This Subject Opened My Mind To The Realities of Our World

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Studying 21st century from the Philippines within the world is important as a student to

understand the way of communicating and preserving important details of culture, tradition
and attitudes. i would like to find out and know our own culture and the way to understand it.
I’m not ok to grasp this things and lacking information about the literature but i've got
determination to research and study all that i've got to understand once I get fired up. As a
student of stem strand i would like my grades up, i need to graduate and after I become old i
would like to be an engineer, i would like to be a successful woman but one thing that you
simply should know first is to understand and preserving our own literature especially in our
cultural heritage to be a decent Filipino netizen likewise. a subject matter that may teach you
what's the history of the things that have a history. We are lucky to own that subject because
we've got an opportunity to grasp more what we've got before. What are truly special in
filipino. The 21st Century themes are woven throughout all the foremost components of the
21st Century Skills framework. They depend upon and enhance the normal core subjects taught
and assessed in our schools today. instead of adding to what educators must teach, 21st
Century Skills may be woven into how traditional courses are taught. for instance, science
assignments can incorporate research from the net and include social network content from
other students living within the assignment region. This weaves 21st Century Skills of
knowledge and engineering literacy and global awareness into the standard core subject of
scientific discipline. additionally, the social network aspect will probably engage students quite
a conventional research assignment. 21st Century Literature could be a thanks to appreciate
ones work. It gives a thought to teens to continue subscribe literature. Through this we will
always remember the work of our ancestor that give us lessons. This subject opened my mind
to the realities of our world. we've learned many things using the literatures of famous writers
here within the Philippines and therefore the world. Writers don’t write just to create their own
name within the field of writing but to inspire people in their success and story of life. it's
important to review our literature in order to be able to know our past and learn incredible
insights from authors who made and write literatures. And reading literatures can show what's
in our past and the way it greatly affects our present society. 21st Century Literature makes me
wonder of how things happen within the past. It offers plenty of discoveries which will really
help us students in our academic works. This subject teach us the importance of studying
literature. it had been said that literature gives us good lessons to present generation. Using the
teachings that literature brings to us can help us to be a decent citizen in our respective
communities. Being a Filipino does not end with preferring English over Filipino, nor choosing
hamburgers over sinigang, but rather ends when we have forgotten that we have our own
literature, culture, and heritage to the point where we abandon it.
“Killing a Mosquito” by Peter Porter

I slap the mozzie on my hand,

the blood is mine, the black its all,
a million years of contraband
that this one second might befall;
it can't, but I can understand
the rule - in whose court is the ball?

What said of it that I should kill it

since late or soon I'd have to scratch?
No password, sesame or millet,
urged: lift the multi-treasured latch.
As well defrost a piece of fillet
and brave a blood this blood to match.

When Francis Bacon wrote that men

fear death as children fear to go
into the dark, he dipped his pen
in blood as light as ink; he'd show
the fretful soul that what might happen
was quaint as killing a mosquito

elements in poetry:

Rhyme scheme: ABAB because the first, third and, fifth lines rhyme at the end, and the second,
fourth and, sixth lines rhyme at the end following the pattern ABAB for each stanza.
Syllabic meter: octameter


Literary devices used: metaphor, allusion, hyperbole


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