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on the
HardscraBBle Adventure
in a Fantastical World


Beasts & Booty

credits this is a playtest document
...and thus a work in progress.
text The procedures and tables herein are designed for use with the 2nd edition of Freebooters
Jason Lutes
on the Frontier, which is still in development. However, you may find these methods useful
for generating monsters, treasure, and dungeons for other fantasy RPGs.
generic creature development
Wayne Peacock All “page XX” notations are placeholders for final page numbers. Even without the proper
page reference, you should be able to find your way around.
classic creature development
Maezar Jason Lutes
September 2021

2 3
. lexicon . create a creature
creature tags To prep a creature ahead of time or roll one up from scratch during play, follow these
A creature’s tags are always listed in this order: [alignment], [size], [quantity], steps, referring to the tables indicated. Record your choices or results as you go.
[other tags].
1 Choose or roll creature type (page XX).
alignment 2 Choose or roll the creature’s alignment and base stats using the tables on page XX.
good aids those in need, uses violence as a last resort, opposes evil.
3 Determine adjusted hit points & damage and defense using the tables on page XX.
lawful abides by a code or laws, maintains order, opposes chaos.
5 Choose or roll the nature of the creature’s attack (page XX).
neutral looks out for its own interests, avoids conflict or taking sides.
6 Choose or roll additional tags (page XX).
chaotic acts on impulse, disrupts order, opposes law.
7 Write up 3-5 moves for the creature using the approach described on page XX.
evil exploits weakness, acts with malice, opposes good.
8 Roll additional details (page XX) as desired.
9 Edit and adjust the results.
Give your new creature a name.
size quantity 10

tiny chicken, housecat, lapdog, fairy, imp, etc. solitary usually found alone
make sense of it
small pig, hound, halfling, dwarf, goblin, etc. group 1d6+1 in number
Rolling a creature entirely at random may quick critter

medium pony, panther, wolf, human, elf, orc, etc. mob 3d6+5 in number When you need a creature in a
produce results that feel dissonant, wildly
large horse, ox, rhinoceros, ogre, etc. throng 6d6+24 in number pinch or want to use one drawn
unbalanced, or just plain wrong for your
huge elephant, giant, dragon, titan, etc. from stock fantasy archetypes, just
campaign setting. Think of this process as
a series of suggestions offered by the dice, pick something appropriate from
other tags which you should adjust, edit, or reject the Bestiary (pages XX-XX). The
aberrant mutated or corrupted by otherworldy force; +1 or more related moves. according to your vision and what’s already Generic Creatures section includes
amorphous has an unstable or fluid physical form which may subdivide or resist harm. been established. basic types like “herd animal” and
cautious avoids risk, likely to flee a threat; -25% base HP. “apex predator” for quick reference,
construct fabricated by another entity, serves a specific function, may be mindless. The tables are calibrated to make powerful and the Classic Creatures section
devious clever, fights dirty, lays traps; -1 base damage, +1 or more tricky moves. or extraordinary results less likely, but is filled the kinds of monsters
divine originates from the realm of the gods; +25% base HP, +2 base damage. you’ll still occasionally roll “dragonscale commonly found in a fantasy RPG.
fast may take multiple actions in a short span of time. armor” for a lowly peasant. Maybe there’s a
flying able to take to the air; +1 or more moves related to flight. great story there! More likely, that peasant Whatever you choose, consider “re-
hoarder collects valuables; roll booty twice for cache and lair. should just be dressed in rags. skinning” your source creature with
immune unaffected by damage from specific source; i.e., immune (poison). cosmetic changes that will to make it
insubstantial lacks material form; may be immune to physical harm. more interesting and compatible with
make it yor own the feeling of your game setting.
intelligent sees the bigger picture and acts on it; +1 or more smart moves. Common fantasy species like “goblin” and
leader has followers; +100% base HP, +2 base damage, +1 or more related moves. “troll” are employed in these tables for ease
legendary preceded by its reputation in story and song; may be terrifying. of understanding, but consider these words
magical wields arcane energy; +1 or more moves based on spells/magic powers. associative prompts. When you introduce a new creature, make it interesting and unique
mindless immune to mental effects (fear, etc.), may be controlled by another entity. to your campaign world. Use the various details tables (page X) to get ideas, and strive to
organized makes plans and coordinates actions; +1 or more tactical moves. avoid falling back on fantasy tropes.
planar not from here; +1 or more moves related to its home plane.
resistant suffers half damage from specified source; i.e., resistant (fire). When you say, “A gang of goblins emerges from the woods,” you’re relying on your players
slow takes time to act. to fill in the blanks with genre assumptions, and they know what to expect; but when
stealthy adept at sneaking, hiding, and ambushing opposition. you say, “You see a gaggle of scrawny humanoids with pale skin and black eyes slinking
terrifying strikes fear into mortal hearts; foes may panic, freeze, or flee. through the underbrush,” the players’ imaginations are kicked into gear. Call them bebek
toxic poisons foe by some means; +1 move related to poison/venom. hizlari (“baby thieves” in the local tongue), and what might be goblins in a generic fantasy
undead reanimated by unnatural power; immune to poison, disease, etc. world become memorable creatures unique to your setting.
vulnerable suffers double damage from specified source; i.e., vulnerable (blunt).

4 5
creature as npc
Non-player characters are a subset of creatures with whom the PCs can communicate,
allowing for a wider range of interaction than that generally possible with wild beasts and
creature type
Roll 1d12 +safety > 1d10 > 1d8 for category, subcategory, and prompt. Wing it
fearsome monsters. NPCs are defined in the same terms as creatures, but with additional
from there, or work out the specifics using the creature creation guidelines on the
details like alignment-based traits and motivation, which act as cues for more nuanced
following pages. If a given creature has the potential for nuanced social interaction,
and dynamic social interactions. If a given creature becomes an ally or starts to develop a
consider developing it into an NPC using the NPC creation procedure (Settlements
more complicated relationship to the PCs, consider turning it into an NPC by following
& Citizens, pages XX-XX).
the process outlined starting on page XX in Settlements & Citizens.

creature notation 1-4 . monster

Creature information is presented in a standardized format for ease of reference during 1 extraplanar 2 legendary 3-4 undead
play, as follows: 1 divine/demonic lord 1 huge oddity [xx] 1 lich/vampire/mummy
2 angel/demon 2 dragon/giant + beast 2 wight/wraith
[Creature name] ([alignment, size, quantity (no. appearing), other tags]): [description]. 3 cherub/imp 3 dragon/giant 3-4 wisp/ghost/specter
HP [hit points]; Armor [armor value (description)]; Damage [weapon] [damage roll] 4-8 elemental (element [xx]) 4-8 beast + huge 5-8 skeleton/zombie/ghoul
([tags]); Booty [description, booty die]; Wants [attainable goal]; Moves P [move
description] P [move description] P [move description]. 5-6 unusual 7-8 beastly 9-10 wild humanoid
1-3 slime/ooze/jelly 1 beast + aberrance [xx] 1 ogre/troll
EXAMPLE 4-6 plant/fungus/parasite 2 beast + element [xx] 2-3 orc/hobgoblin/gnoll
MILKSPIDER (neutral, tiny, mob (3d6+5), stealthy) A pale, fist-sized arachnid, full of 7 golem/homunculus 3 beast + oddity [xx] 4-6 goblin/kobold
ichor from which it gets its name. HP 1; Armor 0; Damage bite 1 (touch); Booty none; 8 fey/fairy 4-5 beast + ability [xx] 7 humanoid + oddity [xx]
6-8 beast + beast 8 humanoid + beast
Wants to lay in provisions; Moves > Wait and watch in silence > Entrap them in sticky
webs > Swarm all over them.
5-9 . beast
1-2 water-going 3-4 airborne 5-10 earthbound
1 whale/narwhal 1 pteranadon/condor 1 dinosaur/elephant
2 squid/octopus 2 eagle/owl/hawk/falcon 2 ox/rhino/bear/ape
3 dolphin/shark/alligator 3 heron/crane/ostrich 3 deer/horse/camel
4 turtle/clam/snail/crab 4 crow/raven/gull 4 panther/wolf/boar
5 fish/eel/snake 5 songbird/parrot 5 snake/lizard/armadillo
6 frog/toad 6 chicken/duck/goose 6 mouse/rat/weasel/cat
7 jelly/anemone 7 bee/wasp/hornet/locust 7 ant/centipede/scorpion
8 insect/barnacle 8 butterfly/moth/mosquito 8 slug/worm/tick/beetle

11+ . humanoid
1 rare 2-4 uncommon 5-10 common
1-8 elf (medium)
1-3 dwarf (small)
1-2 mixed group 5
4-8 halfling 2 (small) 3-8 human 1 (medium)

...or the most populous heritage in the setting/region.
...or the second most populous heritage in the setting/region.
...or the third most populous heritage in the setting/region.
...or the fourth most populous heritage in the setting/region.
...roll 1d6+1 for number of members, then roll humanoid for each member,
treating any “mixed group” result as human.

6 7
creature alignment adjusted hit points & damage
Roll 1d12 and consult the column for the prevailing alignment of the region or area Roll 1d20 or choose a description that suits the context, and adjust the creature’s
in which the creature is found, or choose an alignment you deem appropriate. base hit points and damage accordingly. When applying a damage modifier to a roll,
prevailing alignment damage may not be reduced below 1.

1d12 good lawful neutral chaotic evil 1d20 creature is... base hp mod base dmg mod
1 evil evil evil evil evil 1-2 fragile/weak ×.5 -2
2 chaotic evil chaotic evil evil 3-5 sheltered/civilized ×.75 -1
3 chaotic chaotic chaotic chaotic evil 6-12 tough/wild/uncivilized ×1 none
4 neutral neutral neutral chaotic evil
13-16 predator/warrior ×1.5 +1
5 neutral neutral neutral chaotic evil 17-19 leader/veteran/durable ×2 +2
6 lawful lawful neutral chaotic chaotic 20 legendary/ancient ×4 +3
7 lawful lawful neutral chaotic chaotic
8 good lawful neutral chaotic neutral
Roll 1d20 or choose sensibly to determine how
12 good good good good good much physical harm the creature can resist. If it
possesses a shield or similar additional ability to
deflect or evade attacks, give it +1 armor.
creature base stats 1d20 defense is... armor
Roll 1d20 > 1d12 for size and quantity if not already established. Roll number
1-8 skin/cloth 0
appearing (# app) during play to determine how many are present. base hp is base hit
9-13 hide/fur/leather/thin shell 1
points per individual. base dmg is the base damage die used by the creature if it doesn’t
14-16 chainmail/scales/thick shell 2
wield a weapon. range indicates how close the creature needs to be to strike a foe.
17-18 scale armor/carapace/bone 3
19 plate armor/thick carapace 4
1d20 size 1d12 qty # app base hp base dmg range 20 dragonscale/enchanted armor 5
1-2 tiny 1 solitary 1 4 1d3 touch
2-7 group* 1d6+1 2 1d2 touch
8-10 mob* 3d6+5 1 1 touch
11-12 throng* 6d6+24 1 1 touch
3-8 small 1-4 solitary 1 6 1d6 hand
5-9 group* 1d6+1 3 1d4 hand
10-11 mob* 3d6+5 2 1d3 hand
12 throng* 6d6+24 1 1d2 hand
9-15 medium 1-5 solitary 1 8 1d8 close
6-9 group* 1d6+1 6 1d6 close
10-11 mob* 3d6+5 4 1d6 close
12 throng* 6d6+24 2 1d4 close illo of throng of giant scorpions attacking a trio of armadillo-people
16-19 large 1-8 solitary 1 16 1d10 reach
9-11 group* 1d6+1 12 1d8 reach
12 mob* 3d6+5 8 1d6 reach
20 huge 1-11 solitary 1 32 1d12 reach
12 group* 1d6+1 24 1d10 reach

* A group, mob, or throng usually includes at least one leader.

8 9
attack additional tags
Roll 1d20 to determine the nature of its offense, or choose all that seem suitable. Roll 1d20, or choose all that apply based on what you know about the creature.

1d20 attack is... add tag... effect 1d20 tag effect

1-6 mundane none none 1-3 no additional tags
7-8 deterring reach can strike enemies before they get close 4 cautious -25% base HP
9-10 ranged near and/or far can strike enemies at range 5 devious -1 damage (minimum 1); +1 or more tricky moves
11-12 hard-hitting forceful knocks back or stuns enemies 6 hoarder roll booty twice for cache and lair
13-14 slicing/ripping messy makes a mess of its victim 7 intelligent +1 or more smart moves
15-16 vicious/brutal none +1 to damage roll 8 organized +1 or more tactical moves
17-18 penetrating none attack gains 1d3 pierce damage 9 resistant suffers 50% damage from specific damage type [xx]
19 inescapable magical or other attack ignores armor 10 stealthy +1 or more sneaky moves
20 roll 1d12+7 twice - - 11 toxic +1 or more moves/effects related to poison/venom
12 vulnerable suffers 150% damage from specific damage type [xx]
13-15 unusual roll uncommon tag, below
16-18 roll 1d12+3 twice
19-20 roll 1d12+3 thrice

1d20 uncommon tag effect

1 aberrant possesses an aberrance [xx]
2 amorphous may subdivide or be resistant/vulnerable
3 construct may be mindless, serves a specific function
4-5 diseased +1 move related to infection, plague, or blight
6 divine +25% base HP, +2 damage
7-9 flying +1 or more flying moves
10 immune unaffected by damage from specific damage type [xx]
11 insubstantial may be immune to physical harm
12-13 magical add 1 magic move (spell, power, etc.)
illo of monster(s) with unusual behavior 14 mindless immune to psychological effects
15 planar +1 or more moves related to home plane
16 terrifying foes may panic, freeze, or flee
17-20 undead immune to poison, disease, etc.

How does the creature behave? Write 3-5 moves which describe charactersitic
actions it may take beyond general logical behavior (attack, defend, flee, etc.).

Incorporate any move suggestions derived from additonal tags (above), taking into
consideration what makes this creature interesting and challenging.

