as a “critical crime drug delivery devices, in a move that
ter. CIC, which has already fully allo- had received an approach from the Allen Stanford. The US Government threat country” where “random and was hailed as a victory for e-cigarette
cated the $110bn it had available for pair. wants the funds repatriated. organised violent crime is endemic”. manufacturers and distributors.
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 News 3

Investors on tenterhooks to
see Glencore’s Xstrata plan
cial position. That means Glencore spin-off,” said a source.

BY JULIET SAMUEL will have to declare if it has advanced Glencore said in its intention to
plans to pursue a merger with float document that it will use some
GLENCORE will be forced to disclose Xstrata, of which it owns 34 per cent, proceeds from its float to increase its
whether it has imminent plans to in the next quarter. stake in Kazzinc to 93 per cent, with
merge with FTSE 100 miner Xstrata in The commodities trader will also an option to buy 6.4 per cent more if
its float prospectus, due to be need to update investors on the status it manages to float Kazzinc’s gold
released in the first week of May. of plans to spin off the gold unit of assets.
UK listing law requires companies Kazakh miner Kazzinc, of which it In 2010, Glencore announced plans
to provide a summary of “all material currently owns 50.7 per cent. to float the assets “during the course
contracts” with external parties that “They’ll have to say something on of 2011” in a deal that aims to raise
could substantially affect their finan- both Xstrata and the Kazakh gold some $600m (£364m).

Glencore, run by chief executive Ivan Glasenberg, will have to tell prospective investors
whether it plans to merge with FTSE 100 miner Xstrata Picture: GETTY

Barrick Gold
makes £5bn
copper push
needs of China and other developing

BY STEVE DINNEEN Equinox, an Australian company
RIO Tinto and BHP Billiton could soon listed in Toronto and Sydney, owns
face a new copper-mining rival after the Lumwana copper mine in the
Barrick Gold announced a £4.7bn bid rich Zambian copper belt and most of
for Australia-based Equinox the Jabal Sayid project in Saudi
Resources. Arabia.
Canada-listed Barrick’s bid topped Barrick’s bid represents an 8.7 per
an earlier offer from China’s cent premium over Equinox’s
Minmetals Resources in a big bet on Thursday closing price. The all-cash
soaring copper demand. It represents bid is 16 per cent higher than the
the miner’s first major push outside £4bn offer that Minmetals presented
its core gold-mining business. earlier this month. The proposal
Equinox shares jumped nearly 12 underscored China’s growing promi-
per cent in Toronto after the nence in the global race for resources.
announcement yesterday, signalling
some expectation of a counter-bid ANALYSIS l Barrick Gold 49.50
from the Chinese metals powerhouse. 25 Apr
55.50 C$
Barrick shares shed five per cent, sug-
gesting not all investors agree with
the move to diversify.
Already the world’s largest gold
miner, Barrick will double its position 53.50
in copper with the acquisition.
Prices for the industrial metal have 52.50
risen more than sevenfold in the past
eight years as supplies lag the surging 18 Apr 21 Apr 25 Apr

US firms prepare for new

say-on-pay rules for executives
and AT&T are among those under-

stood to have changed their pay and
US FIRMS have already begun to make tax structures to meet the demands of
provisions for tough new rules giving the so-called “say-on-pay” legislation.
shareholders more say in how much The new rules, which were brought
top staff are paid. in as part of the Dodd-Frank financial
A study by ClearBridge shows a sig- reforms, also demand greater trans-
nificant number of the biggest US parency over remuneration for top
firms have already moved to cut the executives.
basic pay and benefits packages of Some firms have also begun to link
their top staff. the pay of their chief executives more
Firms including General Electric closely with returns for investors.
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 News 5

Source: PwC

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London to get
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UK ECONOMY on big screens around the country.

BY STEVE DINNEEN The small screen will also see a big
audience spike, with 20m people plan-
DETRACTORS say the Royal Wedding ning to huddle round the TV for the
could cost the UK economy up to event. The global forecast for the num-
£30bn. But a new survey from PwC ber of people watching when Kate says
claims that the nuptials will also have “I do” is an astonishing 2bn.
an economic upside. Analysts at PwC say the figures bode
Visitors to the capital determined to well for London’s performance during
share in the carnival atmosphere will the Olympic Games.
be splashing out an estimated £107m Mark Ambler, PwC economist, said:
while they celebrate. Around 560,000 “Our survey suggests that the wedding
people will flock to London from other will be a great economic boost for Spread betting is a leveraged
parts of the UK to watch William and London’s economy and a good indica-
Kate tie the knot on Friday. tor of the potential economic benefits
product and can result in losses
Businesses remaining open in the of the Olympic games when more that exceed your initial deposit
Westminster area could see the biggest than ten times this number of visitors
revenue boost, with over half a million is expected.”
people expected to gather there. Bars, But others are more gloomy. The
hotels and transport companies servic- timing of the wedding, which falls
ing London will also receive a welcome after a late Easter, gives people the
upturn in business, as will major shop- chance to bag 11 days off for just three
ping centres including Westfield and days of holiday. Economists say that if
Brent Cross. everyone takes the full 11 days it will WorldSpreads Limited is authorised and regulated in the UK by
Over 1m people will watch the event cost £30bn in lost productivity. the Financial Services Authority
6 News CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

Nintendo will launch new Wii

to reverse slump in its profits
capable handheld games device, (£88.63m), down from 59.9bn yen a

BY HARRY BANKS whose sales in Japan have been over- year earlier, as it slashed prices and
shadowed by the devastating 11 the strong yen hurt the value of its
NINTENDO has said it will launch a March earthquake. sales abroad.
successor to its ageing Wii game con- The maker of the DS handheld Having sold 86m units of the Wii
sole in 2012 as it struggles to win game player, which is also facing since its launch in 2006, sales last
back users from rivals Microsoft and competition from smartphone and business year slipped by a quarter to
Sony and seeks to reverse a slump in tablet makers including Apple, said 15m.
profits. it will demonstrate the Wii’s replace- Nintendo expects first half profit
Nintendo said yesterday that it ment in Los Angeles on 7 June at the for the current financial year to be
expects profits to remain almost flat E3 game show. down more than 63 per cent on the
in the current financial year, despite Yesterday, the company revealed previous year, with a bounce back in
the launch of its much-touted 3D- quarterly profit of just 12bn yen the second half. Nintendo will launch a new version of the Wii in 2012 Picture: REX

Toyota set to
lose top spot
after quake
Toyota is almost certain to lose the

BY HARRY BANKS top producer ranking it has held since
2008 to General Motors this year and
TOYOTA looks set to slip to number could fall behind number three
three in the global carmaker produc- Volkswagen.
tion rankings, behind General Motors Toyota, which sold 8.42m vehicles
and Volkswagen, after the Japanese last year versus GM’s 8.39m, is on
earthquake and nuclear crisis slashed track to post sales of around 6.5m
output by almost two-thirds in March. units this year.
A shortage of parts in the wake of Meanwhile, Standard & Poor’s has
the 11 March earthquake and tsuna- cut its outlook on the six major
mi has savaged Japan’s car supply Japanese carmakers and suppliers to
chain, while damage to a major negative from stable.
nuclear plant has disrupted power “In our opinion, extended produc-
supplies. tion cuts may erode Japanese
Investors expecting overseas rivals automakers’ market shares and com-
to benefit from a prolonged slump in petitive positions in the longer term,”
Japanese output pushed up shares in S&P said.
South Korea’s Hyundai Motors and
associate Kia Motors to record highs ANALYSIS l Toyota Motor Corp
yesterday. 4000 ¥
“Hyundai and Kia will be the
biggest beneficiaries of the struggling
Japanese car industry,” said Suh Sung- 3750 3,275.000
moon, an analyst at Korea Investment 25 Apr
& Securities in Seoul.
Domestic production at Toyota, the 3500
world’s largest carmaker, fell 62.7 per
cent in March, while Nissan said its
corresponding figure fell 52.4 per 3250
Feb Mar Apr

Bank of Japan governor hopes

for growth in the third quarter
shortages triggered by the devastating

earthquake and subsequent supply
BANK of Japan Governor Masaaki constraints would ease after the sum-
Shirakawa yesterday expressed hope mer.
that the country’s economic growth “It would be tough for output to
will turn positive in the third quarter rebound in one or two months,” as
of this year as supply constraints ease. was the case after the 1995 Kobe earth-
Shirakawa also dismissed calls for quake, Shirakawa said.
the central bank to underwrite govern- “But supply constraints will ease
ment bonds to finance reconstruction, over time and reconstruction demand
which has been called for by some will certainly emerge,” he said. “We
Japanese politicians. need to monitor developments with-
Business and household sentiment out any preset ideas, particularly when
are deteriorating due to the earth- there is so much uncertainty.”
quake, tsunami and nuclear crisis that Shirakawa did not comment on
struck northeast Japan last month, monetary policy or on Thursday’s eco-
Shirakawa said, adding that power nomic and price outlook report.
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 News 7

Radioshack sees
Profits surge dip in earnings
at Netflix but

QUARTERLY earnings at US electricals
retailer Radioshack fell on weakness
in its T-Mobile business and higher

stock slumps
costs, prompting the firm to cut its
profit outlook.
In the first quarter, it earned
$35.1m (£21.3m), down from $50.1m
a year earlier. Sales rose 2.1 per cent to
$1.06bn, missing analysts’ expecta-
tions of $1.07bn. RadioShack reduced
the top end of its 2011 profit outlook
to $1.80 a share from $1.90, while

MEDIA has negotiated a glut of content keeping the low end at $1.60.
BY STEVE DINNEEN agreements. Recent additions to its
stable include a deal with Lionsgate
MOVIE rental firm
announced a surge in profits and

revenues yesterday but saw its stock

for Mad Men, a Fox deal for Glee, and
a two-year tie-up with CBS for shows
including Cheers and Frasier.
Kleenex maker
tumble after disappointing investors
with its second quarter outlook.
It added 3.3m new customers in
The firm also attracts record
rentals of hit movies including Oscar
winners Crash and The Departed
warns on costs
the quarter to overtake Comcast as (right).
the largest paid video service in the Netflix’s stock is up 43 per cent RETAIL

US with 23.6m subscribers. Year-on- this year and reached an all-time
year its global subscriber base has high before the close of play in New KLEENEX tissue-maker Kimberly-
risen an astonishing 69 per cent. York yesterday. Clark saw its profits slide 8.9 per cent
First-quarter profits beat expecta- in the first quarter as higer raw mate-
tions, hitting $60.2m (£36m), up ANALYSIS l Netflix rial prices eroded its margins.
from $32.3m a year ago. Revenues 250
$ 251.67 The firm saw its profits fall to
rose 46 per cent to $719m, with ana- 25 Apr $350m (£212.5m) from $384m, miss-
lysts expecting $703.6m. 230 ing analyst forecasts. Its revenues
Gross margin for the quarter grew climbed four per cent to $5.03bn,
from 37.8 per cent to 39 per cent. beating forecasts of $4.98bn.
However, Netflix said it is likely to Chief executive Thomas Falk said:
miss analyst forecasts for sent sec- “We continue to execute our global
ond quarter. That outlook sent its business plan strategies in a difficult
shares tumbling five per cent in environment. The rapid run-up in
after hours trading. 170 The Departed, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon, was one of the most rented commodity costs has influenced our
To attract more customers, Netflix 31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr movies by users of Netflix near-term profitability.”
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 News 9

ANALYSIS l How will the government’s plans to limit

immigration affect the prospects for the
UK economic recovery?

