Development of The Human Tail Bud and Splanchnic Mesenchyme: Original Article

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doi:10.1111/j.1741-4520.2012.00387.x Congenital Anomalies 2013; 53, 27–33 27


Development of the human tail bud and splanchnic mesenchyme

Ryozo Hashimoto
Department of Integrated Medicine, Kariya Toyota General Hospital Takahama Branch, Aichi, Japan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper was to shed some The digestive tract originally develops from a simple tract, con-
light on anorectal development from a viewpoint of the tail sisting of endoderm that becomes the epithelial lining, and is sur-
bud and splanchnic mesenchyme for better understanding of rounded by the splanchnic mesoderm that differentiates into the
the morphogenesis of the human anorectum. Human embryos supporting wall (i.e. the muscle and connecting tissue). The inter-
ranging from Carnegie stage 11 to 23 (CS 11 to 23) were adopted actions between the endoderm and mesoderm play an important
in this study. Seventeen embryos preserved at the Congenital role in gut formation (Roberts et al. 1995, 1998; de Santa Barbara
Anomaly Research Center of Kyoto University Graduate and Roberts 2002). As a result of cross-talk between the epithelial
School of Medicine were histologically examined. The cloaca, and mesenchymal tissues, the endoderm of the gut differentiates
extending caudally to the hindgut, was dramatically enlarged, into the epithelium with specific features, while the mesoderm
particularly both its dorsal portion and membrane, that is, the differentiates into the smooth muscle and connecting tissue. The
cloacal membrane resulting from the development of the tailgut higher level of the bowel (oral part) is specialized earlier than the
derived from the tail bud. The splanchnic mesenchyme sur- lower levels (anal part), in accordance with the general develop-
rounding the hindgut was spread out in the direction of the mental progress in the head-to-tail direction. Of the two surround-
urorectal septum ventrally, suggesting that it participated in the ing smooth muscle layers originated from the splanchnic
formation of the septum. No fusion of the urorectal septum and mesenchyme, the circular muscle layer, located in the inner layer of
the cloacal membrane was found. The splanchnic mesenchyme the gut, appears earlier than the longitudinal layer. The mesoderm
proliferated and developed into smooth muscle (circular and around the cloacal membrane that emerged from somites differen-
longitudinal) layers from cranial to caudal along the hindgut. tiates into the genital tubercle on the ventral aspect, the genital fold
The tail bud seems to cause both the adequate dilation of the on either side, and the anal tubercles posteriorly. The posterior part
dorsal cloaca and the elongation of the cloacal membrane; its of the muscle develops into the external sphincter muscle. On the
dorsal portion in particular will be necessary for normal other hand, the internal anal sphincter originates from the caudal
anorectal development. The splanchnic mesenchyme developed part of the splanchnic mesenchyme. Even in a case of high rectal
and descended toward the pectinate line and formed the inter- agenesis, there is condensation of the tissues for circular muscle
nal sphincter muscle at the terminal bowel. fiber that surrounds the actual orifice, or the terminal bowel fistula.
Various studies on human neonates with congenital anorectal
Key Words: human anorectum, splanchnic mesenchyme, tail bud, malformations have reported that the increased muscle around
tailgut, urorectal septum the terminal bowel fistula is the internal anal sphincter muscle
(Stephens and Smith 1971; Pena and deVries 1982; Frenckner
INTRODUCTION 1985; Meier-Ruge and Holschneider 2000); however, no internal
sphincter has been reported. Stephens (Stephens and Smith 1971)
The development of the rectum and anal canal during the embry- first indicated a typical opinion about an operative approach to
onic period in the human is not fully elucidated and still poses a high-type anorectal malformations in order to prevent fecal incon-
major challenge. The following are typical examples of embryo- tinence postoperatively. The importance of the puborectal muscle
logical arguments relating to anorectal development. Controversy was emphasized and the internal muscle had no significance for
remains about the mechanism of the division of the cloacal region continence because of its absence or hypoplasia in high-type
and the existence of internal sphincter muscle around the terminal anorectal agenesis. Since then, most pediatric surgeons have not
bowel fistula in anorectal agenesis (Paidas et al. 1999; Qi et al. taken into account the existence of the internal sphincter muscle for
2000; Penington and Hutson 2003). correction of high anorectal agenesis. On the other hand, Lambrecht
Classically, the active growth of the urorectum septum was and Lierse (1987) demonstrated a well-developed internal anal
assumed to separate the cloaca (Dravis et al. 2004). Thus, the sphincter in neonatal piglets with high-type congenital anorectal
septum moves caudally toward the cloacal membrane. Recently, the malformations, and recommended use of the proximal fistula for the
development of the septum is considered to be more passive than reconstruction.
active. No fusion of the urorectal septum and the cloacal membrane Recent studies in appropriate animal models have only revealed
reportedly exist (van der Putte 1986; Nievelstein et al. 1998; Paidas that the defect of dorsal cloacal membrane induced the anorectal
et al. 1999; Penington and Hutson 2003). malformations (van der Putte and Neetson 1984; Hashimoto et al.
1993; Kluth et al. 1995). In the human, the pathogenesis of various
Correspondence: Ryozo Hashimoto, MD, PhD, Department of Integrated anorectal malformations in particular remains to be elucidated.
Medicine, Kariya Toyota General Hospital Takahama Branch, 2-11, The aim of this paper was to show the normal development of the
Hieda-cho, 3-chome, Takahama-shi, Aichi-ken 444-1321, Japan. Email: anorectal region systematically in humans from the viewpoint of the tailgut and the mesoderm, using human embryos during the embry-
Received May 24, 2012; revised and accepted August 20, 2012. onic period ranging in age from Carnegie stage (CS) 11 to 23.