If you need ideas, seek inspiration from the details tables of your choice (page XX).

10 11
These tables are arranged in alphabetical order. Use whichever you choose, whenever
Use whichever of these tables seem appropriate, whenever you need prompts for
prompts for ideas or descriptions are needed. ideas and descriptions.

aberrance ability activity damage type design element

1 multicephalous 1 bless/curse 1 laying trap/ambush 1-2 blunt/bludgeoning 1 blank/plain 1 void
2 profuse sensory organs 2 entrap/paralyze 2 fighting/at war 4 edged/slashing 2 floral/organic 2 death/darkness
3-4 anatomical oddity 3 levitate/fly/teleport 3 prowling/on patrol 5-6 pointed/piercing 3 circular/curvilinear 3-4 fire/metal/smoke
5 many limbs/digits 4 telepathy/mind control 4 hunting/foraging 6 constricting/crushing 4 geometric/triangular 5-6 earth/stone/vegetation
6 acephalous/decentralized 5 mimic/camouflage 5 eating/resting 7 poison/toxic 5 asymmetrical 7-8 water/ice/mist
7 tentacles/feelers 6 seduce/hypnotize 6 arguing/infighting 8 acid/dissolving 6 square/rectilinear 9-10 air/wind/storm
8 gibbering/babbling 7 dissolve/disintegrate 7 traveling/exploring 9 choking/asphyxiating 7 meandering/labyrinthine 11 life/light
9 exudes chaos/blight 8 based on aspect 8 trading/negotiating 10 elemental 8 oceanic/wavelike 12 stars/cosmos
10 shapechanging 9 based on element 9 fleeing/running away 11-12 roll 1d10 twice 9 astrological/cosmic
11-12 roll 1d10 twice 10 drain life/drain magic 10 building/excavating 10 balanced/harmonious
11 magic type 11 sleeping/unconscious 11 erratic/chaotic/random
12 roll 1d10+1 twice 12 nursing injury/dying 12 roll 1d10+1 twice

adjective age alignment faction magic type oddity

1 slick/slimy 1 unborn/nascent prevailing alignment 1 commoner/peasant 1 necromancy 1 bright/garish/harsh
2 rough/hard/sharp 2 being born/budding g l n c e 2 criminal/corrupt 2-3 evocation/destruction 2 geometric/concentric
3 smooth/soft/dull 3 newborn/blossoming 1 e e e e e 3 revolutionary/subversive 4 conjuration/summoning 3 web/network
4 corroded/rusty 4-6 young/green 2 c e c e e 4 military/merc/security 5 illusion/glamour 4 crystalline/glassy
5 rotten/decaying 7-9 mature/ripe 3 c l c c e 5 religious/theological 6 enchantment/artifice 5 fungal/slimy/moldy
6 broken/brittle 10 old/going soft 4 n l n c e 6 craft/guild 7 transformation 6 gaseous/misty/illusory
7 stinking/smelly 11 dead/withered/ancient 5 n l n c e 7 trade/mercantile 8 warding/binding 7 volcanic/explosive
8 weak/thin/drained 12 dust/pre-historic 6-7 l l n c c 8 labor/industrial 9-10 elemental 8 magnetic/repellant
9 strong/fat/full 8 g n n n n 9 nationalist/loyalist 11 restoration/healing 9 multilevel/tiered
10 pale/poor/shallow 9 g n n n n 10 outsider/foreign 12 divination/scrying 10 absurd/impossible
11 dark/rich/deep 10 g c l l l 11 academic/arcane 11-12 roll 1d10 twice
12 colorful 11 g g l g l 12 roll 1d10+1 twice
12 g g g g g
orientation terrain visibility
aspect color condition 1-2 down/earthward 1 sea/ocean 1-2 buried/hidden/invisible
1 war/discord 1 white/bright/pale 1 being built/born 3 north 2 wasteland/desert 3-6 obscured/overgrown
2 hate/envy 2 red/pink/maroon 2-4 intact/healthy 4 northeast 4-6 lowland/plains 7-9 obvious/in plain sight
3 power/strength 3 orange/peach 5-7 active/alert 5 east 6 wetland/swamp 10-11 visible at near distance
4 trickery/dexterity 4 yellow/mustard/ochre 8-9 weathered/tired/weak 6 southeast 7-8 woodland/jungle 12 visible at far distance
5 time/constitution 5 green/chartreuse/sage 10 vacant/lost 7 south 9-10 highland/hills
6 lore/intelligence 6 blue/aquamarine/indigo 11 damaged/hurt/dying 8 southwest 11 mountains
7 nature/wisdom 7 violet/purple 12 broken/missing/dead 9 west 12 roll 1d10+1, +oddity
8 culture/charisma 8 gray/slate 10 northwest
9 luck/fortune 9 brown/beige/tan 11-12 up/skyward
10 love/admiration 10 black/dark
11 peace/balance 11 metallic/prismatic
12 glory/divinity 12 transparent/clear

12 13
inherent booty example
seize booty Most wild creatures don’t own things or
The first time the party defeats a sheep-
carry treasure around with them. If they
When someone searches a creature, stash, or lair for anything of value, they find whatever lion, I roll its booty die—1d6, because
possess anything of value, it must usually be
has already been established and whatever would sensibly be present. Then, they get to it is a medium-sized creature—and
gleaned from their remains in the form of
make booty rolls to see what else they find. get a 2, which means I need to make 2
food, furs, organs, and the like.
separate booty rolls. I roll a 5 (“nutri-
ment worth HP/4 rations”) and a 4
A creature’s booty die (bd) is determined by its size (if the creature doesn’t use or value The first time you make booty rolls for a
(“body part”).
material goods) or its wealth (if it does use or value material goods). A monster which creature using the inherent column of the
collects victims has its own booty die based on its size, while each of its victims may be booty table, the result applies for all future
The sheep-lion has 9 HP, so I know that
assigned a booty die based on their wealth when they were alive. creatures of that type. However, the specific
up to 5 rations can be harvested from
value of any body part rolled should be
its carcass. For the body part I roll a 15
1d20 creature size bd 1d20 creature wealth bd rolled afresh each time to reflect its relative
for part (“teeth/claws/horns”) and 5
1-2 tiny d4 1-3 penniless none quality (see example).
for property (“ingredient/component/
3-8 small d6 4-8 poor d4 comestible”). I decide that the claws of
9-15 medium d8 9-14 mediocre d6 Harvesting a dead creature’s useful parts may
the sheep-lion are valued by the locals
16-19 large d10 15-17 comfortable d8 be routine in some situations, but at times
for making hand weapons. Then I roll
20 huge d12 18-19 wealthy d10 the Judge may rule that it requires special
1bd for uses (4) and 1bd for value per
20 fabulous d12 skill and call for a saving throw of one kind
use (3). 4×3 = 12sp total value.
or another to do so. A poor result on such
To determine a given creature’s booty, a saving throw might result in partial or
Whenever a sheep-lion is encountered
quick booty follow these steps: total loss of the booty, along with other
in the future, I’ll know it yields up to

Booty generation can be fun, but it consequences.

5 rations of meat, but in each case I
takes time. In a pinch, you can make 1 Roll 1bd (2bd if rolling for a stash or might ask the players to roll number of
a single roll to determine the overall lair of a hoarder) to determine the uses and and value per use for the claws
value and weight of a given pile of number of booty rolls to make. to determine their worth.
loot, the constituent components of 2 For each booty roll, roll 1bd on the
which you can describe as needed. booty table (page XX), consulting the
column that describes where the booty
As specific items are produced from is found. Record results as you go.
the pile, subtract their value from the 3 Roll on further tables as indicated by
pile’s total worth. smallcaps entries.
4 Interpret the results according to
Cross-reference the booty die size the context, using the booty details
with the booty’s physical context, roll, tables (page XX) if inspiration is needed.
and calculate the total value in silver. Also consider these suggestions:

inherent ^ If the creature is far from home,

bd or carried stash in lair add 1bd of rations.
d4 1d4-1 2d4 4d4 ^ If the creature is a construct, use its
d6 2d6-1 8d6 (8d6)×4 master’s tags to generate booty.
d8 (3d8)×2 (3d8)×5 (3d8)×20 ^ If the creature is magical, include
d10 (4d10)×5 (4d10)×10 (4d10)×80 one or more strange or magical items.
d12 (5d12)×10 (5d12)×20 (5d12)×200 ^ If the creature is divine, include
some sign of worship, blessing,
To calculate weight (wt) for a booty curse, and/or idolatry.
deposit worth more than 100 sp, ^ If the creature is planar, include
divide its total value by 500 and something from its home plane.
round up.

14 15

If a creature does not value material goods (i.e., a wild beast), its booty die is
determined by its size. Otherwise, roll 1d20 or choose to determine its wealth tag
and associated booty die.

creature size bd 1d20 creature wealth bd

tiny none 1-3 penniless none
small 1d4 4-8 poor 1d4
medium 1d6 9-14 mediocre 1d6
large 1d8 15-17 comfortable 1d8
huge 1d10 18-19 wealthy 1d10
20 fabulous 1d12

To determine the number of booty rolls to make, first roll 1bd (2bd if the booty is
found in the stash or lair of a hoarder). Then, roll that number bd and consult the
table below for each individual die result, referring to the column that describes
the booty’s context. inherent booty is derived from a creature’s body (meat, hide,
glands, etc.); stashed booty includes treasure chests and the like. Roll on indicated XXX
subtables as needed. HP calculation uses the creature’s hit points; always round up.
Alter, ignore, or re-roll results as you see fit. Roll additional details [xx] of your body part
choosing as desired. When describing booty, always consider its context. Roll 1d20 > 1d12 for part and property (or choose as you see fit), then roll bd for
uses & value as indicated. HP calculation uses the creature’s hit points; always round
bd inherent carried stashed in lair up. Some parts may be difficult to harvest, and/or may require processing being
1 nothing of note nothing of note currency worth currency worth
being utilized for their properties. When in need of further inspiration, roll details.
1d10 sp 2d10 sp
1d20 part 1d12 property uses & value
2 nothing of note currency worth personal item [xx] personal item [xx]
1d10 sp ×1d4 ×1d6 1-4 hide/fur/shell 1-2 ingredient/component/comestible HP/5 uses, 1bd/use
3-6 decorative/functional (HP/5)×1bd
3 nutriment worth personal item [xx] trinket [xx] ×1d4 trinket [xx] ×1d6 7-12 protection/defense (HP/5)×1bd
(HP/2) rations
5-8 blood/ichor/juice 1-4 ingredient/component/comestible HP/5 uses, 1bd/use
4 body part [xx] trinket [xx] currency worth currency worth 5-8 poison/toxin HP/5 uses, 3bd/use
2d10 sp 4d10 sp 9-12 curative/restorative/antidote HP/5 uses, 5bd/use
5 nutriment worth currency worth gem [xx] ×1d4 gem [xx] ×1d6 9-12 organ/gland/sac/node 1-3 ingredient/component/comestible 1bd uses, 1bd/use
(HP/2) rations 2d10 sp 4-5 perfume/aphrodisiac 1bd uses, 2bd/use
6 body part [xx] gem [xx] jewelry [xx] jewelry [xx] ×1d4 6-7 augmentation/enhancement 1bd uses, 2bd/use
8-10 poison/venom/toxin 1bd uses, 2bd/use
7 nutriment worth currency worth currency worth currency worth 11-12 curative/restorative/antidote 1bd uses, 3bd/use
(HP/2) rations 4d10 sp 6d10 sp 10d10 sp
13-14 sinew/muscle/bone 1-10 ingredient/component/comestible HP/5 uses, 1bd/use
8 body part [xx] jewelry [xx] rarity [xx] rarity [xx] 11-12 charm/ward/talisman HP/5 uses, 1bd/use
9 nutriment worth currency worth currency worth currency worth 15-16 teeth/claws/horns 1-6 ingredient/component/comestible 1bd uses, 1bd/use
(HP/2) rations 8d10 sp 10d10 sp (10d10×5) sp 7-10 decorative/functional 1bd uses, 1bd/use
10 body part [xx] rarity [xx] rarity [xx] rarity [xx] ×1d4 11-12 charm/ward/talisman 1bd uses, 1bd/use
17-18 eyes/sensory organ 1-6 ingredient/component/comestible 1bd uses, 1bd/use
11 - currency worth currency worth currency worth
7-9 augmentation/enhancement 1bd uses, 2bd/use
10d10 sp (10d10×5) sp (10d10×10) sp
10-12 curative/restorative/antidote 1bd uses, 3bd/use
12 - magic item [xx] magic item [xx] magic item [xx] 19-20 brain 1-6 ingredient/component/comestible 1bd uses, 2bd/use
7-9 augmentation/enhancement 1bd uses, 3bd/use
10-12 curative/restorative/antidote 1bd uses, 3bd/use

personal item gem
Roll 1d20 > 1d12 for category and specific type of item. Anything rolled here is Roll 1bd for type, then roll base value as indicated. Use the rolled value to describe
always in addition to whatever the creature is obviously or sensibly carrying. Use the size and quality of the gem. All gems are wt 0, unless you decide a particular
marketplace values as a basis to set value of individual items. specimen is oversized.

