4th Self-Study-guide-for-11th-grade

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Guía de trabajo autónomo para Undécimo año (Unidad 3)

4th Self-Study Guide for 11th grade

El trabajo autónomo es la capacidad de realizar tareas por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que nuestros/as
docentes estén presentes.

Centro Educativo/ School Name: Colegio Nocturno de Orotina

Educador/a Teacher: Licda. Alejandra Salas Chaves
Estudiante/Student:___________________________________________________________ Group: 11- _____
Nivel/ Level: 11th
Asignatura/ Subject: English
Fecha de entrega/Due date: August 30th to September 3rd
E-mail: miche.salas.chaves@mep.go.cr

1. Me preparo para hacer la guía/ Getting ready to do my self-study guide

Pautas que debo verificar antes de iniciar mi trabajo. /Aspects to verify before I start working:

Materiales o recursos que voy a Suggested materials:

necesitar/  Notebook, pencil, pen, eraser, highlighters, etc.
Materials needed  Self- study guide #4 for 11th Grade
 Computer & Internet access if possible.
Condiciones que debe tener el  Work in a place where you do your assignments and
lugar donde voy a trabajar/ homework daily.
Conditions of the place to work
Tiempo en que se espera que  This self-study guide will take you 2 weeks to be
realice la guía/ completed.
Expected time to work this self-
study guide
Week 1/Semana 1 ( from August 16th to August 20th )

Task 1.1 put in order from (1-5) the sequence of the important details based on what you
heard. Ponga en orden de (1-5) la secuencia de los detalles importantes según lo que escuchó.

_________ Know what your airline will do if there's a natural disaster.

_________ It's really important to get a travel insurance.
_________ To contact your family and friends at home as soon as possible
_________ If you plan to visit a region where there are natural disasters at certain times of the
year, try not to go at that time.

_________ To stay calm and be patient.

Task 1.2 listen to the audio again. Then, they complete a template with the main ideas
and important details from the conversation. Escuche el audio de nuevo. Luego, complete
la plantilla con las ideas principales y detalles importantes de la conversación.

Task 1.333 3 watch the video about hurricanes complete the following statements with
precise information from the video. vea el video sobre huracanes complete las siguientes
declaraciones con información precisa del video.

a. Hurricanes are also called ……………………… or typhoons.

b. “A giant storm prowling the world’s tropical seas. “ This is the best way to define what a


c. Hurricanes usually form in …………………………….and ……………………..when the sun

heats large areas of tropical seas.

d. When winds reach……………………miles per hour a hurricane is ………………………….

e. The most violent section of a hurricane is called the ………………………………

f. On average……………………………or …………………………hurricanes hit North America

each year.

g. …………………………………in 1992 was the most expensive natural disaster in the history

of USA.

Week 2/ Semana 2 ( from August 23rd to August 27th )

Task 2.1 Read the following text and complete the exercises. Lea el siguiente texto y
complete los ejercicios

Acid rain is another serious problem it is

damaging to plants and is caused by
pollutants such as Sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides. These come from the burning
of coal, oil and gas.

Dropping litter is not just a lazy thing to do

Years ago, there was not a problem with it makes work for other people, is bad for the
rubbish because things like plastic and environment and looks ugly. So think before
disposable nappies had not been invented. you drop litter either bin it or keep it and then
There was not so much packaging on items bin it.
you bought either. Now with everything so When rivers and seas are polluted by waste,
over packaged wrapped and disposable we we are not only stealing their beauty but were
are suffering the consequences of far too spoiling it for ourselves too. Our health can
much waste. The trouble is not everything can also suffer. Sadly, accidents do occur; oil
be recycled or will rot away. You used to be slicks sometimes happen and wreck the
able to get a refund on glass bottles when you environment. Animals tend to suffer the most
took them back to the shop. Now, either they from these incidents. We should really have in
are collected from your house by the council place something that will prevent so much
or you can take them to a bottle bank. destruction, rather than just waiting for it to
The fact that paper can be recycled and is happen, then trying to clean up the damage.
easy to dispose is great, but remember paper Nuclear waste has been the cause of
is made from trees, which are important to controversy over the years. Radioactive
the environment. The rainforests have been material leaking out would be very serious
slowly disappearing for a while now. We need indeed, it can cause real harm. This is why it
them not just, because it helps with the is the most worrying.
climate. They are important as like all plants Although we are trying to stop the hole in
they give us oxygen. They are also a home to the ozone layer, getting any bigger, nuclear
many animals who rely on them for their waste is still a serious problem. The ozone
survival. layer protects us from harmful ultra - violet
The best waste is organic, dead leaves; rays. Its hole has been caused by
carrot tops, onionskins and so on all rot down chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) a chemical that
and make fertile soil. This in turn will help the was found in some products. Refrigerators
plants and vegetables giving them much used to contain them. So do we care enough
needed food. Therefore, if you are able to about the earth we have inherited and our
have a compost heap in your garden you will passing onto future generations? Or is it now
be helping the environment and your garden all too late to do anything? Each one of us
will love you for it. can make a difference and each one of us is
responsible to the environment. It takes care
of us; we should take care of it

