F I II: (Vapor Cycle)

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Aircraft airconditioning (vapor cycle). -- 2nd ed.

p. em.
"Order number EA-AAC-1."
ISBN 0-89100-051-8 (pbk.) : $5.95
1. Airplanes--Air conditioning--Maintenance and repair--Programmed
instruction. I. lAP, Inc.
TL681 .A5A47 1992
629.134 '42--dc20 92-24620
Table of Contents

I. Basic Theory of Refrigeration .............................. .

A. Transfer of Heat ..... . ......................... . ..... .

B. Basic Vapor Cycle of Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

II. Refrigerant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

A. Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

B. Temperature-Vapor Pressure Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

C. Refrigerant Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

D. Refrigeration Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

III. Aircraft Air-conditioning Systems and Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

A. Basic System ........ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

B. Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1. Receiver-dryer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2. Expansion Valve.................................. 7

a. Internally Equalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

b. Externally Equalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3. Evaporator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. Compressor..... . ................................ 8

5. Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6. Service Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

a. Compressor isolation valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

b. Schrader valve ................................ 10

IV. Air-conditioning Service Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

A. Manifold Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

B. Refrigerant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

C. Vacuum Pump ....................................... 12

D. Leak Detector .............................. - -- .... - - - 13

V. Air-conditioning System Servicing .......................... 14

A. Tests and Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1. Visual Inspection .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14

2. Leak Test.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3. Performance Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4. Feel Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

B. Purging the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

C. Checking the Compressor Oil..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

D. Evacuating the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

E. Charging the System......................... . . . . . . . . . 18

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Final Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Answers to Study Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Answers to Final Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

.... !


] Only a short time ago, air-conditioning was considered a and repeats the cycle.
.! luxury for the automobile. But, because it increases the Servicing and maintaining aircraft air-conditioning
efficiency of the driver and gives the passengers such systems is one of the tasks being added to the respon-
comfort, it is fast being looked upon as a necessity. sibilities of the modern A & P mechanic. These systems
Air travelers who live in air-conditioned homes, work in are neither mysterious nor complex, but they do require
air-conditioned offices, and drive air-conditioned some knowledge of basic physics and an accumulation of a
automobiles are reluctant to fly in airplanes without this good many servicing facts in order to be ready when a cool
comfort producing system. job comes in hot.
\ There are two basic types of air-conditioning systems This book is arranged to present basic facts for you to
i installed in modern aircraft. One is the air-cycle system read and digest. At intervals throughout the course,
where the air is compressed, energy is extracted, and the questions are asked for you to check your progress. Be
air released. As it expands, it cools. The other system is sure to answer each question before going on to the next
i the vapor-cycle system. Here a liquid refrigerant under section. Much of the material builds on what has just been
J• pressure is sprayed into a cooling coil. The refrigerant covered. Some of the words used may be new to you, so
evaporates and in so doing removes heat from the cabin. you will find them defined in the Glossary at the end of the
The heated vapor passes through a radiator-like heat book. All such words when first mentioned are marked
exchanger outside the airplane, where it gives this heat to with an asterisk (•).
the outside air. The refrigerant returns to its liquid state
The basic theory of refrigeration

High Side Pressure Control

Blower Assembly

Suction line

Di!K'harge line
Expansion Valve

liquid Hose

Receiver-dryer Sight Glass

u,.~u.. j Fairing Shroud

Safety Fuse Plug


Fig. 1

The vapor-cycle air-conditioning system is similar to the to another, but it still exists. Heat will flow from an object
mechanical refrigerator we use to keep our food cold. A or material having more heat energy to any other object or
refrigerant* changes its state from a liquid* to a gas *. As material having Jess heat. A material that allows this heat
it does this, it absorbs heat from the cabin. This heat is to flow easily is a good conductor, and one which resists
takttn outside the airplane and given off to the air as the the flow of heat is called an insulator.
refrigerant returns to its liquid state. The refrigerant used in aircraft air-conditioning is a
liquid, under certain conditions. When this liquid is
surrounded by air having more heat energy than the
J A. TRANSFER OF HEAT refrigerant. heat passes from'the air into the refrigerant.
As heat energy is absorbed by the liquid, it changes its
Heat, we must remember, is a form of energy, and we state and becomes a gas. The air that has passed over the
can neither create nor destroy energy. We can transform coils and given up its heat is cooled. Cold is a term that
it, move it from one place to another, or from one material merely indicates an absence of heat.
evaporator that it will completely evaporate* by the time it
QUESTIONS: reaches the end of the coiL The cabin blower blows air
over the evaporator coiis. Heat from the cabin is absorbed
1. Where does the heat come from that causes the refri- by the refrigerant in the evaporator where it changes its
gerant in an air-conditioning system to turn from a state to a vapor. This extraction of heat is the cooling
liquid to a gas? action we are looking for. Low-pressure vapor is drawn
into the compressor where its pressure is raised to around
2. What happens to the heat that is taken from the cabin? 200 psi and its temperature to around 200 degrees F. This
high-pressure, high-temperature vapor goes into the
condenser, a heat exchanger cooled by a flow of outside
air. Heat is extracted from the refrigerant. As it cools, it
condenses back into a liquid and flows into the
receiver-dryer, ready to repeat the cycle.

As the name implies, this system of refrigeration QUESTIONS:

operates in a cycle .. The refrigerant picks up heat from the
cabin, takes it outside the airplane and releases it to the 3. Does the receiver-dryer hold a liquid or a vapor?
outside air. It then returns to the cabin for more heat. In
order to study this cycle, we must pick a place to enter. 4. What is the purpose of the expansion valve?
Let's pick the reservoir, or, as it is called, the receiver-
dryer. 5. What is the name of the unit in which heat from the
Liquid refrigerant is held in the receiver-dryer under cabin is absorbed into the refrigerant?
pressure from the compressor. Filters and a desiccant*
insure that the fluid leaving this unit will be free from any 6. What is the name of the unit in which the heat taken
water or other contaminant. The low-pressure side of the from the cabin is transferred to the outside air?
compressor is attached to the top of the evaporator and
causes the refrigerant to be pulled out of the 7. What happens to the refrigerant vapor when it gives
receiver-dryer and through the expansion valve. The up its heat to the outside air?
expansion valve serves as a controlled spray orifice* to
spray just the right amount of refrigerant into the


SECTION II: Heat is required to change the state of a liquid to a gas.

