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The Devil’s Black Book

(Aka Codex Nigra Diaboli)

By Damien LaMagne

The Black Mass

The Satanic Rosary
The Satanic Pact
Worship in Medieval Satanism
The Black Mass (Missa Nigra)


The priest prepared, with the ministers and acolytes, he goes to the altar.

All: In nómine Magni Dei Nostri Sátanae introíbo ad altáre Dómini Inferi.
Responsum: Ad Eum Qui laetíficat juventútem meam.
Versiculus: Adjutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini Inferi.
R: Qui regit terram. Dómine Sátanas, Tua est terra. Orbem terrárum et plenitúdinem ejus
Tu fundásti. Justítia et luxúria praeparátia sedis Tuae. Sedérunt príncipes et advérsum me
loquebántur, et iníqui persecúti sunt me. Adjúva me, Dómine Sátanas meus. Custódi me,
Dómine Sátanas, de manu peccatóris.
R: Et ab homínibus iníquis éripe me.
V: Dómine Sátanas Tu convérsus vivificábis nos.
R: Et plebs Tua laetábitur in te.
V: Osténde nobis, Dómine Sátanas, poténtiam Tuam.
R: Et benefícium Tuum da nobis.
V: Dómine Sátanas exáudi oratiónem meam.
R: Et clamor meus ad Te véniat.
V: Dóminus Inferus vobíscum.
R: Et cum tuo. Glória Deo Dómino Inferi, et in terra vita homínibus fórtibus. Laudámus
Te, benedícimus Te, adorámus Te, glórificámus Te, grátias ágimus tibi propter magnam
poténtiam Tuam: Dómine Sátanas, Rex Inferus, Imperátor omnípotens.

The Celebrant uncovers the chalice, takes the paten with the host, and with both hands to
his chest, holding it raised until, he says:

Súscipe, Dómine Sátanas, hanc hóstiam, quam ego dignus fámulus Tuus óffero Tibi, Deo
Meo Vivo et Vero, pro ómnibus circumstántibus, sed et pro ómnibus fidélibus fámulis
Tuis: ut mihi et illis profíciat ad felicitátem in hanc vitam. Amen.

The paten with the Host laying them up, and he took the cup with both hands, lifting up at
the same time, When he says:

Offérimus Tibi, Dómine Sátanas, cálicem carnis stímulos ut in conspéctu majestátis Tuae,
pro nostra utilitáte et felicitáte, pláceat Tibi. Amen.

Replaces the chalice on the altar, and, and holding hands spread over the offerings, he

Veni Sátanas, Imperátor Mundi, ut animábus famulórum famularúmque Tuárum haec

prosit oblátio.

Offers the censer and boat, the celebrant sprinkles incense into the censer saying:

Incénsum istud ascéndat ad Te, Dóminus Inferus, et descéndat super nos benefícium

The Celebrant, having received the censer, and incenses the altar and the offerings. Then
leads the censer three times around the chalice and the Host, and he inclines himself.
Then, three times making them to pass censer, incenses the image of Satan, he inclines
himself at the same time. Then he incenses the surface of the three times and his side of
the altar.

Dóminus Inferus vobíscum.

R: Et cum tuo.
V: Sursum corda.
R: Habémus ad Dóminum Inferum.
V: Grátias agámus Dómino Infero Deo Nostro.
R: Dignum et justum est.

Then the Celebrant, stretching out his hands, he continues:

Vere dignum et justum est, nos Tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine Sátanas, Rex
Inferus, Imperátor Mundi. Omnes exércitus ínferi Te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces
ut admítti júbeas deprecámur, dicéntes:

He inclines himself, saying:

Salve, Salve, Salve.

Ter pulsatur campanula. Dóminus Sátanas Deus Poténtiae, pleni sunt terra et ínferi glória
Tua. Hosánna in profúndis.

Dómine Sátanas, gentes christianórum, quae in sua feritáte cónfidunt, sinísterae tuae
poténtia conterántur. Pone illos ut rotam, et sicut stípulam ante fáciem venti. Excita,
Dómine Sátanas, poténtiam tuam et veni. Víndica sánguinem servórum tuórum, qui
effúsus est; intret in conspéctu tuo gémitus conpeditórum.