5% Very helpful
9% 11% Fairly helpful

No effect
In association with Fairly damaging
27% Very damaging
Apply to join today at
Don’t know

Coalition plans to reduce immigration will

ANALYSIS l How concerned are you that disagreements
within the coalition government will
destabilise the UK economy?

hinder recovery, says our readers’ panel 7%


Very concerned

POLITICS Fairly concerned

The findings are in stark contrast ments would destabilise the UK ly recruited to represent
BY DAVID CROW to general opinion polls, which economy, even as the Liberal a cross section of 54%
show huge support for the govern- Democrats and Tories tear strips off London’s financial and Not at all concerned
GOVERNMENT plans to reduce ment’s plan to cap net immigra- each other ahead of the AV referen- business community.
immigration will hinder Britain’s tion. Earlier this month, Ipsos Mori dum. Seven per cent said they were Members of the panel Don’t know
economic recovery, according to found that three quarters of Britons “very concerned” while 37 per cent that respond to at ANALYSIS l Do you think that Gordon Brown is a
members of our Voice of the City believe that immigration is current- said they were “fairly concerned”. least 80 per suitable candidate to be the next head
panel. ly a problem and just 15 per cent Meanwhile, over three quarters cent of surveys of the IMF?
Forty-three per cent of panellists oppose a cap, compared to more of panellists (78 per cent) said ex- between now
said policies designed to reduce net than half (57 per cent) who support Prime Minister Gordon Brown was and September
immigration from the hundreds of one. an unsuitable candidate to be the will be entered
into a prize Completely suitable
thousands to the tens of thousands Earlier this month, coalition ten- next head of the IMF. Earlier this 11%

would be either “very damaging” or sions over immigration boiled over month, David Cameron courted draw to win a Fairly suitable
“fairly damaging” to the recovery, after business secretary Vince Cable controversy after he appeared to luxury week- 3%
against a quarter of panellists who said the Prime Minister had made dash the former Labour leader’s end in Paris. Neither suitable nor
said they would be either “very “very unwise” comments about hopes of leading the organisation Full T&Cs 15% unsuitable
helpful” or “fairly helpful”. immigration that “risked inflam- by signalling he would not back his available on 63% Fairly unsuitable
Twenty-seven per cent of panel- ing extremism”. candidacy. request. New
lists said the policy would have “no But over half of our panellists (54 • City A.M. and PoliticsHome inter- members can Completely unsuitable
effect” while five per cent said they per cent) said they were “not at all viewed 481 members of the Voice of apply to join at Don’t know
didn’t know. concerned” that coalition disagree- the City panel, which has been special-
10 News CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

Corporation tax
New counting cut would boost
firm emerges wages: report


amid AV row
BRITISH workers would get an aver-
age £552 pay rise if corporation tax
was cut by five per cent, a new report
has claimed.
Reducing the tax on British firms –
currently 27.9 per cent – and bringing

POLITICS “This shows that the consensus it closer to the OECD average of 18.6
BY RICHARD PARTINGTON among those who run elections is Peter Hargreaves (top left), Lord Fink (top per cent would enable companies to
that the introduction of AV will mean right), Peter Cruddas (bottom left) and increase wages, according to a paper
A SECOND vote-counting machine councils have to purchase expensive Lord Sainsbury are backers of the “No to by the TaxPayers’ Alliance.
boss, whose firm stands to gain from a vote counting machines,” a spokesper- AV” campaign. Pictures: REX, GETTY A one percentage point rise in cor-
switch to the Alternative Vote, has son for the No to AV campaign said. porate tax leads to a fall in average
extolled the virtues of scrapping “Here is a company that runs elec- wages of 0.52 percentage points, the
Britain’s first past the post electoral tions urging a yes vote for the poten- report says. Based on that figure, a tax
system. tial commercial interests AV would cut of five per cent would boost an
Anne Marie-Slavin, chief executive bring.” average worker’s salary of £21,221 by
of Opt2Vote, a vote-counting firm that It had already emerged that the £552 to £21,773.
has a contract for all of Scotland’s Electoral Reform Society, a major The report suggests that higher lev-
council and by-elections, said: “The backer of the “Yes to AV” campaign, els of business tax are always passed
introduction of electronic counting, believed it could gain financially on in higher prices to consumers, and
and possibly AV for parliamentary under AV. lower wages to workers.
elections, as part of the government’s Several prominent City figures have Corporation tax is due to be cut to
overall modernisation programme pledged thousands of pounds to the 23 per cent over the current
should be encouraged.” “No” campaign in the run up to the 5 Parliament following measures set
Her backing comes just days after May referendum. out by chancellor George Osborne in
Nick Clegg accused his coalition allies The campaign’s chairman, founder last month’s Budget.
of lying about electronic counting. He of derivatives dealer CMC Markets Last week John Cridland, the head
said claims that the introduction of AV Peter Cruddas, has made a £400,000 of the Confederation of British
would require expensive automated donation, whilst Lord Sainsbury has Industry, called for the tax on profits
machines was “lies, misinformation donated £100,000. to be cut to 18 per cent to boost the
and deceit”. The heads of FTSE100 firms UK’s global competitiveness. He also
Yet his broadside, seen as an attack Hargreaves Lansdown and Man Group, demanded the scrapping of the 50
on Prime Minister David Cameron, Peter Hargreaves and Lord Fink, also per cent rate of personal income tax
was questioned by detractors. pledged significant sums. on earnings over £150,000.
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 News 11

Sberbank heads to
HSBC, run by chief
executive Stuart
Gulliver, is shutting
its retail operations
in Russia

Picture: REUTERS

US to find investors
The state-owned lender, which has a

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON market capitalisation of around
$83bn (£50bn), will begin to sell down
THE CHIEF executive of Russia’s the government’s stake later this year.
largest lender, Sberbank, is to tour the Moscow plans to cut its stakes in
United States this week to court poten- major state-owned firms, including
tial investors ahead of a privatisation banks, in a 1 trillion rouble (£21bn)
expected to start later this year. privatisation drive over three years.
Herman Gref and other top man- Gref said: “First of all we are inter-
agers are visiting the US this week to ested in potential investors for our
meet the largest fund managers and shares. We can make a profit, we are
institutions. exceeding analysts’ expectations.”

HSBC axes its

Russian retail
banking unit
Moscow and one affiliate branch in St

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON Petersburg, and will now focus on its
investment banking operations in the
HSBC has become the latest interna- country.
tional lender to pull the plug on its State-owned banks control around
retail operations in Russia, as foreign 65 per cent of Russia’s top-100 banks’
banks struggle to crack the domi- assets, according to estimates, with
nance of the country’s state-backed Sberbank accounting for almost 50 per
giants. cent of deposits in the banking system.
The London-based bank’s exit fol- Foreign banks operating in the
lows that of Barclays, which quit its country have struggled to emulate
Russian retail banking operation last Citigroup, whose heavily promoted
month. Citigold service has outperformed
Barclay’s boss Bob Diamond said at competitors.
the time his bank was “unable to com- Citi gained a foothold in the Russian
pete” in Russia. market due to its early entry, having
HSBC said it would close its retail first established a Moscow presence in
business and reduce its private bank- 1993. It now has more than 55 retail
ing presence to a representative office, branches in about a dozen cities.
following a strategic review of its oper-
ations in the country. ANALYSIS l HSBC
Russian chief executive Huseyin 740 p
Ozkaya said: “It’s clear that the
strongest opportunity for HSBC in 659.60
700 21 Apr
Russia lies in servicing corporate and
institutional clients.
He added: “This enables HSBC to bet- 660
ter support clients who are trading
and investing internationally and
require access to our extensive global 620
The bank had four branches in 31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr


● The latest international bank to quit its
HSBC Russian retail operations, with a shift away
from private banking to corporate work.
● Pulled the plug on its retail operations ear-
Barclays lier this year, having struggled since it entered
the market just before the financial crash.
● Bought Moscow-based lender Rosbank in
Société Générale 2008. Has 16,000 employees in Russia - more
than in any country outside of France.
● Perhaps the only international player to
Citigroup have cracked Russia. It has become one of the
country’s biggest banks since its 1993 entry.
● The Italian lender is doing well in Russia.
UniCredit It bought International Moscow Bank in
2007 and now has more than 100 branches.
● Sold its mortgage unit last year to Russian
Morgan Stanley Orient Express bank after the financial crash
hit the country’s construction sector hard.
● Exited Russia in December, also selling to
Santander Orient Express. The Spanish bank had also
faced tough competition from local lenders.
The Capitalist
Got A Story? Email
Follow The Capitalist
on Twitter: @citycapitalist


THE BRAIN drain from the City’s lead- April – where the 20 winners will be
ing banks has started, as The Capitalist given a full-time job at Baghdady’s
can reveal traders at JP Morgan Chase, firm Training Traders.
RBS, UBS and Lloyds have gone If the traders are successful, they
behind bosses’ backs to apply to a could manage £10m of funds within
hedge fund that promises to make 12 months, taking up to 40 per cent of
them millionaires within a year. the profits. You do the maths.
The deserting bankers are on the The lure of the cash is so strong
shortlist for Mike Baghdady’s Trading that a TV producer is willing to drop a
Places-style contest to find the next- ten-year career at the BBC, and a
generation of hedge fund stars – as restaurateur is drafting his P45 for his
Hold it there: Can JP Morgan boss Jamie Dimon stop the talent exodus? Pictures: REX, GETTY first reported in this column on 14 job with one of the UK’s top chefs.
The final 40 will now undergo a
series of psychological tests set by
Edna Agbartha, who cut her teeth
doing psychological profiles for RBS,
to check whether they are able to
cope with the financial pressure.
Baghdady is happy to promote the Hastings: Nightmare snakes and ladders
“great story” of the former pit trader
hoping to make a comeback after his online trading experiment. In his
falling on taxi-driving hard times, heart, however, he knows that innu-
but refuses to reveal the full names merates like himself are “doomed to
of his would-be millionaires. remain prisoners of the banks and
Not because he was cycling along financial advisers, who will continue
Bond Street on a Boris Bike as he systematically to skin us alive”.
spoke to The Capitalist, you under-
stand, but because he doesn’t want to
attract the attentions of “every finan- FOOT IN THE DOOR
cial headhunter in town”. MEANWHILE, The Capitalist is pleased
Not to mention the wrath of JP to have helped Ratidzo Chinyuku ful-
Morgan, RBS, Lloyds and UBS bosses fil her ambition of becoming a
when they discover their star employ- lawyer, after City A.M.’s 12 April story
ees are heading for the door… on Martin Winter’s work in her home
country of Zimbabwe inspired her to
write to the Taylor Wessing partner
BATTLE OF HASTINGS asking to be considered for a work
THERE was only one possible out- placement.
come when Max Hastings opened Impressed by the year-ten student’s
an online NatWest trading resourcefulness – “how many 17 year-
account: hysterical laughter from olds do you know who read financial
his banker friends. newspapers?” – Winter has offered
As part of a DIY investment mas- Chinyuku an informal work place-
terclass for Prospect magazine, the ment shadowing at his offices for two
former Daily Telegraph and weeks from 25 July this summer.
Evening Standard editor set about
mimicking the shareholdings of an
experienced private investor, but
soon became embroiled in a “night-
mare game of snakes and ladders”,
calling the helpline twice during
each transaction.
Hastings intends to persevere with