Adding heat to a liquid will raise its temperature* only to a
Refr ige rant certain point. Beyond this , additional heat will change the
liquid to a gas without any increase in its temperature.
Heaf put into a m'aterial as it changes its state without
changing its temperature is known as latent heat*. Latent
heat stays in the vapor until it has an opportunity to
transfer to some substance with less heat energy. When
this heat energy is removed, the vapor changes back to a
A refrigerant is a chemical substance which changes its
state from a liquid to a vapor at a temperature low enough
that it can be used to remove heat from the cabin of an
airplane. Many different substances could do this, but a
material known as Refrigerant 12, or simply R-12, is most
commonly used. This material is known in the industry as
Freon 12, Genetron 12, Isotron 12, Ucon 12, or by other
trade names. It is a fluorinated hydrocarbon very similar
to carbon tetrachloride with a couple of the chorine atoms
TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE RELATION CHART exchanged for fluorine atoms. This refrigerant is stable at
!FOR REFRIGERANT 121 high or low operating temperatures, does not react with·
any ofthe materials used in air-conditioning systems, and
~~mp Press T~mp Press Temp Press Temp Press T<!mp Press
it will not attack the rubber used for seals or hoses. It is
nonflammable; in fact, it is used as a fire extinguishing
agent. It is nontoxic and will not contaminate water or
0 9.1 35 32.5 60 57.7 85 91.7 110 136.0
food. R-12 is colorless and basically odorless. It is heavier
2 10.1 36 33.4 61 58.9 86 93.2 111 138.0
than air.
4 11.2 37 34.3 &2 &0.0 87 94.8 112 140.1
6 12.3 38 35.1 63 61.3 88 9&.4 113 142.1
8 13.4 39 36.0 64 62.5 89 98.0 114 144.2
10 14.& 40 36.9 65 &3.7 90 99.6 115 14&.3
12 15.8 41 37.9 66 64.9 91 101.3 116 H8.4 One of the most desirable characteristics of R-12 as a
14 17.1 42 38.8 67 61>-2 92 103.0 117 151.2 refrigerant is its temperature - vapor pressure* relation-
16 18.3 43 3~.7 68 f>7.5 93 104.& 118 152.7 ship. Notice Chart 1. The relationship between the vapor
18 19.7 44 40.7 69 68.8 94 106.3 119 1>4.9 pressure and the temperature between about 20 psi and
and 80 psi, the range where we are most concerned, there
20 21.0 45 I 41.7 70 70.1 95 108.1 120 157.1 is a general one pound for one degree relationship. If the
21 21.7 46 42.1> 71 71.4 9(, 109.8 121 159.3 pressure gage indicates 30 psi, the temperature of the
22 22.4 47 43.(, 72 72.8 97 111.5 122 161.5 R-12 is a plus 32 degrees F. This is the temperature of the
23 23.1 48 44.1> 73 74.2 98 113.3 123 1f>3.8 refrigerant, not the temperature of the evaporator coils of
24 23.8 49 45.1> I 74 75.5 99 I 11s.1 124
11>6.1 of the air. The most effective air-conditioning occurs when
the temperature of the evaporator coils is as low as
25 24.6 50 46.6 75 76.9 100 116.9 125 168.4
possible without ice forming on them. This condition
26 25.3 51 47.8 76 78.3 101 118.8 126 170.7
occurs when the temperature of the refrigerant is held at
27 26.1 52 48.7 77 79.2 102 120.& 127 173.1
about 30 degrees F. (about 28 psi). The air passing over
28 26.8 53 49.8 ! 78 81.8 103 122.4 128 175.4
29 27.1> 54 50.'1 79 82.5 104 177.8
the coils will then be about 34 or 35 degrees F.
124.3 129

30 28.4 55 52.0 80 84.0 105 126.2 130 182.2

@~ . 57
R-12 will boil at normal sea level pressure at about
-21.6 degrees F. This means that if you get a drop of liquid
33 J0.9 58 5&.& 83 88.5 108 132.1 133 187.6
34 31.7 59 57.1 84 90.1 109 135.1 134 190.1 1 R-12 on your skin, it will drop to this temperature and give
you a good case of frostbite. It is extremely bad if you
I should get even the slightest trace of liquid R-12 in your
The vapor pressure of R-12 compares with its temperature • 30 psi at 43 eye. If this should occur, flood with much cool water and
degrees F. treat the eye at once with mineral oil or clean petroleum
jelly, followed with a boric acid rinse. GET TO A
A small container of these medications should be kept with specific system. Refrigeration oil should be kept tightly
the air-conditioning service equipment and you should capped when not in use. It should never be poured from
wear eye protection all of the time you are servicing one container to another, and if there is any question as to
air-conditioning equipment. its purity, it should be discarded. Any time oil is r.emoved
R-12 is not toxic, nor is it dangerous if it is breathed. )t for compressor servicing, it should be discarded and new
can, however, starve you of the oxygen you need if it is oil put in.
released in a confined space. Be sure there is sufficient
ventilation where a system is being discharged. When QUESTIONS:
R-12 passes over an open flame, its characteristics change
drastically. Rather than a harmless gas, it becomes deadly 8. What is meant by latent heat?
phosgene* gas. Phosgene is cumulative in its effects and
causes severe damage to your respiratory system if it is 9. What happens when latent heat is taken out of
breathed. When R-12 comes in contact· with water, refrigerant vapor?
hydrochloric acid is formed.
When a system is charged with R-12, the pressure rise 10. Is Refrigerant 12 flammable or nonflammable?
with temperature must be considered. If heat is used to
force R-12out of its container, use only hot water, and that 1L What is the pressure in a can of R-12 if the liquid is at
not over 125 degrees F. Never use direct flame or electric a temperature of 100 degrees F.?
heaters in direct contact with the R-12 container, as it may
cause local heat that will raise the pressure to a dangerous 12. At what temperature does R-12 boil at normal sea
level. level pressure?
13. When a container of R-12 is heated to aid in filling a
Since the air-conditioning system is completely sealed, system, what is the maximum temperature to which it
the oil used to lubricate the compressor seals and expan- may be heated?
. sion valve must be sealed in the system. The oil used is a
special refrigeration oil which is a highly refined mineral 14. What first aid treatment should be given if R-12 is
oil, free from such impurities as water, sulfur, or wax. The splashed into your eyes?
identification number of the oil is the viscosity number, the
number of seconds required for a given amount of this oil 15. What product is produced when R-12 comes into
to flow through an orifice at a specified temperature. The contact with an open flame?
lower the number, the lighter the oil. Always use the oil
specified by the aircraft maintenance manual for the 16. What type of oil is used in an air-conditioning system?

For ease of understanding and serv1cmg, an

air-conditioning system is divided into two sides, the high
side and the low side. The division is made according to
the pressures which exist in the system. The discharge of
the compressor is the beginning of the high side. At this
point, the refrigerant is a high-pressure vapor. It passes
through the condenser where it becomes a high-pressure
liquid, and continues on to the receiver-dryer, then to the
expansion valve. The expansion valve is the other dividing
point. High-pressure liquid enters this valve and is
sprayed into the evaporator, in the low side, as a
low-pressure liquid-- actually as tiny droplets. Heat from
the cabin is blown over the evaporator by the cabin blower.
This heat enters the refrigerant and causes it to boil or turn
from a liquid to a vapor. In a properly operating system,
all of the refrigerant will be vaporized by the time it leaves
the evaporator. Vapors leaving the evaporator are drawn
into the compressor where they are compressed for their
next cycle.