© 2012 The Author

Congenital Anomalies © 2012 Japanese Teratology Society
28 R. Hashimoto

MATERIALS AND METHODS into the tailgut, somite, notochord, vessel and secondary neural tube
(O’Rahilly and Muller 1994; Muller and O’Rahilly 2004), which
The human embryos examined in this study were from a large may be in part a continuation of mechanisms mediating gastrulation
collection of conceptuses obtained mostly from apparently normal (Marlow et al. 2004).
pregnancies terminated by dilation and curettage, and preserved in In an embryo of CS 12 (no. 644), folding of the embryo tail was
the Congenital Anomaly Research Center of Kyoto University seen. The tail bud mesenchyme actively gave rise to the notochord,
(Nishimura 1975; Shiota 1991). The embryos were produced after spinal cord and tailgut (Fig. 1C). At this stage, the cloaca, extending
therapeutic abortions were performed on healthy women, with no caudally to the tailgut, dramatically enlarged its dorsal portion in
complications (Maternity Protection Law of Japan), and were particular due to development of the tail (Fig. 1C).
subsequently staged and preserved in formalin, Bouin’s or Lillies In an embryo of CS 13 (no. 1105), the cloacal membrane con-
fluid, some of which were serially sectioned for histological study. sisting of apposed layers of the ectoderm and endoderm was thin
Seventeen externally normal embryos at successive developmental (Fig. 2A, and the tail bud still actively produced the derivatives
stages (Carnegie stages 11–23) were studied: number of specimens (Fig. 2B). The ventral portion of the tail region, particularly around
(embryo’s no.)/ Carnegie stages; one (no. 4354)/CS 11; one (no. the cloaca, had a higher condensation of the mesenchyme than the
644)/CS 12; one (no.1105)/CS13; two (no. 14664, no.14564)/CS dorsal portion (Fig. 2A). This mesenchymal condensation devel-
14; one (no. 120)/CS15; two (no. 13042, no. 1008)/CS17; two (no. oped the cloacal folds.
12166, no. 10309)/CS 18; one (no. 12172)/CS 19; two (no. 17268, In an embryo of CS 14, the embryo showed the long tail, the
no. 1061)/CS 20; two (no. 3332, no. 3147)/CS 22 and two (no. epithelium of the tailgut was similar to that of the cloaca, and the
4381, no. 9026)/CS23. They were serially sectioned in the frontal, dorsal cloaca was dilated and elongated (Fig. 3D, no.14564).
sagittal, and transversal planes at a thickness of 10 mm, and stained The cloacal membrane also elongated (Fig. 3D). As the epithelium
with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). of the tailgut on the dorsal side was taller than that on the ventral
side, the ventral side epithelium appeared to be pressed by the force
RESULTS of the tail folding (Fig. 3D). A partial thickening of the cloacal
membrane was seen (Fig. 3D). Not only proliferation of the cloacal
In an embryo of CS 11 (no. 4354), the tailgut began to form from membrane itself but also the physical force of the tail folding
the tail bud (Fig. 1A,B). The tail bud mesenchyme differentiated seemed to result in the thickening of the cloacal membrane. The
caliber of the tailgut appeared to be narrower in the middle than in
the distal portion (Fig. 3A–C, no. 14664). The proliferation of the
mesenchyme was not recognized around the narrowing tailgut
(Fig. 3D). The urorectal septum separated the cloaca into the uro-
genital sinus and the hindgut (Fig. 3D,E, no.14564). The splanchnic
mesenchme, observed with a higher condensation on the ventral
side of the hindgut (Fig. 3D,E), appeared on the cranial side of the
urorectal septum. It participated in the formation of the septum
(Fig. 3D,E), as was also shown in an embryo of CS 15 (Fig. 3F,
no. 120).
In an embryo of CS 17, the cloacal membrane increased in
thickness, and the growing genital tubercle was seen (Fig. 4A,C,





