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1. MEAN:
In our data analysis, we computed means of all variables which are given below:
 Leadership
 Motivation
 Work commitment

After computed means of all variables, we perform the reliability test in order to remove
the abnormal values. Output shows that our test is reliable which means that all values
are equal or above 0.7.
In our reliability test, our output shows following values:
 Leadership = 0.71
 Motivation = 0.712
 Work-commitment = 0.60, which is also acceptable

In normality test, we executed two more test for data cleaning purposes which are:
1. Skewness
2. Kurtosis
1. Skewness:
In skewness normality test, we remove/exclude those items which are not in range
between -1 & +1 and then re-run all tests in order to make our data normal.
2. Kurtosis:
In Kurtosis test, we remove the un-highlighted items which are not in range between
-3 & +3 in order to avoid from any disturbances for further data analysis.

All three variables are related and shows positive and significant relationship
relationship in same direction.

In order to find variation, we perform regression test.

 R – Square: Shows there is 20% impact of independent variable on dependent


 ANOVA: Significant
 Beta: A standardized beta coefficient compares the strength of the effect of
each individual independent variable to the dependent variable. The higher the
absolute value of the beta coefficient, the stronger the effect. The result gives
3.1 and 5.0 for both.

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