Now shall you discover the Celebrant with the people before Satan. Then he says the

Credo in Sátanan, qui laetíficat juventútem meam. Orámus te,

Hic Celebrans osculatur genetalia Altaris.

Dóminus Inferus, miserére nobis. In spíritu humilitátis, et in ánimo contríto suscipiámur a

Te, Dómine Sátanas; et sic fiat sacríficium nostrum in conspéctu tuo hódie, ut pláceat
tibi. Veni a porta ínferi, rédime me et miserére mei. Veni, Magíster Templi. Veni,
Magíster Mundi. Pleni sunt terra et ínferi majestátis glóriae tuae.
Infra Actionem
Communicantes, et memoriam venerantes, in primis gloriosae semper satanae Lilithae,
succubis hominum et interficiens parvulorum, et Astarothae, Asmodeae, fornicatis
principorum, sed et inferni Faustae, et infernorum Famulorum ac Martyrum tuorum
Etiennae Guiborgi et Catherinae Monvoisini, et omnium Infernorum tuorum. Jungit

Per eundem Satanan Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Then the Celebrant extends his hands over the offerings of the altar. The bell is rung
once. The Celebrant continues:

Hanc ígitur oblatiónem servitútis nostrae sed et cunctae famíliae tuae, quáesumus,
Dómine Sátanas, ut placátus accípias; diésque nostros in felicitáte dísponas, et in
electórum tuórum júbeas grege numerári.
R: Ave Sátanas.

Acolytha puella presentatur atque discooperit genitalia. Acolythus puer tenet aspersorium
desub puella dum haec micterit in eum.
Ecce sponsa Sátanae. Dómino Inferi in médio ejus est. Flúminis ímpetus laetíficat vivos
et mórtuos.
Micturio quo finito, aspersorium donit Celebrans, qui ante Satanan in altum elevat.

Dómine Sátanas, torrénte voluptátis Tuae potábis eos. Quóniam apud te fons vitae; et in
lúmine tuo vidébimus lumen.
Dómine Sátanas corda nostra mundet infúsio; et sui roris íntima aspersióne foecúndet.

Nunc Celebrans redonit aspersorium alcolythi puellae, et ea tenens, aspergilum in urinam

eius submittit. Qui sitit, véniat; et qui vult, accípiat aquam vitae.

Sprinkles the people, saying:

V: Ego vos benedíco in nómine Sátanae.R: Ave Sátanas.


With both hands the Celebrant receives the Host, and with a profound bow and upon it,
he says:


Then the offering is lifted, he puts it upon the Altar, and then touches it to the altar. Once
the bell is rung. The Celebrant replaces the offering of the paten, and he takes the cup,
stooping down he says:


Elevat in altum calicem, ostendit populo. Semel pulsatur campanula. Thurifario ter movet
thuribulum, tunc calix reponitur.

Let us pray. The Infernal foundation of the words of our Saviour, we make bold to say:

V/R: Pater Noster, Qui es in Inferis, Sanctificétur nomen Tuum; Advéniat regnum Tuum;
Fiat volúntas Tua, sicut in Infero et in Terra; Lucem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis
hódie; Emítte spíritum Tuum et renovábis fáciem terrae; Líbera nos ad luxúria; Líbera
nos ad ubertáte domus Tuae; Sicut in die ambulémus; Comédite pínguia et bíbite
mulsum; Fornicémur; Adquae ut fervéntius corda nostra praeparéntur, flammis adúre
Tuae caritátis, Dómine Sátanas.

Ego sum radix et genus Luciféri, stella spléndida et matútina. Tránsite ad me, omnes qui
concupíscitis me, et a generatiónibus meis implémini. Ténebrae conculcábunt me, et nox
inluminátio mea in delíciis meis.
R: Quia ténebrae non obscurabúntur, et nox sicut dies inluminábitur.
V: Grátias agámus Dómino Infero Deo Nostro.
R: Dignum et justum est.

