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Running head: LEADERSHIP 1







Leaders play an integral role in leading an organization towards achieving its objectives

and success in the market. Many leaders exhibit different leadership styles which they use as a

tool to instill changes that contribute to the company’s development and success[ CITATION

Xue16 \l 1033 ]. In this paper, I will analyze the leadership roles played by Apple Inc. founder and

CEO, Steve Jobs. Apple Inc. is among the top leading brand in the global market today with a

total capitalization of over $1.3 trillion. Apple Inc. success is attributed to Steve’s leadership,

which saved the company from bankruptcy in a historical comeback[ CITATION Vad14 \l 1033 ].

Steve founded Apple in 1976 with his friend Steve Wozniak and resigned his CEO position in

1985 after experiencing internal disagreement. In 1997, Steve returned to Apple Inc. as an

interim CEO to help revive the company that was on the verge of collapse in six

months[ CITATION Vad14 \l 1033 ]. Today, the company has dominated the electronics and mobile

phones industry, a multibillion industry with large players selling mobile phones, laptops,

accessories, and other electronics. Steve resigned in 2009 due to health complications after being

the company’s CEO for fourteen years. Jobs left a significant leadership legacy that is emulated

by the company’s management today to help maintain the Apple market position in the world.

A leadership theory that describes Steve Jobs

Steve's leadership style is well described using the trait leadership theory which focuses

on the individual traits. Trait leadership theory holds that leaders develop leadership skills based

on their abilities provided by physical traits with disregard on the assumption that leaders are

made or born[ CITATION Vad14 \l 1033 ]. According to Jenkins, personal attributes such as skills,

attractiveness, self-confidence, and intelligence contributes to essential components of

leadership. Steve was a best-suited leader who exhibited a high level of self-confidence,

intelligence, independence, and skills, which helped in founding the company as reviving its

stock in the market. Steve was full of self-confidence that is revealed through his resilience in the

education and management of a multibillion company. By combining information technology

with skills and intelligence, Steve was able to open million-dollar software companies as well as

initiate innovations that help revive the Apple company[ CITATION Vad14 \l 1033 ]. Steve also

exhibited courage as a leader when he took up managerial responsibilities of the company on the

verge of its collapse. Upon his return to Apple Inc. Steve established the notion of a free thinker

as one of the significant attributes that encourage people to be innovative regardless of their

socioeconomic background. It through his independent mentality that we were able to manage

teams that focused on changing the world with the power of their minds.

Career Achievement

The achievement of Steve Jobs as the CEO of Apple Inc. reveals the importance of

entrepreneurs and human capital in the economy. The development of the Apple company during

Steve’s leadership era shows his contribution to wealth creation, technological advancement, and

social innovation that changed the lives of millions of people across the world[ CITATION Jac13 \l

1033 ]. Steve used technology to transform people’s way of life by providing products and

services that satisfy human needs in both local and international markets. Apple Inc.'s portfolio

represents Steve's greatest innovation in technology to provide high-end products such as

iPhones, MacBooks, iPods, and iPad. Steve's marketing strategies have kept apple products at the

top of the market share, which represents his commercial achievement and legacy in creating a

strong brand. Today, Apple company remains to be the best performing company in the

electronic industry because of Steve’s investment in product uniqueness and quality. Steve left

behind a brand that continues to change how people live and work.

Career Challenge

Steve suffered from pancreatic cancer which impacted his career and executive roles at

the Apple company. in 2006, Steve was battling cancer by undergoing several procedures that

rendered him out of work at the time when he was formulating the WWDC keynote address. His

illness also created a problem with the company shareholder who had placed the fate of Apple on

Steve's leadership roles. After several procedures, Steve returned to work to enhance company

financial strength as well as prevent the company from collapsing. He exhibited resilience and

the desire to continue making an executive decision when the need arises. His efforts to return to

work amid numerous operations and therapies align with his managerial role by getting involved

in the decision-making process. He also had shared his vision with the employees such that they

always focus on accomplishing the projects initiated by their leader regardless of his absence. As

a leader, he had engaged with employees such that they were always committed to the company

goals[ CITATION Zak16 \l 1033 ]. In this case, he was able to control the company operations with

ease despite his illness.

Power Base

Apple continues to dominate the market as a leading electronic brand that Steve left

behind after his demise in 2011. The management and the employees at the company had

developed a desire to emulate Steve's leadership. In this case, Steve was using referent power in

his leadership, which he exhibited to his employees by being their role model. By being their role

model Steve Jobs worked closely with his junior workers by identifying their needs and

promoting a positive culture.

Steve Jobs Vs Tom Cooks’ Leadership styles


Both Tom and Steve were transformational leaders who led the company towards

achieving its development goals. The transformation of Apple Inc. was attributed to these two

leader’s abilities to inspire, stimulate and exemplary leadership, which employees emulated

within the company[ CITATION Xue16 \l 1033 ]. The leaders engaged with employees to help them

understand the need for change by sharing the same vision of creating innovative products and

setting trends. Steve Jobs set the pace for the innovative production of unique products such as

iPhones while Tom enhances the system security by enhancing encryption and protection of

iPhone users’ data. However, Steve's leadership style was different from that of Tom in that

Steve used an authoritative leadership style while Tom uses a democratic leadership

style[ CITATION Zak16 \l 1033 ]. Steve was more concerned about achieving the company’s targets

and timely accomplishments. Thus, he placed more pressure on an employee in a dictatorial

manner to ensure that they were all committed to their tasks and his visionary projects. Tom, on

the other hand, focused on influencing employees towards embracing the company’s values and

goals to maintain its international brand position. Steve's leadership plays an integral role in

today’s managerial practices that can be used in the driving company towards achieving success

in the market. Looking at his practices as a leader, I would like to emulate his visionary, goal-

oriented, and courageous attributed which developed the Apple empire.


Leaders are the main pillar that supports business and elevates it towards achieving

success. Steve Jobs was a legendary leader who left a multi-billion business empire that has

dominated the electronic industry in decades now. His leadership style was exemplary and many

leaders and managers try to follow suit to achieve the same success in their company. Apple Inc.

has become achieved tremendous success over the years because of the leader’s abilities in

leading the company towards achieving its goals. Steve’s leadership style is emulated by

employees and other managerial staff in the company to help keep Apple Inc. on the top of the

market share. Tom Cooks, Steve Job predecessor, continued with the leadership roles initiated by

Steve by being a transformative leader. The leadership qualities exhibited by these two leaders

form a basis in which many leaders emulate when conducting managerial roles.


Jacobs, G. (2013). Steve Jobs: Nobel Laureate. Cadmus; Promoting Leadership in Though that Leads to

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Vadim Kutsar, N. G. (2014). Leadership Analysis Using Management Tools: Steve Jobs. American

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Xue, C. T. (2016). Role of Leadership in Achieving Sustainable Organizational Change: Steve Jobs.

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Zakeer Ahmed Khan, D. A. (2016). Leadership Theories and Styles: A Literature Review. Journal of

Resources Development and Management, 16, 1-6.



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