Pindi Yulinar Rosita - 008201905023 - Reformulating Financial Statement

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Pindi Yulinar Rosita

cash flow from operation $ 4,236
cash investment $ 172
cash received $ 338
cash diviend $ 1,729
share repurchased $ 730
share issued $ 189

purchased or sale financial statement ?

Soal 1
Applying the Treasurer's Rule : Microsoft
2nd Quarter,2004
In millions
Cash flow from operations $ 4,236
cash investment in operations $ 172
Free cash flow $ 4,064
Cash interest received $ 338
Cash available for shareholders $ 4,402

Net dividend:
Cash dividend $ 1,729
Share repurchased $ 730
Share issues $ -189 $ 2,270

Purchased of financial assets, $ 2,132

or redemption of own bonds/debt

The Treasurer's rule

C-I-I >d lend
Soal 2
Reformulated Cash Flow Statements : Microsoft
2nd Quarter,2004
In millions
Cash flow from operation $ 4,236
Cash investment $ 172
Free cash flow $ 4,064
Equity financing flows :
Dividends and share repurchas $ 2,459
Share issues $ -189 $ 2,270

Debt financing flows :

Net purchase of financial asset $ 2,132
Interest on financial assets (aft $ -338
Net issue of debt $ -
Interest on debt (after tax) $ - $ 1,794
Total Financing flows $ 4,064

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