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Virgin of Carmel High School of Tiwi, I nc.

Augustinian Recollect Sisters
San Lorenzo St Tigbi, Tiwi, Albay

Second Quarter
Monthly Assessment
Computer 8
(St. Clare, St. Magdalene & St. John of Sahagun)
S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: ___________________________________________________ Section: ________________________
Teacher: Mr. Ricardo Competente

Directions :
Reflect on the following questions below. Please be guided by the criteria while answering. Kindly use your own words.

1. How can we maximize the use of our internet browsers?

2. What is the role of the different peripheral connectors in a personal computer?

5 4 3 2 1
Shows complete and Somewhat informative Give some new Provides less information Explanations are
detailed explanation and show few information and unclear and poor organized points somehow relevant
Content & Mechanics with no grammatical grammatical errors points presented and and show many and do not observe
errors show a number of grammatical and spelling proper grammar and
grammatical errors errors. spelling.
Details are placed in a Details are placde in Details are placed in Some details are not are Many details are not
logical order and they logical order and ideas logical order and ideas not in logical or expected in logical order.
Organization of Words are presented very are presented well. are poorly presented that order that distract the
well that keeps the makes the writing less order.
readers interest. interesting.

_______________________________ ______________________________
Name Of Parent/Guardian & Signature Date Accomplished

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