1-4 clothing 5-15 gear 16-20 miscellaneous 1bd type base value
1 notable shoes/boots 1 bedroll/bedding 1 instrument 1 flawed; roll 1bd+2 for type, multiply base value ×.25 -
2 notable trousers/skirt 2 pouch/bag/quiver/vial 2 soap/musk/perfume 2 uncut; roll 1bd+2 for type, multiply base value ×.5 -
3 notable dress/robe 3 rope/cord/chain 3-4 fuel/ammo (1bd uses) 3 quartz/lapis lazuli/malachite/obsidian/turquoise 1d10 sp
4 notable tunic/blouse 4 tools/prybar/shovel 5 trap/snare/net 4-5 bloodstone/carnelian/citrine/jasper/moonstone/onyx/peridot (2d10×2) sp
5 notable belt/girdle 5 spirits/wine (1d6 uses) 6 lockpicks/key 6-7 amber/amethyst/garnet//jade/pearl/tourmaline (2d10×5) sp
6 notable gloves/gauntlets 6-7 rations (1d6 uses) 7-8 note/map/deed 8-9 alexandrite/aquamarine/garnet/topaz (5d10×5) sp
7 notable cape/cloak 8 torches/candles/lamp 9 poison/antitoxin 10-11 emerald/opal/sapphire/ruby (5d10×15) sp
8 notable scarf/wrap 9 healing supplies 10 book/scroll/journal 12+ diamond/exotic (10d10×10) sp
9-11 roll 1d8, add fine 10 healing potion 11 specialty [xx] kit/tools
12 roll 1d8, add exquisite 11-12 weapon [xx] 12 trade good [xx]

a scattered assortment of items, trinkets, gems, and jewelry

Roll 1d20 > 1bd for form and material, then roll base value as indicated. jewelry
Roll 1d20 > 1bd to determine form, associated multiplier (m), material, and base
1d20 form 1d20 form value. Then, roll indicated dice to calculate final value.
1-2 oddment/fragment/piece/shard 12 box/case/canister
3-4 tooth/claw/scale/horn 13-14 locket/brooch/pin 1d20 form m 1d20 form m
5-6 ring/loop/hoop 15 cameo/likeness 1-2 earrings/studs .5 15 belt/girdle/harness 1
7-8 charm/keepsake/token/ornament 16 sphere/orb/egg/disc 3-4 locket/charm/brooch/pin .5 16 idol/icon/symbol/insignia 1
9 key/utensil/tool 17 pipe/whistle/drum/bell 5-8 ring .5 17 scepter/orb/staff/rod 2
10 figurine/doll/miniature 18-19 idol/icon/symbol/insignia 9-10 bracelet/anklet/armband 1 18 jeweled/gilded weapon [xx] 3
11 toy/game/puzzle 20 necklace/amulet/bracelet 11-13 necklace/amulet/periapt 1 19 jeweled/gilded armor [xx] 3
14 box/case/canister 1 20 circlet/tiara/crown/diadem 4
1bd material base value (in sp)
1 wood/stone/cloth/shell/bone/horn/feather 1 1bd material base value (in sp)
2 ceramic/leather/crystal 1d4 1-2 copper 1d8×m
3 brass/bronze/iron/tin 1d6 3 silver (2d10×2)×m
4 copper 1d8 4 gold (4d10×5)×m
5 quartz/lapis lazuli/malachite/obsidian 1d10 5 silver, +1bd gems (2d10×2)×m, +gem value (roll 1bd+2 on gem table)
6 silver/glass/citrine/jasper 1d12 6 gold, +1bd gems (4d10×5)×m, +gem value (roll 1bd+2 on gem table)
7-9 fine roll 1d6 for material, double base value 7-9 fine roll 1d6 for material, double base value
10-12 exquisite roll 1d6 for material, quadruple base value 10-12 exquisite roll 1d6 for material, quadruple base value

18 19
forge a magic item
rarity Rare objects of wondrous capacity, wrought by obscure means, magic items grant
Roll 1bd for category, then roll further as indicated. otherworldy abilities those who wield or wear them, regardless of wizardly training.

1-3 . trade good If you abide strictly by the booty generation tables, only individuals of comfortable wealth
Roll 1bd for type, then roll total wt as indicated. Calculate value based on weight. or greater might possess a magic item, and even then the chances are relatively low.
Trade goods are often found in containers intended for transport (sacks, crates, etc.).
When you need a magic item for any reason, follow this procedure. Take notes as you go.
1bd type total wt value (in sp) notes
1 grain/raw textile (1bd)×2 1 per 1 wt -
1 Choose or roll magic item type (page X) and note the associated base value.
2 lumber/stone/ore (1bd)×2 2 per 1 wt - 2 Choose or roll the item’s power (page X) and calculate its value accordingly.
3 preserved food (rations) 1bd 4 per 1 wt 7 uses per 1 wt 3 Roll to a magic item name template (page X).
4 ore (copper/iron, etc.) 1bd 2d4 sp per 1 wt - 4 Roll each component of the name template using the provided tables (pages XX-XX).
5 furs/hides/fabric 1bd (1d4×5) per 1 wt - 5 You now have a name for your item. Does it suit the context and your personal taste?
6 pottery/glassware 1bd (1d6×5) per 1 wt fragile If you don’t like it for any reason, re-roll or alter the name until you have something
7 beer/wine/spirits 1bd (1d4×5) per 1 wt 2 uses per 1 wt you can work with.
8 herbs/spices/tea/tobacco (1bd)×.25 (2d10×5) per 1 wt - 6 Optional: roll on the booty details tables (page X) of your choice to throw a few
9 monster parts 1bd pieces roll body part [xx] use value of body part
10 contraband (1bd)×.25 (4d10×5) per 1 wt -
more ideas into the pot.
11 weapons/armor [xx] 1bd pieces market value - 7 Optional: think about who made the item, and why. If you’re inclined, roll up this
12 silver/gold/jewels 1bd (1bd×100) per 1 wt - crafty individual using the NPC tables (Settlements & Citizens, page X).
8 Consider the item’s name, power, context, and any other details you’ve written down.
Picture the thing. What does it do? How does it work?
4-7 . art object 9 Using the item’s power as a guide, codify its abilities by translating them into one or
Roll 1d20 for form and multiplier (m), then roll wt as indicated. value based on more moves (see example).
weight. Integrate the subject or style of the artwork with your setting, and describe 10 Edit what you have until you’re satisified.
its material composition according to your whim.
make it special
1d20 form m wt 1bd quality value (in sp) In a Freebooters campaign, there’s no such thing as a “+1 sword”—nearly every object
1-2 pipe/cup/utensil .25 0 1-6 common (5bd×5)×m imbued with arcane power is the one-of-a-kind creation of some mad genius, enchanter,
3-4 book/scroll/map 1 0 7-9 fine (5bd×10)×m or otherworldy artisan. With the possible exception of “healing potions” and other (frankly,
5-6 vase/urn/bowl/pot .5 1d2-1 10-12 exquisite (5bd×20)×m
suspect) over-the-counter admixtures, each magic item has a unique history and character.
7-8 cup/goblet/chalice .5 1d2-1
9 mirror/hourglass/device 1.5 1d2-1
Few Judges have the time to develop such a background in detail, but a given item’s
10-11 box/case/coffer/chest 1 1d4 appearance and unusual qualities offer a starting point from which to muse upon its history.
12-13 painting/mosaic 1 1d2
14 candelabra/brazier 1 1d2 make it mysterious
15-17 statue/idol/bust 2 1d8 Only those versed in arcane lore or possessing a particular sensitivity to the uncanny
18 desk/table/dais/stand 2 unwieldy energies that flow between the planes will be able to discern the properties of a magic
19 dresser/armoire/ 2 unwieldy item, and even then it may take some study. Everyone else can either choose to avoid
20 chair/settee/throne 2 unwieldy
tampering with the thing at all, or figure out its capabilities by trial and error. You are
likely to find the latter, less resistable route a consistent source of entertainment.
8-12 . magic item
Work out the details by following the guidelines in the next section. give it a drawback
With great power comes great potential for repercussions only spelled out in the small
print (if at all). If an item’s name or context suggests it might have a downside, fold that
into your concept. Certain words (e.g., “Curse” or “Mistake”) in a magic item’s name
might point with heavy hand toward a negative quality, but consider sensible drawbacks
to even the most virtuous of appellations. The Sword of the Sun, when held aloft before
the dark hordes, might well inflict lasting blindness on friend and foe alike.

20 21
magic item type,
value & power
Roll 1d20 for magic item type,
type determine its base base value as indicated, and roll
the owner’s booty die (bd) to determine the item’s relative power and multiplier (m).
Although most magic items might be considered invaluable, you can determine a
given item’s final market value by multiplying its base value by its multiplier.

1d20 magic item type base value (in sp) notes

1-3 miscellaneous [xx] (1bd)×10 -
4-5 scroll [xx] 10 per use 1 use
6-8 potion [xx] 10 per use 1d4 uses
9-10 garb [xx] 2bd -
11-12 jewelry [xx] (2bd)×5 -
13-14 wand/staff/rod [xx] 15 2bd uses
15-17 weapon [xx] market value ×2 -
19-20 armor/shield [xx] market value ×2 -

1bd power m example abilities

1-4 minor ×5 glow brightly, detect alignment, boost morale, heal minor wounds
5-7 moderate ×10 burn with holy fire, discern intent, heal major wounds
8-9 major ×25 cut metal with ease, control mind, animate dead
10-11 spectacular ×100 destroy fortification, possess army, resurrect
12 legendary ×500 slay a god, ascend celestial throne, live forever
illustration of characters finding/testing magic items

The PCs are planning to explore the flooded cave lair of a giant called the River King. In the
porcess of rolling up his treasure, I get 1 magic item. I roll a 9 for type and get wand/staff/
rod, then a 3 to determine that it has only minor powers. I take the base value of 15 sp and
multiply it by 2: it might fetch 30 sp if they can find a buyer. But what does it do?

On the magic item name table I roll a 7, getting “(The) [Adjective] [Item] of the
[Noun]” as a template. Then it’s a roll of 42 for the adjective “Frozen,” 73 for the noun
“Soul,” and 100 on the wand/staff/rod table for the item “Wand.” Plugging those into
the template gives me “The Frozen Wand of the Soul,” but I like the sound of “Wand of the
Frozen Soul” better, so I write that down.

I have an idea for a minor effect already, but I decide to roll on a couple of the booty
details tables for further inspiration. I roll “dissolve/erode/decay” on the ability table,
and “illusion/glamor” on the magic type table. Okay, it’s a minor effect, illusion works
with that... and dissolving resonates with “Frozen” because it makes me think of melting.
Hmm. After a little more thought, I write up this move for the Wand of the Frozen Soul:

When you touch an inanimate object with the Wand, the object appears to freeze and
melt into a puddle, an illusion which persists until the illusion is tested or until the
next sunrise, whichever comes first. For each person you deceive in this way, your
soul grows a bit colder; for each 9th person you deceive, you gain a vice reflecting
the current state of your soul (replacing an existing trait if necessary).

22 23
magic item name 1d100 noun adjective 1d100 noun adjective
Roll 1d12 to determine a template for the item’s name, then roll on the tables here 68 Sight Rejuvenating
35 Heart Entangling
and following for each component. “Item
Item” refers to the specific subtype to be rolled 36 Heroism Enveloping 69 Silence Restorative
on the relevant magic item type table. 37 Humility Excruciating 70 Sloth Scintillating
38 Ice Extra-Planar 71 Song Screaming
1d12 magic item name template 1d12 magic item name template 39 Ineptitude Fearsome 72 Sorcery Shimmering
40 Insight Flaming 73 Soul Shining
1-2 (The) [Noun] [Item] 9 [Name]’s [Item]
41 Intellect Floating 74 Speed Shivering
3-4 (The) [Adjective] [Item] 10 [Name]’s [Item] of (the) [Noun]
42 Invocation Frozen 75 Spring Sleeping
5-6 (The) [Item] of (the) [Noun] 11 [Name]’s [Adjective] [Item] 43 Invulnerability Glittering 76 Stars Slow
7-8 (The) [Adjective] [Item] of (the) [Noun] 12 [Wizard name]’s [Noun] [Form] 44 Judgement Healing 77 Stone Splintered
45 Levitation Hindering 78 Storm Strange
When you need a name, roll up a wizard name on the spell name table (Basic Rules, 46 Life Icy 79 Strength Stupefying
pXX) or use a name list for your setting. 47 Light Illusory 80 Stride Terrible
48 Love Ingenious 81 Submission Thirsty
49 Luck Instant 82 Summer Thundering
1d100 noun adjective 1d100 noun adjective 50 Magic Invigorating 83 Summoning Transforming
01 Air Accursed 18 Earth Consuming 51 Mercy Invisible 84 Sun Uncontrollable
02 Alacrity All-Seeing 19 Envy Crimson 52 Might Invulnerable 85 Swimming Unseen
03 Autumn Arcane 20 Fire Dark 53 Mistake Iron 86 Thunder Unstoppable
04 Beast Befuddling 21 Flight Dazzling 54 Moon Irresistible 87 Trickery Untiring
05 Blood Binding 22 Foe Deafening 55 Mountain Liberating 88 Venom Vengeful
06 Bone Bitter 23 Force Delicate 56 Necromancy Lordly 89 Voice Vexing
07 Celestial Black 24 Fortitude Demonic 57 Night Maddening 90 Void Violent
08 Charm Blazing 25 Fortune Devastating 58 Patience Magnificent 91 Vulnerability Violet
09 Agility Blessed 26 Fury Devilish 59 Poison Many-Colored 92 Warding Viridian
10 Control Blinding 27 Glory Dim 60 Power Mighty 93 Water Weakening
11 Cosmos Bright 28 Gluttony Draining 61 Pride Most Excellent 94 Weakness White
12 Darkness Broken 29 Grace Dwarven 62 Puissance Oozing 95 Wind Wondrous
13 Death Burning 30 Greed Eldritch 63 Resistance Piercing 96 Winter Yellow
14 Defense Capacious 31 Hand Elvish 64 River Poisonous 97 Wisdom Weakening
15 Deflection Cerulean 32 Hate Empowering 65 Sacrifice Prismatic 98 Word White
16 Destruction Concealing 33 Healing Enlightening 66 Sea Radiant 99 Wrath Wondrous
17 Dominance Confusing 34 Health Ensorcelling 67 Shadow Red 100 Zeal Yellow