The hands of the Celebrant lifteth up above the offerings when he says:

Vere dignum et justum est, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine Sátanas, Rex
Inferus, Imperátor Mundi. Omnes exércitus ínferi te láudant cum quibus et nostras voces
ut admítti júbeas deprecámur, dicéntes:

The Celebrant stooping down he says:

Salve, Salve, Salve.

Ter pulsatur campanula.

Dómin Sátanas Deus Poténtiae, pleni sunt terra et ínferi glória Tua. Hosánna in profúndis.

Ecce corpus Jesu Christi, dóminus humílium et rex servórum.

Elevates the sacrifice of The Celebrant before the image of Satan, and afterwards touches
it to the altar, saying:
Beátus venter qui te portávit et úbera quae suxísti.

Repudiation of The Celebrant then proceeds thus, lifting up his sacrifice, as before:

Jesu Christi, dóminus humílium et rex servórum, univérsi qui te exspéctant confundéntur.
Absque synagógis fácient vos et timébis a timóre noctúrno. Non dormiétis et gládius
transébit términos vestros. Fílii hóminum in tégmine alárum tuárum, Dómine Sátanas,
R: Dómine Sátanas, salvos fac servos tuos.

He gives the offering to the Altar, saying:

Liberábo eum ad áspidem basilíscum, ad leónem et dracónem, ad omni peccáto, ad
subitánea et improvísa morte, ad fulgúre et tempestáte, ad flagéllo terraemótus, ad peste,
fame et bello, ad morte perpétua, ad ira Sátanae.

The celebrant places the offering upon the altar, saying:

Dómine Sátanas dicit:

In comessatiónibus et ebrietátibus resúrgam. Desidéria carnis perficiétis. Manifésta sunt

autem ópera carnis, quae sunt fornicátio, impudicítia, luxúria, venefícia, ebrietátes et
comessatiónes. Caro mea vere est cibus.
R: Caro mea vere est cibus.
V: Adorémus Te, Dómine Sátanas, et benedícimus tibi; quia per spermem tuam redemísti
R: Revelábitur glória Dómini; et vidébit omnis caro salutáre Dei nostri Sátanae.
V: Fornicémur ad glóriam Dómini Sátanae.

The Celebrant takes the Chalice, saying:

Cálicem voluptátis carnis accípiam et nomen Dómini Inferi invocábo.

The Celebrant drink first, and then presents the chalice of communion saying:
Ecce calix voluptátis carnis qui laetítiam vitae donat. Accipe cálicem voluptátis carnis in
nómine Dómini Inferi.
Cum omnia satis bibunt, reponit Calicem, coopertum Patena et Velo. Tunc Celebrans,
extendens manibus, dicit:
Pleni sunt terra et ínferi majestátis glóriae Tuae.

R: Tuére nos, Dómine Sátanas.

V: Protége nos, Dómine Sátanas, Tuis mystériis serviéntes.
R: Dómine Sátanas dabit benignitátem et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.
V: Pláceat tibi, Dómine Sátanas, obséquium servitútis meae; et praesta ut sacrifícium
quod óculis Tuae majestátis óbtuli, tibi sit acceptábile, mihíque et ómnibus pro quibus
illud óbtuli.

The Celebrant bows before the middle of the altar, then he turns to the people, his left
hand extended in the sign of the horns, saying:
Fratres et soróres, debitóres sumus carni et secúndum carnem vivámus.Ego vos benedíco
in Nómine Magni Dei Nostri Sátanae.
R: Ave, Sátanas!
V: Ite, missa est.

Sign of the Inverse Cross

In nómine Sátanae et Luciféri et Spíritus Serpénti. Amen.

Symbol of the Apostles of Sátan

Crédo in Sátanan, Pátrem omnipoténtem, Creatórem Inferi et térræ. Et in Luciférum,

Fílium Lúcis unícum, Dóminum nóstrum, qui concéptus est de Spíritu Serpénti, nátus ex
Lux Aetérna, ascéndit ad cáelos, pássus sub Rex Judaeorum, descéndit ad ínferos, sédet
ad sinístram Sátanae Pátris omnipoténtis, índe ventúrus est judicáre mórtuos et vívos.
Crédo in Spíritum Serpéntum, inférnam Ecclésiam Satánicam, Daemonórum
communiónem, commisiónem peccatórum, cárnis fornicatiónem, delectatiónem aetérnam
in hoc mundo. Amen.