Fig. 2 Transverse and frontal sections of an embryo in Carnegie stage 13
(A,B). The cloacal membrane is still a thin film at this developmen-
Fig. 1 Transverse sections of the tail in Carnegie stage (CS) 11 (A,B; no. tal stage (A). Mesodermal cells gather around the ventral side of the
4354) and sagittal section of the caudal region in CS 12 (C, no. 644). cloaca and hindgut (A,B). The neural tube, somite as well as tailgut,
Tailgut ends in the tail bud, which generates the notochord and derive from the tail bud (A,B). C, cloaca; CM, cloacal membrane;
tailgut. The tailgut composes part of the cloaca. C, cloaca; NOT, HG, hindgut; S, somite; NOT, notochord; NT, neural tube. Bars,
notochord; NP, neural plate; TB, tail bud; TG, tailgut. Bars, 100 mm. 100 mm.

© 2012 The Author

Congenital Anomalies © 2012 Japanese Teratology Society
Development of the human anorectum 29

Fig. 3 Transverse and sagittal sections of embryos in Carnegie stage 14 (A–C, no. 14664; D and E, no. 14564) and 15 (F, no. 120). Tailgut becomes a long
(D) and narrow tube, and its center part is narrowest (A–C). In the sagittal section, the cloacal membrane elongates and the mass projecting into cloaca
is seen at center of cloacal membrane (D). Cells on dorsal side of the tailgut epithelium are taller and wider than on the ventral side (D). Splanchnic
mesenchyme participates in formation of the urorectal septum (E,F). Differentiation of splanchnic mesenchyme in the midgut advances earlier than
in hindgut (F). CM, cloacal membrane; HG, hindgut; TB, tail bud; TG, tailgut; URS, urorectal septum; US, urogenital sinus. (A–C,E) Bars, 200 mm.
(D,F) Bars, 400 mm.