illo of lizard-person enchanter forging magic spear

24 25
scroll potion wand/staff/rod weapon
“Scroll” is a catchall term for any An alchemical, apothecarial, or Imbued with arcane energy or When tools of death are forged, what
vessel inscribed with arcane runes arcane concoction which creates a providing a conduit for same, often thamaturge of ill intent can resist the
or glyphs which, when incanted, specific effect in the imbiber. found clutched in the hand of a witch urge to make them cut more deeply?
discharge a specific magical spell. or wizard.
Upon being spoken, the incantation 1d100 item 1d100 item
vanishes and the vessel either 01-02 Balm 1d100 item 01 Ally
disintegrates or returns to its 03-04 Brew 01-05 Baton 02 Arrow(s)
mundane state. 05-09 Dust 06-10 Cane 03-07 Axe
10-24 Elixir 11-15 Crook 08 Bane
25-26 Glue 16-30 Rod 09 Battle Axe
To determine the specific spell 27-36 Oil 10-14 Blade
31-40 Scepter
inscribed on a given scroll, choose 37-38 Ointment 41-70 Staff 15 Bludgeon
one as befits the context, or roll one 39-40 Philter 71-75 Stick 16 Bolt(s)
up using the spell name table (Basic 41-42 Potation 76-100 Wand 17-21 Bow
Rules, page XX). 43-73 Potion 22 Brand
74-78 Powder 23 Club
79-88 Salve 24 Companion
89-90 Sap 25 Crossbow
91-92 Solution 26 Cudgel
93-94 Tincture 27 Curse
95-96 Tonic 28-32 Dagger
97-100 Unguent illo of heaps of treasure, including items from each category 33 Dart(s)
34 Edge
35 Flail
36 Friend
37 Glaive
38 Great Axe
39 Great Hammer
garb jewelry armor/shield 40 Great Sword
41 Halberd
An ensorcelled article of clothing, An enchanted personal accessory, Few smiths of honest iron deign
42-46 Hammer
imparting powers upon its wearer. certainly more than ornamental. to collaborate with practitioners of 47 Hatchet
the eldritch arts, but the results are 48 Javelin
1d100 garb 1d100 garb 1d100 jewelry 1d100 jewelry sometimes legendary. 49-53 Knife
54 Lance
01 Apron 66 Jerkin 01-10 Amulet 42 Gorget
1d100 item 1d100 item 55 Longaxe
02 Band 67 Mantle 11 Anklet 43 Headband
56 Longbow
03-12 Belt 68 Mask 12 Armband 44 Icon 01 Aegis 53-62 Leather 57 Longsword
13 Blouse 69 Raiment 13 Armlet 45 Idol 02 Bastion 63-69 Mail 58-62 Mace
14-23 Boots 70-79 Robe(s) 14-18 Band 46 Locket 03-12 Bracers 70 Plate 63 Maul
24-28 Cap 80 Sandals 19 Bangle 47 Loop 13 Breastplate 71-75 Scale 64 Morning Star
29-33 Cape 81 Sash 20 Bauble 48 Medallion 14-18 Buckler 76 Shell 65 Nail
34-45 Cloak 82 Scarf 21-25 Bracelet 50-59 Necklace 19-23 Chainmail 77-94 Shield 66 Pick
46 Coat 83 Shawl 26 Brooch 60 Nosering 24 Defense 95 Skin 67 Pike
47 Cowl 84-88 Shoes 27 Buckle 61 Ornament 25-34 Gauntlets 96 Steel 68 Quarterstaff
48 Dress 89 Skirt 28 Charm 62 Pendant 35 Greaves 97 Vambraces 69 Saber
49 Garb 90-93 Slippers 29 Choker 63 Pin 36 Guard 98 Visor 70 Scourge
50 Garment 94 Surcoat 30 Circlet 64 Prize 37-46 Helm 99 Wall 71 Shortbow
51 Girdle 95 Trews 31 Collar 65 Regalia 47-51 Helmet 100 Ward 72-76 Shortsword
52-61 Glove(s) 96 Trousers 32-36 Crown 66-95 Ring 52 Iron 77 Sling
62 Gown 97 Tunic 37 Diadem 96 Signet
78 Sparth
63 Hat 98 Veil 38 Earrings 97 Talisman
79-83 Spear
64 Hood 99 Vestment 39 Figurine 98 Tiara
84 Spike
65 Jacket 100 Wrap 40 Fillet 99 Treasure
85-99 Sword
41 Garland 100 Trinket
shield in foreground, 100 Warhammer
but part of heap
26 27
miscellaneous booty details
What wonders may be wrought by a wizard’s mad vision and crafty minions? Choose or roll on these tables for inspiration.

1d100 item 1d100 item ability adjective armor

01 Bag 51 Key 1 bless/curse 1 slick/slimy 1-2 buckler/shield
02 Banner 52 Lamp 2 entrap/paralyze/petrify 2 rough/hard/sharp 3 furs/hide
03 Barrel 53 Lantern 3 levitate/fly/teleport 3 smooth/soft/dull 4-6 leather
04 Bed 54 Light 4 telepathy/mind control 4 corroded/rusty 7 scale armor
05 Blanket 55 Lock 5 mimic/camouflage 5 rotten/decaying 8 chainmail
06 Boat 56 Looking Glass 6 seduce/hypnotize 6 broken/brittle 9 splint armor
07 Book 57 Lute 7 dissolve/erode/decay 7 stinking/smelly 10 plate armor/exotic
08 Bottle 58 Lyre 8 based on aspect 8 weak/thin/drained 11 roll 1d8+2, add shield
09 Bowl 59 Manacles
9 based on element 9 strong/fat/full 12 roll 1d10, add fine
10 Box 60 Map
10 drain/heal 10 pale/poor/shallow
11 Bucket 61 Mark
Cabinet Mirror 11 magic type 11 dark/rich/deep
12 62
Candle Net 12 roll 1d10+1 twice 12 colorful
13 63
14 Carpet 64 Orb
aspect element item detail
17 Chain 67 Pipes 1 war/discord 1 void 1 dull/worn/broken
18 Chair 68 Pitchfork 2 hate/envy 2 death/darkness 2 rough/hard/sharp
19 Charm 69 Pot 3 power/strength 3-4 fire/metal/smoke 3 utilitarian
20 Chest 70 Pouch 4 trickery/dexterity 5-6 earth/stone/vegetation 4 delicate/fragile
21 Claw 71 Purse 5 time/constitution 7-8 water/ice/mist 5-6 design motif (aspect)
22 Coffer 72 Quill 6 lore/intelligence 9-10 air/wind/storm 7-8 design motif (element)
23 Cup 73 Quilt 7 nature/wisdom 11 life/light 9 etched/engraved
24 Cushion 74 Rope 8 culture/charisma 12 stars/cosmos 10 bright/colorful
25 Decanter 75 Rug 9 luck/fortune 11 maker’s mark
26 Drum 76 Rune
10 love/admiration 12 mysterious inscription
27 Ewer 77 Sack
Fang Scabbard 11 peace/balance
28 78
Finger Shard 12 glory/divinity
29 79
30 Flag 90 Sheath
magic type specialty weapon
33 Flute 83 Skull 1 necromancy 1 cookery/brewing 1-2 knife/dagger/shortsword
34 Fork 84 Sphere 2-3 evocation/destruction 2-3 poison/alchemy 3-4 club/cudgel/mace
35 Gem 85 Splinter 4 conjuration/summoning 4 stealth/espionage 5 staff
36 Glass 86 Spoon 5 illusion/glamour 5 cartography/navigation 6 spear/flail/polearm
37 Glyph 87 Steed 6 enchantment/artifice 6 travel/transportation 7 axe/warhammer
38 Goblet 88 Stone 7 transformation 7 architecture 8-9 sword
39 Golem 89 Sundial 8 warding/binding 8 smithing/forging 10-11 sling/bow/crossbow
40 Gong 90 Symbol 9-10 based on element 9 engineering 12 great weapon/exotic
41 Hand 91 Throne 11 restoration/healing 10 healing/apothecary
42 Harp 92 Tome
12 divination/scrying 11 divination
43 Head 93 Tool
12 invention/wizardry
44 Heart 94 Tooth
45 Hook 95 Totem
46 Horn 96 Urn
47 Hourglass 97 Vase
48 Jewel 98 Well
49 Jug 99 Wine
50 Kettle 100 Yoke

28 29
example of booty generation example (continued)
I know the PCs are plotting to burgle the home of a merchant in town in order to finance Finally, I need to generate the details of the three 10s I rolled—rarities.
their next expedition, so I decide to prep the contents of the merchant’s home between
sessions. I’ve already rolled up the merchant as an NPC: Since Faranak is a spice merchant, I decide right off the bat that one of these is the “herbs/
spices/tea/tobacco” entry from the trade goods table, and rolling further for that entry
Faranak Golzar, spice merchant (chaotic (disruption), orderly, self-pitying, cruel; I get 2 weight units, each of which is worth 75 sp. These spices are packed into a bunch of
medium, solitary, intelligent, hoarder). HP 6; Armor 0; Damage 1d8 scimitar (close); vials, let’s say 15 per unit of weight, which means a given vial might go for 5 sp.
Booty 1d10 (wealthy); Wants to put competitors out of business; Moves P Make an
offer they can’t refuse P Blow spice in their face P Summon bodyguards. I’ll roll to see what the remaining two rarities are. I get a 7 and a 5—both art objects.
The first is a fine “mirror/hourglass/device” worth 390 sp, and the second is a common
I start by rolling 1d10 to determine the number of booty rolls to make, roll a 10, and then “chair/settee/throne” worth 110 sp. The latter is obviously a nicely-upholstered seating
double that to 20 because Faranak is a hoarder. This spice merchant is loaded! I roll 1d10 arrangement in Faranaks’ sitting room, but what about the first? I like the sound of
twenty times on the booty table, using the in lair column, and get 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 1, 3, 7, 1, “device,” and given that the merchant appears to sort, measure, and pack spices in her lair,
2, 4, 10, 5, 2, 7, 4, 5, 10, 7, and 2. I decide that it’s a delicate and finely-calibrated scale, which uses tiny weights of solid gold.
I give it the fragile tag, since its mechanism might be easily broken by less-than-careful
The 1s, 4s, 7s, and 9 are all currency, and following the amounts listed I roll a total value handling.
of 205 silver pieces, which I assume is in a locked, hidden strongbox.
To sum up, Faranak’s abode holds these riches:
Each 2 result is 1d6 personal items, so I roll 3d6 and get a total sof 13 personal items.
Further rolls give me two “rope/cord/chain” results, which I interpret as some coils of rope • currency worth 205 sp
in a storeroom; an exquisite “tunic/shirt/blouse,” which interpret as a deep purple surcoat • rope, lamp, lamp oil, rations, spice vials, dutar, wine, and quilt worth 56 sp (market prices)
that Faranak wears for special occasions; 3 uses of “fuel/ammo,” which takes the form of • an exquisite tunic and scarf, together worth 50 sp (market price of exquisite clothes)
lamp oil in a clay jug; two “rations” results, which becomes 12 uses of rations’ worth of tasty • 6 trinkets, together worth 48 sp
preserved foodstuffs; “torches/candles/lamp,” which I make a brass oil lamp; two “pouch/ • 14 lesser gemstones worth a total of 131 sp
bag/quiver/vial” results, which I interpret as a shelf of vials used for packing spices; an • 3 large aquamarines worth 570 sp total
exquisite “scarf/wrap,” a nice shade of red to go with the fancy tunic; an “instrument,” • 3 rubies worth 1,530 sp total
which I decide is a dutar, since I’ve based the local culture on Persia; 1 use of “spirits/ • 2 weight units of spices, altogether worth 150 sp
wine (1d6 uses),” which I imagine is the kind of wine Faranak imbibes when she’s feeling • a settee worth 110 sp
particularly sorry for herself; and “bedroll/bedding,” which I decide is a colorful padded • a fine, fragile spice scale worth 390 sp
quilt she takes with her on longer trade missions. All of this is in addition to the everyday
things you would expect to find in a wealthy merchant’s home, such as furniture. For a total potential booty value of 3,510 sp.

The 3 result equates to 1d6 trinkets, and I roll 6 of these: 3 copper “puzzle/oddments,” Quite the haul! For a party of four PCs, this trove could be worth up to 8 XP per character
each worth 5 sp; a fine silver “toy/plaything” worth 14 sp, a “charm/amulet” worth 7 sp; if they manage to stash it all away. I wonder what security measures Faranak has taken to
and a fine copper “locket/keepsake,” worth 12 sp. I don’t fret the details at the moment, but protect it all...
the puzzles and toy lead me to decide something new about Faranak: she has children.

Each of the three 5s represents 1d6 gemstones, for 14 total. These are a flawed bloodstone
(7 sp), 3 pieces of uncut onyx (9 sp each), one jasper (22 sp), 3 garnets (75 sp each), 3 large
aquamarines (190 sp each), and 3 beauitful rubies (510 sp each). The less valubale of these
will be in the strongbox with the coinage, but the aquamarines and rubies clearly comprise
the bulk of Faranak’s wealth, so they must be hidden somewhere special.

The roll of 8 is 1d6 items of jewelry, and I roll only one. This is a “jeweled/gilded
weapon,” a “sling/bow/crossbow” according to the weapon table. Ceremonial or practical?
I think it’s a prize art piece that Faranak keeps mounted on the wall of her sitting room.
Using her booty die, I roll that it is a fine item with gold ornamentation, worth 110 sp.