From .:ondenser

Aircraft Airconditioning
Systems and Components Sight glass

I The receiver-dryer serves as the system reservoir.

i Fig. 3
... 1
1. Receiver-dryer
This is the reservoir for the system and is located in
the high side between the condenser and the expansion
valve. Liquid refrigerant enters this container and is
filtered, then passed through a desiccant such as silica gel.
Any moisture in the system is absorbed in this material. A
sight glass is usually located in the outlet tube of the
...... )
receiver-dryer to indicate the condition of charge in the
system. If the charge is low, bubbles will be seen in the
glass. A tube extends from the top of the receiver-dryer to
... 1
I near the bottom where liquid refrigerant is picked up. A
filter is normally installed either on the end of the pickup
tube or between the tube and the desiccant to prevent any
particles getting into the expansion valve. It is of-extreme
importance to remove all of the moisture from the system,
as a single drop can freeze in the expansion valve and stop
High pressure liquid
High pressure vapor
Low pressure liquid
low pressure vapor

~ l-
~ l- Blowers

Condenser Receiver-dryer


The compressor and expansion valve divide the high and low sides of the
Fig. 2

the entire system operation. Water will also react with will be added. A smaller amount of refrigerant will be
refrigerant to form hydrochloric acid which is highly metered into the coils.
corrosive to the metal in the system.
b. Externally equalized expansion valve:
2. Expansion valve
Systems having larger evaporators have a noticeable
The thermal expansion valve is the control unit pressure drop across the evaporator caused by the
opposition to flow of the refrigerant. This pressure drop is
which meters just the right amount of refrigerant into the
evaporator to evaporate completely by the time it reaches compensated by increasing the flow of refrigerant into the
evaporator. A constant pressure is thus maintained across
the end of the coils. The opening or orifice in the valve is
controlled by the heat load* in the airplane cabin. There the evaporator, which allows the temperature-sensing
are two types of thermal expansion valves, the internally function of the valve to meter refrigerant as a function of
equalized valve and the externally equalized valve. the superheat, or the heat load, in the cabin.

a. Internally equalized expansion valve

Sensor capillary attached to

evaporator discharge

equilizer line

To evaporator Outlet

Internally equalized expansion valve meters R·12 as called for by the


Fig. 4

J The internally equalized expansion valve is used
on systems having small evaporators. This valve is
Externally equalized expansion valve compensates lor the pressure drop
controlled by the amount of superheat* in the evaporator. across a large evaporator.
Fig. 5
A capillary tube* filled with a gas and sealed, connects
into the diaphragm chamber above the valve. The end of 3. Evaporator
the capillary is coiled into a bulb and attached to the
discharge of the evaporator. Coiling this tube allows a The actual cooling umt m an air·conditioning
greater area to be held in intimate contact with the system is the evaporator. This unit consists of one or more
evaporator, and a more accurate measurement of the circuits of copper tubing arranged in parallel between the
temperature can be made. If the liquid refrigerant
completely evaporates before it reaches the end of the
evaporator, it will continue to absorb heat and become
. superheated. It is still very cold to touch, but it is
·; considerably warmer than it would be if it had not
absorbed this additional heat. The expansion valve is
1 adjusted to a given value of super heat. When the
J pressure of th.e refrigerant vapor reaches this value, the
valve pushes down against the superheat spring and opens
to allow more refrigerant to enter the evaporator. A bal·

..! i ance between the vapor pressure on the diaphragm and

the· superheat spring controls the amount of refrigerant
allowed to flow. These valves are adjusted at the factory
and cannot normally be adjusted in the field. This valve
; senses the heat load in the cabin by being sensitive to the
I evaporator discharge temperature. If there is a lot of heat
·· ..~ in the cabin, the liquid refrigerant will evaporate quickly
and more superheat will be added to the vapor. The valve
will open to allow more refrigerant to flow into the
evaporator. If the heat load is low, the liquid will require Heat from the cabin enters the refrigerant in the evaporator.
most of the evaporator to evaporate and little superheat Fig. 6
expansion valve and the compressor. These tubes are 25. What determines the amount the expansion valve
silver soldered into a compact unit, with thin aluminum opens?
fins pressed onto their surface. The evaporator is usually
mounted in a housing with the blower, so air from the 26. What would happen if the expansion valve sensor
cabin can be taken in by the blower and forced over the capillary tube lost its contact with the evaporator
evaporator coils. Heat in this air is absorbed by the discharge tube?
refrigerant, and the air blown out into the cabin is thus
cooled. A drip pan is mounted below the evaporator to 27. What pressure drop is sensed by the externally
catch water that drips off of the coils as the system cycles. equalized expansion valve?
A thermostat* capillary is stuck into the evaporator core
between the fins to sense the temperature of the coil. This 28. Is the evaporator located in the high side or the low
temperature controls the cycling of the system. side of the air-conditioning system?
The evaporator is similar to the condenser in
construction, and somewhat in appearance, but being in
the low side of the system it is not subject to such high 4. Compressor
pressures as the condenser. Operating pressures are
allowed to go as high as 200 psi, and the units often have a lfwe look at the expansion valve as the brains of the
burst pressure as high as 1,000 psi. A correctly operating system, and the evaporator as the end result, we should
evaporator should cause the refrigerant to use the entire look at the compressor as the heart.
length of the coil in changing to a vapor, yet have no liquid Refrigerant leaves the evaporator as a low-pressure,
left at the evaporator discharge.
D<>wnstroke of piston creates Pressure in cylinder
vacuum in cylinder. Pressure in raises discharge
inlet line forces inlet valve open. valve; gas flows
QUESTIONS: into discharge pipe.

17. What two units divide the high side and the low side of
Pressure in Pressure in
an air-conditioning system? discharge line cylinder holds
holds discharge inlet valve
valve closed. dosed.
18. What is the condition of the refrigerant as it leaves the
evaporator? Piston on Piston on
downstroke upstroke
a. High-pressure liquid
b. Low-pressure liquid
c. High-pressure vapor
d. Low-pressure vapor

