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班別: 4A

科目 內容

乙部.非指定篇章:1 篇白話文、1 篇文言文
卷二(寫作):3 題選答 1 題(不少於 520 字)
卷三(聽綜):聆聽(設 7-10 題);綜合寫作 (書信)
卷四(說話):小組討論,每組 4-6 人,討論時間 10-15 分鐘
Paper 1: Reading

Part A: Reading Comprehension (65 marks)

 Text 1: S.4ABCD will have the same text.
 Text 2: All students should choose to attempt B1 (easier section) or B2 (more
difficult section). Those attempting B2 will get 15% bonus marks in B2.
 Question Types: Factual questions, Matching response questions, Lexical
questions (finding synonyms & antonyms), Lexical questions (Dictionary
Meaning), Thematic questions, Sentence completion & summary.

Part B: Vocabulary in Module 2 - Nature and the Environment (20 marks)

 Part 1: Open Cloze (vocabulary items provided)
lax (adj.) minimize (v.) benefits (n.) yield (n.) eliminate (v.)
不嚴謹的; 鬆弛的 減少; 降低 益處; 好處 產量; 收獲率 排除; 消滅
radical (adj.) resistance (n.) modify (v.) quality (n.) demand (n.)
英文 激進的 抵抗 更改; 修改 品質; 質量 要求; 需求
institute (n.) contaminate (v.) landfill (n.) deter (v.) allergy (n.)
機構 污染; 毒害 垃圾堆填區 威懾; 防止 過敏

 Part 2: The first letter of each missing word is given

contentious (adj.) disappointed (adj.) processed (adj.) tolerance (n.) alter (v.)
有爭議的 失望的 加工過的 寬容; 忍耐力 更改; 改變
absorption (n.) degenerative (adj.) wisely (adv.) pesticide (n.) device (n.)
吸收; 融合 退化的;變質的 明智地 殺蟲劑 裝置; 設備

Part C: Grammar (27 marks)

 Passives
(Developing Skills Grammar & Usage Unit 5 pp.36-44)
 Cause & Effect
(Developing Skills Grammar & Usage Unit 23 pp.175-182)
 Expressing Purpose & Contrast
(Developing Skills Grammar & Usage Unit 24-25 pp.183-196)
 Connectives
(Developing Skills Grammar & Usage Unit 27 pp.207-213)

Paper 2: Writing
 Part A: Short Writing (40 marks). S.4AB: 150 words; S.4CD: 200 words.
 Part B: Long Writing (60 marks). Choose to do 1 question out of 3. S.4AB:
250 words; S.4CD: 300 words.
 Text types: Letter to the editor, Letter of advice, Blog, Email, Magazine article

Paper 3: Listening
 Part A: Listening
 Part B: Integrated Writing. Read the data file and complete the tasks. All
students should choose to attempt B1 (easier section) or B2 (more difficult
section). Those attempting B2 will get 15% bonus marks in B2.

Paper 4: Speaking
 Preparation: 10 minutes
 Group Discussion: 6 minutes
第 1 章 一元二次方程(一)
第 2 章 一元二次方程(二)
第 3 章 函數和函數的圖像
第 4 章 續多項式 4.1 及 4.2

通識 單元一 -- 個人成長與人際關係

生物 第 1-6 課(共 6 課)

書 1 (熱和氣體) 第 1-4 課
書 2 (力和運動) 第 1-3 課

會計學基本原理、會計等式、複式記帳法、試算表、獨資企業的財務報表 (一、

資通 核心部分 1:第 1,2,3,5,6,7 課

旅待 第一課至第四課
甲部. 評賞知識-字體海報設計
- 描述
- 分析-相同和相異
- 詮釋
- 評價
乙部. 平面設計
- 運用視覺元素及組織原理創作
- 文字設計處理

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