30 31
classic creatures
Old standbys to be utilized as-is or re-skinned at the Judge’s whim.

abomination (evil, solitary, large, undead, construct, mindless, slow, terrifying, vulnerable
(good)): A ragged assemblage of corpses, stitched together and set in horrific motion by
Creature information is presented in a standardized format for ease of reference during darkest sorcery. HP 16; Armor 0; Damage slam and claw 1d10+1 (close, reach, forceful);
play, as follows: Booty 1d8 (property of victims); Wants to rend living bodies into useful parts; Moves
ä Judder, lurch, and roll ä Tear things from them ä Disgorge unspeakable matter.
[Creature name] ([alignment, size, quantity, other tags]): [description]. HP [hit points];
Armor [armor value (description)]; Damage [weapon] [damage roll] ([tags]); Booty angel (good or lawful, solitary, medium, flying, divine, planar, intelligent, terrifying,
[description/booty die, (details)]; Wants [attainable goal]; Moves ä [move description] resistant (physical), vulnerable (evil or chaos)): Familiar in form when made manifest on the
ä [move description] ä [move description]. mundane plane, but possessing one or more uncanny features that makr it as an entity from
beyond: shining eyes, hair that moves as if underwater, wings visible or invisible, wreathed in
otherworldy fire. HP 32; Armor 3; Damage flaming weapon 1d8+3 (close or reach or near,
generic creatures forceful, pierce 2); Booty none; Wants to enact the will of their divine master; Moves
Use these when you need a creature in a pinch, tailoring your descriptions to your campaign. ä Deliver visions and prophecy ä Stir believers to action ä Expose evil or chaos.

ambush hunter (neutral, medium, solitary, stealthy): A powerful predator that ankheg (neutral, group, large, burrowing): A burrowing insect the size of a horse, the
bushwhacks or lies in wait for its prey. Examples tiger, giant trapdoor spider, etc. HP 12; voracity of which can bring a farmer’s fruiting field to naught in a matter of minutes. When
Armor 0; Damage claws or bite 1d8+1 (close, messy); Booty hide/fur (2d6sp, 2wt), organs they appear in numbers, the health of the kingdom itself is surely at risk. HP 12; Armor 1;
(sources of virility/fertility, 1d6 uses, 1d6sp per use), meat (1d6 rations), property of Damage mandibles 1d8 (close, messy) or acid spray 1d4* (close, reach); Booty chitin (armor
victims (bd 1d6 in lair); Wants to kill and disappear; Moves ä Pounce out of nowhere component, 1d8 uses, 2sp/2wt per use), meat (2d6 rations); Wants to undermine; Moves
ä Immobilize prey ä Drag prey to seclusion. ä Start a sinkhole ä Burst forth from below ä Leap a great distance.

apex predator (neutral, huge, solitary, terrifying): A mobile maw feared by all, second *Acid spray: When you are struck by the corrosive spit of an ankheg, roll +Luck: on a 10+,
to none. Examples tyrannosaurs rex, great white shark, etc. HP 48; Armor 2 (tough hide); it does no lasting damage; on a 7-9, you’ll suffer 1d4 damage right now, unless you take
Damage bite 1d12 (reach, messy, pierce 1); Booty teeth (4d12sp, 1wt), organs (spell/potion immediate action to remove the spit; on a 6-, same as the 7-9 result, and something of the
components, 1d12 uses, 1d12sp per use); Wants to choke down its next meal; Moves Judge’s choice is destroyed or compromised.
ä Telegraph presence at a distance ä Crash through things, heedless and unhindered
ä Thrash about dangerously in death throes. assassin vine (neutral, solitary, medium, stealthy, vulnerable (fire, edged)): a sentient web
of grasping tendrils, steel-sharp thorns, and sanguinivorous roots, blending in with whatever
behemoth (neutral, huge, solitary): A gigantic creature that most often travels alone, undergrowth in which it resides. HP 12; Armor 1; Damage daggerthorn 1d6+1 (hand, close,
deadly when provoked. Examples elephant, brontosaurus, whale, etc. HP 32; Armor 1 reach, pierce 1) or stranglevine 1d6+1 (touch, entangling); Booty 1d4 (property of victims);
(thick hide); Damage trample or smash 1d12 (close, forceful); Booty tusks/horns (2d10sp, Wants to absorb blood and sunlight; Moves ä Trip them up ä Bind one limb at a time
2wt); meat (4d10 rations); Wants to live apart; Moves ä Charge in rage or fear ä Soak the earth with nourishing blood.
ä Cause a lot of collateral damage ä Outsmart them, unexpectedly.
banshee (chaotic, medium, solitary, undead, flying, magical, insubstantial, immune
Herd Animal (neutral, medium, throng, cautious): A multipedal ungulate that moves in (physical), vulnerable (lawful)) Having suffered some profound betrayal in life, this
great numbers in numbers, found most often in regions with an abundance of grazing ghostlike entity now expresses its fury upon the living in the form of blood-curdling
land. Examples zebra, buffalo, antelope, etc. HP 4; Armor 0; Damage stampede or shrieks. What reward awaits the one who satisifies its need for vengeful justice? HP 16;
headbutt 1d6 (hand, forceful); Booty hide/fur (1d4sp, 2wt), meat (2d4 rations); Wants Armor 0; Damage scream 1d8 (close, reach, terrifying, ignores armor); Booty none; Wants
to stay with its own; Moves ä Flee at the first sign of threat ä Stampede! ä Become to express profound pain and suffering; Moves ä Deafen them with a ceaseless scream
confused away from the herd. ä Shatter an object with sound ä Fade from sight when justice is done.

pack opportunist (neutral, small, group, stealthy, cautious): A hunter/scavenger, merely basilisk (neutral, large, solitary, magical, hoarder) Six legs? Clad in scales of thickest iron?
ominous when sighted alone, deadly in numbers. Examples hyena, wolf, raptor, etc. HP 5; Descriptions abound, fact indistinguishable from fiction, for few who have laid eyes upon
Armor 0; Damage bite 1d4+1 (hand, messy); Booty pelt (1d4sp, 1wt); Wants to feed the it have lived to tell the tale; perfect stone likenesses of the rest litter the wetlands. HP 24;
pack; Moves ä Call the pack ä Single out the weakest ä Take them to ground. Armor 2 (thick scales); Damage chomp 1d10+1 (close, messy, pierce 2); Booty 1d10
(inherent), 1d8×2 (property of victims); Wants to collect statuary; Moves ä Laze about
ä Meet their gaze and turn their flesh to stone ä Lurch forward with surprising speed.

32 33
black pudding (neutral, medium, solitary, amorphous, resistant (physical)) Strike not chain devil (evil, medium, solitary, planar, terrifying, resistant (physical), vulnerable
that which offers no resistance, lest your weapon, hand that holds it, and attached arm (good)) A malevolent exraplanar creature that visits the mundane plane to seek out objects
be swallowed up. A dark living mass that resembles blood sausage, with the consistency of torment. Whether appearing as a vaguely humanoid heap of jagged iron or a roiling
of thick custard. HP 12*; Armor 0; Damage corrosive touch 1d8+1 (touch); Booty 1d6 tangle of scarlet muscle, it always wields multiple whiplike chains with sadistic glee. HP
(property of victims); Wants to break down matter; Moves ä Leave a trail of dark mucus 12; Armor 3 (hard form); Damage chain whip 1d8+1 (reach, near, entangling); Booty
ä Ooze through a narrow opening ä Eat through metal, flesh, or wood. body parts (arcane component/talisman, 2d4 uses, 1d8sp/1wt per use); Wants to take
pleasure in the pain of others; Moves ä Appear as a loved one or enemy ä Enchain and
*Subdivision: when you deal cutting damage to a black pudding, it splits into two abscond with a victim ä Torture to the brink of death.
puddings, each with half the original creature’s HP (round up) and a damage die one step
lower (1d8+1 becomes 1d6+1, etc.). chaos ooze (chaotic, medium, solitary, amorphous, planar, resistant (physical), immune
(cold, fire), vulnerable (lawful)) Against the wishes of all sane residents of our mortal
blink dog (neutral, small, group, fast, organized, magical, planar) Scholars debate whether realm, the barriers between worlds are porous. Forces from the planes of chaos
it was lack of foresight or arcane accident that led the original sire of this breed to escape occasionally leak through in the form of sludgy, deranged dollops of raw corruption
the bonds of sorcerous experimentation. Whatever the case, said sire begat generations of that distort and contaminate all with which they come into contact. HP 16; Armor 1
silver-haired pups with his original gift—the ability to flicker in and out of existence and (tough “skin”); Damage warping touch 1d8+1 (touch, chaotic); Booty inert chaos (arcane
cross fifty yards of ground in an instant. Packs now roam the woodlands and plains, howls ingredient/component, dangerous, planar, 2d4 uses, 1d8sp/1wt per use); Wants to act
ululating first far away... and then all too close. HP 5; Armor 0*; Damage bite 1d4+1 against rhyme and reason; Moves ä Leave a trail of corrupted matter ä Spawn an
(hand); Booty fur (1d6sp, 1wt), organs (arcane ingredient, 1 use, 1d6sp per use); Wants to aberration ä Mutate in response to stimulus.
hunt; Moves ä Call the pack ä Cover ground in an instant ä Appear in a blind spot.
chaos spawn (chaotic, medium, group, vulnerable (lawful)) Members of a chaos cult
*Blink out: when you deal damage to a blink dog, roll your damage, and then roll the same are by default fanatically devoted, willing to sacrifice all in service to their god or patron
dice a second time. If the second roll is less than the first, deal damage eqaul to your first demon. The most zealous among them become vessels of discord, their bodies twisted and
roll; otherwise you deal no damage—your blow whiffs and the dog appears elsewhere. transformed beyond recognition by otherworldly corruption. A spawn of chaos usually
possesses at least 1 aberration [xx]. HP: 9; Armor 1 (thick hide/skin); Damage claws or
bulette (chaotic, huge, solitary, burrowing) Every caravan guard who claims to have horns or bite 1d6+1* (hand, messy); Booty none; Wants to enact their master’s will; Moves
survived an assault has their favorite analogy: a cross between a rhinoceros and a rabid ä Gibber and howl ä Sprout something sharp or bulbous ä Surge with erratic energy.
badger, an armored maw that chews tunnels through the earth, a colossal shark that swims
through the land itself. True survivors get out of overland trade altogether and refuse to *Chaos corruption: when you care for wounds inflicted by chaos spawn, roll +WIS, taking
talk about it. HP 48; Armor 3 (armor plating); Damage pounce 1d12+1 (near, forceful), +1 if you are lawful or good and -1 if you are chaotic or evil: on a 10+, your injuries blacken
thrash 1d12+1 (reach, forceful), or chomp 1d12+1 (close, reach, messy); Booty armor plating as if ink-stained, but will eventually heal; on a 7-9, your flesh is tainted and will only heal
(armor component, 2d6 uses, 3sp/1wt per use), meat (4d12 rations); Wants to surprise in the care of a lawful or good caretaker; on a 6-, mark Wisdom and it’s in your blood—
and wreak havoc; Moves ä Telegraph presence with a tremor ä Leap an absurd distance you yourself will soon become chaos spawn, but ask the Judge if there’s a way to stop it.
ä Crush a follower or pack animal.
chimera (chaotic, large, solitary, poisonous) Although commonly understood to mean “an
cave rat (neutral, small, mob, stealthy, burrowing) As big as a small dog, nasty, and imaginary creature of compound parts,” the word describes something very specific, and very
altogether lacking the caution exhibited by its urban cousin. HP 2; Armor 0; Damage real: a fire-breathing she-monster with a lion’s head, goat’s body, and serpent’s tail, created
gnaw 1d3 (hand); Booty tail (bounty, if posted, 1sp); Wants to swarm from den to meal according to the convoluted process outlined in some sorcerous recipe book and employed
and back again; Moves ä Pour out of an opening ä Overwhelm them with numbers as an agent or guardian by some deranged thiríomancer or another. HP 24; Armor 1;
ä Chew through something of note. Damage bite 1d10+1* (hand, close, messy) or flame breath 1d10+1 (reach, burn); Booty 1d10
(inherent) and 1d10 (property of victims); Wants to wreak havoc while obeying master’s
centaur (lawful, large, mob, organized, intelligent) “For too long have the ape-folk felled command; Moves ä Unleash a terrible roar ä Attain a commanding position ä Lash tail
the ancient trees! For too long have their kin turned wild field to row of crop in to feed with destructive force.
their festering clanholds! Sound the horn! Today we gather to take back what is ours!”
HP 12; Armor 0 or 1 (leather); Damage trample 1d6+1 (close, forceful), spear 1d8+1 Venomous fangs: when you suffer a chimera’s bite, roll +CON after the fight is over: on
(throw, reach, near, 1 pierce), or longbow 1d8+1 (near, far, 1 pierce); Booty 1d8 (personal a 10+, breathe easy—there are no lasting effects; on a 7-9, you suffer 1d6 Constitution
property); Wants to advance righteous cause; Moves ä Let the horn echo across the hills damage but will recover; on a 6-, mark Constitution and suffer 1d6 damage to each of
ä Bear down upon them in numbers ä Strike a target with precision and power. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Then, ask the Judge if there’s any way to slow or
reverse the fatal creep of poison toward your heart.