19. What is the condition of the refrigerant as it enters the

condenser? Reciporcating compressor increases the pressure and temperature of the
refrigerant after it leaves the evaporator.
a. High-pressure liquid Fig. 7
b. Low-pressure liquid
c. High-pressure vapor low-temperature vapor and enters the compressor. Since
d. Low-pressure vapor. the temperature of this vapor is somewhere around 40
degrees F., we can't change it back to a liquid by lowering
20. What is the condition of the refrigerant as it leaves the its temperature, but we can raise its pressure and thus its
condenser? temperature so it can lose this heat to the outside air in the
condenser. It will then turn back into a liquid.
a. High-pressure liquid
Compressors used in aircraft air-conditioning systems
b. Low-pressure liquid
are usually of the reciprocating type, having reed valves*
c. High-pressure vapor
and a lubricating system using crankcase pressures to
d. Low-pressure vapor
force oil into its vital parts. On small aircraft, these
21. What is the condition of the refrigerant as it enters the compressors are usually belt driven by pulleys on the
evaporator? engine. Very similar to that in an automobile. In larger
aircraft, the compressor is driven by an electric motor , or
a. High-pressure liquid by turbines powered by compressor bleed air. Most of the
b. Low-pressure liquid smaller compressors are single speed pumps whose output
c. High-pressure vapor is controlled by a magnetically actuated clutch between the
d. Low-pressure vapor compressor and the drive belt. When no cooling is
required, the clutch is de-energized and the compressor
22. What unit in an air-conditioning system serves as a does not pump. When the air-conditioner is turned on and
rerservoir for the refrigerant? the thermostat calls for cooling, the magnetic clutch is
23. What is the purpose of the desiccant? energized and the drive pulley turns the compressor,
pumping refrigerant through the system. The bleed air
24. What type of device is provided for the mechanic to powered compressors vary their speed as the controller
check the amount of the refrigerant charge without the calls for more or less cooling. The electric motor driven
use of test equipment? compressors are controlled by a thermostat which turns
tI the compressor motor on when more cooling is required in 3/8" diameter with thin aluminum fins pressed onto it.
the cabin, and off when the temperature drops sufficiently. The tubing is formed into sets of coils, and the entire
In all systems, the cabin blower operates continually, assembly is encased in an aluminum housing. The
·[ putting heat from the cabin into the refrigerant. condenser is placed in an air duct in some airplanes where
cooling air is drawn in from the outside by a fan and blown
over the coils. In some smaller airplanes, the condenser is
QUESTIONS: mounted under the fuselage where it can be extended into
the airstream when the system is operating. The
29. What type valves are used in most compressors? condenser retracts into the fuselage when the system is
off. An interlock switch on the throttle retracts the
30. What drives the compressor on most large jet condenser and de-energizes the compressor clutch when
transports? the throttle is opened for full power. This prevents the
compressor loading the engine and the condenser causing
31. In a small aircraft air-conditioning system, what does drag when the airplane needs its maximum performance
the thermostat control to vary the compressor output? for take-off.
The condenser and evaporator are similar in
construction and appearance. They differ, however, in
5. Condenser strength. The condenser is in the high side of the system
and must be capable of withstanding the high pressures
The condenser is a radiator-like component which found there. Condensers have a normal operating pres·
receives the hot, high-press1,1re vapors from the sure of about 300 psi and a burst pressure of 1500 psi.
compressor. Cool air flows over its coils and removes heat,
allowing the refrigerant vapors to change back into a QUESTIONS:
liquid. The condenser is made of copper tubing about
32. Is the condenser in the high side or the low side of the

33. What prevents the drag of an outside condenser on

some of the smaller aircraft from lowering the
performance on take-off?

34. Which is normally built the more rugged: a condenser

or an evaporator?

6. Service Valves

A vapor-cycle air-conditioner is a closed system. This

means that there are no vents or open reservoirs where
ready access may be had to the refrigerant. In order to
Heat is removed from the refrigerant and given up to the outside air in
service these systems, special valves called service valves
the condenser. are installed. There are two types of service valves
Fig. 8 commonly used: compressor isolation valves and Schrader

A. Frpnt seated • Compressor isolated Hos.. Connection Closed

8. Back seated • Normal operation

C. Intermediate position • Service port open


Fig. 9
a. Compressor isolation service valves

These valves are usually located at each port of the

compressor. In addition to allowing a point of entry into
the system for servicing, they are useful for isolating the
compressor and allowing it to be taken out of the system
for servicing without losing the refrigerant charge.
There are three positions in which this type valve may
be placed. The valve is left in the back-seated position for
normal system operation. In this position, the valve stem
has been turned fully counterclockwise. The valve has
closed off the service J:>Ort and opened the compressor to
the system. If it is desired to isolate the compressor from
the system, the valve is turned fully clockwise until the
valve is front-seated. This seals off the compressor. The
compressor oil may thus be checked, or the compressor Schrader-fype service valves provide access into the system at points
other than at the compressor.
otherwise serviced. If the valve is rotated about three or
Fig. 10
four turns from the seated position, the compressor is
connected into the system and the service port is open, is the normal position when no service hose is attached,
allowing the system to be serviced. When this type valve and open, when a hose is attached. Service hoses have a
is not being serviced, the caps should be installed over the pin which depresses the core.
service ports.
b. Schrader Valves
35. A compressor may be removed from the system
The compressor is not always located where it is without losing all of the refrigerant if the compressor
readily accessable for servicing. This is especially true is equipped with compressor isolation type service
when it is belt driven from the engine and the propeller valves. In order for this to be done, should the valves
constitutes a hazard. For this reason, the smaller, be front-seated. or back-seated?
Schrader valves have become widely used. These valves
can easily be mounted in almost any part of the system. 36. In what position should a compressor isolation service
Some aircraft mount one on either side of the expansion valve be placed to service the system with refrigerant?
valve on the evaporator assembly. Schrader valves have a
valve core similar to the core in a tire valve. ·These valves 37. How is a Schrader valve opened to service the system?
have only two conditions of operation: back-seated, which

Compound Gage High-Pressure Gage

Low Side Valve

The most useful piece of air-conditioning servicing equipment.

Fig. 11


SECTION IV: Without a doubt, the most important single piece of

equipment for servicing an air-conditioning system is the
Ai rcond it ion in g manifold set. This equipment consists of a manifold with
three fittings to which refrigerant service hoses are
attached; two hand valves with 0-ring type seals; and two
servicing equipment gages, one for the low side and the other for the high side.

l. Low side gage

This is a compound gage, meaning it will read

pressure either side of atmospheric. It will indicate to
about 30 inches of mercury, gage pressure* (below
atmospheric) to about 60 pounds per square inch, gage
pressure above atmospheric.

2. High side gage

This is a high-pressure gage, usually having a range
from zero up to about 600 pounds per square inch, gage.

3. Manifold

The low side gage is connected on the manifold

directly to the low side fitting. The high side gage likewise
connects directly to the high side fitting. The center fit-
ting of the manifold can be isolated from either of the
gages or the high and low service fittings by the hand
valves. When these valves are turned fully clockwise, the
center fitting is isolated. If the low side valve is opened
(turned counter-clockwise), the center fitting is opened to
the low side gage and the low side service line. The same
is true for the high side when the high side valve is
4. Charging hoses

Special hoses are attached to the fittings of the

manifold valve for servicing the system. The high side
charging hose attaches to the service valve in the high
side, either at the compressor discharge, the
receiver-dryer, or on the inlet side of the expansion valve.
The low side hose attaches to the service valve at the
compressor inlet, or at the discharge side of the expansion
valve. The center hose attaches to the vacuum pump for
evacuating the system, or to the refrigerant supply for
charging the system. Charging hoses used with Schrader
valves must have a pin to depress the valve.
When not using the manifold set, be sure the hoses are
capped to prevent moisture contaminating the valves.