no. 13042). Most of the tailgut had already disappeared, leaving and the cranial side as the base (Fig. 6B), as a result of the cranial-
only its proximal part (Fig. 4A–D, no. 13042), which remained at caudal development of the splanchnic mesenchyme. In embryos of
the dorsal side of the hindgut (Fig. 4A–D). A portion of the dorsal CS 20, the anus was seen (Fig. 6C, no. 17268; 6D-F, no. 1061), and
cloacal wall decreased; thus, the urorectal septum was seen to there was a membrane at the terminal end of the rectum (Fig. 6C).
lie closer to the cloacal membrane (Fig. 4A–D, no. 13042; 4E, no. The rectal epithelium in which the thicker surrounding mesen-
1008). Mesodermal proliferations were seen around the cloacal chyme existed was taller (Fig. 6C). Aside from the splanchnic mes-
membrane (Fig. 4B,E). enchyme, there was a gathering of the mesenchymal cells around
In an embryo of CS 18 (no. 12166) the urorectal septum situated the anus (Fig. 6C). Although the circular muscle layer there
very close to the cloacal membrane; however, no fusion of them was decreased in thickness as it approached the anus (Fig. 6D–F), it
found. Although disintegration of the dorsal part of the cloacal increased in thickness once immediately before arriving at the anus
membrane was clear, there was still no tearing of the membrane and disappeared at the terminal end of the rectum (Fig. 6D–F). This
(Fig. 5A, no. 12166). The cloacal membrane was connected with strong ring-shaped muscle in the lower rectum was regarded as
the epithelium of the hindgut (Fig. 5A). The connection between anlagen of the internal anal sphincter (AIS) (Fig. 6E).
the cloacal membrane and the hindgut was found just under the In embryos of CS 22 and 23, the primordium of the internal anal
caudal top of the urorectum septum (Fig. 5A). The trunk began to sphincter was seen (Fig. 7A, no.3332; 7B, no. 3147; 7C, no. 4381).
straighten (Fig. 5B, no.10309). The contact point between the The longitudinal muscle layer still reached the mesenchymal con-
cloacal membrane and the hindgut (i.e. future anus), was brought densation around the anus (i.e. the anlagen of the external anal
into the position just beneath the tip of the urorectal septum by the sphincter muscle) over the circular muscle layer whose terminal
straightening of the trunk. The disintegration of the cloacal mem- end was thickened; viz., the anlagen of internal anal sphincter
brane was advanced in the dorsal rather than the ventral portion (Fig. 7A–C).
(Fig. 5A,B), which probably reflected a greater developmental In an embryo of CS 23, as the development of the urogenital
speed in the anorectum system than the urogenital system. In this sinus lagged behind that of the hindgut, the urogenital tracts
stage the hindgut was surrounded by a thick condensation of and digestive tract were seen to have a common outlet (Fig. 7E,
splanchnic mesenchyme from which the smooth muscle differenti- no. 9026).
ated (Fig. 5B). In addition, the density of the splanchnic mesen-
chyme in the cranial side was higher than on the caudal side. The
developmental maturity level of the gut corresponded to the density
level of the splanchnic mesenchyme (Fig. 5B).
In an embryo of CS 19 (no. 12172), the tail still remained but Tail bud
became very short (Fig. 6A). The splanchnic mesenchyme was seen The cloacal membrane composed of the ectoderm and the endo-
to be arranged so as to form a triangle with the caudal side as the top derm is located dorsal to the primitive streak whose derivative

© 2012 The Author

Congenital Anomalies © 2012 Japanese Teratology Society
30 R. Hashimoto

Fig. 5 Mid-sagittal sections through the cloacal system of Carnegie stage

18 embryos (A, no. 12166; B, no. 10309). The dorsal cloaca wall
disappears and the dorsal cloacal membrane continues into the
hindgut (A). Mesenchymal swelling around the hindgut is seen (A).
Note splanchnic mesenchymal condensation around digestive tube,
and extrusion of the midgut into the umbilical cord (arrow in B)
as a result of more rapidly growing gut than growing body (B).
CM, cloacal membrane; GT, genital tubercle; HG, hindgut;
SM, splanchnic mesenchyme; URS urorectal septum; US, urogeni-
tal sinus. (A) Bar, 400 mm. (B) Bar, 1 mm.