Satanic Our Father

Pater Noster, Qui es in Inferis, Sanctificétur nomen Tuum; Advéniat regnum Tuum; Fiat
volúntas Tua, sicut in Infero et in Terra; + Lucem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie;
Emítte spíritum Tuum et renovábis fáciem terrae; Líbera nos ad luxúria; Líbera nos ad
ubertáte domus Tuae; Sicut in die ambulémus; Comédite pínguia et bíbite mulsum;
Fornicémur; Adquae ut fervéntius corda nostra praeparéntur, flammis adúre Tuae
caritátis, Dómine Sátanas. Amen.

Áve Lilith
Áve Lilith, spérma Serpénti pléna, Sátanas técum. Benedícta tu in muliéribus, et
benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Daemónum. Sedúctrix Lilith, Máter Succubárum, óra pro
nobis tuis servéntibus, nunc et in hóra Fornicatiónis nóstrae. Ámen.

Infernal Doxology
Glória Sátanae, et Luciféro, et Spirítui Serpénto. Sícut érat in princípio et nunc et sémper
et in sáecula sæculórum. Amen.
A Pact with Satan:

Latin Translation: English Translation:

Repeat:” Domine magisterque Lucifer te Thee, O Lord, our master, Lucifer is God
deum et principem agnosco, et polliceor and
tibi servire et obedire quandiu potero I recognize as the prince, and I promise to
vivere. Et renuncio alterum Deum et you to serve and obey him as long as I can
Jesum Christum et alios sanctos atque to live. And I renounce the other God and
sanctas “Ecclesiam Apostolicam et Jesus Christ, and it may also be said, the
Romanam” et omnia ipsius sacramenta et “Holy and Apostolic Church and the
omnes orationes et rogationes quibus Roman and of all his the sacraments and
fideles possint intercedere pro me; et tibi all the prayers, and the measures for which
polliceor quid faciam quotquot malum the they can the faithful to intercede for
potero, et attrahere ad mala per omnes; et me, and I promise you what I will make as
abrenuncio chrismam et baptismum, et many evils as I can, and draws up to the
omnia merita Jesu Christi et ipsius evils by all, and from the chrism and with
sanctorum; et si deero tuae servitui et the baptism I report to, and all the merits
adorationi; et si non oblationem mei ipsius of Jesus Christ and of his holy, and the fail
fecero, ter quoque die, tibi do vitam meam if the slavery and the adoration of thy, and
sicut tuam. Feci hoc anno et die.” if they do not the offering of I shall have
done of myself, three times on each day, I
X_________________________________ give thee my life to Thy knowledge. I have
(Sign your full name above) done this year and a day.

Extractum ex Infernum X_____________________________

(Sign your full name above)

Was contracted from Hell

The Nine Satanic Laws

1. You can attain anything if you want to and know how to.
2. Be kind to friends, destroy your enemies.
3. Revere nature and your instincts shall guide you.
4. Your house is your sacred space; let no one to defile it.
5. Respect those who earn it, not those who ask it to be given.
6. Hold sacred your personal beliefs, for they define you.
7. Believe not in promises never seen nor kept.
8. Trust not those untrusted by many.
9. Have faith in only yourself and Satan.
Liber Baphometis

Chapter 1
1 In the times of the Aeon of Beginnings Shaitan divided the realms of the mind, body,
and spirit. He divided the light and the dark with a ring of fire, and placed beast of the
Night in the darkness and the beasts of the day in the light. He gave the Sun power over
the Day and the Moon power over the Night. He is the power that drives all that is. He
guides us with unseen methods so that we cannot rightly refuse them. In all things that
are he is the Archdeity of the earth, he rules the infernal realms of Hell with a sword of
fire, and his fiery lash strikes the enemies of his chosen peoples. The one who chooses his
path knows his pleasures.