38. What is the most important single piece of equipment

for servicing air-conditioning systems?
The can lap valve provides a method of attaching the service hose to a
39. Must the manifold valve be open for the gage to read sealed can of refrigerant and controlling its flow.
the pressure on its service hose? Fig. 12

40. What is actually done when a manifold valve is

can. The container is kept upright for vapor, and inverted
.for liquid. Heat will hasten the discharge of the
refrigerant vapor. Care must be exercised when heat is
41. Where does the low side servicing hose attach into the applied. Use only water heated to about 125 degrees F.
Special precautions should be observed to be sure the
42. Where does the high side servicing hose attach into
correct refrigerant is used. Refrigerant 22 is similar to
the system? R-12, but its pressure is higher for the same temperature,
and there is danger of damaging the system or causing
leaks due to this high pressure.

Almost without exception, the refrigerant used in air- QUESTIONS:

craft air-conditioning systems is Refrigerant 12. This
material can be purchased in handy one pound or two and 43. How is a pound can of R-12 attached to the service
a half pound cans, ten or twelve pound disposable valve?
cylinders, or in larger returnable cylinders. The exact
amount of refrigerant is put into a system on the basis of 44. Is refrigerant put into a system on the basis of weight
its weight, not its volume. The smaller cans are sealed, or volume?
and a special can tap valve* is screwed onto the can to
attach to the manifold set. When the can tap is attached to 45. Should liquid refrigerant be put into the system on the
the can, the can seal is pierced and the refrigerant can flow high side or the low side?
into the manifold set. The larger cylinders have a built-in
shut-off valve to which service hoses may be directly 46. Should the can be upright or inverted to introduce
attached. A charging stand* is a preferred way of refrigerant vapors into the system?
handling the refrigerant. With this equipment, a
measured amount of refrigerant is drawn into a sight glass 47. What kind of heat is permissable to use to hasten the
and is introduced into the system from there. flow of refrigerant vapors into the system?
The refrigerant is normally put into the system in vapor
form when the system is operating, or in liquid form if the
system has been evacuated and is still under vacuum. C. VACUUM PUMP
Liquid should go only into the high side where it can go
directly into the receiver-dryer. (NOTE: in some systems Just a few drops of water is all that is necessary to
with the service valves quite a long way from the completely block an air-conditioning system. If this water
compressor, it is permissable to put liquid into the low side freezes in the expansion valve, it will stop the action. To
if the low side pressure is low enough and the outside air completely eliminate any water in the system, the system
temperature is high enough.) Vapor is. put into the system must be evacuated. This is simply a procedure in which a
on the low side where the compressor can pull it out of the vacuum pump is attached to the manifold set and all of the

A refrigeration vacuum pump produces a high vacuum in a refrigeration



l air, refrigerant, and water vapor is pumped out of the air-conditioning and commercial service is the propane
system. In order to remove the water, the pressure in the burner type detector. A small propane torch heats a
system is dropped as low as possible. At this low reaction plate red hot. A "sniffer tube" attaches to a
pressure, the water turns into a vapor and is drawn from low-pressure point in the tester. The open end of the tube
the system. The vacuum pump used for this operation is held below any fitting or point suspected of leaking.
must produce an extremely low pressure. The flow is of (R-12 is heavier than air and will settle downward.) Any
little consequence. A typical pump used for evacuating refrigerant that leaks out is drawn up into this tube and
air-conditioning systems pumps about 0.8 cubic foot of air passes over the reaction plate. The flame normally burns
per minute, and will evacuate the system to about 29.62 light blue, but the presence of any R-12 will cause the
inches of mercury, gage pressure. At this pressure, water flame to change color radically to green or purple. The
will boil at temperatures as low as a plus 45 degrees F. torch type leak detector is definitely NOT RECOM-
and the vapor will be drawn out. MENDED for use with an aircraft air-conditioning system
because of the danger of the open flame in the aircraft.
The most acceptable type of leak detector for use in
QUESTION: aircraft is the electronic type. This is an electronic
oscillator* that produces an audible tone. The presence of
48. What is the purpose of a vacuum pump in servicing an R-12 will cause the frequency to increase to a high-pitched
air-conditioning system? squeal. This type detector is recommended because of its
safety and its sensitivity. It is possible to detect leaks as
small as one half ounce per year.
The continued operation of an air-conditioning system QUESTIONS:
i is dependent upon the system maintaining its charge of
.. j refrigerant. A tiny leak will soon lose all the charge. 49. Name two types of leak detectors recommended for
Naturally a tiny leak of a colorless, odorless gas is difficult use with aircraft air-conditioning systems.
to find. Without the aid of a leak detector, this would be
difficult indeed. SO. What will be the indication of a leak when using an
Of the several types ofleak detectors, the most simple is electronic leak detector?
a soap solution. A relatively thick solution is made of soap
chips and water. This is applied with a paintbrush to any 51. Would you look above or below a fitting for a
1 part of the system where a leak is suspected. Bubbles will
refrigerant leak?
\ indicate the presence of a leak.
. A common type leak d.....tector used in automotive
Ai rcond itioning
system servicing

Understanding the operation of an aircraft air-condi- A complete absence of cooling with no bubbles in the sight
tioning system and the purpose of each component makes glass could mean there is no refrigerant in the system. In
servicing the system easy. Actually there is not a great order to find the leak that caused the loss of refrigerant,
deal involved in maintaining these systems. Inspections, the following procedure should be followed:
and an occasional replacement of refrigerant or a
component is the main work the A&P will have to do. Let's a. Connect the manifold set into the system with
look at the service requirements: both the high and low side valves closed.

