Kemahiran Bahasa Kha, Khi, Khu, Khe Dan Sya, Syi, Syu

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JPN: J5B6005 SSM: JM0819734-V

Online Class Lesson Plan 3.0 29-1 Jalan Emas 3
Pusat Perniagaan Kota Emas
82000 Pontian Johor
E-Mail :
Mobile : 011 1050 1101
A branch of The Little Caliphs Kindergarten

Teacher’s Name: Farah Class Name: 6 Neptune Online Class Date: 24/8/2021
Subject: Topic:
Kemahiran Bahasa kha, khi, khu, khe dan sya, syi, syu
Untuk mengenalkan penggunaan suku kata kha, khi, khu, khe dan sya, syi, syu.
Describe Your Session:
v: Guru akan menunjukkan slide suku kata tersebut. (eg: kha, khi, khu, khe dan sya, syi, syu)
a: Guru akan menyebutkan nya dengan betul.
k: Murid akan membuat ejaan berdasarkan suku kata tersebut. (eg: khemah, khusyuk, khamis)
Islamisation Integration
Halal is a must not just about what we eat but also what we wear and what we love.
Teaching Aid (compulsory)
Buku latihan melukis dan peralatan menulis.
Additional / Supplementary aid (Slide or Title of Video / song )
Slide/video, online games
Doa of the day (1 Dua)
Hafazan :
Activity book page / Hands on activity :
Will be shared through WhatsApp message: Buku Kemahiran Bahasa 4 (m/s: 7-11)

Notes: Time allocated: 1.0 Hour. Can be write in separate sheet if needed

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