Journal Week 1

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October 10, 2020

During these pandemic times, physical classes has not been allowed so that students
will avoid mass gathering and most especially, the virus. It was first day of school, it was
also my first time learning digital modular class. As one of the learner in the digital modular
class, I've witnessed how hard the digital modular learning. In first week, I feel pressured to
try and hurry to finish and turn in all of my activities on time. Most of my activities are very
time consuming. I thought I can't finish all of my requirements but luckily I did it. Of course,
I won’t let that I can’t finish my requirements. I have to do it so that I will not be in work
load of modules next week.
This digital modular learning allows me to be independent especially in working
modules and performance tasks. I've develop strong work ethic and a strong ability to
prioritize. I also mastered managing my time that results to get my work done on time.
Precisely, I've learned that to be a successful distance learner, you have to be self-disciplined
and able to work well on your own. Since you won't be physically going to class each week,
you can take part in class from the comfort of your own home. You must be self-disciplined
because the teacher won’t constantly be there to remind you of assignments or of project
deadlines. Other obligations may mean that you are not able to do the work as regularly as if
you were physically attending class, it will be up to you to make sure that you are keeping up
with all the work for the course. Also, one of the main objectives is to become a well-rounded
individual, with the skills needed to successfully manage a busy agenda. Furthermore, I also
encountered having a problem to the modules because I need to ask the teacher via messenger
and I have to wait the message of the teacher for minutes or an hour not just like physical
classes you'll just ask the question and you'll get the answer immediately and it explain
completely and more understandable.
It’s so hard taking digital modular class and also lonely because you’ve learn by
yourself. You can’t laugh anymore with your classmates, do some crazy things inside the
classroom and playing games. But let’s look at the brighter side, you can’t deny that digital
modular class have saved you money especially our family and time. The only drawback for
me again was when my computer reacted ‘not responding’ due to many modules. Other than
that my experience with digital modular class has been rewarding, learning experience.
October 17, 2020

I’ve finished all of my requirements early I think that was Wednesday and it’s ready
to just to send in different social media platforms. I’d watched on Netflix, then watched my
favourite anime which is “Haikyuu!” then I came with this epiphany that watching Netflix
without academic pressure just isn’t the same because you won’t feel stressed about the
modules anymore. After finishing all of my requirements, I came with this feeling of
nostalgia. I miss going school, wearing my uniform and performing dance in Rambak
Showdown or Foundation Day. I miss going to our room and be one of the early bird. I miss
the ‘going to malls and treating ourselves after departmental test’. COVID-19 is stealing
memories. The coronavirus pandemic has completely rewritten the rules of our world,
exacting a physical and emotional toll each day. For the tens of thousands who have lost
loved ones, as well as health workers on the front lines fighting the disease, the psychological
fallout will likely be devastating. For those working and living from home, it’s caused the
days to ooze together into a shapeless blob. Some struggle with loneliness, while others might
worry about their modules, health and finances. And the moments that shine a spotlight on
our current reality, like going to beach resorts with friends or roving through grocery stores
and malls, can feel like they’re burned into our brains.
Because the pandemic is an ongoing, long-term event, Strange continues, that creates
even more chances for distortions to seep into our memories. “This is going to be a formative
experience in people’s lives”, which means it’s going to be talked about on a regular basis.
The worst part is every time that new month has come, there’s a new bad news that will
arouse. There are so many people that I love had been passed away and it is so devastated. I
always asked myself when this pandemic will stop. When I will meet my friends and
classmates? When will I have a perfect vacation this 2020? Are there will be good news to
I just let myself be happy even if I am in the house at least I am safe and I’m proud
that I am helping the frontliners to save lives. I believe that there will be a silver lining these
pandemic times. I believe that we can overcome this virus and we will be back to our normal
living again.
October 24, 2020

I really appreciate those teachers who lessened their modules because they knew that
we students are answering many modules. In a result of that, I finished my requirements in
just three days. I really like this week because the requirements involved editing on social
media platforms though it was time consuming. I really love editing and designing because I
deemed this as my passion.
I remember, I videoed myself dancing Tadek Festival for our Physical Education and
Health requirements in front of our house. I dressed up like ethnic clothes with a props of a
red and black Inabel and a threshing basket. I finished it already so that I won’t have taking
that next week since I have many vacant day why not advancing then taking the next
modules. Honestly, it was very hard because as far as I remember I took so many videos
before I perfectly done with it because that’s was just a one day practiced. When I was
dancing and recording, the environment was very noisy, there are so many people passing by
– shouting and running and also vehicles that are passing by. Moreover, the people who was
staring at me also while I was dancing. I felt shyness but I still continued because the only
thing that I was thinking “I need to finish this so that I can advance myself next week”.
Fortunately, I perfectly finished it somehow.
I just realized that if there was a physical classes, I can picture that right now we are
practicing the festival dance a whole section and worrying where we can get some costumes.
But unfortunately, COVID-19 steal this again. It’s our last year being a high school student
yet we can’t enjoy that anymore. We can’t experience the way that previous grade 12
students experienced the life being a grade 12 students. We also missed some big time events.
I feel dejected typing in this part. I hope when December will come, our country will
announce that we are now COVID free. How I wish.
October 31, 2020

Actually, this week the modules became lessening and lessening. It was not just like
the first day of school that it is necessary to finish the whole modules. There are best parts
that happened this week like in my other subject we tackled about martial law which my
attention caught by it and I really took the lesson seriously. Also the Personal Development,
we tackled about mental health and how to cope up stressors in life. It gave me additional
information about mental health and I also identify my top 3 major stressors in my life. I also
know how to deal with them now. The lessons in the Personal Development are very worth
reading and you can also relate because all of the readings are facts. This can help to cope up
with your stressors in life.
After answering all of my modules, I watched vlogs and movie series that are trending
right now. I also practiced my cooking skills so that when I became an adult I can manage to
prepare and cook my own food. This week was just a normal week, it was boring because
you can’t go outside you just need to continue what you are doing last week – this is like a
life cycle inside the house.
Honestly yes, it was boring yet very memorable because this week was the revealing
of results who are the passers to the Senior High School Scholarship. On October 29, 2020,
my classmate messaged me about the results of scholarship. I was shocked when I read that
messaged then I quickly went to PGIN Education Office page on Facebook. I saw my name
in the list of passers of scholarship. I was screaming and hurriedly went to outside, I told my
mother that I passed and both of us can’t contain our elation. It was a very big blessing to me
and a great achievement. It was also an early gift to my birthday. I am very thankful that God
listened to my prayer and I’m proudly to say that I am a scholar student.

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