more to come
34 35
y Engulf the unsuspecting
choker (chaotic, large, solitary, poisonous) CHOKER Don’t put on that cloak, Gareth. Don’t. You don’t
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers know where it’s been. I tell you, it’s no good. See!
TAGS: Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent It moved! I’m not mad, Gareth, it moved! Don’t do
HP: 15 ARMOR: 2 it! No! GARETH!
ATTACK: Choke (1d10 damage) COCKATRICE
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach SETTING: Dark Woods
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Flexible TAGS: Group, Small, Hoarder
INSTINCT: To deny light HP: 6 ARMOR: 1
y Hold someone, wringing the breath from them ATTACK: Beak (d8 damage)
y Fling a held creature ATTACK TAGS: Close
Some say these things descended from the family SPECIAL QUALITIES: Stone touch
of a cruel wizard who forced them to live out their INSTINCT: To defend the nest
lives underground. They say his experiments led y Start a slow transformation to stone
him to fear the sun and ages passed while he ”I ain’t ever seen such a thing, sir. Rodrick thought
descended into unlife, dragging his folk along it a chicken, maybe. Poor Rodrick. I figured it to
with him. These things resemble men, in a way. be a lizard of a sort, though he was right—it had
Head, four limbs and all that. Only their skin is a beak and grey feathers like a chicken. Right,
wet and rubbery and their arms long and fingers well, see, we found it in the woods, in a nest
grasping. They hate all life that bears the stink of at the foot of a tree while we were out with the
the sun’s touch, as one might expect. Jealousy, sow. Looking for mushrooms, sir. I told Rodrick
long instilled, is hard to shake. we were—yes, sir, right sir, the bird—see, it was
8 glaring at Rodrick and he tried to scare it off with
CHUUL a stick to steal the eggs but the thing pecked his
SETTING: Lower Depths hand. Quick it was, too. I tried to get him away
TAGS: Group, Large, Cautious but he just got slower and slower and…yes, as
HP: 10 ARMOR: 4 you see him now, sir. All frozen up like when
ATTACK: Claws (1d8+1 damage, 3 piercing) we left the dog out overnight in winter two years
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach, Messy back. Poor, stupid Rodrick. Weren’t no bird nor
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Amphibious lizard, were it, sir?”
y Split something in two with mighty claws SETTING: Planar Powers
y Retreat into water TAGS: Solitary, Devious, Planar, Hoarder
Your worst seafood nightmare come to life. A HP: 12 ARMOR: 0
vicious sort of half-man half-crawdad, cursed ATTACK: Secret dagger (2d8·w damage)
with primal intelligence and blessed with a pair ATTACK TAGS: Close
of razor-sharp claws. Strange things lurk in the SPECIAL QUALITIES:
stinking pools in caverns best forgotten and the INSTINCT: To bargain
chuul is one of them. If you spot one, your best y Offer a deal with horrible consequences
hope is a heavy mace to crack its shell and maybe y Plumb the vaults of hell for a bargaining chip
a little garlic butter. Mmmm. y Make a show of power
CLOAKER ”Surely, my good man, you must know why I am
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers here. Must know who I am. You said the words.
TAGS: Solitary, Stealthy You spilled the blood and followed the instructions
HP: 12 ARMOR: 1 almost to the letter. Your pronunciation was a bit
ATTACK: Constrict (1d10 off but that’s to be expected. I’ve come to give
damage ignores armor) you what you’ve always wanted, friend. Glory,
ATTACK TAGS: Close love, money? Paltry things when you’ve the vaults
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Looks like a cloak of hell to plumb. Don’t look so shocked, you knew
INSTINCT: To engulf what this was. You have but one thing we desire.
36 37
Promise it to us, and the world shall be yours for It was not so simple a thing as a war over religion
the taking. Trust me.” or territory. No disagreement of queens led to
9 the great sundering of the elves. It was sadness.
COUTAL It was the very diminishing of the world by the
SETTING: Swamp Denizens lesser races. The glory of all the elves had built
TAGS: Solitary, Intelligent Devious was cracking and turning to glass. Some, then,
HP: 12 ARMOR: 2 chose to separate themselves from the world;
ATTACK: Light ray (1d8 damage, ignores armor) wracked with tears they turned their backs on
ATTACK TAGS: Close men and dwarves. There were others, though,
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Wings, Halo that were overcome with something new. A
INSTINCT: To cleanse feeling no elf had felt before. Spite. Hatred filled
y Pass judgment on a person or place these elves and twisted them and they turned on
y Summon divine forces to cleanse their weaker cousins. Some still remain after the
y Offer information in exchange for service great exodus below. Some hide amongst us with
As if in direct defiance of the decay and filth of spider-poisoned blades, meting out that strangest
the world, the gods granted us the Coutal. As if to of punishments: elven vengeance.z
say, “there is beauty, even in this grim place.” A 10
serpent in flight on jeweled wings, these beautiful DEEP ELF PRIEST
creatures glow with a soft light, as the sun does SETTING: Lower Depths
through stained glass. Bright, wise, and calm, a TAGS: Solitary, Divine, Intelligent, Organized
Coutal often knows many things and sees many HP: 14 ARMOR: 0
more. You might be able to make a trade with it ATTACK: Smite (1d10+2 damage)
in exchange for some favor. They seek to cleanse ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach
and to purge and to make of this dark world a SPECIAL QUALITIES: Divine connection
better one. Shame we have so few. The gods are INSTINCT: To pass on divine vengeance
cruel. y Weave spells of hatred and malice
CROCODILIAN y Rally the deep elves
SETTING: Swamp Denizens y Pass on divine knowledge
TAGS: Group, Large The spirits of the trees and the lady sunlight
HP: 12 ARMOR: 2 are far, far from home in the depths where the
ATTACK: Bite (1d8+3 damage) deep elves dwell. New gods were found there,
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach waiting for their children to come home. Gods
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Amphibious, Camouflage of the spiders, the fungal forests, and things that
INSTINCT: To eat whisper in the forbidden caves. The deep elves,
y Attack an unsuspecting victim ever attuned to the world around them, listened
y Escape into the water with hateful intent to their new gods and found a
y Hold something tight in its jaws new source of power. Hate calls to hate and grim
It’s a really, really big crocodile. Seriously. So big. alliances were made. Even among these spiteful
DEEP ELF ASSASSIN ranks, piety finds a way to express itself.
TAGS: Group, Intelligent, Organized SETTING: Lower Depths
HP: 6 ARMOR: 1 TAGS: Group, Intelligent, Organized
ATTACK: Poisoned blade(1d8 HP: 6 ARMOR: 2
damage, 1 piercing) ATTACK: Barbed blade
ATTACK TAGS: Close (2d8·b+2 damage,1 piercing)
INSTINCT: To spite the surface races SPECIAL QUALITIES:
y Poison them INSTINCT: To punish unbelievers
y Unleash an ancient spell y Inflict pain beyond measure
y Call reinforcements y Use the dark to advantage
38 39
The deep elves lost the sweetness and gentle the devourer. When a particularly wicked person
peace of their bright cousins ages ago, but (often a manipulator of men, an apostate priest or
they did not abandon grace. They move with a the like) dies in a gruesome way, the dark powers
swiftness and beauty that would bring a tear to of Dungeon World might bring them back to a
any warrior’s eye. In the dark, they’ve practiced. kind of life. The devourer, however, does not feed
A cruelty has infested their swordsmanship—a on the flesh of men or elves. The devourer eats
wickedness comes to the fore. Barbed blades souls. It kills with a pleasure only the sentient can
and whips replace the shining pennant-spears of enjoy and in the moments of its victims’ expiry,
elven battles on the surface. The swordmasters draws breath like a drowning man and swallows
of the deep elf clans do not merely seek to kill, a soul. What does it mean to have your soul
but to punish with every stroke of their blades. eaten by such a creature? None dare ask for fear
Wickedness and pain are their currency. of finding out.
SETTING: Twisted Experiments SETTING: Twisted Experiments
TAGS: Horde, Devious, Intelligent, Organized TAGS: Solitary, Large, Construct
HP: 3 ARMOR: 2 HP: 16 ARMOR: 1
ATTACK: Pickaxe (2d6·w damage) ATTACK: Acid (1d10+1 damage ignores armor)
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Telepathy SPECIAL QUALITIES: Digestive acid secretion
INSTINCT: To replace dwarves INSTINCT: To digest
y Fill a mind with foreign thoughts y Eat away at something
y Take control of a beast’s mind y Draw sustenance
It’s typical to think that all the malignant arcane It’s okay, magical experimentation is a messy
monsters made in this world are birthed by science. For every beautiful pegasus there’s a
wizards, sorcerers, and their ilk. That the colleges half-done creature that wasn’t quite right. We
and towers of Dungeon World are womb to every understand. The goblin-elephant you thought was
bleak experiment. There are mistakes made in the such a great idea. The Gelatinous Drake. Just
depths of the earth, too. These ones, the Derro, examples. No judgement here. Anyway, we’ve
are the mistakes of a long-forgotten dwarven got something for that. We call it the Digester.
alchemist. The derro don’t forget, though. Twisted Yes, just like it sounds. Strange looking, I know,
and hateful, the Derro can be spotted by their and the smell isn’t the best, but this thing—it’ll eat
swollen skulls, brain-matter grown too large. They magic like Svenloff the Stout drinks ale. Next time
do not speak except in thoughts to one another one of these unfortunate accidents occurs, just
and plot in the silent dark to extract sweetest point the Digester at it and all your troubles drain
revenge—that of the created on the creator. away. Just keep an eye on it. Damn thing ate my
DEVOURER wand last week.
SETTING: Undead Legions 12
TAGS: Solitary, Large, Intelligent, Hoarder DJINN
HP: 16 ARMOR: 1 SETTING: Planar Powers
ATTACK: Smash (1d10+3 damage) TAGS: Group, Large, Magical
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach, Forceful HP: 14 ARMOR: 4
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Many ATTACK: Flame (1d8+1 damage, ignores armor)
limbs, heads, and so on ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach
INSTINCT:T o feast on souls SPECIAL QUALITIES: Made of flame
y Devour or trap dying soul INSTINCT: To burn eternally
y Bargain for a soul’s return y Grant power for a price
Most folk know that the undead feed on flesh. y Summon the forces of the City of Brass
The warmth, blood and living tissue continue ”Stop rubbing that lamp, you idiot. I do not care
their unholy existence. This is true for most of the what you have read, it will not grant you wishes.
mindless dead, animated by black sorcery. Not so I brought you here to show you something real,
40 41
something true. See this mural? It shows the y Demand tribute
ancient city. The true city that came before. They y Act with disdain
called it Majilis and it was made of brass by They are the greatest and most terrible things this
the spirits. They had golem servants and human world will ever have to offer.
lovers and, in that day, it was said you could 13
trade them a year of your life for a favor. We are DRAGON, APOCALYPSE
not here to gather treasure this night, fool, we SETTING: Lower Depths
are here to learn. The djinn still sometimes come TAGS: Solitary, Huge, Magical, Divine
to these places, and you must understand their HP: 26 ARMOR: 5
history if you are to know how to behave. They ATTACK: Bite (2d10·b+9 damage, 4 piercing)
are powerful and wicked and proud and you must ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Forceful, Messy
know them if you hope to survive a summoning. SPECIAL QUALITIES: Inch-thick metal hide,
Now, bring the lamp here and we will light it, Supernatural knowledge, Wings
it grows dark and these ruins are dangerous at INSTINCT: To end the world
night.” y Set a disaster in motion
DOPPELGANGER y Breathe forth the elements
SETTING: Swamp Denizens y Act with perfect foresight
TAGS: Solitary, Devious, Intelligent The end of all things shall be a burning—of tree
HP: 12 ARMOR: 0 and earth and of the air itself. It shall come upon
ATTACK: Dagger (1d6 damage) the plains and mountains not from beyond this
ATTACK TAGS: Close world but from within it. Birthed from the womb
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Shapeshifting of deepest earth shall come the Dragon that Will
INSTINCT: To infiltrate End the World. In its passing all will become ash
y Assume the shape of a person and bile and the Dungeon World a dying thing
who’s flesh it’s tasted will drift through planar space devoid of life. They
y Use another’s identity to advantage say to worship the Apocalypse Dragon is to invite
y Leave someone’s reputation shattered madness. They say to love it is to know oblivion.
Their natural form, if you ever see it, is hideous. The awakening is coming.
Like a creature who stopped growing part-way, DRAGON TURTLE
before it decided it was elf or man or dwarf. Then SETTING: Swamp Denizens
again, maybe that’s how you get to be the way TAGS: Solitary, Huge, Cautious
a doppelganger is—without form, without shape HP: 20 ARMOR: 4
to call their own, maybe all they really seek is a ATTACK: Bite (1d10+3 damage)
place to fit in. If you go out into the world, when ATTACK TAGS: Reach
you come back home, make sure your friends are SPECIAL QUALITIES: Shell, Amphibious
who you think they are. They might, instead, be INSTINCT: To resist change
a doppelganger and your friend might be dead y Move forward implacably
at the bottom of a well somewhere. Then again, y Bring its full bulk to bear
depending on your friends, that might be an y Destroy structures and buildings
improvement. Bakunawa has a brother. Where she is quick to
DRAGON anger and hungry for gold, he is slow and sturdy.
SETTING: Lower Depths She is a knife and he is a shield. A great turtle
TAGS: Solitary, Huge, Terrifying, that lies in the muck and mire for ages as they
Cautious, Hoarder pass, mud piled upon his back—sometimes trees
HP: 16 ARMOR: 5 and shrubs. Sometimes a whole misguided clan
ATTACK: Bite (2d10·b+5 damage, 4 piercing) of goblins will build their huts and cook their
ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Messy ratty meals on the shell of the dragon turtle. His
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Elemental blood, Wings snapping jaws may be glacier-slow, but they can
INSTINCT: To rule rend a castle wall. Careful where you tread.
y Bend an element to its will DRAGON WHELP
42 43
SETTING: Swamp Denizens INSTINCT: To take from the living
TAGS: Solitary, Small, Intelligent, y Freeze flesh
Cautious, Hoarder y Call on the unworthy dead
HP: 16 ARMOR: 3 In the Nordemark, the men and women tell
ATTACK: Elemental breath (1d10+2) tales in their wooden halls of a place where the
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Near noble dead go. A mead hall atop their heavenly
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Wings, Elemental Blood mountain where men of valor go to await the final
INSTINCT: To grow in power battle for the world. It is a goodly place. It is a
y Start a lair, form a base of power place where one hopes to go after death. And
y Call on family ties the inglorious dead? Those who fall to poison
y Demand oaths of servitude or in an act of cowardice, warriors though they