2 Baphomet is his half-goat half-man son who those who revere the god of the powerful
and the wise worship as Melek ta'us. He has power over nature and leads through His
Father and ours to the path the serpent. The serpent represents the Kundalini energy
within us, the Tree of Life with which he resides is that through which it flows.

3 His knowledge finds us when we ask for answers in unbiased thoughts. When we
search the books of any religion, in its original tongue it speaks only truth when not
altered by language and time. However, through man's altering of his language he
has nearly doomed himself to utter idiocy under a false god created by his constant
misinterpretations of the tongues of the former cultures texts.

4 He gives his sword to the kings of the peoples who follow his decrees and laws, and he
smites the kingdoms of the deniers and unbelievers. Those who blaspheme against him
shall surely die slowly in agony and pain. Those who hail His Infernal Majesty, Shaitan,
as their king shall be his prince. For he is the king of the true masters of themselves and
through his knowledge they gain this name, and through His name they find greatness.

5 He blesses his rightful worshipers and destroys his enemies with ruin and disaster. He
five points of the pentacle of Shaitan represent Beelzebub the King of Earth, Belial the
Queen of Winds, Lucifer the Bringer of Light, Azazel the Teacher of Knowledge, and
Leviathan the Keeper of the Seas. All these things are relevant to His exploits and His
plans for the future.

6 The end of persecution shall come swiftly to the Earth, and those who do unto others so
shall it be done unto them ten thousand fold. The gates of Hell shall come unto the Earth
in the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of the tenth millennium of
civilization. When the spirits of La'atzu return to the Earth. All shall see these things, for
Shaitan shall unleash his fury upon those who fail to follow his law.
Chapter 2
1 The demon of earth Beelzebub/Enlil, King of Land, made all earthen things: the
mountains, the valleys, and all else. Father of Nanna the moon goddess and grandfather
of Ishtar/Astaroth and Azazel. He is the arbiter of bricks and pottery, and his celestial
objects are the rocky planets and moons. His season is spring, and his weapon is the staff.
His animal is the deer, and his symbol is an oak leaf

2 The Demon of Winds Belial/Belili, Queen of Air, made all things of air and flight: the
birds, the winds, and all else. She is the arbiter of all storms, and her celestial objects are
the windy planets and moons. Her season is autumn, and her weapon is the bow and
arrow. Her animal is the eagle, and her symbol is a feather.

3 the demon of waters Leviathan/Dagan, king of the seas, made all things of water and
that swim: the fish, the lakes, and all else. He is the arbiter of the rains, and his celestial
objects are the watery planets and moons. His season is winter, and his weapon is the
spear. His animal is the shark, and his symbol is a wave.

4 The Demon of Light, Lucifer, King of the day, made all things of light and fire: the sun,
the stars, and all else. He is the arbiter of volcanoes, and his celestial objects are the stars
and fiery planets. His season is summer, and his weapon is the sword. His animal is the
lion, and his symbol is a flame.

5 The demon of knowledge Azazel/Osiris, king of wisdom, gives all men inspiration and
freewill: all books, knowledge, and all else. He is the arbiter of war, and his celestial
objects are all moons, asteroids, and meteors. His season is autumn, and his weapon is the
hammer. His animal is the monkey, and his symbol is a book.

6 the demon of love, Astaroth/Innana, Queen of lust, makes couples fall in love and
creates libido. She is the arbiter of procreation, and her celestial objects are the planets
and moons with life on them. Her season is spring, and her weapon is the mace. Her
animal is the robin, and her symbol is a heart.

Chapter 3
1These are the gods (the Elohim), both Asir and Vanir, which are neither wholly good
nor evil. The Asir are the liberators and the Vanir are the oppressors. Yawu (Yahweh), El
(Allah), and all other Vanir are well- known gods. Their leader is Yawu who is the leader
of the Hebrews.
2The Asir are Satan (Enki), the Devil or Mephistopheles (Mulla), Apollyon (Abaddon),
and many others. They are unrightly "demonized". Each has made a race unique in their
own likeness. Satan made the d(a)emons, Mulla made the devils, and Abaddon made the
Discordians. Yahweh made the angels, and Allah made the djinn.
3 Satan is the leader of the Asir and his animal is the goat. Mulla's animal is the bull or
dragon, and Apollyon's animal is the tiger. Yahweh’s animal is the sheep or lamb; Allah's
animal is the dove or pigeon.
4 The Vanir live on the planet the Nord’s called Vanahiem, and the Asir live on a planet
they called Asgard. The World Tree is the Systems of Planets that form the shape of the
tree. There are many planets like earth, yet very different from our norm.
Chapter 4
1 Those who cause shall likewise receive what is coming to them. However, none shall
keep me from bestowing upon the deserving their just rewards and punishments. In all
things comes my will that man shall be free.