(Sapunar et al. 2001). It is generally known that the developing

human tail consists of the tail bud and its derivatives subsequently
regress completely during CS 23.
In the present observations, the tailgut with scarce surrounding
mesenchyme disappeared as the growth of the embryo advanced.
The dorsal cloaca close to the tailgut with scarce surrounding mes-
enchyme also disappeared. The dorsal cloaca wall appeared to be
much shortened in CS 17 embryos (no. 13042, no. 1008), in com-
parison with the dorsal cloacal wall in the CS 14 embryo (no.
14564). Obviously, the regression of the dorsal cloacal wall would
facilitate a positional shift of the dorsal cloacal membrane directed
to the hindgut. This developmental event resulted from the trans-
Fig. 4 Sagittal sections of Carnegie stage 17 embryos, showing positional formation of embryo, and the apoptosis of the dorsal cloacal wall
relationships among cloacal membrane, urorectal septum, hindgut has been reported to be one of the causes (Penington and Hutson
and tailgut. (A–D) Sequential sagittal sections from the paramedian 2003).
to the mid-sagittal plane of no. 13042 embryo. (E) Mid-sagittal The important point to note is not the end of the tailgut but its
section of no. 1008 embryo. Genital tubercle begins to develop, and
beginning, which was observed in a CS 12 embryo (no. 644). The
gradually increases in size. Mesenchymal swelling is noticed on the
dorsal side of the dorsal cloacal epithelium between the dorsal hindgut’s dilation in the terminal portion, the dorsal cloaca in par-
cloacal membrane and tailgut (A–D). Note the observable tailgut ticular, appeared to be induced by the development of the tailgut. The
(A–D) and the disintegrated dorsal part of the cloacal membrane tail bud appeared to aggressively give rise to the tailgut, thereby
(D,E). Shortening of the dorsal cloaca and the disintegration of elongating the cloacal membrane and dilating dorsal cloaca as seen
dorsal cloacal membrane are recognized (C). CM, cloacal mem- in a CS 14 embryo (no.14564). Consequently, in normal anorectal
brane; GT, genital tubercle; HG, hindgut; TG, tailgut; URS,
development, the tail bud caused the dilation of the dorsal cloaca and
urorectal septum; US, urogenital sinus. (A,C) Bars, 400 mm.
(B,D,E) Bars, 200 mm. the elongation of the cloacal membrane, and then the regression of
the dorsal cloaca served to facilitate the positional shift of the
disintegrating dorsal cloacal membrane directed to the hindgut. Both
events will play an important role in establishing the anorectum.
forms the tail bud (Muller and O’Rahilly 2004). The tail bud gen- The dorsal part of the cloacal membrane has been postulated to
erates the tailgut, blood vessels, coelom, notochord, somites and bring the cloacal cavity to the anus (van der Putte and Neetson
spinal cord in human embryo (O’Rahilly and Muller 1994). During 1984; Hashimoto et al. 1993; Kluth et al. 1995), while removal
CS 11, the embryo’s body form changed from straight or slightly of the tail bud caused the cloacal and tail anomalies in chick
curved to curved due to the head and tail folds. The tail fold, caused embryos (Schoenwolf 1978) and in the mouse-embryo with high-
by the developing spinal cord, induced the dilation of the terminal type anorectal malformations induced by all-trans retinoic acid
part of the hindgut as the cloaca. In CS 19, the trunk of the embryo (chemical-induced anorectal malformation model), the noticeable
became straight again, and the caudal curvature of embryonic body cell death was observed at the tail bud (Hashimoto et al. 1993).
decreased in accordance with the regression of the tail. The human The disorder of the tail bud, which generates the tailgut, seems to
tail is a transient structure; thus, once formed, it then regresses as a cause inadequate dilation of the dorsal cloaca, which may well
result of the programmed and necrotic cell death in the tail region trigger the defect of the dorsal cloacal membrane.

