Science 1ST Eso Unit 1 The Biosphere

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Functions of living things

1. When an organism captures energy from their environment and uses it to transform inorganic substnces into
organic matter , it is called a. autotrophic nutrition heterotrophic nutrition
2. ………………………………..organisms cannot produce their own food. a. autotrophs b. heterotrophs
3. Plants , algae and some bacteria are………………………….. a. autotrophs b. heterotrophs
4. Plants and animals are……………………….. a.herbivores b. carnivores c. omnivores d.saprotrophs
5. Say if the following are asexual or sexual.
- gametes join together to produce a new organism………………………
- can reproduce without a male ……………………………………….
- require a male and female to fertilize the egg……………………………..
- more genetic variation in the offspring………………………………………
- diverse offspring……………………………….
6. Match the action with the function
A plant grows in the direction of sunlight nutrition
A fungus feeds on a dead tree trunk interaction
A male and a female zebra produce a baby zebra reproduction
A bacterium divides into two
7. Which kingdoms are:
multicellular; …………………. ………………… …………………. Unicelular ;
……………….. ……………………….. ………………….. Both; ……………… ………………….
8. Say if the following are true or false:
- all organisms in the Monera Kingdom are unicellular
- all fungi are unicellular
- animals get energy by feeding on other living things
- the amoeba makes its own food through photosynthesis
9. Taking in food to obtain energy is called nutrition / growth
Plants / Decomposers can make their own food
Respiration / Reproduction means making new living things.
Only on organism is required in sexual / asexual reproduction
Responding to changes in the environment is called movement/ interaction
Complete with the correct word.
The …………..…….controls all the functions of the cell. The cell is protected by a “skin” which is called
……………………………..Plant cells also have a hard …………………………which give its shape. Plant cells and most animal
cells have …………………which contain water and minerals but only plant cells have ………………….. They use these for
the ………………………….
10. Choose the correct kingdom
yeast……………………….. tree ………………….. bacteria ……………………..algae …………………. Starfish……………………
11. List the classification levels in order from largest to smallest.
a. ……………………………………….
b. ………………………………………..
c. …………………………………….….
d. …………………………………….….
e. ……………………………………..…
f. ………………………………………..
11a.What two parts make up the scientific name of an organism? …………………………………………..
11b.What happens to the number of organisms in each classification level as you move from the kingdom level to
each of the next level? ………………………………………………………………..

12. Use the table of classification of four organisms to answer the questions
organism kingdom phylum class order family genus species
Dog Animal Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Canidae Canis familiaris
Wolf Animal Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Canidae Canis lupus
Orangutan Animal Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Pongo pygmaeus
Chimpanzee Animal Chordata Mammalia Primates Pongidae Pan troglodytes

1. What three classification groups are shared by all four organisms

………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Which organism is
more similar to a chimpanzee - an orang-utan or a dog ? Explain why
…………………………………….. 3. Which organism is more similar to a wolf – a dog
or a chimpanzee? Explain why ………………………………………………………………………………………….
13. Into how many kingdoms are organisms classified?
a. two b. three c. four d. five
14. All of the following are kingdoms EXCEPT
a. Plantae b. Monera c. Protista d. Viruses
15. Most living things reproduce by…
a.sexual reproduction b. budding c. fission d. asexual reproduction
16. A plant turning its leaves towards the Sun is an example of
a. a reponse b. a stimulus c. migration d. digestion
17. The Swedish botanist who is known as the father of modern taxonomy is
a.Theophrastus b.Carolus Linnaeus c.Robert Whittaker d. Aristotle
18. The system of giving each kind of organism a two-part scientific name was developed by
a.Pay b. Aristotle c. Linnaeus d. Canis
19. Which of the following groups contains only one kind of organism? a. phylum b. species c. genus d. order
20. Prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells
………………………………….lack both a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
………………………………….cells have a nucleus and also contain organelles
………………………………….are single – celled organisms
…………………………………..can be either single-celled or multicellular
The DNA of a ……………………………………is usually organized as a single, circular chromosome
The DNA of a ……………………………………is organized as linear chromosomes.
…………………………………………..are the simplest and most ancient types of cells.They were the only form on Earth
before giving rise to …………………………………………….cells.
……………………………..evolved from …………………..cells later. They are larger and much more complex internally
Both ……………………………….. and …………………………………. Have DNA as their genetic material, have ribosomes, have
cytoplasm and have a plasma membrane.

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