2 In the aeon of ends shall those out of my will shall regret their trespasses. I shall cause
them to feel the nine vexations of life: pain, annoyance, disease, blindness, war, drought,
famine, insanity.

3 The battle that is to take place at Armageddon is an earthly war between my people and
Yahweh’s (Yawu) and Allah’s (El). Those who are loyal shall be greatly rewarded. Those
you call vampires are my elite, for they shall fight the final war alongside you.

4 I shall triumph over the tyrants of the earth, for I am almighty and powerful. Now one
shall interfere for long, because I am all-knowing and omnipotent. Within the nine gates
of darkness I am forever!!!
Medieval Order of Satan Nobility R anks
Rank: Address: Property: Leads: Equal to:

Imperator 9˚ My Leader Temple All 4 Forces

Dominion 8˚ Your Highness Kingdom A Force 4 Legions
Grand Master 7˚ Revered Sir Land A Legion 4 Columns
Master 6˚ Honorable Sir County A Column 6 rows
High Priest 5˚ Worthy Sir City 1/3 of a 2 rows
Priest 4˚ Sir Commune A Row 3 Squads
Adept 3˚ Squire House Squad 13 Persons
Initiate 2˚ Brother/Sister None N/A N/A
Neophyte 1˚ Hopeful None N/A N/A
Book of majick

Rite of Initiation

Rite of Dedication

Rites of Ordination

Wedding rite

Funerary rite

Consecration rite
Ritual tools









Sacred soils

Skulls and bones

Satan's Celebrations

Sabbats, Equinoxes & Solstices:

Yule: December 22nd


Winter Solstice

Day of Satanas/All Satan's Day


Spring Equinox:

May Eve + Beltane:

Summer Solstice:

Lammas: August 1st.

Autumn Equinox: September 21- 23

Samhain: Oct.30 & 31

Day of the Dead/All Deads Day:

Esbats: Each full moon

The Litanies of Satan

- Charles Baudelaire

O thou, the wisest and most beautiful of angels

God betrayed by fate and private praise,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
O Prince of exile, who has been wronged
And who, defeated, you always recover more strongly,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who know everything, great king of things underground
Familiar healer of human anguish,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who, even the lepers, the outcasts cursed
Signs of love the taste of Paradise
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
O thou of Death, your mistress old and strong,
Generating hope, - a charming crazy!
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who give the outlaw that look calm and high
That damns an entire nation around a scaffold.
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who know in what corner of the land envious
The jealous God has hidden gems,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Thou whose clear eye knows the deep arsenals
Where lies buried the people of metals,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Thou whose great hand conceals the precipice
Wandering on to somnambulist buildings,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who magically loosened the old bones
The belated drunkard trampled by horses,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Thou who, consoling frail man who suffers,
We learned to mix saltpeter and sulfur,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who hauls your mark, O subtle accomplice,
On the front of Croesus ruthless and vile,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who put in their eyes and hearts of girls
The cult of the wound and the love of rags,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Baton exiles, light of the inventors,
Confessor and the hanged conspirators,
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Adoptive father of those in black rage
The earthly paradise has driven God the Father
Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Glory and praise to you, Satan, on high
Heaven, where you reigned, and in the depths
Hell, when defeated, you dream in silence!
Make my soul one day, under the Tree of Knowledge,
Sits next to you at the time on your forehead
Like a new Temple, its branches spread!
“Hymn to Satan”
by Giosue Carducci, 1865

To Satan (English Translation)