b. There should be at least SO psi refrigerant

A. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS pressure in the system. If there is insufficient
pressure for the test, add some refrigerant.
1. Visual
(1) Open both manifold valves to purge the
As with any aircraft system, when an inspection is hoses of air; then dose both valves.
made, all of the units in the system should be checked for
indication of looseness, misalignment, and any indication (2) Attach a can of refrigerant to the center hose
of leakage. Since the refrigerant oil is dispersed and open the container valve.
throughout the system, it is quite possible that a leak will
be indicated by a seepage of oil at the point of leakage. (3) Open the high side valve and allow R-12 to
The air ducts should be inspected for indication of flow into the system until the low side gage
obstructions or deformation. The blower motor should be indicates about 50 psi. Close the valve.
free to operate with no binding or excessive noise. The
evaporator fins should be clean and free from dust, lint, or (4) Close the valve on the refrigerant container
other obstructions. Any fins that are bent over so as to and remove the hose.
obstruct airflow should be straightened with a fin comb*.
If the air over the evaporator should ever be obstructed,
the fins will ice up and cooling will be reduced. c. Search all around the system with a leak
The condenser should be checked for obstructions and detector. Hold the probe under every fitting
security of mounting. If the condenser is of the retractable where a leak could be present. Be especially
type, all the mechanism that extends and retracts it should watchful at any points in the system where there
be checked. It should be determined that it comes up is an indiCation of oil seepage. It is possible for
streamlined when the system is turned off. Since on this there to be a very small leak at the front end of
type of installation, the condenser retracts and the the compressor through the front seal, since this
compressor clutch de-energizes when the throttle is fully seal is lubricated by refrigeration oil. This oil is
opened, the micro-switch which controls this should be full of refrigerant and will show up as a leak. To
checked for the proper adjustment and positive operation. prevent this false indication, wash the oil out of
The compressor mounting should be checked, as this is of the seal cavity with some solvent such as
the unit which is subject to the most hard service. If the Xylene. A refrigerant leakage of about one
compressor is belt driven, the belt should be checked for ounce per year is normally permissable through
tension and condition. A belt tension gage should be used these seals and should not be considered a cause
if available; otherwise the belt should be checked for for worry.
deflection. Usually about a quarter inch deflection One source of leakage which can cause a
between pulleys is right. refrigerant loss without being detected by a leak
The entire run of hose from the compressor and detector is the flexible hose used in the system.
condenser into the cabin should be checked for chafing or Some of this hose, while being in good condition,
interference with any structure or other aircraft parts. can seep out several ounces per year, per foot,
Grommets should be in place where chafing could occur. through its pores. Since this leakage is spread
throughout the length of the hose, it is difficult to
2. Leak Test
d. If a leak is found, the system must be evacuated
One common cause of failure to cool is a deficiency and the leak repaired. It is a good idea, any time
of refrigerant. Operate the system and look into the sight the system is evacuated, to check the oil in the
glass on the receiver·dryer. If there are bubbles in the compressor. This will be explained in a later
sight glass, there is not enough refrigerant in the system. procedure.
Compound gage Pressure gage
l pull26 to 28
1rrches vacuum
Schrader valve


Sehrader valve

i l '

Manifold gage set

I .___.__.____~·~

The manifold set connects across the expansion valve for entry into both
the low and high sides of the system.

fig. 14

3. Performance Test b. All of the lines and components in the high side
of the system should be warm.
A test to determine exactly how the system is
functioning is performed using the manifold set and a c. All of the lines and components in the low side of
thermometer. the system should be cool.
a. Connect the manifold set into the system and d. If the atmospheric conditions are especially
and leave both valves closed. humid, the amount of cooling will be reduced
because of the water that condenses on the
b. Run the engine somewhere around 1250 RPM evaporator. Changing water from a vapor into a
and set the air-conditioning controls for liquid and then into a solid as it freezes gives off
maximum cooling. heat. This heat goes into the refrigerant and
decreases the amount of heat the refrigerant can
c. Insert the thermometer into the evaporator as take from the air in the cabin.
near the coils as possible. Have the blower
operating at low or medium speed.
d. After the system has operated for a few minutes,
the low side gage should read between 20 and 30 52. What could be indicated by an oil seepage at a fitting
psig, and the high side gage should read in the in a refrigeration system?
range of 225 to 300 psig. The evapora-
53. What is indicated by bubbles in the refrigerant as seen
tor temperature should be around 40 to SO de-
in the sight gtass in the receiver-dryer?
grees F.
54. How much refrigerant pressure is normally
recommended for performing a leak test?
SS. What is a normal range of pressure on the low side
4. Feel Test gage and on the high side gage when the system is
operating properly?
a. There should be no appreciable temperature
difference betweeen the inlet and the outlet side 56. Will an air-conditioning system cool better when the
of the receiver-dryer. They should both be humidity is high, or when it is low?

Any time the system is to be opened, all of the The compressor is sealed into the refrigeration system
refrigerant must be purged. and the oil is in the compressor crankcase. In order to
check the oil, the system should be operated for at least
1. Connect the manifold set into the system with both fifteen minutes, then completely evacuated. With no
valves closed. pressure on the system, remove the oil filler plug from the
compressor and use a special oil dipstick made according
2. Place a clean rag over the end ofthe center hose and to drawings furnished by the compressor manufacturer. A
open both high and low side valves slowly. Be sure that range of oil level is indicated in the compressor service
the valves are not open so much that the refrigerant manual. It should not be allowed to go below the minimum
escapes fast enough to expel oil with the vapor. level, and should not be filled above the maximum.
Purging should be done in an area where there is no Be sure that only the oil recommended by the
danger of breathing the vapors. R-12 vapor is nontoxic, manufacturer is used in the compressor. The oil container
but it will displace oxygen we need and will cause should be kept tightly capped at all times that it is not
suffocation. When both gages read zero, the system is being used. After the proper amount of oil has been added
purged and may be opened. Any time a system is opened, to the system, the filler plug should be replaced and the
all of the lines must be capped to prevent the entry of system charged.
water vapor, dirt, or foreign matter.
QUESTION: Any time an air-conditioning system has been opened,
it must be evacuated before recharging. Evacuating
57. Why should the valves be opened only a small amount simply means "pumping the system down" by attaching a
when purging an air-conditioning system? vacuum pump to the system and lowering the pressure so
any water in the system will t urn into a vapor and be drawn

20 30

WATER BOILS Pressun> P .S.I.

29.9 in. Hg. ABS 0 in . Hg. vacuum


1.93 in . Hg. ADS 27.99 in. Hg. vacuum

60oF O.S2 in. Hg. ABS 29.40 in. Hg. vacuum


45°F 0.30 in. Hg. ABS 29.62 in. Hg. vacuum Inches of Meteury
Gage Pressure

0.04 in. tis· ABS 19.88 in. Hg. vacuum

t.o.ering the pressure in the syslem by drawing a high vacuum causes all
of the water to vaporiu and be drawn out.

Fig. 15

Discharge line sight glass

Suction line

~.~._----- _J_ -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- -

v \Cj! 0 I

,..----.--J Refrigerant R12

warm water Charging

f125° f] Stand
___ j
Optional method Preferred method

A system may be charged from a charging stand or by putting a given

number of pounds ol refrigerant into the system with a manifold set.

Fig. 16

out. Water, as we know, will boil at 212° F. at standard 5. After about fifteen minutes, the system should be
sea level pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, absolute (0 down to around 25 inches of mercury, gage
I inches of mercury, gage pressure, or vacuum). If the pressure.
pressure is lowered to 27.99 inches of mercury, gage
pressure (vacuum), it will boil at 100° F. At 29.40 inches it 6. Pump the system down for, at the very least,
will boil at 60° F. If we evacuate to 29.88 inches, water will 30 minutes; longer, if possible.
boil at 0° F.
7. Close both manifold valves, remove the vacuum
1. With the manifold set installed in the system,
connect the inlet of a refrigeration vacuum pump to
pump, and replace the protective caps on the pump

I the center hose.

