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Activity 1: 3 2 1
Directions: This game is called 3, 2, 1, stands for things you had learned in the
discussions, 3 things you learned, 2 things you discovered and 1 question you still have.
Things I learned Things I discovered Question that I have
1. First, I learned the 1. On the discussions 1. Are these six
six integral of the six integral integral components
components in the components in the in the creations of a
creations of a creations of a design and five
design. These are design I discovered principles that
the lines, color, so many things. I encompass an
form/shape, space, discovered that interesting design
texture and value. each of the lines applicable to all
2. Second, I learned has different forms of art?
the five principles representations of
that encompass an either our emotions,
interesting design. feelings and
These are the actions. Same goes
balance, rhythm, with the colors I
emphasis, discovered that
proportion and scale each of them has
and unity. different
3. Lastly, the most representations and
important things I having the
learned from the knowledge with it
discussions is the will help us to have
value of applying a better artwork.
these lessons when 2. Lastly, I discovered
we are doing an that the applications
artwork. Also, of the five principles
having the that encompass
knowledge from interesting design
these lessons would has been widely
help us to attain a used nowadays
creative artwork from those different
when we are infrastructure,
making any kind of paintings and many
art such drawing, others which we are
painting, carving seen this days.
and the like.
V. Assessment
Process Questions:
1. Give the significance of visual design in creating arts.
» The role of visual design plays an important part in creating arts. Many artists
have used visual design to improve a design’s/product’s aesthetic appeal and
usability. Visual designs serves as our devices if we want to make our artwork
look nicer and appealing. Most people nowadays directly implies their impression
when they see a certain artwork thus, if that particular artwork applies the
different visual designs I’m pretty sure that they will give a positive comments on
that artwork and will see it as an impressive and amazing one.

2. How principles of design will make the art effective and attractive?
» How important is principles of design in creating arts? If I will rate its effectivity I
will give 95%. Thus, with this ratings that I give we can conclude that principles of
design really matters when it comes to art creation. But how do principles of
design will make the art effective and attractive? My answer is simply by using
the “CCAPD”. This is the term that I formulated for I believe that it really helps in
making an art effective and attractive. What is this CCAPD? CCAPD stands for
Consistent and Correct Application of Principles of Design. We know that if we
apply consistency to all things that we do we feel like all things flows gently and
properly. On the other hand if we apply and do correctly the different things that
we want to do we feel certainty for we know that what we did is in the right way.
Same goes with art creation if we can consistently and correctly apply those
different principles of design we can create an effective and attractive artwork.

3. Cite for at least 5 real life applications of visual design and 5 rea life applications
of visual design principles.

Real life applications of visual design:

1. Building new infrastructure such as schools and houses
2. Doing an exhibit which shows about different art through painting
3. Creation on the painting “The Last Supper”
4. Creation on the monument of Rizal
5. Making a wood carving that would be sold in a museum
Real life applications of visual design principles:
1. Establishment of new buildings
2. Making the floor tiles it requires balance and unity
3. Making a table and chair
4. Drawing something all of the visual design principles are applied
5. Creating a monument

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