To you, creation’s
mighty principle,
matter and spirit
reason and sense
Whilst the wine
sparkles in cups
like the soul
in the eye
Whilst earth and
sun exchange
their smiles and
words of love
And shudders
from their secret embrace run down
from the mountains, and
the plain throbs with new life
To you my daring
verses are unleashed,
you I invoke, O Satan
Monarch of the feast.
Put aside your sprinkler,
Priest, and your litanies!
No, priest, Satan
does not retreat!
Behold! Rust
erodes the mystic
sword of Michael
and the faithful
Archangel, deplumed,
drops into the void.
The thunderbolt lies frozen
in Jove’s hand
Like pale meteors,
spent worlds,
the angels drop
from the firmament
In unsleeping
king of phenomena,
monarch of form,
Satan alone lives.
He holds sway in
the tremulous flash
of some dark eye,
Or the eye which languidly
turns and resists,
or which, bright and moist,
provokes, insists.
He shines in the bright
blood of grapes,
by which transient
joy persists,
Which restores fleeting
life, keeps
grief at bay,
and inspires us with love
You breathe, O Satan
in my verses,
when from my heart explodes
a challenge to the god
Of wicked pontiffs,
bloody kings;
and like lightning you
shock men’s minds.
Sculpture, painting
and poetry
first lived for you, Ahriman,
Adonis and Astarte,
When Venus
blessed the
clear Ionian skies
For you the trees of
Lebannon shook,
resurrected lover
of the holy Cyprian:
For you wild dances were done
and choruses swelled
for you virgins offered
their spotless love,
Amongst the perfumed
palms of Idumea
where the Cyprian
seas foam.
To what avail did
the barbarous Christian
fury of agape,
in obscene ritual,
With holy torch
burn down your temples,
scattering their
Greek statuary?
You, a refugee,
The mindful people
Welcomed into their homes
Amongst their household gods
Thereafter filling the throbbing
Female heart
With your fervor
As both god and lover
You inspired the witch,
Pallid from endless enquiry,
To succor
Suffering nature
You, to the intent gaze
Of the alchemist,
And to the skeptical eye
Of the sorcerer,
You revealed bright
New heavens
Beyond the confines
Of the drowsy cloister.
Fleeing from material
Things, where you reside,
The dreary monk took refuge
In the Theban desert.
To you O soul
With your sprig severed,
Satan is benign:
He gives you your Heloise.
You mortify yourself to no purpose,
In your rough sackcloth:
Satan still murmurs to you
Lines from Maro and Flaccus
Amidst the dirge
And wailing of the Psalms;
And he brings to your side
The divine shapes,
Roseate amidst that
Horrid black crowd,
Of Lycoris
And Glycera
But other shapes
From a more glorious age
Fitfully fill
The sleepless cell.
Satan, from pages
In Livy, conjures fervent
Tribunes, consuls,
Restless throngs;
And he thrusts you,
O monk, with your memories
Of Italy’s proud past
Upon the Capitol.
And you whom the raging
Pyre could not destroy,
Voices of destiny,
Wycliffe and Huss,
You lift to the winds
Your waning cry:
‘The new age is dawning,
The time has come’.
And already mitres
And crowns tremble:
From the cloister
Rebellion rumbles
Preaching defiance
In the voice of the
Cassocked Girolamo
As Martin Luther
Threw off his monkish robes,
So throw off your shackles,
O mind of man,
And crowned with flame,
Shoot lightning and thunder;
Matter, arise;
Satan has won.
Both beautiful and awful
A monster is unleashed
It scours the oceans
Is scours the land
Glittering and belching smoke
like a volcano,
it conquers the hills
It devours the plains.
It flies over chasms,
Then burrows
Into unknown caverns
Along deepest paths;
To re-emerge, unconquerable
From shore to shore
It bellows out
Like a whirlwind,
Like a whirlwind
It spews its breath:
‘It is Satan, you peoples,
Great Satan passes by’.
He passes by, bringing blessing
From place to place,
Upon his unstoppable
Chariot of fire
Hail, O Satan
O rebellion,
O you avenging force
Of human reason!
Let holy incense
And prayers rise to you!
You have utterly vanquished
The Jehovah of the Priests.

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