2. Be sure the protector cap is off the pump dis-

charge port and start the vacuum pump.
3. Open the low side manifold valve and watch
iI 58. Why should systems that have been opened to the
the gage. It should indicate a vacuum.
atmosphere be evacuated?
4. After pumping for about five minutts, the high
59. How does lowering the pressure in the system
side gage should indicate below zero. The high
remove water?
range of this gage will prevent any readable

1. With the system under vacuum from the evacuation QUESTIONS:

process, connect the refrigerant container to the
center hose of the manifold set with both valves 60. What would be indicated when starting to charge an
closed. Open the valve on the container and loosen air-conditioning system, if R-12 vapors were put in the
the hose at the manifold set to allow some of the
high side and the low side gage did not come out of a
refrigerant to escape. This will purge all of the air vacuum?
from the charging hose.
61. In what position should the refrigerant container be
2. Open the high side valve and watch the low side placed in order for vapors to flow into the system?
gage. As refrigerant flows into the system, the low
side gage should come out of a vacuum, indicating 62. In what position should the refrigerant container
that the system is clear of any blockage and is taking
be placed in order for liquid to flow into the system?
the charge of R-12.
63. Why is it permissable to introduce liquid R-12 into the
3. Close both manifold valves and start the engine. low side of the system ifthe low side pressure is below
Operate the engine at about 1250 RPM. Set the 40 psig and the outside temperature is above 80
air-conditioning controls for full cooling., degrees F?
4. With the R-12 container upright, so that vapor will 64. How can you tell when you have a full charge of
come out, open the low side valve and allow these refrigerant in the system?
vapors to enter the system. When the low side
pressure is down to below 40 psig, the can may be
inverted and liquid allowed to enter the system. At
this pressure the liquid will turn to a vapor before it
enters the compressor and will do no damage. The vapor-cycle air-conditioning system for aircraft is
really not so complicated as some would like to think. It is
simply a mechanical system for applying basic laws of
physics. Any good A & P mechanic, using proper tools
NOTE: Do not invert the can if the outside air
and good logical troubleshooting procedures, can keep
temperature is below 80 degrees F. All of the R-12
these comfort producing systems operating at the peak of
may not be vaporized by this cool air. Put as many
performance. One thing that must be always kept in mind
pounds of refrigerant in the system as is called for
is the importance of carefully following the manufacturer's
by the system specifications.
specifications to the letter. The m~nufacturer _has
designed and built his system to produce tts ~ost efficte~t
S. A full charge will be indicated by the absence of
operation. Following his instructions wtll keep It
bubbles in the sight glass in the receiver-dryer.
performing as he designed it.
Usually an additional quarter or half pound of
refrigerant is added after the bubbles stop.
This training manual is part of the AMFI series. Keep it
with your tools for quick reference.
6. When the charge is completed, close the
manifold valve. Remove the refrigerant container
and make a performance test as previously


This glossary of terms is provided to give a ready reference inches of mercury: A measurement of pressure, normally
to the meaning of some of the words with which you may used for pressures below atmospheric. One inch of
not be familiar. These definitions may differ from those of mercury is equal to approximately one half pound per
standard dictionaries, but are more in line with standard square inch.
shop usage.
latent heat: The amount of heat required to change the
state of a material without changing its temperature.
ambient air temperature: The temperature of the air
surrounding a person or object. latent heat of evaporation: The amount of heat absorbed
by a substance when it changes from a liquid to a vapor
boiling point: The temperature at which a liquid changes without changing its temperature.
to a vapor.
latent heat of condensation: The amount of heat given off
British thermal unit ·- Btu: The amount of heat required when a substance changes from a vapor to a liquid
I to raise the temperature of one pound of water one without changing its temperature.
.. I
I degree Fahrenheit .
latent heat of fusion: The amount of heat which must be
calorie: The amount of heat required to raise the removed from a substance to change it from a liquid to a
temperature of one pound of water one degree Celsius solid without changing its temperature.
liquid: A fluid which will assume the shape of the
can tap valve: A valve which is fastened onto a small can container in which it is held, but will not expand to
of refrigerant. It punctures the can seal and controls the completely fill the container.
flow of refrigerant.

capillary tube: A small tube of definite inside diameter orifice: A hole of specific size used to meter a fluid.
and length used to meter a fluid.
phosgene: A colorless gas with an unpleasant odor which
charging stand~ A handy and compact arrangement is produced when Refrigerant-12 is passed through an
of air-conditioning service equipment, containing open flame. It causes severe respiratory irritation.
a vacuum pump, manifold set, and a method of
measuring and dispensing the refrigerant. pressure, absolute: Pressure measured from a vacuum.
Absolute pressure is quite often expressed in inches of
cold: The absence of heat. mercury.

condensation: The process of changing a vapor into a pressure, ambient: The pressure of the air surrounding
liquid. a body.
desiccant: A material used in a receiver-dryer to absorb
. )
I moisture from the refrigerant.
pressure, differential: A pressure which is referenced
from another pressure .

electronic oscillator: An electronic device which emits pressure, gage: Pressure referenced from ambient
an audible tone. This device is used in a leak pressure.
detector. When a leak is detected, the tone changes.
reed valve: Thin leaf-type valve located in the valve plate
evaporate: To change from a liquid to a vapor. of a reciprocating compressor to control the inlet and
outlet ofthe refrigerant.
I freezing point: The temperature at which a liquid will
.! change into a solid. refrigerant: A fluid which is used in an air-conditioning
system to absorb heat from the cabin and carry it outside
gas: A fluid which will assume the shape of the container the airplane where it can be transferred to the outside
in which it is placed and will expand to fill all of the air.
Refrigerant 12: Dichlorodifluoromethane, a chemical·
beat load: The amount of heat which the air-conditioner
is required to remove from an airplane cabin.
compound used in most aircraft air-conditioning
systems. Commonly referred to simply as R-12.
relative humidity: The ratio of the amount of water vapor temperature: A measurement of heat intensity.
in the air to the amount of water vapor required to
saturate the air at the existing temperature. thermostat: An air-conditioning control which senses the
temperature of the evaporator coil and causes the
saturated vapor: The condition of the vapor above a system to cycle to maintain the proper temperature
liquid in which no further vaporization can take place of the cooling air.
without an increase in its temperature.
ton of refrigeration: A measure of the cooling capacity of
sensible heat: Heat added to a substance which causes a an air-conditioning system. It is the same cooling effect
change in the temperature of the substance. as would be had by melting one ton of ice in 24 hours. It
is equal to 12,000 Btu of !)eat energy absorbed in one
silica gel: A desiccant used as a drying agent in hour.
air-conditioning systems. It has the ability to absorb a
large amount of water. vacuum: A negative pressure, or pressure below atmos-
pheric. It is usually expressed in inches of mercury.
specific heat: The amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of a pound of substance one degree vapor: The gaseous state of a material.
vapor pressure: The pressure exerted by the vapor above
superheat: Heat energy added to a gas after evaporation a liquid which prevents the release of additional vapor at
has been completed. any specific temperature.

superheated vapor: Vapor which has been heated above

its boiling point for a given pressure.