What? Did you think they were all a mile long? may be? Well, those mead halls aren’t open to all
Did you think they didn’t come smaller than that? and sundry. Some come back, frozen and twisted
Sure, they may be no bigger than a dog and no and empowered by jealous rage and wage their
smarter than an ape, but a dragon whelp can eternal war not on the forces of giants or trolls but
still belch up a hellish ball of fire that’ll melt your on the towns of the men they once knew.
armor shut and drop you screaming into the mud. DRYAD
Their scales, too, are softer than those of their SETTING: Dark Woods
bigger kin, but can still turn aside an arrow or TAGS: Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Devious,
sword not perfectly aimed. Size is not the only HP: 12 ARMOR: 2
measure of might. ATTACK: Crushing vines (w[2d8]damage)
TAGS: Solitary, Huge INSTINCT: To love nature passionately
HP: 20 ARMOR: 2 y Entice a mortal
ATTACK: Bite (1d10+3 damage, 3 piercing) y Merge into a tree
ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Messy y Turn nature against them
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Many More beautiful by far than any man or woman
limbs, heads, and so on born in the civil realms. To gaze upon one is to
INSTINCT: To serve fall in love. Deep and punishing, too. Thing is,
y Attack unrelentingly they don’t love—not the fleshy folk who often
Mystical sorcerers debate: is this creature truly find them, anyway. Their love is a primal thing,
undead or is it a golem made of a particularly married to the woods—to a great oak that serves
rare and blasphemous material? The bones, as home and mother and sacred place to them.
sinews and scales of a dead dragon make up this It’s a curse to see one, too, they’ll never love you
bleak automaton. Winged but flightless, dragonshaped but without the mighty fire of back. No matter what you do. No matter how you
such a noble pledge yourself to them, they’ll always spurn you.
thing, the dragonbone serves its master with a If ever their oak comes to harm, you’ve not only
twisted devotion and is often set to assault the the dryad’s wrath to contend with, but in every
keeps and towers of rival necromancers. It would nearby village there’s a score of men with a secret
take a being of some considerable evil to twist the longing in their heart, ready to murder you where
remains of a dragon thus. you sleep for just a smile from such a creature.
DRAUGR SETTING: Cavern Dwellers
SETTING: Undead Legions TAGS: Horde, Organized
TAGS: Horde, Organized HP: 7 ARMOR: 2
HP: 7 ARMOR: 2 ATTACK: Axe (1d6 damage)
ATTACK: Rusty sword (1d6+1 damage) ATTACK TAGS: Close
44 45
y Drive them back Ugly, wrinkled bird-folk, these. Once, maybe, in
y Call up reinforcements some ancient past, they were a race of angelic
For ages, men believed all dwarves were men men from on high, but now they eat rats that they
and all were of this ilk: stoic and proud warriors. fish from the murk with talon-feet and devour with
Axe-wielding and plate-wearing. Stout bearded needle-teeth. They understand the tongues of
battle-hungry men who would push them, time men and dwarves but speak in little more than
and time again, back up out of their mines and gibbering tongues, mimicking the words they
tunnels with ferocity. It just goes to show how little hear with mocking laughter. It’s a chilling thing to
men know about the elder races. These folk are see a beast so close to man or bird but not quite
merely a vanguard, and they bravely do their either one.
duty to protect the riches of the Dwarven realm. FIRE EELS
Earn their trust and you’ve an ally for life. Earn SETTING: Swamp Denizens
their ire and you’re not like to regret it very long. TAGS: Horde, Tiny
15 HP: 3 ARMOR: 0
EAGLE LORD ATTACK: Burning touch
SETTING: Dark Woods (1d6−2 damage, ignores armor)
TAGS: Group, Large, Organized, Intelligent ATTACK TAGS: Close
HP: 10 ARMOR: 1 SPECIAL QUALITIES: Flammable oil, aquatic
ATTACK: Talons (2d8·b+1 damage, 1 piercing) INSTINCT: To ignite
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach y Catch someone or something
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Mighty wings on fire (even underwater)
INSTINCT: To rule the heights y Consume burning prey
y Attack from the sky These strange creatures are no bigger or smarter
y Pull someone into the air than their mundane kin. They have the same
y Call on ancient oaths vicious nature. Over their relations they have one
Some the size of horses. Bigger, even—the kings advantage—an oily secretion that oozes from
and queens of the eagles. Their cry pierces the their skin. It makes them hard to catch. On top of
mountain sky and woe to those who fall under that, with a twist of their body they can ignite the
the shadow of their mighty wings. The ancient stuff, leaving pools of burning oil atop the surface
wizards forged a pact with them in the primordial of the water and roasting prey and predator alike.
days. Men would take the plains and valleys and I hear the slimy things make good ingredients for
leave the mountaintops to the eagle lords. These fire-resistant gear, but you have to get your hands
sacred pacts should be honored, lest they set on one, first.
their talons into you. Lucky are the elves, for the 16
makers of their treaties yet live and when danger ELEMENTAL, CONCEPT
comes to elvish lands, the eagle lords often serve SETTING: Planar Powers
as spies and mounts for the them. Long-lived TAGS: Solitary, Devious, Planar, Gibbous
and proud, some might be willing to trade their HP: NA ARMOR: NA
ancient secrets for the right price, too. ATTACK: NA
SETTING: Swamp Denizens SPECIAL QUALITIES: Ideal form
TAGS: Horde INSTINCT: To perfect its concept
HP: 3 ARMOR: 1 y Demonstrate its concept in its purest form
ATTACK: Talons (1d6 damage) The planes are not as literal as our world. Clothed
ATTACK TAGS: Close in the elemental chaos are places of stranger
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Wing-arms stuff than air and water. Here, rivers of time
INSTINCT: To lash out crash upon shores of crystal fear. Bleak storms
y Attack from the air of nightmare roil and churn in a laughter-bright
y Carry out the bidding of a sky. Sometimes, the spirits of these places can be
more powerful creature lured into our world, though they are infinitely
46 47
more unpredictable and strange than mere fire ATTACK: Sword (2d6·b damage)
or earth might be. Easier to make mistakes, too— ATTACK TAGS: Close
one might try calling up a wealth elemental and SPECIAL QUALITIES: Sharp sense
be surprised to find a murder elemental instead. INSTINCT: To seek perfection
ELEMENTAL, EARTH y Strike at a weak point
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers y Set ancient plans in motion
TAGS: Solitary, Huge y Use the woods to advantage
HP: 27 ARMOR: 4 ”As with all things they undertake, the elves
ATTACK: Smash (1d10+5 damage) approach war as an art. I saw them fight, once.
ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Forceful The Battle of Astrid’s Veil. Yes, I am that old, boy,
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Made of stone now hush. A warrior-maiden, she was clad in
INSTINCT: To show the strength of earth plate that shone like the winter sky. White hair
y Turn the ground into a weapon streaming and a pennant of ocean blue tied
y Meld into stone to her spear. She seemed to glide between the
Our shaman says that all the things of the world trees the way an angel might, striking out and
have a spirit. Stones, trees, a stream. Now that bathing her blade in blood that steamed in the
I’ve seen the earth roil under my feet and fists cold air. I never felt so small before. I trained with
of stone beat my friends half to death I’m like to the master-at-arms of Battlemoore, you know. I’ve
believe that crazy old man. The one I saw was held a sword longer than you’ve been alive, boy,
huge—big as a house! It came boiling up from and in that one moment I knew that my skill meant
a rockslide out of nowhere and had a voice like nothing. Thank the gods the elves were with us
an avalanche. I pay my respects, now. Rightly so. then. A more beautiful and terrible thing I have
TAGS: Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Organized SETTING: Twisted Experiments
HP: 12 ARMOR: 0 TAGS: Solitary, Devious, Planar
ATTACK: Arcane fire (d10 HP: 12 ARMOR: 1
damage ignores armor) ATTACK: Stolen dagger (2d8·w damage)
ATTACK TAGS: Near, Far ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach
INSTINCT: To unleash power INSTINCT: To steal
Work the magic that nature demands y Take something important to its planar lair
Cast forth the elements y Retreat to the Ethereal plane
True elvish magic isn’t like the spells of men. y Use an item from its lair
Mannish wizardry is all rotes and formulas. They Things go missing. A sock, a silver spoon, your
cheat to find the arcane secrets that resound dead mother’s bones. We blame the maid, or bad
all around them. They are deaf to the arcane luck, or just a moment of stupid forgetfulness and
symphony that sings in the woods. Elvish magic we move on. We never get to see the real cause
requires the fine ear to hear it and the voice with of these problems. The spidery thing with human
which to sing. To harmonize with what is already hands and eyes as blue as the deep Ethereal
resounding. Men bind the forces of magic to their plane from whence the creature comes. We never
will; elves simply pluck the strings and hum along. see the nest it makes of astral silver webbing and
The High Arcanists, in a way, have become more stolen objects arranged in some mad pattern.
and less than any elf. The beat of their pulse is the We never watch it assemble its collection of
throbbing of all magic in this world. halfling finger-bones, stolen from the hands of the
17 sleeping. We’re lucky, that way.
SETTING: Dark Woods SETTING: Twisted Experiments
TAGS: Horde, Intelligent, Organized TAGS: Solitary, Large, Construct
HP: 3 ARMOR: 2 HP: 16 ARMOR: 1
48 49
ATTACK: Club (1d10+3 damage) their fighting force and rightly so. Born, bred
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach, Forceful and living for the singular purpose of killing the
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Two heads enemies of their hive, they fight with one mind and
INSTINCT: To smash a hundred swords. Thus far, the powers of Law
y Attack two enemies at once have seen fit to spare mankind a great war with
y Defend its creator these creatures, but we’ve seen them in skirmish—
What could possibly be better than an idiotic descending sometimes on border towns with their
angry hill giant? One with two heads. Fantastic wings flickering in the heat or spilling up from a
idea, really. Grade A stuff. sandy mound to wipe clean a newly-dug mine.
18 Theirs is an orderly bloodshed, committed with no
FIRE BEETLE pleasure but the completion of a goal.
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers 19
HP: 3 ARMOR: 3 SETTING: Ravenous Hordes
ATTACK: Flames (1d6 damage ignores armor) TAGS: Horde, Organized, Cautious
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Full of flames ATTACK: Bite (1d6 damage)
y Undermine the ground SPECIAL QUALITIES: Hive connection, Insectoid
y Burst from the earth INSTINCT: To follow orders
y Spray forth flames y Raise the alarm
Scarabaeus Pyractomena! What a delightful y Create value for the hive
creature—see how its carapace glitters in the y Assimilate
light of our torches? Not too close now, they’re With good cause, they say that these creatures
temperamental, you see. The fire in their belly (like all insects, really) are claimed by the
isn’t just metaphorical, no. Watch as I goad the powers of Law. They are order made flesh—a
beast. Aha! A spout of flame! Unexpected, isn’t it? perfectly stratified society in which every larva,
One of these creatures alone, if it comes up from hatchling and adult knows its place in the great
below, can be a hellish nuisance to a farmstead hive. The formian is some strange intersection of
or village. A whole swarm? There’s a reason they men and ants I’ve heard. And some with great
call it a conflagration of fire beetles. saw-tooth arms like mantids in the forests of the
FORMIAN CENTURION east). Tall, with a hard shell and a harder mind,
SETTING: Ravenous Hordes these particular formians are the bottom caste.
TAGS: Horde, Intelligent, Organized They work the hills and honeycombs with singleminded joy that can be known only by
HP: 7 ARMOR: 3 such an
ATTACK: Barbed spear (2d6·b+2) alien mind.
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Insectoid, SETTING: Ravenous Hordes
Hive connection, Wings TAGS: Solitary, Huge, Organized,
INSTINCT: To fight as ordered Intelligent, Hoarder
y Advance as one HP: 24 ARMOR: 3
y Summon reinforcements ATTACK: Crushing mandibles (1d10+5 damage)
y Give a life for the hive ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Forceful
Whether in the form of a legionnaire, part of SPECIAL QUALITIES: Insectoid, Hive connection
the pormian standing army, or as a praetorian INSTINCT: To spread formians
guard to the queen, every formian hive contains a y Call every formian it spawned
great number of these most dangerous insectoids. y Release a half-formed larval mutation
Darker in carapace, often scarred with furrows y Organize and issue orders
and the ceremonial markings that set them apart At the heart of every hive, no matter its size or
from their drones, the formian centurions are kind, lives a queen. As large as any giant, she sits
50 51
protected by her guard, served by every drone the tongue of man and are constantly at war
and taskmaster with her own, singular purpose: with their neighbors. They’re greedy and stupid
to spread her kind and grow the hive. To birth but clever enough when they need to defend
the eggs. To nurture. We do not understand the themselves. Some say, too, their priests have a
minds of these creatures but it is known they can remarkable skill at healing. Or maybe they’re just
communicate with their children, somehow, over really, really hard to kill.
vast distances and that they begin to teach them GARGOYLE
the ways of earth and stone and war while still SETTING: Cavern Dwellers
pale and wriggling larvae, without a word. To TAGS: Horde, Stealthy, Hoarder
kill one is to set chaos on the hive; without their HP: 3 ARMOR: 2
queen, the rest turn on one another in a mad, ATTACK: Claw (1d6 damage)
blind rage. ATTACK TAGS: Close
SETTING: Ravenous Hordes y Attack with the element of surprise
TAGS: Group, Organized, Intelligent y Take to the air
HP: 4 ARMOR: 3 y Blend into stonework
ATTACK: Spiked whip (1d8 damage) It’s a sad thing, really. Guardians bred by Magi
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach of the past with no more castles to guard. Their
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Hive connection, Insectoid ancestors’ sacred task bred into their blood
INSTINCT: To command leads them to find a place—ruins, mostly but
y Order drones into battle sometimes a cave or hill or mountain cliff—and
y Set great numbers in motion guard it as though their masters yet lived below.
It takes two hands to rule an empire: one to wield They’re notoriously good at finding valuables
the scepter and one to crack the whip. These antfolk are that whip. Lucky for them, with buried below the earth, though. Find one of these
two extra winged reptiles and you’ll find yourself a treasure
arms, that’s a lot of whip to crack. They oversee the nearby. Just be careful, they’re hard to spot and
vast swarms of worker drones that set to build the tend to move in packs.
mighty caverns and ziggurats that dot the places GELATINOUS CUBE
that formians can be found. One in a hundred, SETTING: Cavern Dwellers
these brutes stand two or three feet taller than TAGS: Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Gibbous