BABBO on Albemarle Street, voted Best

New Italian Restaurant 2011 by Zagat,
was the venue for a “celebratory” lunch for
five City gourmands who took full advan-
tage of one of the finest Italian wine lists
in London. So the regional dishes including
Beef Florenti, Veal Milanese and chef
Douglas Santi’s lasagne were all well and
good, but the high spots were a £550 bot-
tle of Sassicaia from 1997 and a £1,400
bottle of Tuscan Masseto from 1998.
Clearly on a roll, the diners decided not to
bother with coffee, instead rounding off
the £2,800 blowout with a bottle of
Grappa. Not bad for a Thursday – even by
Mayfair standards.
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14 News CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

Economic lessons from the last Royal Wedding

nomic output suffers further as a were tying the knot. The UK was again autumn of 1981. That kind of rate short to medium term. Back then
result? in a tough financial pickle; we had a today would make my mortgage track- unemployment hit 2.5m in 1981.
Last week I was temporarily a Conservative government trying to er look a little nasty. Thirty years ago will also be remem-
staunch Republican as I looked at how sort out the economic mess; and, as Another wretched link to 1981 bered for riots in Brixton and Toxteth;
my net pay is going one way (down) now, we had inflation problems. came a couple of weeks ago when we Greenham Common peace campaign-
and my daily costs are going the other That said, inflation is not exactly found out that last year we suffered ers; and the firebrand Ken Livingstone
way (up) as fiscal tightening and glob- runaway just yet. The Bank of England the first drop in real incomes since in charge of the GLC.
al inflation combine to hit my person- may be relaxed about the retail price that year. Perhaps one of the most polarising
CNBC COMMENT al balance sheet yet again. Still, we’ll index rising by 5.3 per cent and the In 1981 Geoffrey Howe was doing figures of 1981, after Lady Thatcher
be popping open the champers on favoured consumer price index (CPI) pretty much what George Osborne is herself, was Norman Tebbit.
STEVE SEDGWICK Friday to celebrate the happy occa-
sion, even if we’ll be passing off
at four per cent, double the target.
However, compared with 1981,
doing now: polarising the economic
and academic establishment with
I’ll leave you with his most memo-
rable quote of the year. Maybe it is just

O, it’s Royal Wedding week – sparkling wine as the real stuff. when UK CPI was standing at 11.9 per harsh medicine to correct an econo- as apt today: “I grew up in the thirties
how exciting! I have decided to How different or similar were cent having hit 18 per cent in 1980, my which had become dangerously with an unemployed father. He didn’t
become a Royalist this week things thirty years ago when we last things don’t look quite so bad. unbalanced. The debate still goes on riot. He got on his bike and looked for
because we all get an extra day had a big Royal Wedding? Incidentally, you may be interested to after thirty years as to whether his work and he kept looking until he
of holiday to celebrate Kate and Wills’ In many ways, it was the same old know that the Bank of England inter- Budgets in the early 1980s made the found it.”
big day on Friday. Who cares if UK eco- story in 1981, as Charles and Diana est rate stood at 15 per cent by the unemployment problem worse in the Steve Sedgwick is an anchor on CNBC


Make a break for

Treasury near to deal with Swiss Delay to Shell flared gas deal
The Treasury is close to agreeing a deal Legal hurdles have delayed Iraq's $12bn
with the Swiss authorities to tax assets (£7.3bn) deal with Royal Dutch Shell and
that up to 15,000 Britons have banked in Mitsubishi to capture flared gas, but
secret accounts there. The deal is set to agreement on a final draft contract may

it this summer!
raise between £3bn and £6bn, but allow be only a few weeks away, a senior Iraqi
the Swiss to maintain clients’ privacy. oil official said yesterday. “I expect by
Swiss banks would collect the money, the end of next week we will be very
which would then be handed over by the close to settling these issues and reach-
Swiss authorities. The tax is likely to be ing agreement on a final draft deal,” said
25-35 per cent of Swiss account savings. deputy oil minister Ahmed al-Shamma.

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CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 Consumer 15

Mamut set to table

Waterstone’s bid
RETAIL under pressure to raise money chain’s founder, Tim Waterstone,

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON amid fears it could break its bank- over a joint bid. It is not clear
ing covenants. whether Waterstone is involved in
RUSSIAN oligarch Alexander It recently bought more time the bid at this stage, although the
Mamut will make a formal bid for after it agreed with lenders an pair have worked together before
struggling high street book chain extension of its measurement and are known to be good friends.
Waterstone’s as early as this week. period for its covenant test from
The Moscow-based billionaire the end of April to 2 July. ANALYSIS l HMV
will mount a cut-price £35m bid The move could give manage- 26 p
for the retailer, which is being ment the breathing space to
sold off by its embattled owner weigh Mamut’s bid against poten- 21 Apr Sculptures,
p , rare graphics,
g p ,
HMV. tial rivals, although chief execu-
The bookseller had been valued tive Simon Fox will be under 18 original
g colllages
at between £50m and £75m, yet pressure from shareholders to
Mamut could take advantage of accept. 14
HMV’s heavy debt burden to Mamut has been carrying out
encourage a discount sale. due diligence on Waterstone’s 10
HMV has issued three profit over recent weeks.
31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr
warnings so far this year and is He had been linked with the

Oligarch’s friendship with chain founder

RETAIL Moor House Building

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON nerstone of a group of investors in

Russian bookstore chain Bookberry, Opening April 1st
BILLIONAIRE bibliophile Alexander before selling out to another
Mamut has a long-standing friend- Russian billionaire, Oleg
ship with Tim Waterstone, the Deripaska, in 2008. 120 London Wall, City of London, EC2Y 5ET
founder of the book chain that bears Both Waterstone and Mamut
his name. share a love for literature and have Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Although it is not yet clear been friends since the venture.
whether they will mount a The two are said to have been build- Saturday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
joint bid for the retailer, ing a management team to run
the pair have joined the chain, with plans to take it
forces behind a book- back to its roots as a stock hold- T. +44 (0) 778 907 6340 | T. +44 (0) 207 614 0600
seller in the past. ing business with more day-to-
The oligarch and day management
the Englishman input from its

All Saints edges NEWS | IN BRIEF

Good Friday great for retailers

closer to sale amid

The New West End Company, which
represents 600 retailers on Bond Street,
Oxford Street and Regent Street,
reported increased sales figures over
Easter, as shoppers took advantage of

administration fear
warm weather and extra holiday time. It
said 2m shoppers flocked to the area
during the first three days of the Easter
weekend – up 4.1 per cent on Easter
weekend last year. On Friday alone,
800,000 went shopping in the area,
causing retailers to dub the day “Great
Friday”. West End hotels reported a
RETAIL over the future of the business. surge in family room bookings too, with

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON Craig told City A.M. last night there both British visitors and out-of-towners
had been no threat of liquidation, taking advantage of the combined 11-
HIGH street fashion retailer All adding that Lloyds had been “fantas- day break bookended by Bank holidays.
Saints is set to complete a sale to US tic” throughout the sale process.
private equity house Goode Partners He said: “It’s been a case study in Yahoo buys TV sharing company
by the end of this week, despite fears relationship banking. Yahoo said yesterday it has bought
its creditors could put it into admin- “Where we’re at in the transaction IntoNow, a start-up that enables users
istration. is that I believe it will complete this to identify and share television pro-
Sources close to the process said week. If it doesn’t complete this week grammes with their friends, in its con-
the US firm was “leading the deal” to then, in my view, it’s only because of tinuing drive to boost its social media
buy all of the ordinary shares in the the Royal Wedding.” credentials. Financial terms were not
company for more than £100m, as All Saints was put on the block disclosed. IntoNow, which is led by
part of a consortium of buyers. after majority shareholders Adam Cahan, a former executive with
But there are suggestions the Kaupthing and Glitnir, the Icelandic Google and Viacom’s MTV, works with
retailer’s main lender, Lloyds banks that collapsed during the an app on a user's phone which scans
Banking Group, has threatened chief financial crisis, were forced to sell the audio waves from TV sets and iden-
executive Stephen Craig with the liq- their assets by administrators. tifies the programmes being aired.
uidation of his firm should the buy- Retail mogul Kevin Stanford, who
out deal fail. bought the fashion brand in 2003, Ford idles plants over shortages
The bank, which provides All also holds a “Z-share” in the business Ford will idle plants in Taiwan, China and
Saints with a £28.5m loan facility, – a position that could net him 50 South Africa beginning this week due to
was also said to have put KPMG on per cent of the value of the transac- the shortage of parts from Japan after
standby to initiate administration tion. the 11 March earthquake, tsunami and
proceedings should talks fail. All Saints has more than 60 stores nuclear crisis, the company said yester-
Talks are set to continue today and almost 50 concessions across the day. All three plants were scheduled to
between management and bankers UK, Europe, America and Russia. Fashion retailer All Saints is set to complete a sale this week Picture: GETTY be shut at a later date.
16 News CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

Why giving listed status to Broadgate is wrong

a new European headquarters for their business requirements – this is City community. Angel Court last week – I would be sur-
UBS. vital to continued competitiveness. The City of London works hard to prised if we have seen the last applica-
The fact that UBS has taken a long- By approving the scheme at 5 ensure that new developments repre- tion for a tall City building.
term decision to be based in the City Broadgate, the City of London has pro- sent the best of contemporary archi- Different buildings – be they sky-
for the foreseeable future is an vided a fitting home for one of tecture while respecting our scrapers or groundscrapers or any-
encouraging one. Europe’s largest banks and has cherished network of alleys and open thing in between – offer different
However, this project has not been demonstrated its commitment to pro- spaces – 5 Broadgate succeeds in this. advantages to their occupiers; devel-
without controversy and the whole of viding a business environment that Ken Shuttleworth – the architect opers, architects and financiers natu-
CITY COMMENT Broadgate is reportedly being assessed can continue to attract the world’s most famous for designing the rally produce schemes that reflect
for “listed building” designation. I leading firms for many years to come. Gherkin – has claimed that low-rise market conditions and the business
STUART FRASER believe this would be a mistake. These plans aptly demonstrate the projects are the way forward and that needs of potential tenants.
Whilst always mindful of the need adaptability of the original Broadgate “the age of the glass tower is dead”. The fact that all of the City’s tall

AST week the City of London to protect our heritage, the City of development concept and the vision While current trends suggest a buildings are now fully funded and
Corporation’s Planning and London also works closely with cur- of its architect, Peter Foggo. greater enthusiasm for lower develop- under construction shows there is still
Transportation Committee rent occupiers and potential future Broadgate is defined by the quality ments or for the retrofitting of exist- an appetite for such projects.
approved plans for a 13 storey occupiers to ensure the office space of its open spaces, which have been ing buildings – such as the proposal Stuart Fraser is policy chairman at the City
office block at 5 Broadgate to provide available in the Square Mile meets critical to its lasting appeal among the granted planning permission at 1 of London Corporation.