Aircond it ion ing (Vapor-Cycle)
STUDENT ....................................... .
6. Where is the high side service valve connected into
GRADE ........................................ . the system for servicing?

a. At the inlet side of the expansion valve.

b. At the discharge side of the expansion valve.

Place a circle around the letter for the correct answer in
each of the following questions.

7. Where is the low side service valve connected into the

1. When a liquid is changed into a gas: system for servicing?
a. Heat is absorbed. a. At the inlet side of the expansion valve.
b. Heat is given off. b. At the discharge side of the expansion valve.

2. What is the purpose of a desiccant?

8. Where should liquid refrigerant be put into the
a. Prevents the refrigerant freezing in the expansion system?
a. In the high side.
b. Absorbs any water that may be in the system.
b. In the low side.

3. Care must be taken to avoid breathing R-12 vapors 9. The appearance of bubbles in the sight glass is an
because: indication of:
a. They will prevent your getting the oxygen you a. A partial charge of refrigerant:
b. A full charge of refrigerant.
b. R-12 vapors are actually phosgene gas.
c. No refrigerant.

4. R-12 will boil at standard sea level pressure at:

10. Typical pressures for the low side of a normally
a. Plus 26.6 degrees F. operating air-conditioning system are in the range of:

b. Minus 21.6 degrees F. a. 225 to 300 psig.

b. About 29 inches of mercury gage pressure.

5. What should be done if R-12 liquid is accidentally
splashed into your eyes? c. 29 to 30 psig.
····' a. Immediately flood your eyes with much cool
water. 11. Typical pressures for the high side of a normally
l operating air-conditioning system are in the range of:
I b. Treat the eyes with mineral oil followed with a
J boric acid rinse. a. 20 to 30 psig.

c. Get to a doctor as soon as possible. b. 225 to 300 psig.

d. All of the above. c. Above 600 psig.
12. The evaporator temperature of a normally operating 17. What unit might be damaged if liquid refrigerant
air-conditioning system is in the range of: were introduced into the low side of the system when
the pressure is too high, or the outside air
a. 40 to 50 degrees F. temperature is too low?

b. 225 to 300 psig. a. Receiver-dryer.

c. 63 to 72 degrees F. b. Condenser.

c. Evaporator.
13. At what RPM should the engine be run for
performing an operational test on an aircraft having d. Compressor.
an engine driven compressor?

a. 1250 RPM.
18. What does the thermostat control on an air-con-
b. Idle RPM. ditioning system in which the compressor is belt
driven from the engine?
c. High speed cruise RPM.
a. The opening of the expansion valve.

b. A magnetic clutch in the compressor drive

14. What pressure is recommended as the minimum
for a leak test?
c. The speed of the cabin blower.
a. 300 psi.
d. The compressor speed.
b. Below 20 inches of mercury gage pressure.

c. SO psi.
19. If the two lines connected to the expansion valve are
essentially the same temperature, it would indicate
15. What would cause the evaporator fins to ice up? that the valve is:

a. Cabin blower operating too fast. a. Functioning properly.

b. Too much refrigerant in the system. b. Not metering refrigerant properly.

c. Airflow over the evaporator restricted.

20. How often should compressor oil be checked?

16. When a leak test is performed, where should the a. On every 100 hour inspection.
probe be held relative to the suspected leak?
b. Any time the system has been discharged.
a. Above the point.
c. It is a sealed system, so it does not need to be
b. Below the point. checked.

Answers to study questions:
1. From the air in the cabin. 27. The pressure drop across the evaporator.

2. It is taken outside the airplane and given off to the 28. Low side.
outside air.
29. Reed type valves.
3. Liquid.
30. Compressor bleed air.
4. Sprays liquid refrigerant and starts the evaporation
process. 31. A magnetically actuated clutch m the compressor
drive pulley.
5. Evaporator.
32. High side.
6. Condenser.
33. An interlock switch on the throttle retracts the
7. It condenses back into a liquid. condenser when the throttle is fully open.

8. Heat added to or taken from a substance without 34. Condenser.

changing its temperature.
35. Front-seared.
9. The vapor changes its state back into a liquid.
36. The mid-position.
10. Nonflammable.
37. A pin in the service hose depresses the valve core.
11. 116.9 psi.
38. The manifold set.
12. Minus 21.6 degrees F.
39. No, the gages attach directly to the service line
13. 125 degrees F. fittings.

14. Flood with much cool water, apply clean mineral oil, 40. The center fitting of the manifold is opened to the
and rinse with boric acid solution. side of the open valve.

15. Phosgene gas. 41. At the compressor inlet, or the discharge side of the
expansion valve.
16. A highly refined mineral oil. 42. At the compressor discharge, or at the
.J ' receiver-dryer.
17. The compressor and the expansion valve.
43. A can tap valve is screwed onto the can. This valve
18. (d) Low-pressure vapor. attaches to the service hose.
19. (c) High-pressure vapor. 44. Weight.

20. (a) High-pressure iiquid. 45. High side.

21. (b) Low-pressure liquid. 46. Upright.

f 22 . Receiver-dryer. 47. Hot water.

.) 23. The desiccant absorbs moisture from the system. 48. Pressure in the system is lowered to a point that all of
water will turn into a vapor and be drawn out.
24. A sight glass in the receiver-dryer.
49. (a) Soap solution.
25. The heat load in the airplane cabin.
(b) Electronic oscillator-type tester.
, 26. The expansion valve would not be able to meter
I refrigerant as a function of the evaporator discharge so. The pitch of the tone will increase in the presence of
... J temperature (superheat). R-12.
51. Below. 59. Water will boil at low temperature when the pressure
is lowered. Water vapor will be pulled out with the
52. A possible refrigerant leak. air as the system is evacuated.

53. Low refrigerant supply. 60. This condition would indicate a blocked system.

54. SO psi. 61. Upright.

55. (a) Low side 20 to 30 psig. 62. Inverted.

(b) High side 225 to 300 psig. 63. At this temperature and pressure all liquid R-12 will
vaporize before it gets into the compressor.
56. Low.
64. There will be no more bubbles in the sight glass.
57. This will prevent the loss of refrigerant oil.

58. Evacuation removes any water that may be in the

Answers to final examination
1. a.

2. b.

3. a.

4. b.

S. d.
6. a.

l 7. b.

8. a.

9. a.

10. c.

11. b.

12. a.

13. a.

14. c.

15. c.

16. b.
. i 17. d.
18. b.

I 19. b.
20. b.



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