their pale, near-mindless kin and have a sharper, HP: 20 ARMOR: 1
crueler wit to match. They’ll often ignore the soft ATTACK: Engulf (1d10+1
races (as we’re known) if we don’t interfere in a damage ignores armor)
project, but get in the way of The Great Work and ATTACK TAGS: Hand
expect nothing less than their full attention. You SPECIAL QUALITIES: Transparent
don’t want their full attention. INSTINCT: To clean
FROGMAN y Fill an apparently empty space
SETTING: Swamp Denizens y Dissolve
TAGS: Horde, Small, Intelligent How many adventurers’ last thought was
HP: 7 ARMOR: 1 “strange, this tunnel seems cleaner than most?”
ATTACK: Spear (1d6 damage) Too many and all because of this transparent
ATTACK TAGS: Close menace. A great acidic blob that expands to fill
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Amphibious a small chamber or corridor and then slides, ever
INSTINCT: To wage war so slowly along, eating everything in its path.
Croak croak croak. Little warty munchkins. It cannot eat stone or metal and will often have
Some wizard or godling’s idea of a bad joke, them floating in its jelly mass. Blech.
these creatures are. They stand as men, dress in 21
scavenged cloth and hold court in their froggy GHOST
villages. They speak a rumbling pidgin form of SETTING: Undead Legions
52 53
TAGS: Solitary, Devious, Terrifying y Throw someone
HP: 16 ARMOR: 0 The pounding of the jungle drums calls to it. The
ATTACK: Phantom touch (1d6 damage) slab of meat on the sacrificial stone to lure in the
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach great ape. Girallon, they call it—a name from the
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Insubstantial long-forgotten tongue of the kings who bred the
INSTINCT: To haunt beast. Taller than a building, some say. Cloaked
y Reveal the terrifying nature of death in ivory fur with tusks as long as scimitars. Four
y Haunt a place of importance arms? Six? The rumors are hard to verify. Every
y Offer information from the year it is the same: some explorer visits the jungle
other side, at a price villages seeking the ape and returns, never quite
Every culture tells the story the same way. You live, the same, never with a trophy. The pounding of
you love or you hate, you win or you lose, you die the drums goes on.
somehow you’re not too fond of and here you are, GNOLL ALPHA
ghostly and full of disappointment and what have SETTING: Ravenous Hordes
you. Some people take it upon themselves, brave TAGS: Solitary, Intelligent, Organized
and kindly folks, to seek out the dead and help HP: 12 ARMOR: 2
them pass to their rightful rest. You can find them, ATTACK: Sword (2d10·b damage, 1 piercing)
most times, down at the tavern drinking away the ATTACK TAGS: Close
terrors they’ve seen or babbling to themselves in SPECIAL QUALITIES: Scent
the madhouse. Death takes a toll on the living, no INSTINCT: To drive the pack
matter how you come by it. y Demand obedience
GHOUL y Send the pack to hunt
SETTING: Undead Legions Every pack has its top dog. Bigger, maybe—
TAGS: Group that’d be the simplest way. Often, though, with
HP: 10 ARMOR: 1 these lank and filthy mutts, it’s not about size or
ATTACK: Talons (1d8 damage, 1 piercing) sharp teeth but about cruelty. About a willingness
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Messy to kill your brothers and eat them while the pack
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Many limbs watches. Willingness to desecrate the pack in a
INSTINCT: To eat way that cows them to you. If they’re that awful to
y Gnaw off a body part each other—to their living kin—think about how
Gain the memories of their meal they must view us. It’s hard to be mere meat in a
Hunger. Hunger hunger hunger. Desperate land of carnivores.
clinging void-stomach-emptiness hunger. Sharp 22
talons to rend flesh and teeth to tear and crack GNOLL EMISSARY
bones and suck out the soft marrow inside. SETTING: Ravenous Hordes
Vomit up hate and screaming jealous anger and TAGS: Solitary, Divine, Intelligent, Organized
charge on twisted legs—scare the living flesh and HP: 18 ARMOR: 1
sweeten it ever more with the stink of fear. Feast. ATTACK: Ceremonial dagger (1d10+2 damage)
Peasant or knight, wizard, sage, prince, or priest ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach
all make for such delicious meat. SPECIAL QUALITIES: Scent
GIRALLON INSTINCT: To share divine insight
SETTING: Twisted Experiments y Pass on demonic influence
TAGS: Solitary, Huge y Drive the pack into a fervor
HP: 20 ARMOR: 1 Oh, an emissary! How nice. I suspect you didn’t
ATTACK: Rending hands (1d10+5 damage) know the gnolls had ambassadors, did you? Yes,
ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Forceful even these mangy hyenas have to make nice
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Many arms sometimes. No, no, not with us. Nor the dwarves,
INSTINCT: To rule neither. No, the Emissary is the one, among his
y Answer the call of sacrifice packmates, who trucks directly with their dripping
y Drive them from the jungle demon lord. Frightening? Too right. Every hound
54 55
has a master with his hand on the chain. This gnoll ATTACK: Acid orb
hears his master’s voice. Hears it and obeys. (1d10+1 damage, ignores armor)
TAGS: Group, Organized, Intelligent INSTINCT: To tap power beyond their stature
HP: 6 ARMOR: 1 y Unleash a poorly understood spell
ATTACK: Bow (1d8 damage) y Pour forth magical chaos
ATTACK TAGS: Near, Far y Use other goblins for shields
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Scent-tracker Oh Lord, who taught them magic?!!
INSTINCT: To prey on weakness 23
y Doggedly track prey GOLEM, FLESH
y Strike at a moment of weakness SETTING: Twisted Experiments
Once they scent your blood, you can’t escape. TAGS: Horde, Construct
Not without intervention from the gods, or the HP: 3 ARMOR: 0
duke’s rangers at least. The desert scrub is a ATTACK: Miscellaneous Claws and
dangerous place to go exploring on your own Teeth (1d6+2 damage)
and if you fall and break your leg or eat the ATTACK TAGS: Close, Forceful
wrong cactus, well, you’ll be lucky if you die of SPECIAL QUALITIES: Many body parts
thirst before the Gnolls find you. They prefer their INSTINCT: To live
prey alive, see—cracking bones and the screams y Follow orders
of the dying lend a sort of succulence to a meal. y Detach a body part
Sickening creatures, no? They’ll hunt you, slow Stolen bits and pieces in the night. Graveyards
and steady, as you die. If you hear laughter in the stealthily uprooted and maybe tonight an arm,
desert wind, well, best pray Death comes to take a leg, another head (the last one came apart
you before they do. too soon). Even the humblest hedge-enchanter
GOBLIN can make do with what he can and, with a little
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers creativity, well—it’s not only the college that can
TAGS: Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized make life, hmm? We’ll show them.
ATTACK: Spear (1d6 damage) SETTING: Twisted Experiments
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach TAGS: Group, Large, Construct
INSTINCT: To multiply ATTACK: Metal fists (1d8+5 damage)
y Charge! ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach, Forceful
y Call more goblins SPECIAL QUALITIES: Metal
y Retreat and return with (many) more INSTINCT: To serve
Nobody seems to know where these things came y Follow orders implacably
from. Elves say they’re the Dwarves’ fault— y Use a special tool or adaptation, built-in
dredged up from a hidden place beneath the A staple of the enchanter’s art. Every golemist and
earth. Dwarves say they’re bad Elvish children, mechano-thaumaturge in the kingdoms knows
taken away at birth and raised in the dark. The this. Iron is a misnomer, though. These guardians
truth of the matter is that goblins have always are crafted of any metal, really:steel, copper, or
been here and they’ll be here once all the civilized even gold, in some small cases. As much an art
races have fallen and gone away. Goblins never as a science, the crafting of a fine golem is as
die out. There are just too damn many of them. respected in the Kingdoms as a bridge newly built
GOBLIN ORKASTER or a castle erected in the mountains. Unceasing
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers watchdog, stalwart defender, the iron golem
TAGS: Solitary, Small, Intelligent, lives to serve, following its orders eternally. Any
Magical, Organized enchanter worth his salt can craft one, if he can
HP: 12 ARMOR: 0 afford the materials. If not…
56 57
GOLIATH y Strike from above
SETTING: Cavern Dwellers On first glance, one might mistake the griffin for
TAGS: Group, Huge, Organized, Intelligent another magical mistake like the manticore or
HP: 14 ARMOR: 1 the chimera. It looks the part, doesn’t it? These
ATTACK: Mace (1d8+7 damage) creatures have the regal haughtiness of a lion and
ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Forceful the arrogant bearing of an eagle, but they temper
SPECIAL QUALITIES: -- those with the unshakeable loyalty of both. To
INSTINCT: To retake earn the friendship of a griffin is to have an ally
y Shake the earth all your living days. Truly a gift, that. If you’re
y Retreat, only to come back stronger ever lucky enough to meet one be respectful and
They dwell beneath the earth because they do deferential above all else. It may not seem it but
not belong above it any longer. An undying race they can perceive the subtlest slights and will
of mighty titans fled the plains and mountains in answer them with a sharp beak and talons.
ages past—driven out by men and their heroes. HELL HOUND
Left to bide their time in the dark, hate and anger SETTING: Planar Powers
warmed by the pools of lava deep below. It’s TAGS: Group, Planar, Organized
said that an earthquake is a goliath’s birthing cry. HP: 10 ARMOR: 1
Someday they’ll take back what’s theirs. ATTACK: Fiery Bite (1d8 damage)
SETTING: Lower Depths SPECIAL QUALITIES: Hide of shadow
TAGS: Solitary, Large INSTINCT: To pursue
HP: 16 ARMOR: 1 y Follow despite all obstacles
ATTACK: Rending claws y Spew fire
(1d10+3 damage, 3 piercing) y Summon the forces of hell on their target
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach, Forceful When one reneges on a deal, does not the debtor
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Burrowing come for payment? Does the owed party not send
INSTINCT: To serve someone to collect what is due? So too with the
y Tear something apart Powers Below. They only want what is theirs. A
On its own, the render is a force of utter destruction. howling pack of shadows, flame and jagged
Huge and leathery, with a maw of unbreakable bone, driven by the hunting horn. They will not
teeth and claws to match, the render seems to cease, they cannot be evaded.
enjoy little more than tearing things apart. Stone, HILL GIANT
flesh, or steel, it matters little. However, the gray SETTING: Dark Woods
render is so rarely found alone. They bond with TAGS: Group, Huge, Intelligent, Organized
other creatures. Some at birth, others as fullygrown creatures, and will follow their bonded HP: 10 ARMOR: 1
master wherever it goes, bringing them offerings ATTACK: Thrown rocks (d8+3 damage)
of meat and protecting them while they sleep. ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Near, Far, Forceful
Finding an un-bonded render means certain SPECIAL QUALITIES: Illusion
riches, if you survive to sell it. INSTINCT: Ruin everything.
24 y Throw something
GRIFFIN y Do something stupid
SETTING: Dark Woods y Shake the earth
TAGS: Group, Large, Organized Ever seen an ogre before? Bigger than that.
HP: 10 ARMOR: 1 Dumber and meaner, too. Hope you like having
ATTACK: Talons (d8+3 damage) cows thrown at you.
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach, Forceful HYDRA
INSTINCT: To serve allies TAGS: Solitary, Large
y Judge someone’s worthiness HP: 16 ARMOR: 2
y Carry an ally aloft ATTACK: Bite (1d10+3 damage)
58 59
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach Inevitable intervene only where magic or calamity
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Many heads, have undone the skein of fate. Where the arrogant
Only killed by a blow to the heart and powerful boil the substance of destiny away
INSTINCT: To grow and seek to undermine the very laws of reality,
y Attack many enemies at once the Inevitable arrive to guide things back to the
y Regenerate a body part (especially a head) proper order. Unshakable, seemingly immune to
A bit like a dragon, wingless though it may be. mortal harm and utterly enigmatic, it is said that
Heads, nine in number at birth, spring from a the Inevitable are all that will remain when time’s
muscled trunk and weave a sinuous pattern in the long thread has run out.
air. A hydra is to be feared—a scaled terror of the KOBOLD
marsh. The older ones, though, they have more SETTING: Swamp Denizens
heads, for every failed attempt to murder it just TAGS: Horde, Small, Stealthy,
makes it stronger. Cut off a head and two more Intelligent, Organized
grow in its place. Only a strike, true and strong, HP: 3 ARMOR: 1
to the heart can end a hydra’s life. Not time or ATTACK: Spear (1d6 damage)
tide or any other thing but this. ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach
IMP SPECIAL QUALITIES: Dragon connection
SETTING: Planar Powers INSTINCT: To serve dragons
TAGS: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized y Lay a trap
HP: 7 ARMOR: 1 y Call on dragons or draconic allies
ATTACK: Flame gout y Retreat and regroup
(1d6 damage, ignores armor) Some are wont to lump these little, rat-like dragonmen in with goblins and orcs, bugbears
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Near, Far and
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Made of Order hobgoblins. They are smarter and wiser than their
INSTINCT: To harass kin, however. The koboldsare beholden slaves
y Send information back to hell to dragons and were, in ancient times, their
y Cause mischief lorekeepers and sorcerer-servants. Their clans,
These tiny observer-demons often act as a firsttime binding subject by neophyte warlocks. with names like Ironscale and Whitewing, form
They around a dragon master and live to serve and do
can be found infesting arcane cabals, drinking its bidding. Spotting a kobold means more are
potions when no-one watches, and chasing pets near—and if more are near then a mighty dragon
and servants with tiny pitchforks. A caricature cannot be far, either.
of true demonhood, these little creatures are, KRAKEN
thankfully, not too difficult to bind or extinguish. SETTING: Twisted Experiments
SETTING: Planar Powers HP: 20 ARMOR: 2
TAGS: Group, Large, Magical, ATTACK: Giant tentacles (1d10+5 damage)
Cautious, Gibbous, Planar ATTACK TAGS: Reach, Forceful
ATTACK: Hammer (1d8+1 damage) INSTINCT: To rule the ocean
ATTACK TAGS: Close, Reach y Drag a person or ship to a watery grave
SPECIAL QUALITIES: Made of Order y Wrap them in tentacles
INSTINCT: To preserve order ”A cephalo-what? No, boy. Not “a kraken” but
y End a spell or effect “the kraken”. I don’t know what nonsense they
y Enforce a law of nature or man taught you at that school you say you’re from,
y Give a glimpse of destiny but here, we know to respect the Hungerer. Right,
All things come to an end. Reality bleeds from that’s what we call it, The Hungerer in the Deep
the cut of entropy’s knife. At the edge of time to be more proper. Ain’t no god, though we’ve
itself stand the Inevitable. Massive, powerful and got those, too. It’s a squid! A mighty squid with
seemingly carved from star-stuff themselves, the tentacles thicker ‘round than a barrel and eyes the
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