“It’s a privilege to be nominated by a

range of other asset managers and
EU tells UK to
professionals in the city”
Richard Swann, Inflexion (Alternative Manager of the Year) relax liquids
on planes ban
ried that anything other than a simul-

taneous lifting of the ban will cause
delays when passengers travel from a
BRITISH airports face disastrous conse- country that allows them to take liq-
quences if they fail to agree to the lift- uids on board to one that doesn’t.
ing of a ban on carrying liquids onto The UK’s move means that travellers
aeroplanes, the EU has warned. connecting at Heathrow will have liq-
The warning comes after Philip uid duty free purchases confiscated,
Hammond (pictured), the transport while those passing through other EU
secretary, refused to go ahead with the jurisdictions will not.
first phase of relaxing liquids restric- The rules were introduced in
tions, which is due this week. Europe in August 2006 after UK police
From 29 April, passengers on uncovered a terrorist plot to use
long-haul flights from outside bombs made from liquid explosives
the EU would have been able mixed during a flight.
to take duty-free liquids as The regulations prevent passen-
hand luggage on connecting gers carrying fluids onto planes
flights at UK airports. But unless they are in individual con-
Hammond has told airport own- tainers of no more than
ers that restrictions will not 100ml. Over 2,000 tonnes
be lifted, citing ongoing of liquids are confiscat-
security concerns. ed at Heathrow alone
Siim Kallas, the EU trans- each year.
port commissioner, said all Although scanning
What will you say? countries must meet the
agreed April 2013 deadline
technology for suspi-
cious liquids is not
for lifting the ban in full, yet in place, the
warning: “If some countries Department for
Enter the City A.M. Awards 2011 and you could be lift the ban and some do not Transport said it still
recognised as one of the City’s great personalities it will be disastrous.” intended to lift the
or companies of the year. Airport operators are wor- restrictions by 2013.

Visit our website to see how you can enter: TIME LINE | HAND LUGGAGE SECURITY
or for more information, please contact Jo Pead: 9 August 2006 launches an attack on US-led security regula-
020 8267 4043 / A terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives tions, saying: “There’s quite a number of ele-
on board several flights to North America is ments of the security programme which are
disrupted when UK police officers arrest 21 completely redundant and they should be
suspects. sorted out.”

10 August 2006 December 2010

An overnight emergency ban on liquids in Transport secretary Philip Hammond tells a
hand luggage is imposed by then Home Transport Select Committee: “In some cases
Secretary John Reid. The ban is relaxed over more searches than are necessary are being
headline sponsor champagne reception sponsor subsequent weeks to allow passengers to carried out. Different approaches using tech-
carry fluids, but only in individual containers nology could eliminate risk,”he said, adding:
of 100ml or less. “I am not suggesting we relax the standards
we require, I am suggesting more flexibility.”
official venue partner sponsors October 2009
The EU admits that progress towards devel- 12 April 2011
oping scanning technology capable of Hammond tells airport owners the planned
detecting dangerous fluids is “much slower first phase of the lifting of liquids restrictions
than anticipated”. It is forced to push back across the EU will no longer go ahead in the
its initial target of April 2010. UK due to security concerns. He said he was
still committed to the complete lifting of the
October 2010 ban by April 2013 alongside improvements
British Airways chairman Martin Broughton to screening technology.
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 News 17

NYSE targets higher savings AXA Real Estate raises

FINANCIAL SERVICES The new savings estimate, along 11 days.
€1.26bn from investors

BY HARRY BANKS with a €100m in benefits coming from All four exchanges involved in the
cross-selling and distribution opportu- increasingly bitter takeover battle are
NYSE Euronext sees cost savings in its nities, would bring the total savings trying to persuade NYSE shareholders pan-European institutional invest-

$9.8bn (£5.9bn) deal with Deutsche and benefits from the deal to about to back their deal. ment vehicles, and for a debt fund it
Boerse at closer to €400m (£354m), up $725m, closer to the estimates from a Niederauer’s comments come AXA Real Estate Investment Managers launched in January this year.
by about a third from its initial esti- competing takeover offer. ahead of a closely watched NYSE share- raised €1.26bn (£1.1bn) in the first Kiran Patel, global head of business
mate, according to a spokesman. Nasdaq OMX Group and holder meeting on 28 April for their quarter of 2011, with €800m raised as development, distribution, research
NYSE chief executive Duncan IntercontinentalExchange have annual vote on the companys direc- segregated accounts to reflect an and strategy said: “The fact that we
Niederauer also sees the biggest NYSE launched a rival $11.2bn takeover bid tors. ongoing demand for diversified man- have seen such strong interest from
and Deutsche Boerse customers saving for NYSE Euronext. That deal promises Analysts have said that vote could be dates. investors in both our debt and devel-
at least $3bn from the combination of net savings and benefits, or synergies, an early sign of how shareholders feel Axa Real Estate, the largest real opment funds in particular, reflects
their European derivatives platforms, of $740m. about the NYSE board’s decision to estate manager in Europe with the increasing appetite since the start
according to spokesman Richard Last week, NYSE’s board rejected the back the Deutsche Boerse over the €39.9bn in assets under manage- of this year for funds with strategies
Adamonis. Nasdaq/ICE bid for the second time in rival, higher bid. ment, also raised €460m for two of its across the entire risk spectrum.”

Overseas focus
Standard Life behind record
results aim to results for SLR

justify outlay

has reported record full-year
results, posting a 24 per cent rise in
profit despite a contraction of its
core UK market.
The company, which is backed by
INSURANCE Chief executive David Nish, who was private equity firm 3i, has spent the

BY ELIZABETH FOURNIER promoted from finance director at the past year expanding into resource-
firm in January 2010, was also award- David Nish has increased investment following the financial crisis driven economies through targeted
STANDARD Life’s investment strategy ed a 66 per cent pay rise earlier this acquisitions in Alaska, Australia
will be under scrutiny on Thursday month, based on strict targets that and South Africa, to offset reduced
when it posts first quarter results,
with analysts expecting long-term sav-
ings net flows to increase by 18 per
mean he will have to deliver an operat-
ing profit of £800m by 2013. Current
projections for 2013 profits stand at
Insurer will have to prove investment growth in its UK and Ireland opera-
Earnings before tax at the group
Shares in the Edinburgh-based life
insurer fell more than 18 per cent at
During the reporting period,
Standard Life also completed its acqui-
will not erode the stock’s meaty yield jumped 67 per cent to £7.7m, with
profits climbing to £67.3m from
£54.4m in 2009. More than 60 per
the end of March following full-year sition of financial software company cent of group revenues earned out-
results that highlighted its higher Focus Solutions for £42m, in a move ALL eyes will be on Standard Life’s and a failure to repeat 2009’s stellar side of the UK.
investment spending. designed to boost its customer services ability to generate significant back book management results. Chief executive David Richards
But its UK corporate cash flow is and improve product ranges. amounts of cash when the insurer The problem is investors look to said that the company was now well
expected to jump 10 per cent to £854m reports first quarter results this Standard Life for its meaty yield of poised to benefit from a recovery in
from £776m for the three months to ANALYSIS l Standard Life Thursday. over five per cent, which will be the industrial sector across the
March 2011. However, net cash flows 250 At the end of March, shares in the jeopardised unless the firm can countries that it serves. “We are
from self-invested personal pensions firm lost more than 18 per cent after run enough cash off of its opera- delighted to announce record
are likely to be down, having benefited 212.40 operating capital and cash genera- tion. Last year, the 13p-a-share was results for the Group, particularly
last year from proposals to change the 230 21 Apr tion from continuing operations was only just covered. Shareholders will as these have been achieved against
minimum age at which pensions can 23 per cent lower at £287m. want reassurance that it is safe in a backdrop of flat or contracting
be accessed. Cash generation was hit by a the long run. markets in Europe,” he said.
The Department for Work and 210 triple whammy of higher reserve The company also announced yes-
Pensions last week ruled out allowing releases; increased investment terday that it had paid £7m for
the early access to pension savings, say-
ing there was no evidence it would 190
(which many investors fear is run-
ning at levels that are too high);
BOTTOMLINE Metago, a South African environ-
mental consultancy focused on sub-
31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr
Analysis by Katie Hope
encourage more people to start saving. Saharan Africa and Australia.


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18 News CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Harriet Dennys in association with

sales, based in London, and promoted Burman as head of SIPP operations. joins from KPMG in the US as a
Gap Thomas Deppe to global head of cor- Burman joins from Suffolk Life, where director in the International
The US retailer has announced that it will porate sales, based in Frankfurt. he was head of client reporting. Executive Services practice.
combine its international operations into one
London-based division, to be led by Stephen Ashcourt Rowan KPMG Panmure Gordon
Sunnucks, the new president, international of The wealth management firm has Mike Linter, who has been a partner The stockbroker has appointed Philip
Gap Inc. Since joining the company five years appointed Steve Daykin and Chris at KPMG since 2000, has been Tansey to the board as chief financial
ago, Sunnucks has guided the growth of Gap Johnson as regional managers. Both appointed as national head of the officer and chief operating officer,
and Banana Republic in Europe. Gap has also were formerly area sales managers People Services Tax division. In addi- effective from 24 May. Tansey joins
appointed John Ermatinger, currently presi- at Co-Operative Bank Independent tion, Marc Burrows, tax partner at from BCG Partners.
dent of Gap Inc’s Asia Pacific region, to a new Financial Advisers until its acquisi- KPMG in Switzerland, joins the UK
role establishing Old Navy International. tion by Ashcourt Rowan last year. firm to run the International F&C Asset Management
Executive Services practice; Angus The investment management group
Stadia Trustees Menzies joins as a director from has appointed Nabil Owadally as a
Commerzbank Markets has hired Andrew Readinger The SIPP and alternative investment McGrigors to lead a new employ- derivatives fund manager. Owadally
Commerzbank Corporates and as global head of financial institution specialist has appointed Jason ment law team; and Chris Hogan joins from Towers Watson.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career +44 (0)20 7557 7245

BEST OF THE BROKERS To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to

ANALYSIS l Rushydrow 5.22 ANALYSIS l Reckitt Benckiser 3,290.00 ANALYSIS l Shire Plc
25 Apr 21 Apr
5.25 $ p 1,900 p 1,866.00
5.20 21 Apr
5.10 3,300 1,800
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2,900 1,600
15 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr 31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr


Goldman Sachs has upgraded the hydroelectricity company to “buy”, seeing Nomura rates the consumer goods giant “buy” with a target price of 3800p Credit Suisse rates the pharma giant as “overweight” with a target price of
its underperformance in the year to date as an opportunity to invest. The bro- following its first quarter results last week, which saw core sales growth 1900p ahead of first quarter results due out this Thursday. The broker
ker thinks the market has overreacted to the news flow on regulatory pres- broadly in line with expectations and core earnings before tax slightly ahead expects an unusually strong performance from key product Adderall XR, driv-
sure on electricity tariffs and the risks associated with M&A activity, and of expectations. Most importantly, the brokers sees the company’s health and en by a sharp increase in volumes over the quarter. Attention deficit hyperac-
expects an 18 per cent increase in earnings before tax in 2011 compared to personal care brands having returned to good growth and developing market tivity disorder (ADHD) treatment Vyvanse should also benefit with an
2010. Its 12-month price target increases 24 per cent to $7.80 (£4.73). margins back in positive trend, having caused concern last year. increase of 16 per cent year on year, as ADHD drugs continue to outperform.

US stocks fall over fears of commodity price rises

one of the busiest weeks of earnings, 0.16 per cent, to 1,335.25. But the ANALYSIS l Dow Jones Industrial Average 12,479.88
THENEW YORK with 180 S&P 500 companies set to
report this week, including other
major consumer names like Procter &
Nasdaq Composite Index gained 5.72
points, or 0.20 per cent, to close at
12,600 25 Apr

REPORT Gamble and Colgate-Palmolive.