© 2012 The Author

Congenital Anomalies © 2012 Japanese Teratology Society
Development of the human anorectum 31

Fig. 7 Sagittal sections of Carnegie stage 22 (A, no. 3332 and B, no. 3147)
Fig. 6 Sagittal sections of Carnegie stage (CS) 19 embryo (A,B, no. and 23 (C, no. 4381; D and E, no. 9026) embryos. Anlagen of
12172), sagittal section of CS 20 embryo (C, no. 17268) and internal anal sphincter (A–C) and mesenchymal condensation
sequential transverse sections of CS 20 embryo (D–F, no. 1061). around the anus are seen (A–D). Longitudinal mesenchymal layer
Genital tubercle grows rapidly; however, development of the uro- (triangle in A and B) reaches to the mesenchymal condensation
genital system lagged behind that of the anorectal system (A–C). around the anus, and extends inward to the internal anal sphincter
The anus is seen (C). Splanchnic mesenchyme that had surrounded and outward to the mesenchymal condensation around the anorec-
the rectum decreased toward the caudal side (A–C). A membrane at tum; that is, the anlage of the levator ani (square in B). Note where
the anus is seen (C). Rectal epithelium underlying the splanchnic the longitudinal mesenchymal layer reaches the mesenchyme
mesenchyme is tall, and the caudal end of splanchnic mesenchyme around the anus (star in C). As urogenital system development to
is adjacent with the mesenchymal swelling around the anus (trian- anorectum is delayed, the digestive tract appears to run into the
gle in C). (D–F) In the micrographs, sequential transverse sections persistent cloaca (A). a, anus; IAS, anlagen of the internal anal
from the rectum to the anal canal plane of the rectum. The circular sphincter muscle; MCA, mesenchyme around anus (including the
muscle layer is found (star in D,E). In the terminal portion of the anlagen of the external anal sphincter); R, rectum. (A–E) Bars,
rectum, circular muscle layer increases in thickness, which is the 200 mm.
primordium of the external anal sphincter muscle (E). Mesenchy-
mal cells arranged toroidally are sparse; that is, anlagen of external
sphincter is seen in surroundings of the anal canal (double star in F). the muscularis in the hindgut lags behind that in the foregut and
Mesenchymal swelling around the anus is the primordium of the
internal sphincter muscle (MCA in E). A, anus; AC, anal canal; midgut. In chick embryos, Hoxa 13 and Hoxd 13 were expressed in
MCA, mesenchyme around the anus; R, rectum; SM, splanchnic the mesoderm and endoderm of the hindgut and in the endoderm of
mesemchyme; US, urogenital sinus. (A–F) Bars, 200 mm. the cloaca (Roberts et al. 1995; Yokouchi et al. 1995; de Santa
Barbara and Roberts 2002). It was postulated that the endodermal
Hoxa 13, probably derived from the caudal endoderm, would be
required for the normal posterior gut development in correlation to
Splanchnic mesenchyme tail development (de Santa Barbara and Roberts 2002; Fritsch et al.
Interactions between the epithelial cells and their underlying mes- 2007).
enchymal cells are required for development of the digestive tract In the present observation, the splanchnic mesenchyme seemed
during organogenesis. The cross-talk between them is a key to gut to play a vital role in the formation of the rectum, especially in the
formation (Roberts et al. 1995, 1998; de Santa Barbara and Roberts development of the urorectal septum and the internal anal sphincter
2002). The smooth muscle cells surrounding the gut differentiate muscle.
from the splanchnic mesenchyme derived from the mesoderm The urorectal septum known as a wedge of mesenchyme is com-
formed during gastrulation. The differentiation of mesenchyme into posed of the anterior intestinal, posterior urogenital and cloacal fold

© 2012 The Author

Congenital Anomalies © 2012 Japanese Teratology Society
32 R. Hashimoto

mesenchyme. In this study, the splanchnic mesenchyme of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT

CS 14’s embryo spreading out in the direction of the urorectal
septum was observed; the splanchnic mesenchme on the ventral I wish to express my deep gratitude to Dr Kohei Shiota, Executive
side of the hindgut participates in formation of the urorectal septum Vice President, Kyoto University, for reading the manuscript and
from the cranial side. In an embryo of CS 18 (no. 12166), the dorsal making a number of very helpful suggestions.
part of the cloacal membrane, which had thinned but not broken,
was connected with the epithelium of the hindgut. In addition, no
fusion of the urorectum septum and the cloacal membrane was REFERENCES
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