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Convective Heat Convective Islamic Azad University Time: 120 min

Final Exam Science and Research Branch Date: 09.09.2021

1- In a sheet metal production workshop, flat plates with the dimensions of 1(m)×3(m) are
produced. The surface of these plates, after heat treatment inside the furnace, has a temperature of
Ts=200(oC) and is cooled by forced convection by an industrial fan that circulates the ambient air
with the temperature of T∞=14(oC) with the velocity of 8(m/s). Which side of the plate should be
aligned with the direction of the airflow for a better heat transfer process? Explain your reason
exactly. (2 points)
Kinematic viscosity of the air at film temperature of Tf=380(K):   24  10 6 (m 2 s)

2. The variation of the convective heat transfer coefficient (Nuθ)

in the tangential direction of a cylinder whose axis is
perpendicular to the flow is shown in the figure:
A. Explain how the local Nusselt number changes with
increasing angle (θ) for the lower Reynolds numbers
( Re  70,800 or 101,300 ). (1 point)
B. Why the graph has two minimums with increasing Reynolds
number ( Re  186,000 or 219,000 )? Explain in detail. (1 point)

3- Draw the variation of the surface temperature of the pipe (Ts)

and the average temperature of the fluid (Tm) along the length of
the pipe and for the case where the heat flux imposed upon the
pipe surface is constant ( qs  constant ), for entrance and fully
developed regions. The fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are Ti
and Te, respectively. (1 point)

4. A. Draw the boundary layer on a heated vertical plate that is at a constant surface temperature of
Ts and exposed to the ambient air at room the temperature of T∞, and show the different flow
regimes on it. (1 point)
B- Draw the velocity and temperature distribution inside the boundary layer for the case where
Ts  T . (1 point)

Convective Heat Convective Islamic Azad University Time: 120 min
Final Exam Science and Research Branch Date: 09.09.2021

5. Prove the following relation by using the Chilton-Colburn analogy for heat transfer and mass
  C p Le 2 3
Where hmass (m s) is the mass transfer coefficient and Le is the Lewis dimensionless number.
(2 points)

6- The air with the temperature of 300(K) and the pressure of 1(atm) blows with the velocity of 45
(m/s) on a square flat surface of 75×75(cm). The surface temperature is kept constant as 350(K).
A- Heat loss from the whole plate (2 points)
B. What percentage of heat loss occurs in the laminar region of the boundary layer? (2.5 points)
Properties of the air at film temperature of Tf=325(K):
  1.093(kg / m3 )   1.965  105 (kg / m s) Pr  0.709 k  0.0279 (W / m K )

7- The temperature of water increases from 25(oC) to 75(oC) while passing through a pipe with an
internal diameter of 12.7(mm) and length of 10(m). The surface of the pipe is heated by an electric
heater that produces a constant heat flux. The outer surface of the pipe is well insulated to transfer
all the heat generated by the heater to the water inside the pipe during the steady heat transfer
process. If the average velocity of the water flow inside the pipe equals 0.2(m/s), then calculate:
A- Surface heat flux (2 points)
B- The temperature of the inner surface of the pipe at its outlet. (2 points)
Properties of the water at the bulk temperature of Tb=50(oC):
  1000(kg / m3 )   2  10 3 (kg / m s) Pr  10 k  0.48 (W / m K ) C p  4000( J / kg K )

8- A thin square plate with the dimensions of 0.6(m)×0.6(m) is

placed in a room with a temperature of 30(oC) as shown in the
figure in such a way that it makes an angle of θ=30° with a
vertical direction. One side of the plate is kept at a constant
temperature of 74(oC) and the other side is insulated. Calculate
the total rate of heat transfer from the plate by free convection.
(2.5 points)

Properties of the air at film temperature of Tf=325(K):

  1.093(kg / m3 )   1.965  105 (kg / m s) Pr  0.709 k  0.0279 (W / m K )
g  9.81(m s 2 )

Good Luck

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