“That is going to be the next thing
that happens – the forward guidance
Johnson Controls fell 2.8 per cent
to $39.60 after the company, one of
the world’s largest auto suppliers,

is going to start to become impacted said its fiscal third-quarter results


N the lightest volume session of because of higher prices,” said Ken would be hit by a drop in car produc-
the year, US stocks fell yesterday Polcari, managing director of ICAP tion following Japan’s massive earth-
after a lowered outlook from Equities in New York. quake last month. Japan’s earthquake
Kimberly-Clark increased con- “This non-existent inflation that has disrupted the supply of auto parts 11,400
31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar 30 Mar 19 Apr
cerns about higher commodity costs (the Federal Reserve) keeps talking and forced auto companies to idle
squeezing profits in coming quarters. about is elusive, because there clearly plants. ANALYSIS l Nasdaq Index
About 5.4bn shares traded on the is much more inflation than they Through Monday, 75 per cent of
New York Stock Exchange, the care to admit at the moment.” the 151 companies in the S&P 500 25 Apr
American Stock Exchange and Kimberly-Clark, maker of Kleenex that have reported results have beat-
Nasdaq, below the daily average of tissue and Huggies disposable dia- en analysts’ expectations. That is just
7.74bn. pers, is among companies highly vul- above the average over the past four
Kimberly-Clark fell 2.7 per cent to nerable to rising commodity costs quarters but well above the average of
$64.24 after it cut the low end of its because its products contain oil-based 62 percent since 1994, according to
full-year outlook because the costs of materials and paper. Thomson Reuters data.
pulp and other goods rose more than The Dow Jones industrial average The Nasdaq edged higher, boosted 2,650
twice as much as it had expected. dropped 26.11 points, or 0.21 per cent, by SanDisk, up 1.6 per cent at $49.78
The threat of rising commodity to end at 12,479.88. The Standard & after raising its 2011 margin outlook
costs will remain in the spotlight for Poor’s 500 Index shed 2.13 points, or late on Thursday. 31 Jan 18 Feb 11 Mar 31 Mar 20 Apr


ARGE blue chips, including some and Coca-Cola, unloved on Wall tion that the equity market can over- stocks that benefit from strong ble the estimated growth for the S&P
consumer-oriented companies, Street, could turn out to be good buys come a lot of these domestic issues,” demand in emerging markets, as well 500 and towers over the 5 per cent
will have to show they can count- if they can show they justify higher said Nick Kalivas, an analyst at MF as a technology sector boosted by growth in a financial sector burdened
er sluggish developed economies valuations than investors are now Global in Chicago. robust demand from businesses. by a weak housing market.
by leveraging growth in emerging willing to give them. Before the recession, the consumer Average earnings growth across Investors will also want to see at
markets and technology – if Wall “If you see these Cokes and Pepsis and financial sectors benefited from those sectors amounts to almost 33 least stable performance in developed
Street is to maintain earnings and these kinds of multinational con- huge credit expansion. Not so now. per cent in the first quarter over a markets as they gear up this week for
momentum this week. sumer names post good results, I Growth is now concentrated in year ago, according to Thomson a press conference by US Federal
Companies like Microsoft, PepsiCo, think it is going to give the percep- industrial, materials and energy Reuters data. That is more than dou- Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Wealth Management

| Contracts for Difference

How UK CFD traders can DOLLAR FEARS

gain from a falling dollar DAVID MORRISON
Craig Drake looks

INANCIAL markets initially reeled following last
at how to cash in week’s announcement from Standard & Poor’s
(S&P). The ratings agency downgraded its outlook
on the weak buck for US sovereign debt to “negative” from “stable”,
implying a 33 per cent chance that the US would lose its
AAA credit rating within the next two years. The agency is
concerned by the fiscal challenges facing the US and

HIS year’s financial headlines warned policymakers to address the situation immediate-
have been dominated by uncer- ly rather than waiting until after the presidential election
tainty around the world. The tur- in 2012. Many analysts shrugged off S&P’s warning either
moil in the Middle East and by attacking the credibility of the agency or by insisting
north Africa has led to long-term sup- that it is overreacting to old news. But the downgrade
ply worries in this oil rich area, and the highlights the danger to the US economy of the current
continuing fears over the Eurozone sov- political impasse.
ereign debt crisis have had investors Investors are already worried about what will happen
seeking out safe havens. Combined to financial assets once the Federal Reserve ends its pro-
with the weak greenback, these global gramme of asset purchases this summer. On top of this,
events have pushed dollar-denominat- the geopolitical and macroeconomic outlook is still a con-
ed commodities, especially oil and pre- cern. Violence continues to flare up across north Africa
cious metals, to new highs. and the Middle East; Japan is still struggling to deal with
its nuclear crisis and supply chain issues; Europe is ham-
OIL pered by its debt problems, and inflation is on the rise
US crude and oil product inventories everywhere leading to interest rate hikes in the Eurozone,
are reported to be at their lowest levels as well as China and other emerging countries.
since 2008, and with Opec member Firmer oil prices are also playing into this mix. Just a
Libya being battered by peace-keeping few weeks ago, crude hit its highest level since the sum-
bombing raids, oil prices are holding a mer of 2008. It then pulled back sharply following a
large risk premium. Brent crude is still number of “sell” recommendations from Goldman Sachs,
above $120 a barrel as a weaker dollar which cited weaker global demand, a possible ceasefire in
and pressure on US crude stocks indi- Libya and excessive long-side speculation. Crude has
cated that prices have the potential to since rebounded and made back around 50 per cent of its
climb much higher. losses. Then last week’s S&P downgrade hit prices again
as the US dollar rallied on a “flight to safety”, but support
GOLD has held at $121 for Brent and around $106 for the WTI
Gold has been the biggest benefactor of It’s raining gains across the board for dollar Swiss, Canadian and Aussie dollar.” contract. The oil price should be self-correcting to some
the global uncertainty. The weak dollar presidential men denominated commodities, but the IG Markets presents a way around degree. While higher prices hurt global growth and stoke
has seen the yellow metal take its place upside if you’re trading in a second this issue for investors trading in ster- inflation, they also put a dent in demand. But it’s the dol-
as the favoured haven currency. The PICTURE: ALAMY currency can be somewhat limited. ling. The CFD provider has recently lar that currently holds the biggest influence over oil.
markets have seen flight into the de Taking a look at gold for example. On started offering clients the ability to With the Federal Reserve determined to complete its
facto currency with each earthquake, April 1, gold opened at $1,432 an trade dollar denominated commodity $600bn of asset purchases, and as US policymakers
revolution and Moody’s downgrade. ounce and ended last week at $1,507. CFDs in sterling, eliminating the dollar struggle to control the budget deficit, the dollar should
Since the start of the year, prices have Over the same time, it only rose from part of it. This covers the highest pro- remain under pressure. This should ensure that oil prices
risen over eight per cent, with the price £893 to £910.” file instruments only (gold, oil et are kept on the boil.
for a troy ounce hitting a new record of Adrian Ash, head of research for cetera) but removes the exchange rate
$1,518.6 yesterday. BullionVault, also voices the same con- risk and allows clients to focus purely
Though UK investors may be rub- cerns for UK investors: “If the dollar on the underlying direction of the
bing their hands together in excite- weren’t sinking, gold would be pretty market.
ment at the prospect of cashing in on much flat from the start of the year, With the dollar likely to remain in
these gains, there is a barrier to sur- only just breaking $1,400 today. This its current state until at least the third
mount. According to David Jones, mar- week’s big jump has been entirely quarter, savvy investors can continue
kets analyst for IG Index, “we’ve seen unwound in terms of the euro, yen, to gain through CFDs.


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20 Wealth Management | Contracts for Difference CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

Go long on cocoa

after Gbagbo – just

don’t hold too long

Ivory Coast

Buying an Easter egg every year isn’t the only way
to gain exposure to cocoa, writes Philip Salter
Thousand % of world
tonnes production
World 3,700 100
Africa 2,500 67.6
Ivory Coast 1,610 43.5
Ghana 490 13.2
Nigeria 212 5.7
Cameroon 129 3.5
Others (Africa) 59 1.6
Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Who next?
CCOUNTING for over 40 per has already factored this in. Jones says
cent of the world’s production, “1,800 has been a floor in recent times,
Ivory Coast’s recent political cri- if someone was of the opinion that the
If you’ve got an opinion on the current sis sent the price of cocoa soar- price has overshot to the downside
European debt crisis, you should consider ing. However, it fell as quickly as it rose, there is a good risk reward down here if
forex trading with IG Markets. We offer and with the political situation buying at 1,917 (July London Cocoa)
resolved, traders now need to decide with a stop beyond 1,800, looking for a
exceptional access to the largest and most
whether it has fallen too far or not far move back up to the early 20s.”
liquid financial market in the world. enough. According to Goldman Sachs’s
Take a position today with the UK’s Despite President Alassane Commodity Watch paper of 15 April,
number one CFD provider.* Ouattara’s victory at the ballot box in cocoa will “decline given this year’s
Ivory Coast’s elections at the end of last large West African production which
CFD trading can result in losses that year, he was unable to formally take points to a market in surplus for the
office until French special forces arrest- 2010/11 crop year and a global stocks-
exceed your initial deposit. ed former leader Laurent Gbagbo on 11 to-use ratio back to its highest level
April. In between, Ouattara had since 2005.” However, the paper cites
Discover more at banned the export of cocoa to pres- some medium-term factors pushing
surise Gbagbo’s departure. The US, EU the price up: “As demand continues to
or call 0800 195 6300. and African Union all upheld the ban grow, the production outlook for Ivory
to support the rightful victor, and now Coast will remain key as aging
* Investment Trends 2010 UK Spread Betting/CFD Report. these prohibitions are being rescinded. orchards, poor infrastructure and polit-
David Jones of IG Markets explains ical instability have curbed production
that during the crisis we saw “some big and investment over the past few years.
moves in both directions – London Further, while La Nina was beneficial to
Cocoa ran up to 2,400 in March, from west African production, a return to
around 1,900 at the end of 2010 – but neutral weather conditions suggests
as things seem to be getting sorted out that 2011/12 production will not be as
it has gone all the way back down again large as the current crop.”
to 1,900.” Despite these sharp moves, A bet on cocoa is a bet for or against
traders have had the distractions of Ivory Coast. Despite the large amount
events in north Africa and the Japanese of cocoa about to enter the market the
earthquake to deal with. Once the price should be pushed up in the medi-
stockpiled cocoa hits the market, the um-term. Therefore, if you are hunting
question will be whether the price will for profits, cocoa could be the golden
drop further or whether the market egg you are looking for.