A. Go through the text and enumerate some of the environmental problems mentioned in
it. Repase el texto y enumere algunos de los problemas ambientales que se mencionan en
● ______________________________________________ ● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________ ● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________ ● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________ ● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________ ●______________________________________________

B. Say if the following statements are True or False. Correct the false ones. Diga si las
siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas. Corrija las falsas.

1. Some years ago, diapers weren’t used.?_____________________________________________

2. Nowadays products are over packaged. ___________________________________________
3. Some products are difficult to destroy. ______________________________________________
4. Both animals and humans need trees to survive. _____________________________________
5. Acid rain is caused by organic waste._______________________________________________
6. Ozone layer depletion and nuclear waste are two most serious problems. ____________
7. It’s useless for us to try and make a healthier environment.____________________________


We form the wh-questions in the simple past tense with the following elements:


Watch the explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl3hnjIW2oM

For example: Be careful with some questions that do not

follow this form
1. When did the the ozone layer
 What happened in Cinchona in 2009?
problem start?
 Who got hurt in the tornado?
2. Where did the Hurricane katrina hit
 How many people died in the
the USA?
3. What did people do after the

Task 2.2 Write a WH-Question in the simple past tense for each answer.
Escriba una pregunta WH en pasado simple para cada respuesta.

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………?
The earthquake stuck the Atlantic coast.

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………?
It happened on April 22nd, 1991

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Forty-nine people died here in Costa Rica and around seventy-nine in Panama.

d. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………?
They died because they got trapped in their houses

e. The victims were helped by the CNE authorities.

Task 2.3 Watch the video carefully and write a √ next to the information the presenter
mentioned. Observe el video con atención y escriba una √ junto a la información que
mencionó el presentador. https://youtu.be/zRwDc97Tc2A

What of these ideas, was the presenter mentioning during Write a check next to the
the presentation? ones mentioned

Floods, coastal erosion, earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides

are some types of natural disasters.

Flash floods or river floods can break down house and

A way to prevent floods is to plant as many trees as possible.

Build houses near waterways.

Listen to the news for any warning sign.
It is a good idea to use elevators during an emergency.

Task 2.3 watch the presentation again and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Vea
nuevamente la presentación y complete los espacios en blanco con las palabras que faltan.


flood coastal erosion earthquakes warnings

tsunami landslides preventing floods indoors

1. ______________is caused by monsoons, storms, water break rocks and human activities.
2. If you are ________________during an earthquake hide under the table or bed.
3. _________________ are caused by movements within the Earth.

4. _________________ must be followed during landslides.

5. Clear water ways by removing any garbage in them can be a way of_______________.
6. __________________ is an overflow of water that covers dry land.

7. Tsunamis are caused by ____________________ under the ocean.

8. ______________________ is a long or high ocean wave.

Achievement level

Indicator of Learning 0. Not 1. Not yet 2. In progress 3.Achieved

Puts in order important details from conversations about natural disasters, possible
solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO's.

Recaps main ideas and important details from conversations about natural disasters,
possible solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO’s.

Identifies main idea and supporting details in straight factual texts about natural
disasters, possible solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO's..

Organizes ideas main idea and supporting details by using linkers: sequential-past time
about natural disasters, possible solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or
Nonprofit NGO's straight factual texts.
Identifies the topic in classroom talks and presentations about natural disasters, possible
solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO's in order.

Differentiates specific details in classroom talks and presentations about natural

disasters, possible solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO's
in order.
Gets the gist from narrative and expository texts about natural disasters, possible
solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO's.

Answers questions from narrative and expository texts about natural disasters, possible
solutions, environmental problems, helping nature or Nonprofit NGO's.

1. Learner cannot achieve the task correctly.

2. Learner can achieve the task with some difficulty and needs improvement.
3. Learner can fully achieve the task without any difficulty

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