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Electric Circuit by Andre Santos

An electrical circuit is a path that can be passed through electrical current flow. It consists of
various parts, depending on its purpose. The most common elements in the circuit are switches,
capacitors, resistors, inductors, and potentiometers. Adding vacuum tubes or semiconductors
(such as transistors) changes the type of circuit, making the circuit electronic name. Circuits
usually include a fuse or breaker to prevent overloading. The first electric circuit was founded by
Alessandro Volta in 1800. He discovered that he could extract a steady supply of electricity by
means of a salt solution attached to metal wires. Next, he used other copper discs, zinc, and
cardboard dipped in salt solution to create his own voltaic mass (original battery). By installing a
wire that runs from the top to the bottom, he can generate electricity in his region. The first use
of the circuit was electrolysis, a
process in which electrical
energy passing through an
object undergoes chemical
reactions. This led to the
discovery of several new
chemical elements. Electricity
flow per region is measured in
amperes, named by André
Marie Ampère (1775-1836), a
charge that flows beyond a
point in a region per second.
Electricity charge is measured in
Coulombs, by Charles Coulomb (1736-1806). One ampere equals one Coulomb per second.
(Electricity charge for one electron is 1.602 x 10-19 Coulomb). Voltage, named after Volta, is
the driving force (electrostatic field) that “pushes” electrons per circuit. Circuit resistance
opposes the flow of electrons, and often creates heat. Georg Ohm (1787-1854) found that some
operators have more resistance than others, which affects their efficiency in the region. His
famous law, known as Ohm's Law, states that the resistance of a circuit is equal to the force of a
cross-current collateral, or R = V / I. In its usual form the equation reads V = IR. Ohm's law, a
description of the relationship between current, electrical power, and resistance. The stable
current value of many objects is directly proportional to the possible difference, or voltage, in all
objects. Therefore, if the voltage V (in units of volts) between the two ends of a wire made in
one of these devices is three times, the current amperes are also three times; and the quotient V /
I remains constant. The quotient V / I of a given object is called its resistance, R, measured in
units named in ohms. Resistance to the materials used by Ohm's law does not change the
maximum range of electrical and current power. Ohm's law can be mathematically expressed as
V / I = R. That resistance, or the measurement of electrical energy to date, in all or part of an
electrical circuit at constant temperature was usually established in 1827 as a result of the
research of German philosopher Georg Simon Ohm.
Different statements of Ohm's law are that the
current I in the conductor is equal to the
potential V difference in all conductors divided
by the conductor, or simply I = V / R, and that
the potential difference in the conductor is equal
to the output of the current in the conductor and
its resistance, V = IR. In a region where the
potential difference, or voltage, remains
constant, the current can be reduced by adding
additional resistance or increasing by removing
a specific resistance. Ohm's law can also be expressed in terms of power, or voltage, E, of a
power source, such as a battery. For example, I = E / R By conversion, Ohm's law also applies to
alternating circuits, where the relationship between electrical power and energy is now much
more complex than direct currents. Specifically, because the current varies, without resistance,
other forms of current resistance, called reactance. The combination of resistance to reaction is
called impedance, Z. When impedance, equal to the ratio of electrical current to the current, in a
variable current circuit always occurs, normally, Ohm's law applies. For example, V / I = Z. With
further modifications Ohm’s law has been extended to the constant ratio of the magnetomotive
force to the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit. With further modification Ohm's law extended to
the continuous measurement of the machine's magnetic field to the magnetic flux in the magnetic
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, a German scientist, was
born on March 12, 1824, in Konigsberg, Prussia. His
first research topic was on electrical engineering. This
research led to Kirchhoff enacting the Closed Lines
Laws in 1845. These laws were eventually renamed
Kirchhoff and are now known as Kirchhoff’s Voltage
and Current Laws. Since these rules apply to all
electrical circuits, a basic understanding is very
important in understanding how an electrical circuit
works. Although these laws have barred Kirchhoff
from operating in the field of Electrical Engineering,
it has some drawbacks. He was the first to ensure that
the electric current moved at the speed of light. Kirchhoff's Current Law goes by several names
such as Kirchhoff's First Law and Kirchhoff's Junction Rule.
Kirchhoff's Laws In 1847, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, a German philosopher, enacted these laws
to explain the extent of power and the current relationship in the electric field. These laws are
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).
Kirchhoff Current Law (KCL)This is also called a savings law because current or existing bills
cannot be made or destroyed at the merger or node. It says the algebraic number of currents in
any node is zero. Therefore, the current input to the node must be equal to the total current from
the node.
Kirchhoff Voltage Law (KVL)
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law states that the number of algebraic voltages in a closed circuit is equal
to zero which is the sum of the total voltages in the number of electric droplets in a circuit. If the
current flows from a high power down to an object, then we take it as a decrease in electricity.
If the current flows from low to high, then we consider it to be an increase in electrical power.
Therefore, the power dissipation current should be equal to the power provided by the power
supply circuit.
Ohm's law | physics | Britannica
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