THE TIPSTER prices will continue to climb in the com-

ing months, not only as perceived dollar
weakness takes its toll, but also from
APPLE STILL the strong seasonal pattern in the run
up to the US driving season. With the
GOLDEN BUT US economy seemingly having turned a
corner, there is every reason to believe
SILVER WINS that demand will remain strong. Even
though we’re sitting well above the psy-
chological $100 per barrel level, further

HARES in Apple hit an all time gains wouldn’t be much of a surprise.
high of $364 back in February, but Current IG Markets price on US light
its first quarter results have crude for June is $112.15-$112.21.
smashed forecasts. Profits were up The record for silver was $50 in
90 per cent to $5.99bn from $3.07bn in 1980, but we may not have to wait too
the same period last year. Some long before we see it reach this level
investors thought Steve Jobs’s illness had based on ongoing global fundamentals.
encouraged a slowdown in growth, and The metal has been up on the back of
they were wrong. His recent inflation concerns, government debt
commitment to “continue to innovate on downgrades and the Middle Eastern tur-
all fronts” put a strong message out to all moil. The gold/silver ratio is currently
investors. Capital CFDs quotes $342.24- down to 30, favouring silver. Capital
$342.59. CFDs quotes silver May $45.72-$45.75.
There are expectations that crude oil Philip Salter
e you place is another chance to win
Every trad


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22 Wealth Management | Markets CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

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Hardly the spice of life at the W

The Leicester Square
hotel’s restaurant is
inspired by Oriental
street food, but leaves
a lot to be desired

Spice Market
W Hotel, 10 Wardour Street, W1D 6QF
Cost per person without wine: £45

HEN the W Hotel dropped like a
spaceship on the corner of
Leicester Square earlier this
year, it brought with it Spice The interior of the
Market, the Pan Asian restaurant originat-
ed in New York by the lauded chef Jean-
Spice Market features
shelves packed with
Georges Vongerichten. spices and moody NEWS
With a menu apparently inspired by his lighting.
experiences of Asian street food, it’s a
large, snazzy, moodily-lit place lined with
shelves of spice jars, and with all the soul BECK LAUNCHES NEW APSLEYS MENU
of a Nandos. A Nandos where the cheapest Anyone searching for a really lavish Spring din-
red wine is £33, mind. ing experience could do worse than head to
Spice Market partakes of the “sharing Apsley’s restaurant at the Lanesborough Hotel.
food” philosophy, in which help-yourself Heinz Beck, the multi-starred German chef who
dishes are stacked in the middle of the specialises in the finest Italian cooking, has
table. The problem with the sharing idea, launched a new menu there which includes
other than the whiff it carries of produc- some of the most joyfully lovely dishes to be
tion-line cooking, is its requirement for arrives in the shape of a halibut fillet, sit- fully mashed the whole thing together found in London right now. Scallops with
consensus and agreement in the ordering ting plumply in the midst of a sticky, with my fork, the only thing to taste is asparagus and black truffle, foie gras with wild
process. Glazing over as we browse mahogany-coloured Malaysian chilli burnt garlic and oil. mushroom consomme and cereals, and wild red
through the 40 or so dishes on offer, we sauce. It’s a good bit of fish, nicely cooked It’s revolting, and so is the chicken sea bream carpaccio with exotic fruit vinai-
take the easy route out and try the five- and easy to pick apart, but utterly accompanying it. The burnt, bitter carbon grette are some of the seasonal delights on
course, £48 tasting menu. swamped for flavour by the icky, catch-the- taste of the grill is as nothing compared to offer. The Lanesborough, Hyde Park Corner,
It doesn’t start well and goes downhill back-of-the-throat sweetness of the sauce, the astringent horror of the kumquat SW1X 7TA.
from there. Shaved tuna in chilli tapioca of which there’s far too much. lemongrass dressing it’s soaked in.
consists of a few sloppy slivers of taste-free Each course is explained at tiresome Dessert is – give me strength – Ovaltine RESTAURANTS TURN TO FLOWER POWER
fish floating in a chilled white soup, with length by our friendly, orange-pyjama’d kulfi, an oblong slab you could use for fur- Get booking now for restaurants that will be
little hint of the pear and lime described waiter, who points out this bit and that as niture stuffing, topped with a splurge of getting in the spirit of the Chelsea Flower Show
on the menu. Accompanying it, a lobster though we’ve never laid eyes on a plate of sugary cream which, if it didn’t come next month. Kensington perennial Daphne’s will
summer roll contains only the tiniest off- soy-doused broccoli before. from a can, gives every appearance of hav- be offering a floral-inspired set menu from 17-30
cut of lobster meat, and tastes of vinegar. Having said that, one thing I haven’t ing done so. A mouthful of the kulfi sits in May which comes with a complimentary G&T.
Next up, spiced chicken samosas with a seen before is the accompaniment to our the belly like a lead weight. Chef Jun Tanaka of Holborn’s Pearl Restaurant
coriander yoghurt score neither for inter- main course of char-grilled chicken: a Other than the fried rice, the dishes will also be serving up flowery specials from the
est nor taste – what coriander? What huge, perfectly circular pile of fried rice look pretty, and that’s the best that can be 23-28 May, with ingredients including hawthorn
spice? – while little, lukewarm clumps of on top of which sits a Frisbee-sized fried said of them. Even in this jazzy new hotel, blossom, pea flowers, sorrel flowers and elder-
beef on skewers register only for their egg, its white encrusted thickly with a it seems the best traditions of Leicester flower. The Connaught Hotel’s brilliant chef
strange, spongy texture. rust-coloured dust. The dust, apparently, is Square dining are being maintained: this Helene Darroze is putting together an afternoon
Something a bit more substantial fried ginger, but once our waiter has help- is naff, overpriced and lousy. tea using edible flowers, to be washed down
with a glass of Laurent Perrier Rose fizz.; www.pearl-
Galvin at Windows, the Michelin-starred restau-
rant at the top of the Hilton Hotel tower on Park
Lane – its views overlook Buckingham Palace
gardens and part of the wedding procession
route – is running a special, £45 royal wedding
lunch menu from today until Friday, with a free
glass of bubbly for anyone named Will or Kate.


The brand new West End outpost of Smithfield’s most There seems to be no stopping the stratospheric trajec- Cosy, friendly, all-day dining brasserie from renowned
famous restaurant is a smart, bijoux haven of white- tory of those behind Polpo, the popular Soho eatery Israeli chef Yotam Ottlongenghi, specialising in Middle
washed calm and simple culinary brilliance. Suckling pig serving Venetian style tapas – and good thing too. After Eastern and Asian flavours. It’s all about sharing plates,
for two with watercress and potato is an adventure in opening Polpetto above the French House pub, Russell with dishes such as slow cooked pig cheek with celeriac,
itself, snails and bacon are heavenly, while even tripe and Norman has launched small plate, bar food-tastic rose veal carpaccio and confit kingfish with artichoke,
onions has been winning fans. 1 Leicester St, WC2H 7BL Spuntino on Rupert Street. 61 Rupert Street, W1D 7PW. plus a heap of vegetarian options. 21-22 Warwick St, W1B 5NE.
24 Lifestyle In association with CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011

Zara Phillips knows a thing or two about relaxation.

So if she favours a beautiful horsey
resort in the rolling hills near Lisbon,
it can’t be a bad place for us, either
A Silver Coast golf and riding resort is also a top spot for kids, finds Jenny Forsyth

HESE are busy days for Zara
Phillips, what with her wedding
to rugby player Mike Tindall in
July, her cousin Will’s nuptials
this week and training to compete in
next year’s Olympics.
But judging by Zara’s choice of holi-
day home – a 220 sq m, four-bedroom
villa with pool set on rolling
Portuguese hills half an hour from
Lisbon – this is one royal who knows
how to relax.
Fittingly, the 29-year-old champion
showjumper is investing in the new
vineyards section of properties being
developed by Eduardo Netto de
Almeida, who is part of a dynasty of horse riding nightmares of being
Portuguese horsemen and a friend of thrown off and having your toes
Phillips’ father, the Olympic gold stamped on.
medallist Captain Mark Phillips. If you can drag yourself away from
The site is CampoReal Golf Resort the relaxing atmosphere of CampoReal
and Spa, a 200-acre development com- (or move too far after sampling the
plete with five star hotel, health spa delights of the hotel’s wide-ranging
and 18-hole golf course. A riding school breakfast buffet), the area, known as
and equestrian centre on site was an the Silver Coast, is a brilliant base for
obvious drawcard for Zara, who has tourism.
also competed in the area. Lisbon, the vibrant capital of
But while the estate boasts its own Portugal, historic Sintra and Obidos
royal lineage – it was once and the beautiful beaches of
the private property of Peniche, Praia de Santa
Portuguese mon- Cruz and Ericeira are
archs who used it all within easy driv-
for hunting – it ing distance.
mixes a world We spent a
of fine din- day walking
ing and the cobbled
pampered streets of
luxury Sintra, where
with laid- the children
b a c k eschewed the
charm. more obvi-
Need a lift ous sights
from the such as the
hotel to grand Palacio
your apart- Nacional de
ment? The Sintra for a walk
concierge will through a wooded
have you back in national park and
a jiffy in the golf an audience with the
buggy. “chicken man” and his
For a family holiday, stay- noisy feathered friends, all
ing at one of the spacious rented apart- named after world class footballers.
ments linked to the hotel, CampoReal Come lunch time, we followed an 80-
seemed to have as much to offer the year-old woman’s apparently guileless
children as we adults. advice and found ourselves enjoying
A massive outdoor pool, plus an
indoor pool and tennis courts, school
holiday kids’ club and organised bike
rides ensure there is always something RIDING: THE MENU
fun to do.
But the highlight for all of us was a
chance to enjoy the ride at the neigh- l Initiation class (30 min)
bouring Centro Equestre (Equestrian €30
Centre). l Level 2 (1 hour) €50.
The centre, which stables around 40 Includes riding indoor on
horses, offers horse riding tuition for own, walk trot and gallop.
everyone from the novice (my children) l Advanced (1h) €70. This
to the experienced (my husband) and includes jumping or
the very wary (me). advanced dressage, (includ-
In a large, sunlit arena, husband and ing piaffe).
wife team Cuca and Miguel gently
guided us through the basics, training
us to sit straight and hold the reins cor-
By the end of our individual lessons
my husband was effortlessly jumping
his horse, the children were grinning
with delight as they went “round the
world” (turning around in the saddle)
and I had all but forgotten my previous
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 In association with Lifestyle 25


Left: a view of Campo
Real, below, one of its l CampoReal Golf Resort & Spa
terraces, bottom left: a 2565-779, Turcifal
rider at the equestrian Portugal
school, bottom right, a,
pretty scene in nearby tel: +351 261950050
l Double rooms from €88

l One bedroom apartments from

£170,000 and two bedroom
apartments from £190,000

l Three bedroom townhouses

from £327,000

l Four bedroom villas from:


lFor property enquiries call:

Premier Resorts on 020 8940
9406 or Hamptons International
Mallorca, a perennial favourite for the Leela Palaces, one of the best hotel
euro-chic, has a new enticement, in the brands in India, has just launched a new
form of a new private wing at the property in New Delhi. Located in the
ultra-swanky Puro Hotel in elite Diplomatic Enclave, it’s
Palma. With 11 suites, the inspired by the English ele-
wing is available for pri- gance of Edwin Lutyens
vate hire and connect- and designed by
The estate boasts its own royal lineage – ed to the restored
18th century town-
acclaimed architect
John Gerondelis.
it was once the private property of house hotel so you
can use the ameni-
Highlights are a
rooftop pool with
Portuguese monarchs ties. As for the
interiors, think
magnificent views,
four restaurants
Marrakech meets and a beautiful
on our visit. Miami, with a sprin- Espa spa. Double
But even the pain of buying €45- kling of Asia. The Rooms start from
worth of broken dishes was all but for- new annex has a pri- £346 per night.
gotten after an hour at CampoReal’s vate living room,
DiVine health spa. numerous patios, a roof
True to the vineyard inspired name, deck with Jacuzzi, a spa and PORTO SANI OFFER
it offers vinotherapy – a treatment that gym plus the benefits of 24-hour Sovereign Luxury Travel is offer-
uses grape skins, grape oil and wine for concierge. Then there’s Purobeach, the ing a free upgrade to half-board for adults
their beauty and health benefits. perfect seaside hangout on a mini staying at the Halkidiki resort, plus a 20
But I decided to stick to wine by the peninsula in the middle of Palma Bay. per cent discount, a free child place, €200
glass only, and opted for a heavenly Rates for exclusive use of the new wing spa credit per booking and seven nights
hour-long back and shoulder treat- start at €3,750 per night on a bed and from £1,989 per family of 3 on a half-
ment that left me floating on air. breakfast basis. Go to board basis, departing 16 May 2011. Price
Truly, with all the stresses of his or call +34 971 includes flights from London Gatwick and
country’s burgeoning debt, a potential 425 450 for more information. all internal transfers.
bailout and his recent resignation, for-
mer Portuguese prime minister Jose
Socrates could do worse than come THINK ROOMS... with
here for a massage.
Chances are, of course, he has
already been here. CampoReal is a pop-
ular venue for conferences and can
host up to 550 people. During the time
of our visit, a banking conference was VINCCI BAIXA 4*
underway. Rua Do Comércio | nº 32 e 38 Rua Do S.Juliao
And after unwillingly packing our | nº 47 e 57 | 1100-150 Lisboa
bags and leaving CampoReal we
looked out of our plane window to see Housed in an old townhouse in Baixa, the famous
US President Barack Obama’s Air Force shopping and banking district of Lisbon, Vincci Baixa
delicious and authentic Portuguese sunlight (me). One plane on the other side of the run- offers a truly enchanting stay. We love this bohemian
salted fish in a rather down-at-heel cafe Then it was off to Obidos for a stroll way, having arrived for the NATO sum- part of town and the hip feel of the hotel is a perfect fit
cum shop. Who would suspect a through the charming winding mit. for its surroundings. Packed with style and elegance it’s
woman of that age was a tout for the streets, stopping at hillside shops to I’m sure Zara Phillips would agree – a great place to base yourself for exploring not just
restaurant? sample the local specialty, a cherry an hour or two of horse riding at Baixa, but the whole of historical Lisbon too.
At Peniche, a cool surfing beach, we brandy, and admire the pottery. CampoReal, followed by a groaning
watched the action in the water, then Only a small tussle between my son plate of fresh seafood at the formal
enjoyed the simple delights of fossil and daughter over a toy sword outside restaurant Grande Escolha, would
hunting (the children) and photo- one shop, which inevitably resulted in have been enough to banish all his HOTEL AVENIDA PALACE 5*
graphing long shadows in the brilliant broken pottery, put a small dampener worries about global economics. Rua 1º de Dezembro | 123 | 1200-359 Lisboa
An imposing neo-classical building in the heart of
Lisbon, you know you’re in for a treat the moment you
set eyes on Avenida Palace. And when you step inside
you’ll find the luxurious décor just as impressive. Its
classical style oozes majestic charm and the grand
Restauradores Square location is just perfect for
sampling the culture and contrasts of this fine city.


Rua Maria Feliciana |100 S.Mamede de
Infesta | 4465-283 Porto
This fantastic hotel is cool and modern with a really
striking design feature throughout – floor to ceiling
wooden panels running along each corridor showcasing
iconic images of Porto. And whether you’re visiting on
business or exploring the fascinating city for pleasure,
the swimming pool and spa facilities here are just the
sort you want to come back to at the end of the day.

To book your stay at any of these fabulous hotels, or to discover a whole world of other
accommodation possibilities, visit or call 0161 831 3894.
26 Lifestyle | TV& Games CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011


6pm BBC News 6pm Eggheads 6pm London Tonight 6pm The Simpsons 6pm Home and Away
6.30pm BBC London News 6.30pm Great British Menu 6.30pm ITV News 6.30pm Hollyoaks 6.25pm OK! TV
7pm The One Show 7pm Live Snooker: 7pm Emmerdale: 7pm Channel 4 News 7pm 5 News at 7
7.30pm CHOICE The World Championship Ryan leaves the village. 7.55pm 7.30pm Extraordinary
EastEnders: BBC News 8pm Britain’s Next Big Thing 7.30pm Military Driving School 8pm Supersize vs Superskinny Dogs: 5 News Update
8pm Holby City 9pm CHOICE 8pm Countrywise 9pm CHOICE 8pm William and Kate:
9pm MasterChef: A History of Celtic Britain 9pm When Kate Met William: The Secret Millionaire The Story So Far
The Final Three 10pm Later Live – with Jools A Tale of Two Lives 10pm Campus 9pm CSI: Crime Scene
10pm BBC News Holland: With PJ Harvey, Lykke 10pm ITV News at Ten 11.05pm Pete Versus Life Investigation
10.25pm Regional News 10.35pm Li and the Unthanks. 10.30pm London News 11.40pm School of Comedy 10pm CSI: Miami EASTENDERS
The Prison Restaurant 11.25pm The 10.35pm FILM Parenthood: 12.10am UK & Ireland Poker Tour 10.55pm CSI: NY 11.55pm BBC1, 7.30PM
10.30pm Newsnight: Weather
Lock Up 11.55pm FILM Hunt for 1.10am Freesports on 4 1.40am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Masood worries about Zainab’s
Justice. 2005; Weatherview 11.20pm Snooker: Comedy drama, starring
The Grid 2.05am British Formula 3 secretive behaviour – and fears the
12.50am SuperCasino 4.05am
1.30am Sign Zone: Michel Roux’s The World Championship Steve Martin. 1989. International Series 2.35am KOTV Meals in Moments 4.15am Brian worst when he sees her talking with
Service 2.30am 23 Week Babies: 12.10am Snooker Extra 12.50am The Zone; Boxing 3am ITU Triathlon 3.55am Sewell’s Grand Tour 4.55am Yusef.
The Price of Life 3.30am Great 2.10am BBC News 3.30am ITV News Headlines AVP Beach Volleyball 4.45am Animal Rescue Squad 5.10am
British Railway Journeys The Super League Show 4am-6am 2.50am Crossing Jordan Ironman Triathlon 5.15am-6.10am Wildlife SOS 5.35am-6am
4am-6am BBC News BBC Learning Zone 3.40am-5.30am ITV Nightscreen Full Metal Challenge House Doctor

SKY SPORTS 1 11pm Table Tennis 12.30am British SKY LIVING Show 10.30pm The Ricky Gervais 4.40am Treasure Quest

7pm Sky Sports News at Seven Motocross Championship 1.30am 7pm CSI: Crime Scene Show 11pm Bob’s Burgers 5.30am-6am Destroyed in
Formula Two Championship 11.30pm The Cleveland Show Seconds
7.30pm Football Asia 8pm The Sky Investigation 8pm Cougar Town
2.30am Extra Time 3am Cycle 12am The Big Bang Theory
Sports Years 10pm Revista De La 8.30pm Hot in Cleveland 9pm
Liga 11pm A League of Their Own
Sports World 3.30am Pool
Katie 10pm Hunks 11pm Criminal
12.55am How I Met Your Mother DISCOVERY HOME &
4.30am British Rallyzone 1.40am My Name Is Earl 2.25am
12am UEFA Champions League
5am-6am British Motocross
Minds 12am Ghost Whisperer 1am
Highlights 1am Football Special CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7pm A Baby Story 8pm 18 Kids
2am Netbusters 2.30am UEFA
2.40am Charmed 4.20am Nothing
3.30am Heartland 4.15am-6am BBC2, 9PM
Switched and Counting 9pm Embarrassing Neil Oliver concludes his journey
to Declare 5.10am-6am Maury
Champions League Highlights
3.30am Football Asia 4am Revista
BRITISH EUROSPORT Illnesses 10pm Britain’s Fattest through ancient history by focusing
De La Liga 5am-6am UEFA
7pm Live Snooker: The World
BBC THREE HISTORY Woman 11pm Trauma Unit 12am on the legacy of the Romans. Last in
Championship 10pm Extreme 7pm America: The Story of the US Embarrassing Illnesses 1am the series.
Champions League Highlights Sports: Freeride Spirit 10.15pm 7pm Don’t Tell the Bride 8pm 8pm Monumental Challenge 9pm Britain’s Fattest Woman 2am
Inside WTCC 10.45pm Cycling Misbehaving Mums-to-Be 9pm Monster Moves 10pm Lifeboat Trauma Unit 3am 18 Kids and
SKY SPORTS 2 12am-12.35am Horse Racing Time Meet the Multiples 10pm Heroes 11pm Mega Movers 12am Counting 4am Deliver Me
7pm Live UEFA Champions League EastEnders 10.30pm Two Pints of Monster Moves 1am Monumental 5am-6am A Baby Story
10.15pm Football Special 11.15pm ESPN Lager and a Packet of Crisps Challenge 2am Lifeboat Heroes
Poker 12.15am British Basketball 6.30pm FA WSL Review Show 11.30pm Family Guy 12.15am The 3am America: The Story of the US SKY1
2.15am British Rallyzone 2.45am 7.15pm Premiership Rugby Union Undercover Princes 1.15am Two 4am The Universe 5am-6am Ice 8pm Road Wars 9pm FILM The
British Motocross Championship 8.45pm AFL Review Show Pints of Lager and a Packet of Road Truckers Naked Gun: From the Files of Police
3.45am British Basketball 9.45pm ESPN Kicks: Serie A 10pm Crisps 2.15am Meet the Multiples Squad! 1988. 10.40pm Fringe
5.45am-6am Sky Sports Classics Premier League 11pm Eredivisie 3.15am Misbehaving Mums-to-Be DISCOVERY 11.40pm Brit Cops: Frontline Crime
Review Show 12am Live Major 4.15am-5.15am Don’t Tell the 7pm Deadliest Catch 9pm Wheeler UK 12.40am Ross Kemp on Gangs THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE
SKY SPORTS 3 League Baseball 3am ESPN Press Bride Dealers 10pm Deadliest Catch 1.40am UK Border Force 2.40am CHANNEL4, 9PM
7pm Sports Unlimited 8pm Pass 3.30am Planet Speed 4am 12am Flying Wild Alaska 1am Cold Case 3.30am A Town Called The owner of a IT recruitment agency
Formula Two Championship 9pm Bundesliga Review Show 5.15am E4 Deadliest Catch 2am Future Eureka 4.20am So You Think hopes to come to terms with the death
British Rallyzone 9.30pm Extra ESPN Kicks: Serie A 5.30am-6am 7pm Hollyoaks 7.30pm Friends Weapons 3am Hitler: A Profile You’re Safe? 5.10am-6am Don’t of his sister by helping an epilepsy
Time 10pm Golfing World ESPN Game of the Week 9pm 90210 10pm The Cleveland 3.50am The First World War Forget the Lyrics US awareness charity in Middlesbrough.

COFFEE BREAKCopyright Puzzle Press Ltd,


3 38 11 17 37 20 11 28 
26 10
14 21
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 23   
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 6 35
8 39
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 8 10 10
above or to the left of it. 21 21
You can only use the digits 1-9 42   
    and you must not use the
22 6
24 27   
same digit twice in a block. 7
    The same digit may occur 30    
30 12
 more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a

16 14
   separate block.
3 4 
29 13
  16 15

4 Style of glazed 1 Cured pig’s meat (5)

earthenware or
pottery (5)
7 Pear-shaped
2 Hinged switch that
can assume either of
two positions (6)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have fruit (7) 3 Acid found in milk (6)
    ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
R L 8 Shake (3) 4 Duck’s feathers (4)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters E 10 Had better (5)
12 Sibling’s
5 Racing sled for one
or two people (4)

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
O L daughter (5)
13 Animal’s home (4)
6 River which flows
through Rome (5)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
B A 15 Very cordial (9)
19 Cipher (4)
9 Japanese martial art, a
form of wrestling (6)
21 Yawns wide (5) 11 Cuts into two equal

5 2 3 1 4 2 4 1 SUDOKU         
24 Religious
doctrine (5)
pieces (6)
14 Legendary bird (3)
8 5 9 2 7 4 1 6 3
I O O R D E R S          25 Viper (3) 16 Self-contained
S L A T E S C S 6 1 5 9 8 8 4
A H S T R I K E 9 8 3 6 1 8 26 Made up of component (6)
L O S E S Y D X 4 3 2 1 6 9 8 7 famous top 17 Invalidate (6)
T R A M P L E 1 9 3 6 3 1 performers (3-4) 18 Representative (5)
M E G E A S E L         
4 2 2 1 5 6 2 27 Make a rhythmic 20 Mr Humphries, aka Dame
6 1 2 8 4 9 7 5 3 The nine-letter word was sound with the Edna Everage (5)
9 7 8 6 8 9 7 5         
fingers (5) 22 Set of two (4)
R R M O S Q U E 3 1 2 7 9 4
23 Unwanted email (4)
CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011 Sport 27

Rangers are up, up but not urged to stop
quite away after late shock Bahrain GP

PRO-DEMOCRACY activists have writ-
HULL CITY 1 ten to F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone
pleading with him not to reinstate
this year’s Bahrain GP.

FOOTBALL The 13 March Formula One season

BY JAMES GOLDMAN opener was called off due to civil
unrest, which is still ongoing, with
QUEENS PARK RANGERS missed the the organisers given until 1 May to
chance to rubber stamp their return inform Formula One’s governing
to the Premier League after Simeon body whether or not they want the
Jackson’s 95th minute winner for race reinstated on this year’s calen-
Norwich against Derby ruined the dar.
promotion party at Loftus Road. The ‘Youth of the 14 February
A victory over Hull would’ve ren- Revolution’ wrote: “In support of the
dered Norwich’s victory irrelevant, population of Bahrain, we’re asking
but David Amoo cancelled out Wayne you reconsider hosting Grand Prix of
Routledge’s early opener in the 81st Bahrain until basic human rights and
minute to leave Neil Warnock’s side freedom are restored, and, if you
sweating on events at Carrow Road. wish, to issue a letter stating that the
Jackson’s strike, which completed Grand Prix cannot, and will not, be
his hat-trick, arrived with Rangers organized in Bahrain until basic
fans on the pitch prematurely toast- human rights are restored.
ing an elevation back to the top flight “We thank you for your support
after a 15-year absence. and wish to see the Grand Prix in
Rangers are still strong favourites Bahrain soon, in a free and democrat-
to go up automatically – they lead ic atmosphere.”
third placed Cardiff by six points with
two games to go and boast a vastly
superior goal difference – and manag-
er Warnock insists yesterday’s events

won’t take the gloss off a hugely suc-
cessful season.
He said: “I’m disappointed not to
have tied it up. We are five points

not right for

clear (of Norwich in second) with two
games to go, you can’t ask for much
“It’s a healthy position to be in and

England job
it certainly makes the Watford game
on Saturday more appetising.” Faurlin and QPR must wait a little longer to book their return to the Premier League Picture: ACTION IMAGES

City close in on Champions League spot thanks to Dzeko ▲


FORMER RFU council member Jeff

Probyn has warned the governing
home the only goal of the not the first who didn’t make the best zone. Their manager Steve Kean said: body against appointing Sir Clive
BLACKBURN 0 game in the 75th minute,
just three minutes after
start but I’m happy because I scored
today and helped the team.”
“If we continue to approach the
games like that we will put points on
Woodward as performance director.
World Cup winning coach
emerging from the substi- Mancini added: “I’m very happy for the table and climb the league.” Woodward has been heavily linked
MANCHESTER CITY 1 tutes’ bench.
Dzeko, who had gone
Edin because he deserves to score, he
is a good player and a
with the vacant post, but Probyn
believes his potential appointment
nine top flight games with- good man. In the TOP SIX would antagonise current England

FOOTBALL out a goal, secured a win first half we played a TEAM PLD W D L F A PTS boss Martin Johnson.
BY JAMES GOLDMAN which moved City four points fantastic game, we Probyn said: “Clive likes to do
clear of fifth placed Spurs and should have scored Man Utd 34 21 10 3 71 32 73 things his way and have complete
MANCHESTER CITY striker Edin to within five points of falter- two goals minimum. In Chelsea 34 20 7 7 64 27 67 control. I am not sure how well that
Dzeko expressed his relief at finally ing Arsenal with a game in the second half the would sit with Martin Johnson.
breaking his Premier League duck as hand. game changed, Arsenal 34 18 10 6 67 36 64 “Martin has an interesting history
his goal earned Roberto Mancini’s “I'm very happy that this Blackburn were hard.” Man City 33 17 8 8 51 30 59 with Clive and it is far from a given
side a crucial win in their pursuit of goal helped my team to win Rovers are now firm- that the two would get along. Their
Tottenham 33 14 13 6 49 41 55
Champions League qualification. the game,” said Dzeko. ly entrenched in a relegation relationship is not as good as people
The Bosnia international fired “Sometimes it’s difficult, I’m battle, just a point off the drop Liverpool 34 15 7 12 51 39 52 think it is.”

Yardy winning battle with SPORT | IN BRIEF Results


depression, confirm Sussex

Carberry wins Irish National retirement following his second-round 9cXZbYlie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ' DXe:`kp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  (
HORSE RACING: Nina Carberry won the exit from the world championship at the 8kk1)*#,)0 ;q\bf.,
Irish Grand National on hands of Mark Selby. “I’ll decide in the KfgJ`o  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj
DXeLk[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*+ )( (' * .( *) *0 .*
Organisedconfusion at Fairyhouse. The summer,” the 42-year-old said after his :_\cj\X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*+ )' . . -+ ). *. -.
six-year-old was taking a big step up in 13-4 defeat. “I’ve still got the game but I 8ij\eXc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*+ (/ (' - -. *- *( -+
trip but appeared to relish the extra dis- haven’t got the self-belief to compete DXe:`kp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%** (. / / ,( *' )( ,0
Championship match at Hampshire tance to land an emotional success for with these guys.” Kfkk\e_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%** (+ (* - +0 +( / ,,

is being pencilled in as his potential Carberry and her uncle, Arthur Moore. C`m\igffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*+ (, . () ,( *0 () ,)
ENGLAND spinner Michael Yardy is return date. The later, who won the race as a jockey O’Driscoll skips Royal wedding
close to playing his first match since Robinson said: “He is going well. in 1971, said: “He's a lovely horse – so RUGBY UNION: Ireland captain Brian KF;8PËJ;@8IP
he left the World Cup early last Every week he has practised more. laid-back. We were a bit worried with O’Driscoll has turned down an invite to
month after admitting to suffering This week he was in every day, includ- him only being six but he has a great the royal wedding in favour of a Leinster L<=8:_Xdg`fejC^\J\d`=`eXc=`ijkC\^
JZ_Xcb\mDXeLk[.%+,gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
with depression. ing Saturday, so he is getting close. engine. It’s a great family occasion with training session ahead of their Heineken 9XiZcXpjGi\d`\iC\X^l\
The 30-year-old stepped up his “I think this week will be too early. Nina on board.” Cup semi-final. “One thing I learnt early Jkfb\mNfcm\i_Xdgkfe.%+,gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
recovery yesterday when he netted Whether he is in a situation to play on my career is that personal gratifica-
with his Sussex colleagues and the week after we will just have to Hendry ponders retirement tion takes second place. The team ethos IL>9PC<8>L<
according to his county coach, Mark wait and see. We would love to have SNOOKER: The seven-time Crucible comes first even after 12 years,” he said. \e^X^\Jlg\iC\X^l\1?l[[\ij]`\c[mJXc]fi[.gd %
Robinson, next week’s County him back because he is quality.” champion Stephen Hendry is considering “I'll be at home, preparing for Toulouse.” email
28 CITYA.M. 26 APRIL 2011




They might be surprise packages but
the Bundesliga side have a solid spine

chance to join
capable of causing an upset

the Euro elite Raul: Ryan Giggs won’t be the only

golden oldie on show tonight. The
competition. Twice Ferguson has lost Spaniard is the competition’s all-time
at this stage against Bundesliga record scorer with 71 goals. At 33,
MANCHESTER UTD sides – to Bayer Leverkusen in 2002 he’s lost the majority of his pace but
and Borussia Dortmund in 1997 – his predatory instincts are still intact
and despite their lowly standing in
SCHALKE their domestic league, Ferguson
won’t be taking Schalke lightly.
He said: “There is now way

FOOTBALL Manchester United are going to be led

BY JAMES GOLDMAN into believing this is going to be easy.
I think you always get apprehensive
MANCHESTER UNITED manager Sir at this stage of the competition. You
Alex Ferguson believes his side are on go through the gamut of emotions
the verge of shedding their European when you get to these semi-finals
inferiority complex ahead of tonight’s because they are never easy. Georgios Papadopoulos: Samuel
Champions League semi-final against “But what you have seen is that this Eto’o came off considerably second
Schalke. team will not give in. Absolutely no best when the Inter Milan striker
Ferguson is desperate to conquer chance.” came up against the mountainous
Europe for the fourth time in the Wayne Rooney returns to the scene Greek defender. Wayne Rooney will
club’s history, and draw closer to the of one of his most infamous crimes –
present a different challenge, though
number of major titles earned by the the sending-off for stamping on
likes of fellow continental heavy- Portugal’s Ricardo Carvalho in the
weights Bayern Munich, AC Milan 2006 World Cup quarter-final – with
and Real Madrid. his manager under the opinion that
He said: “I think this is where we his striker is back to his best following
should be. My expectation has always a year of struggles with form and fit-
been high in regards to the European ness.
scene, but we do get envious of the “I didn’t know the sending-off was
records of other clubs. in Gelsenkirchen,” said Ferguson.
“We look at the records of Real “But it’s normal for any footballer to
Madrid, AC Milan, Ajax, Bayern put bad moments behind them.
Munich and Liverpool and we are try- “I think Wayne, more than anyone, Manuel Neuer: The Germany interna-
ing to get parity with that. We really realises that performances are the tional is one of the prime candidates
need to progress quickly to get to that thing that he will always be judged to succeed Edwin van der Sar in the
level.” on because there is an expectation of Manchester United goal. Similarities
Barring the way to a third final in the boy. You see that he has stepped with former Bayern star Oliver Kahn
four years are the competition’s sur- up to the mark for that.” extend beyond his blonde hair
prise package Schalke, who will be United travelled to Germany with a
hoping to extend Ferguson’s jinx full strength squad, with the excep-
against German opposition in this tion of striker Dimitar Berbatov. Rooney returns to Gelsenkirchen for the first time since he was sent off there in a World Cup quarter-final in 2006 Picture: ACTION IMAGES

Olympic bosses Guess which of these

rely on late surge men got treatment from
our online doctor?

“But the best opportuni-

ty to get one is now, and From erectile dysfunction to hair loss or premature
OLYMPIC chiefs are antic- we’d really encourage ejaculation, purchase genuine medicines quickly
ipating a late dash to anyone who wants one and discreetly. Go online today for expert healthcare
secure tickets for the to try now.”
London games ahead of LOCOG will be creat-
you can hang your hat on.
today’s midnight dead- ing an online exchange
line for applications. forum, allowing tick-
Bosses, who have con- etholders to resell at face
firmed that this will not value, but the system has
be the last chance for drawn criticism from
members of the public to ticketing experts.
purchase tickets, claim “There is a risk that
they have been hugely millions of Olympic
encouraged by recent fans will not get the
sales over the Easter peri- chance to attend the
od. games and events they
“Tickets will be made want to,” said Joe Cohen
available again,” said a of ticket exchange
spokesman for LOCOG. Seatwave. Treatment subject to assessment. Service provided in partnership with DrThom, who are registered with the Care Quality Commission. Lloyds Pharmacy Limited, CV2 2TX.

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